Jason Rhinelander cdc6a9709c Add thread-safe timerid assignment version of add_timer()
I realized after merging the previous PR that it is difficult to
correctly pass ownership into a timer, because something like:

    TimerID x = omq.add_timer([&] { omq.cancel_timer(x); }, 5ms);

doesn't work when the timer job needs to outlive the caller.  My next
approach was:

    auto x = std::make_shared<TimerID>();
    *x = omq.add_timer([&omq, x] { omq.cancel_timer(*x); }, 5ms);

but this has two problems: first, TimerID wasn't default constructible,
and second, there is no guarantee that the assignment to *x happens
before (and is visible to) the access for the cancellation.

This commit fixes both issues: TimerID is now default constructible, and
an overload is added that takes the lvalue reference to the TimerID to
set rather than returning it (and guarantees that it will be set before
the timer is created).
2021-05-25 17:29:25 -03:00

182 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "oxenmq.h"
#include "batch.h"
#include "oxenmq-internal.h"
namespace oxenmq {
void OxenMQ::proxy_batch(detail::Batch* batch) {
const auto [jobs, tagged_threads] = batch->size();
LMQ_TRACE("proxy queuing batch job with ", jobs, " jobs", tagged_threads ? " (job uses tagged thread(s))" : "");
if (!tagged_threads) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < jobs; i++)
batch_jobs.emplace(batch, i);
} else {
// Some (or all) jobs have a specific thread target so queue any such jobs in the tagged
// worker queue.
auto threads = batch->threads();
for (size_t i = 0; i < jobs; i++) {
auto& jobs = threads[i] > 0
? std::get<std::queue<batch_job>>(tagged_workers[threads[i] - 1])
: batch_jobs;
jobs.emplace(batch, i);
proxy_skip_one_poll = true;
void OxenMQ::job(std::function<void()> f, std::optional<TaggedThreadID> thread) {
if (thread && thread->_id == -1)
throw std::logic_error{"job() cannot be used to queue an in-proxy job"};
auto* b = new Batch<void>;
b->add_job(std::move(f), thread);
auto* baseptr = static_cast<detail::Batch*>(b);
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "BATCH", bt_serialize(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(baseptr)));
void OxenMQ::proxy_schedule_reply_job(std::function<void()> f) {
auto* b = new Batch<void>;
reply_jobs.emplace(static_cast<detail::Batch*>(b), 0);
proxy_skip_one_poll = true;
void OxenMQ::proxy_run_batch_jobs(std::queue<batch_job>& jobs, const int reserved, int& active, bool reply) {
while (!jobs.empty() && active_workers() < max_workers &&
(active < reserved || active_workers() < general_workers)) {
proxy_run_worker(get_idle_worker().load(std::move(jobs.front()), reply));
// Called either within the proxy thread, or before the proxy thread has been created; actually adds
// the timer. If the timer object hasn't been set up yet it gets set up here.
void OxenMQ::proxy_timer(int id, std::function<void()> job, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, bool squelch, int thread) {
if (!timers)
int zmq_timer_id = zmq_timers_add(timers.get(),
[](int timer_id, void* self) { static_cast<OxenMQ*>(self)->_queue_timer_job(timer_id); },
if (zmq_timer_id == -1)
throw zmq::error_t{};
timer_jobs[zmq_timer_id] = { std::move(job), squelch, false, thread };
timer_zmq_id[id] = zmq_timer_id;
void OxenMQ::proxy_timer(bt_list_consumer timer_data) {
auto timer_id = timer_data.consume_integer<int>();
std::unique_ptr<std::function<void()>> func{reinterpret_cast<std::function<void()>*>(timer_data.consume_integer<uintptr_t>())};
auto interval = std::chrono::milliseconds{timer_data.consume_integer<uint64_t>()};
auto squelch = timer_data.consume_integer<bool>();
auto thread = timer_data.consume_integer<int>();
if (!timer_data.is_finished())
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: proxied timer request contains unexpected data");
proxy_timer(timer_id, std::move(*func), interval, squelch, thread);
void OxenMQ::_queue_timer_job(int timer_id) {
auto it = timer_jobs.find(timer_id);
if (it == timer_jobs.end()) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Could not find timer job ", timer_id);
auto& [func, squelch, running, thread] = it->second;
if (squelch && running) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Not running timer job ", timer_id, " because a job for that timer is still running");
if (thread == -1) { // Run directly in proxy thread
try { func(); }
catch (const std::exception &e) { LMQ_LOG(warn, "timer job ", timer_id, " raised an exception: ", e.what()); }
catch (...) { LMQ_LOG(warn, "timer job ", timer_id, " raised a non-std exception"); }
auto* b = new Batch<void>;
b->add_job(func, thread);
if (squelch) {
running = true;
b->completion([this,timer_id](auto results) {
try { results[0].get(); }
catch (const std::exception &e) { LMQ_LOG(warn, "timer job ", timer_id, " raised an exception: ", e.what()); }
catch (...) { LMQ_LOG(warn, "timer job ", timer_id, " raised a non-std exception"); }
auto it = timer_jobs.find(timer_id);
if (it != timer_jobs.end())
it->second.running = false;
}, OxenMQ::run_in_proxy);
LMQ_TRACE("b: ", b->size().first, ", ", b->size().second, "; thread = ", thread);
assert(b->size() == std::make_pair(size_t{1}, thread > 0));
auto& queue = thread > 0
? std::get<std::queue<batch_job>>(tagged_workers[thread - 1])
: batch_jobs;
queue.emplace(static_cast<detail::Batch*>(b), 0);
void OxenMQ::add_timer(TimerID& timer, std::function<void()> job, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, bool squelch, std::optional<TaggedThreadID> thread) {
int th_id = thread ? thread->_id : 0;
timer._id = next_timer_id++;
if (proxy_thread.joinable()) {
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "TIMER", bt_serialize(bt_list{{
} else {
proxy_timer(timer._id, std::move(job), interval, squelch, th_id);
TimerID OxenMQ::add_timer(std::function<void()> job, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, bool squelch, std::optional<TaggedThreadID> thread) {
TimerID tid;
add_timer(tid, std::move(job), interval, squelch, std::move(thread));
return tid;
void OxenMQ::proxy_timer_del(int id) {
if (!timers)
auto it = timer_zmq_id.find(id);
if (it == timer_zmq_id.end())
zmq_timers_cancel(timers.get(), it->second);
void OxenMQ::cancel_timer(TimerID timer_id) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable()) {
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "TIMER_DEL", bt_serialize(timer_id._id));
} else {
void OxenMQ::TimersDeleter::operator()(void* timers) { zmq_timers_destroy(&timers); }
TaggedThreadID OxenMQ::add_tagged_thread(std::string name, std::function<void()> start) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error{"Cannot add tagged threads after calling `start()`"};
if (name == "_proxy"sv || name.empty() || name.find('\0') != std::string::npos)
throw std::logic_error{"Invalid tagged thread name `" + name + "'"};
auto& [run, busy, queue] = tagged_workers.emplace_back();
busy = false;
run.worker_id = tagged_workers.size(); // We want index + 1 (b/c 0 is used for non-tagged jobs)
run.worker_routing_id = "t" + std::to_string(run.worker_id);
LMQ_TRACE("Created new tagged thread ", name, " with routing id ", run.worker_routing_id);
run.worker_thread = std::thread{&OxenMQ::worker_thread, this, run.worker_id, name, std::move(start)};
return TaggedThreadID{static_cast<int>(run.worker_id)};