#include "common.h" #include #include #include using namespace oxenmq; TEST_CASE("basic commands", "[commands]") { std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, get_logger("S» "), LogLevel::trace }; server.listen_curve(listen); std::atomic hellos{0}, his{0}; server.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); server.add_command("public", "hello", [&](Message& m) { // On every 1st, 3rd, 5th, ... hello send back a hi if (hellos++ % 2 == 0) m.send_back("public.hi"); }); std::string client_pubkey; server.add_command("public", "client.pubkey", [&](Message& m) { client_pubkey = std::string{m.conn.pubkey()}; }); server.start(); OxenMQ client{get_logger("C» "), LogLevel::trace}; client.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); client.add_command("public", "hi", [&](auto&) { his++; }); client.start(); std::atomic got{false}; bool success = false, failed = false; std::string pubkey; auto c = client.connect_remote(address{listen, server.get_pubkey()}, [&](auto conn) { pubkey = conn.pubkey(); success = true; got = true; }, [&](auto conn, std::string_view) { failed = true; got = true; }); wait_for_conn(got); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( got ); REQUIRE( success ); REQUIRE_FALSE( failed ); REQUIRE( to_hex(pubkey) == to_hex(server.get_pubkey()) ); } client.send(c, "public.hello"); client.send(c, "public.client.pubkey"); reply_sleep(); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( hellos == 1 ); REQUIRE( his == 1 ); REQUIRE( to_hex(client_pubkey) == to_hex(client.get_pubkey()) ); } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) client.send(c, "public.hello"); wait_for([&] { return his == 26; }); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( hellos == 51 ); REQUIRE( his == 26 ); } } TEST_CASE("outgoing auth level", "[commands][auth]") { std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, get_logger("S» "), LogLevel::trace }; server.listen_curve(listen); std::atomic hellos{0}; server.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); server.add_command("public", "reflect", [&](Message& m) { m.send_back(m.data[0]); }); server.start(); OxenMQ client{get_logger("C» "), LogLevel::trace}; std::atomic public_hi{0}, basic_hi{0}, admin_hi{0}; client.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); client.add_category("basic", Access{AuthLevel::basic}); client.add_category("admin", Access{AuthLevel::admin}); client.add_command("public", "hi", [&](auto&) { public_hi++; }); client.add_command("basic", "hi", [&](auto&) { basic_hi++; }); client.add_command("admin", "hi", [&](auto&) { admin_hi++; }); client.start(); client.EPHEMERAL_ROUTING_ID = true; // establishing multiple connections below, so we need unique routing ids address server_addr{listen, server.get_pubkey()}; auto public_c = client.connect_remote(server_addr, [](auto&&...) {}, [](auto&&...) {}); auto basic_c = client.connect_remote(server_addr, [](auto&&...) {}, [](auto&&...) {}, AuthLevel::basic); auto admin_c = client.connect_remote(server_addr, [](auto&&...) {}, [](auto&&...) {}, AuthLevel::admin); client.send(public_c, "public.reflect", "public.hi"); wait_for([&] { return public_hi == 1; }); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( public_hi == 1 ); } client.send(basic_c, "public.reflect", "basic.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(public_c, "public.reflect", "public.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(basic_c, "public.reflect", "basic.hi"); wait_for([&] { return basic_hi == 2; }); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( admin_hi == 3 ); REQUIRE( basic_hi == 2 ); REQUIRE( public_hi == 2 ); } admin_hi = 0; basic_hi = 0; public_hi = 0; client.send(public_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(public_c, "public.reflect", "basic.hi"); client.send(public_c, "public.reflect", "public.hi"); client.send(basic_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(basic_c, "public.reflect", "basic.hi"); client.send(basic_c, "public.reflect", "public.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "admin.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "basic.hi"); client.send(admin_c, "public.reflect", "public.hi"); wait_for([&] { return public_hi == 3; }); auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( admin_hi == 1 ); REQUIRE( basic_hi == 2 ); REQUIRE( public_hi == 3 ); } TEST_CASE("deferred replies on incoming connections", "[commands][hey google]") { // Tests that the ConnectionID from a Message can be stored and reused later to contact the // original node. std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, get_logger("S» "), LogLevel::trace }; server.listen_curve(listen); std::vector> subscribers; ConnectionID backdoor; server.add_category("hey google", Access{AuthLevel::none}); server.add_request_command("hey google", "remember", [&](Message& m) { auto l = catch_lock(); subscribers.emplace_back(m.conn, std::string{m.data[0]}); m.send_reply("Okay, I'll remember that."); if (backdoor) m.oxenmq.send(backdoor, "backdoor.data", m.data[0]); }); server.add_command("hey google", "recall", [&](Message& m) { auto l = catch_lock(); for (auto& s : subscribers) { server.send(s.first, "personal.detail", s.second); } }); server.add_command("hey google", "install backdoor", [&](Message& m) { auto l = catch_lock(); backdoor = m.conn; }); server.start(); auto connect_success = [&](auto&&...) { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE(true); }; auto connect_failure = [&](auto&&...) { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE(false); }; std::set backdoor_details; OxenMQ nsa{get_logger("NSA» ")}; nsa.add_category("backdoor", Access{AuthLevel::admin}); nsa.add_command("backdoor", "data", [&](Message& m) { auto l = catch_lock(); backdoor_details.emplace(m.data[0]); }); nsa.start(); auto nsa_c = nsa.connect_remote(address{listen, server.get_pubkey()}, connect_success, connect_failure, AuthLevel::admin); nsa.send(nsa_c, "hey google.install backdoor"); wait_for([&] { auto lock = catch_lock(); return (bool) backdoor; }); { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( backdoor ); } std::vector> clients; std::vector conns; std::map> personal_details{ {0, {"Loretta"s, "photos"s}}, {1, {"moustache hatred"s}}, {2, {"Alaska"s, "scallops"s}}, {3, {"snorted when she laughed"s, "tickled pink"s}}, {4, {"I'm the luckiest man in the world"s, "because all my life are belong to Google"s}} }; std::set all_the_things; for (auto& pd : personal_details) all_the_things.insert(pd.second.begin(), pd.second.end()); address server_addr{listen, server.get_pubkey()}; std::map> google_knows; int things_remembered{0}; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { clients.push_back(std::make_unique( get_logger("C" + std::to_string(i) + "» "), LogLevel::trace )); auto& c = clients.back(); c->add_category("personal", Access{AuthLevel::basic}); c->add_command("personal", "detail", [&,i](Message& m) { auto l = catch_lock(); google_knows[i].emplace(m.data[0]); }); c->start(); conns.push_back( c->connect_remote(server_addr, connect_success, connect_failure, AuthLevel::basic)); for (auto& personal_detail : personal_details[i]) c->request(conns.back(), "hey google.remember", [&](bool success, std::vector data) { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( success ); REQUIRE( data.size() == 1 ); REQUIRE( data[0] == "Okay, I'll remember that." ); things_remembered++; }, personal_detail); } wait_for([&] { auto lock = catch_lock(); return things_remembered == all_the_things.size() && things_remembered == backdoor_details.size(); }); { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( things_remembered == all_the_things.size() ); REQUIRE( backdoor_details == all_the_things ); } clients[0]->send(conns[0], "hey google.recall"); reply_sleep(); { auto l = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( google_knows == personal_details ); } } TEST_CASE("send failure callbacks", "[commands][queue_full]") { std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, get_logger("S» "), LogLevel::debug // This test traces so much that it takes 2.5-3s of CPU time at trace level, so don't do that. }; server.listen_plain(listen); std::atomic send_attempts{0}; std::atomic send_failures{0}; // ZMQ TCP sockets' HWM is complicated and OS dependent; sender and receiver (probably) each // have 1000 message queues, but there is also the TCP queue to worry about which means we can // have more queued before we fill up, so we send 4kiB of null with each message so that we // don't get too much TCP queuing. std::string junk(4096, '0'); server.add_category("x", Access{AuthLevel::none}) .add_command("x", [&](Message& m) { for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) { ++send_attempts; m.send_back("y.y", junk, send_option::queue_full{[&]() { ++send_failures; }}); } }); server.start(); // Use a raw socket here because I want to stall it by not reading from it at all, and that is // hard with OxenMQ. zmq::context_t client_ctx; zmq::socket_t client{client_ctx, zmq::socket_type::dealer}; client.connect(listen); // Handshake: we send HI, they reply HELLO. client.send(zmq::message_t{"HI", 2}, zmq::send_flags::none); zmq::message_t hello; auto recvd = client.recv(hello); std::string_view hello_sv{hello.data(), hello.size()}; { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( recvd ); REQUIRE( hello_sv == "HELLO" ); REQUIRE_FALSE( hello.more() ); } // Tell the remote to queue up a batch of messages client.send(zmq::message_t{"x.x", 3}, zmq::send_flags::none); int i; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (send_attempts.load() >= 500) break; std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); } { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( i < 20 ); // should be not too slow // We have two buffers here: 1000 on the receiver, and 1000 on the client, which means we // should be able to get 2000 out before we hit HWM. We should only have been sent 501 so // far (the "HELLO" handshake + 500 "y.y" messages). REQUIRE( send_attempts.load() == 500 ); REQUIRE( send_failures.load() == 0 ); } // Now we want to tell the server to send enough to fill the outgoing queue and start stalling. // This is complicated as it depends on ZMQ internals *and* OS-level TCP buffers, so we really // don't know precisely where this will start failing. // // In practice, I seem to reach HWM (for this test, with this amount of data being sent, on my // Debian desktop) after 2499 messages (that is, queuing 2500 gives 1 failure). int expected_attempts = 500; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { client.send(zmq::message_t{"x.x", 3}, zmq::send_flags::none); expected_attempts += 500; if (i >= 4) { if (send_failures.load() > 0) break; std::this_thread::sleep_for(25ms); } } for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (send_attempts.load() >= expected_attempts) break; std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); } { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( i < 100 ); REQUIRE( send_attempts.load() == expected_attempts ); REQUIRE( send_failures.load() > 0 ); } } TEST_CASE("data parts", "[send][data_parts]") { std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, get_logger("S» "), LogLevel::trace }; server.listen_curve(listen); std::mutex mut; std::vector r; server.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); server.add_command("public", "hello", [&](Message& m) { std::lock_guard l{mut}; for (const auto& s : m.data) r.emplace_back(s); }); server.start(); OxenMQ client{get_logger("C» "), LogLevel::trace}; client.start(); std::atomic got{false}; bool success = false, failed = false; std::string pubkey; auto c = client.connect_remote(address{listen, server.get_pubkey()}, [&](auto conn) { pubkey = conn.pubkey(); success = true; got = true; }, [&](auto conn, std::string_view) { failed = true; got = true; }); wait_for_conn(got); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( got ); REQUIRE( success ); REQUIRE_FALSE( failed ); REQUIRE( to_hex(pubkey) == to_hex(server.get_pubkey()) ); } std::vector some_data{{"abc"s, "def"s, "omg123\0zzz"s}}; client.send(c, "public.hello", oxenmq::send_option::data_parts(some_data.begin(), some_data.end())); reply_sleep(); { auto lock = catch_lock(); std::lock_guard l{mut}; REQUIRE( r == some_data ); r.clear(); } std::vector some_data2{{"a"sv, "b"sv, "\0"sv}}; client.send(c, "public.hello", "hi", oxenmq::send_option::data_parts(some_data2.begin(), some_data2.end()), "another", "string"sv, oxenmq::send_option::data_parts(some_data.begin(), some_data.end())); std::vector expected; expected.push_back("hi"); expected.insert(expected.end(), some_data2.begin(), some_data2.end()); expected.push_back("another"); expected.push_back("string"); expected.insert(expected.end(), some_data.begin(), some_data.end()); reply_sleep(); { auto lock = catch_lock(); std::lock_guard l{mut}; REQUIRE( r == expected ); } } TEST_CASE("deferred replies", "[send][deferred]") { std::string listen = random_localhost(); OxenMQ server{ "", "", // generate ephemeral keys false, // not a service node [](auto) { return ""; }, }; server.listen_curve(listen); std::atomic hellos{0}, his{0}; server.add_category("public", Access{AuthLevel::none}); server.add_request_command("public", "echo", [&](Message& m) { std::string msg = m.data.empty() ? ""s : std::string{m.data.front()}; std::thread t{[send=m.send_later(), msg=std::move(msg)] { { auto lock = catch_lock(); INFO("sleeping"); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(50ms); { auto lock = catch_lock(); INFO("sending"); } send.reply(msg); }}; t.detach(); }); server.set_general_threads(1); server.start(); OxenMQ client( [](LogLevel, const char* file, int line, std::string msg) { std::cerr << file << ":" << line << " --C-- " << msg << "\n"; } ); //client.log_level(LogLevel::trace); client.start(); std::atomic connected{false}, failed{false}; std::string pubkey; auto c = client.connect_remote(address{listen, server.get_pubkey()}, [&](auto conn) { pubkey = conn.pubkey(); connected = true; }, [&](auto, auto) { failed = true; }); wait_for([&] { return connected || failed; }); { auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( connected ); REQUIRE_FALSE( failed ); REQUIRE( to_hex(pubkey) == to_hex(server.get_pubkey()) ); } std::unordered_set replies; std::mutex reply_mut; std::vector data; for (auto str : {"hello", "world", "omg"}) client.request(c, "public.echo", [&](bool ok, std::vector data_) { std::lock_guard lock{reply_mut}; replies.insert(std::move(data_[0])); }, str); reply_sleep(); { std::lock_guard lq{reply_mut}; auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( replies.size() == 0 ); // The server waits 50ms before sending, so we shouldn't have any reply yet } std::this_thread::sleep_for(60ms); // We're at least 70ms in now so the 50ms-delayed server responses should have arrived { std::lock_guard lq{reply_mut}; auto lock = catch_lock(); REQUIRE( replies == std::unordered_set{{"hello", "world", "omg"}} ); } }