#pragma once #include "oxenmq/oxenmq.h" #include using namespace oxenmq; static auto startup = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); /// Returns a localhost connection string to listen on. It can be considered random, though in /// practice in the current implementation is sequential starting at 4500. inline std::string random_localhost() { static uint16_t last = 4499; last++; assert(last); // We should never call this enough to overflow return "tcp://" + std::to_string(last); } /// Waits up to 100ms for something to happen. template inline void wait_for(Func f) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (f()) break; std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); } } /// Waits on an atomic bool for up to 100ms for an initial connection, which is more than enough /// time for an initial connection + request. inline void wait_for_conn(std::atomic &c) { wait_for([&c] { return c.load(); }); } /// Waits enough time for us to receive a reply from a localhost remote. inline void reply_sleep() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); } // Catch2 macros aren't thread safe, so guard with a mutex inline std::unique_lock catch_lock() { static std::mutex mutex; return std::unique_lock{mutex}; } inline OxenMQ::Logger get_logger(std::string prefix = "") { std::string me = "tests/common.h"; std::string strip = __FILE__; if (strip.substr(strip.size() - me.size()) == me) strip.resize(strip.size() - me.size()); else strip.clear(); return [prefix,strip](LogLevel lvl, std::string file, int line, std::string msg) { if (!strip.empty() && file.substr(0, strip.size()) == strip) file = file.substr(strip.size()); auto lock = catch_lock(); UNSCOPED_INFO(prefix << "[" << file << ":" << line << "/" "+" << std::chrono::duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startup).count() << "s]: " << lvl << ": " << msg); }; }