Add b32z/b64 invalid garbage tests

Tests the new restricted added for b32z/b64 trailing crap.
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Jason Rhinelander 2021-10-01 18:52:30 -03:00
parent 24dd7a3854
commit ee1d69f333
1 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -139,6 +139,16 @@ TEST_CASE("base32z encoding/decoding", "[encoding][decoding][base32z]") {
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z(b32_bytes) );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::from_base32z(b32_bytes) == "\x00\xff"sv );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("") );
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base32z("y") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yy") );
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyy") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyyy") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyyyy") );
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyyyyy") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyyyyyy") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base32z("yyyyyyyy") );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base32z_size(1) == 2 );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base32z_size(2) == 4 );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base32z_size(3) == 5 );
@ -210,6 +220,7 @@ TEST_CASE("base64 encoding/decoding", "[encoding][decoding][base64]") {
REQUIRE( oxenmq::is_base64("YWJjZB") ); // not really valid, but we explicitly accept it
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base64("YWJjZ=") ); // invalid padding (padding can only be 4th or 3rd+4th of a 4-char block)
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base64("YYYYA") ); // invalid: base64 can never be length 4n+1
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base64("YWJj=") );
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base64("YWJj=A") );
REQUIRE_FALSE( oxenmq::is_base64("YWJjA===") );