#include "address.h" #include "hex.h" #include "base32z.h" #include "base64.h" #include namespace lokimq { constexpr size_t enc_length(address::encoding enc) { return enc == address::encoding::hex ? 64 : enc == address::encoding::base64 ? 43 : // this can be 44 with a padding byte, but we don't need it 52 /*base32z*/; }; // Parses an encoding pubkey from the given string_view. Advanced the string_view beyond the // consumed pubkey data, and returns the pubkey (as a 32-byte string). Throws if no valid pubkey // was found at the beginning of addr. We look for hex, base32z, or base64 pubkeys *unless* qr is // given: for QR-friendly we only accept hex or base32z (since QR cannot handle base64's alphabet). std::string decode_pubkey(std::string_view& in, bool qr) { std::string pubkey; if (in.size() >= 64 && lokimq::is_hex(in.substr(0, 64))) { pubkey = from_hex(in.substr(0, 64)); in.remove_prefix(64); } else if (in.size() >= 52 && lokimq::is_base32z(in.substr(0, 52))) { pubkey = from_base32z(in.substr(0, 52)); in.remove_prefix(52); } else if (!qr && in.size() >= 43 && lokimq::is_base64(in.substr(0, 43))) { pubkey = from_base64(in.substr(0, 43)); in.remove_prefix(43); if (!in.empty() && in.front() == '=') in.remove_prefix(1); // allow (and eat) a padding byte at the end } else { throw std::invalid_argument{"No pubkey found"}; } return pubkey; } // Parse the host, port, and optionally pubkey from a string view, mutating it to remove the parsed // sections. qr should be true if we should accept $IPv6$ as a QR-encoding-friendly alternative to // [IPv6] (the returned host will have the $ replaced, i.e. [IPv6]). std::tuple parse_tcp(std::string_view& addr, bool qr, bool expect_pubkey) { std::tuple result; auto& host = std::get<0>(result); if (addr.front() == '[' || (qr && addr.front() == '$')) { // IPv6 addr (though this is far from complete validation) auto pos = addr.find_first_not_of(":.1234567890abcdefABCDEF", 1); if (pos == std::string_view::npos) throw std::invalid_argument("Could not find terminating ] while parsing an IPv6 address"); if (!(addr[pos] == ']' || (qr && addr[pos] == '$'))) throw std::invalid_argument{"Expected " + (qr ? "$"s : "]"s) + " to close IPv6 address but found " + std::string(1, addr[pos])}; host = std::string{addr.substr(0, pos+1)}; if (qr) { if (host.front() == '$') host.front() = '['; if (host.back() == '$') host.back() = ']'; } addr.remove_prefix(pos+1); } else { auto port_pos = addr.find(':'); if (port_pos == std::string_view::npos) throw std::invalid_argument{"Could not determine host (no following ':port' found)"}; if (port_pos == 0) throw std::invalid_argument{"Host cannot be empty"}; host = std::string{addr.substr(0, port_pos)}; addr.remove_prefix(port_pos); } if (qr) // Lower-case the host because upper case hostnames are ugly for (char& c : host) if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c = c - 'A' + 'a'; if (addr.size() < 2 || addr[0] != ':') throw std::invalid_argument{"Could not find :port in address string"}; addr.remove_prefix(1); auto pos = addr.find_first_not_of("1234567890"); if (pos == 0) throw std::invalid_argument{"Could not find numeric port in address string"}; if (pos == std::string_view::npos) pos = addr.size(); size_t processed; int port_int = std::stoi(std::string{addr.substr(0, pos)}, &processed); if (port_int == 0 || processed != pos) throw std::invalid_argument{"Could not parse numeric port in address string"}; if (port_int < 0 || port_int > std::numeric_limits::max()) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid port: port must be in range 1-65535"}; std::get<1>(result) = static_cast(port_int); addr.remove_prefix(pos); if (expect_pubkey) { if (addr.size() < 1 + enc_length(qr ? address::encoding::base32z : address::encoding::base64) || addr.front() != '/') throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid address: expected /PUBKEY after port"}; addr.remove_prefix(1); std::get<2>(result) = decode_pubkey(addr, qr); if (!addr.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid address: found unexpected trailing data after pubkey"}; } else if (!addr.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid address: found unexpected trailing data after port"}; } return result; } // Parse the socket path and (possibly) pubkey, mutating it to remove the parsed sections. // Currently the /pubkey *must* be at the end of the string, but this might not always be the case // (e.g. we could in the future support query string-like arguments). std::pair parse_unix(std::string_view& addr, bool expect_pubkey) { std::pair result; if (expect_pubkey) { size_t b64_len = addr.size() > 0 && addr.back() == '=' ? 44 : 43; if (addr.size() > 64 && addr[addr.size() - 65] == '/' && is_hex(addr.substr(addr.size() - 64))) { result.first = std::string{addr.substr(0, addr.size() - 65)}; result.second = from_hex(addr.substr(addr.size() - 64)); } else if (addr.size() > 52 && addr[addr.size() - 53] == '/' && is_base32z(addr.substr(addr.size() - 52))) { result.first = std::string{addr.substr(0, addr.size() - 53)}; result.second = from_base32z(addr.substr(addr.size() - 52)); } else if (addr.size() > b64_len && addr[addr.size() - b64_len - 1] == '/' && is_base64(addr.substr(addr.size() - b64_len))) { result.first = std::string{addr.substr(0, addr.size() - b64_len - 1)}; result.second = from_base64(addr.substr(addr.size() - b64_len)); } else { throw std::invalid_argument{"icp+curve:// requires a trailing /PUBKEY value, got: " + std::string{addr}}; } } else { // Anything goes result.first = std::string{addr}; } // Any path above consumes everything: addr.remove_prefix(addr.size()); return result; } address::address(std::string_view addr) { auto protoend = addr.find("://"sv); if (protoend == std::string_view::npos || protoend == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid address: no protocol found"); auto pro = addr.substr(0, protoend); addr.remove_prefix(protoend + 3); if (addr.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid address: no value specified after protocol"); bool qr = false; if (pro == "tcp") protocol = proto::tcp; else if (pro == "tcp+curve" || pro == "curve") protocol = proto::tcp_curve; else if (pro == "ipc") protocol = proto::ipc; else if (pro == "ipc+curve") protocol = proto::ipc_curve; else if (pro == "TCP") { protocol = proto::tcp; qr = true; } else if (pro == "CURVE") { protocol = proto::tcp_curve; qr = true; } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid protocol '" + std::string{pro} + "'"); } if (qr) { // The QR variations only allow QR-alphanumeric characters (upper-case letters, numbers, and // a few symbols): for (char c : addr) { // QR alphanumeric also allows space, %, *, +, but we don't need or allow any of those here. if (!((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '$' || c == ':' || c == '/' || c == '.' || c == '-')) throw std::invalid_argument("Found non-QR-alphanumeric value in QR TCP:// or CURVE:// address"); } } if (tcp()) std::tie(host, port, pubkey) = parse_tcp(addr, qr, curve()); else std::tie(socket, pubkey) = parse_unix(addr, curve()); if (!addr.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid trailing garbage '" + std::string{addr} + "' in address"}; } std::string address::encode_pubkey(encoding enc) const { std::string pk; if (enc == encoding::hex) pk = to_hex(pubkey); else if (enc == encoding::base32z) pk = to_base32z(pubkey); else if (enc == encoding::BASE32Z) { pk = to_base32z(pubkey); for (char& c : pk) if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c = c - 'a' + 'A'; } else if (enc == encoding::base64) { pk = to_base64(pubkey); if (pk.size() == 44 && pk.back() == '=') pk.resize(43); } else { throw std::logic_error{"Invalid encoding"}; } return pk; } std::string address::full_address(encoding enc) const { std::string result; std::string pk; if (curve()) pk = encode_pubkey(enc); if (protocol == proto::tcp) { result.reserve(6 /*tcp:// */ + host.size() + 6 /*:port*/); result += "tcp://"; result += host; result += ':'; result += std::to_string(port); } else if (protocol == proto::tcp_curve) { result.reserve(8 /*curve:// */ + host.size() + 6 /*:port*/ + 1 /* / */ + pk.size()); result += "curve://"; result += host; result += ':'; result += std::to_string(port); result += '/'; result += pk; } else if (protocol == proto::ipc) { result.reserve(6 /*ipc:// */ + socket.size()); result += "ipc://"; result += socket; } else if (protocol == proto::ipc_curve) { result.reserve(12 /*ipc+curve:// */ + socket.size() + 1 /* / */ + pk.size()); result += "ipc+curve://"; result += socket; result += '/'; result += pk; } else { throw std::logic_error{"Invalid protocol"}; } return result; } std::string address::zmq_address() const { std::string result; if (tcp()) { result.reserve(6 /*tcp:// */ + host.size() + 6 /*:port*/); result += "tcp://"; result += host; result += ':'; result += std::to_string(port); } else { result.reserve(6 /*ipc:// */ + socket.size()); result += "ipc://"; result += socket; } return result; } std::string address::qr_address() const { if (protocol != proto::tcp && protocol != proto::tcp_curve) throw std::logic_error("Cannot construct a QR-friendly address for a non-TCP address"); if (host.empty()) throw std::logic_error("Cannot construct a QR-friendly address with an empty TCP host"); std::string result; result.reserve((curve() ? 8 /*CURVE:// */ : 6 /*TCP:// */) + host.size() + 6 /*:port*/ + (curve() ? 1 + enc_length(encoding::BASE32Z) : 0)); result += curve() ? "CURVE://" : "TCP://"; std::string uc_host = host; for (auto& c : uc_host) if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c = c - 'a' + 'A'; if (uc_host.front() == '[' && uc_host.back() == ']') { uc_host.front() = '$'; uc_host.back() = '$'; } result += uc_host; result += ':'; result += std::to_string(port); if (curve()) { result += '/'; result += encode_pubkey(encoding::BASE32Z); } return result; } bool address::operator==(const address& other) const { if (protocol != other.protocol) return false; if (tcp()) if (host != other.host || port != other.port) return false; if (ipc()) if (socket != other.socket) return false; if (curve()) if (pubkey != other.pubkey) return false; return true; } address address::tcp(std::string host, uint16_t port) { address a; a.protocol = proto::tcp; a.host = std::move(host); a.port = port; return a; } address address::tcp_curve(std::string host, uint16_t port, std::string pubkey) { address a; a.protocol = proto::tcp_curve; a.host = std::move(host); a.port = port; a.pubkey = std::move(pubkey); return a; } address address::ipc(std::string path) { address a; a.protocol = proto::ipc; a.socket = std::move(path); return a; } address address::ipc_curve(std::string path, std::string pubkey) { address a; a.protocol = proto::ipc_curve; a.socket = std::move(path); a.pubkey = std::move(pubkey); return a; } }