Jason Rhinelander f553085558 Add support for inproc: requests
inproc support is special in zmq: in particular it completely bypasses
the auth layer, which causes problems in OxenMQ because we assume that a
message will always have auth information (set during initial connection

This adds an "always-on" inproc listener and adds a new `connect_inproc`
method for a caller to establish a connection to it.

It also throws exceptions if you try to `listen_plain` or `listen_curve`
on an inproc address, because that won't work for the reasons detailed
2021-08-04 20:15:16 -03:00

448 lines
18 KiB

#include "oxenmq.h"
#include "oxenmq-internal.h"
#include "zmq.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <ostream>
#include <thread>
extern "C" {
#include <sodium/core.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_box.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_scalarmult.h>
#include "hex.h"
namespace oxenmq {
namespace {
/// Creates a message by bt-serializing the given value (string, number, list, or dict)
template <typename T>
zmq::message_t create_bt_message(T&& data) { return create_message(bt_serialize(std::forward<T>(data))); }
template <typename MessageContainer>
std::vector<std::string> as_strings(const MessageContainer& msgs) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto &msg : msgs)
result.emplace_back(msg.template data<char>(), msg.size());
return result;
void check_not_started(const std::thread& proxy_thread, const std::string &verb) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot " + verb + " after calling `start()`");
} // anonymous namespace
namespace detail {
// Sends a control messages between proxy and threads or between proxy and workers consisting of a
// single command codes with an optional data part (the data frame is omitted if empty).
void send_control(zmq::socket_t& sock, std::string_view cmd, std::string data) {
auto c = create_message(std::move(cmd));
if (data.empty()) {
sock.send(c, zmq::send_flags::none);
} else {
auto d = create_message(std::move(data));
sock.send(c, zmq::send_flags::sndmore);
sock.send(d, zmq::send_flags::none);
/// Extracts a pubkey and and auth level from a zmq message received on a *listening* socket.
std::pair<std::string, AuthLevel> extract_metadata(zmq::message_t& msg) {
auto result = std::make_pair(""s, AuthLevel::none);
try {
std::string_view pubkey_hex{msg.gets("User-Id")};
if (pubkey_hex.size() != 64)
throw std::logic_error("bad user-id");
assert(is_hex(pubkey_hex.begin(), pubkey_hex.end()));
result.first.resize(32, 0);
from_hex(pubkey_hex.begin(), pubkey_hex.end(), result.first.begin());
} catch (...) {}
try {
result.second = auth_from_string(msg.gets("X-AuthLevel"));
} catch (...) {}
return result;
} // namespace detail
void OxenMQ::set_zmq_context_option(zmq::ctxopt option, int value) {
context.set(option, value);
void OxenMQ::log_level(LogLevel level) {
log_lvl.store(level, std::memory_order_relaxed);
LogLevel OxenMQ::log_level() const {
return log_lvl.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
CatHelper OxenMQ::add_category(std::string name, Access access_level, unsigned int reserved_threads, int max_queue) {
check_not_started(proxy_thread, "add a category");
if (name.size() > MAX_CATEGORY_LENGTH)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid category name `" + name + "': name too long (> " + std::to_string(MAX_CATEGORY_LENGTH) + ")");
if (name.empty() || name.find('.') != std::string::npos)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid category name `" + name + "'");
auto it = categories.find(name);
if (it != categories.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to add category `" + name + "': that category already exists");
CatHelper ret{*this, name};
categories.emplace(std::move(name), category{access_level, reserved_threads, max_queue});
return ret;
void OxenMQ::add_command(const std::string& category, std::string name, CommandCallback callback) {
check_not_started(proxy_thread, "add a command");
if (name.size() > MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid command name `" + name + "': name too long (> " + std::to_string(MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) + ")");
auto catit = categories.find(category);
if (catit == categories.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add a command to unknown category `" + category + "'");
std::string fullname = category + '.' + name;
if (command_aliases.count(fullname))
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add command `" + fullname + "': a command alias with that name is already defined");
auto ins = catit->second.commands.insert({std::move(name), {std::move(callback), false}});
if (!ins.second)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add command `" + fullname + "': that command already exists");
void OxenMQ::add_request_command(const std::string& category, std::string name, CommandCallback callback) {
add_command(category, name, std::move(callback));
categories.at(category).commands.at(name).second = true;
void OxenMQ::add_command_alias(std::string from, std::string to) {
check_not_started(proxy_thread, "add a command alias");
if (from.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add an alias for empty command");
size_t fromdot = from.find('.');
if (fromdot == 0) // We don't have to have a ., but if we do it can't be at the beginning.
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid command alias `" + from + "'");
size_t todot = to.find('.');
if (todot == 0 || todot == std::string::npos) // must have a dot for the target
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid command alias target `" + to + "'");
if (fromdot != std::string::npos) {
auto catit = categories.find(from.substr(0, fromdot));
if (catit != categories.end() && catit->second.commands.count(from.substr(fromdot+1)))
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid command alias: `" + from + "' would mask an existing command");
auto ins = command_aliases.emplace(std::move(from), std::move(to));
if (!ins.second)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add command alias `" + ins.first->first + "': that alias already exists");
std::atomic<int> next_id{1};
/// Accesses a thread-local command socket connected to the proxy's command socket used to issue
/// commands in a thread-safe manner. A mutex is only required here the first time a thread
/// accesses the control socket.
zmq::socket_t& OxenMQ::get_control_socket() {
// Optimize by caching the last value; OxenMQ is often a singleton and in that case we're
// going to *always* hit this optimization. Even if it isn't, we're probably likely to need the
// same control socket from the same thread multiple times sequentially so this may still help.
static thread_local int last_id = -1;
static thread_local zmq::socket_t* last_socket = nullptr;
if (object_id == last_id)
return *last_socket;
std::lock_guard lock{control_sockets_mutex};
if (proxy_shutting_down)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to obtain OxenMQ control socket: proxy thread is shutting down");
auto& socket = control_sockets[std::this_thread::get_id()];
if (!socket) {
socket = std::make_unique<zmq::socket_t>(context, zmq::socket_type::dealer);
socket->set(zmq::sockopt::linger, 0);
last_id = object_id;
last_socket = socket.get();
return *last_socket;
std::string pubkey_,
std::string privkey_,
bool service_node,
SNRemoteAddress lookup,
Logger logger,
LogLevel level)
: object_id{next_id++}, pubkey{std::move(pubkey_)}, privkey{std::move(privkey_)}, local_service_node{service_node},
sn_lookup{std::move(lookup)}, log_lvl{level}, logger{std::move(logger)}
LMQ_TRACE("Constructing OxenMQ, id=", object_id, ", this=", this);
if (sodium_init() == -1)
throw std::runtime_error{"libsodium initialization failed"};
if (pubkey.empty() != privkey.empty()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("OxenMQ construction failed: one (and only one) of pubkey/privkey is empty. Both must be specified, or both empty to generate a key.");
} else if (pubkey.empty()) {
if (service_node)
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot construct a service node mode OxenMQ without a keypair");
LMQ_LOG(debug, "generating x25519 keypair for remote-only OxenMQ instance");
crypto_box_keypair(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&pubkey[0]), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&privkey[0]));
} else if (pubkey.size() != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
throw std::invalid_argument("pubkey has invalid size " + std::to_string(pubkey.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES));
} else if (privkey.size() != crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES) {
throw std::invalid_argument("privkey has invalid size " + std::to_string(privkey.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES));
} else {
// Verify the pubkey. We could get by with taking just the privkey and just generate this
// for ourselves, but this provides an extra check to make sure we and the caller agree
// cryptographically (e.g. to make sure they don't pass us an ed25519 keypair by mistake)
std::string verify_pubkey(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, 0);
crypto_scalarmult_base(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&verify_pubkey[0]), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&privkey[0]));
if (verify_pubkey != pubkey)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid pubkey/privkey values given to OxenMQ construction: pubkey verification failed");
void OxenMQ::start() {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot call start() multiple times!");
LMQ_LOG(info, "Initializing OxenMQ ", bind.empty() ? "remote-only" : "listener", " with pubkey ", to_hex(pubkey));
int zmq_socket_limit = context.get(zmq::ctxopt::socket_limit);
if (MAX_SOCKETS > 1 && MAX_SOCKETS <= zmq_socket_limit)
context.set(zmq::ctxopt::max_sockets, MAX_SOCKETS);
LMQ_LOG(error, "Not applying OxenMQ::MAX_SOCKETS setting: ", MAX_SOCKETS, " must be in [1, ", zmq_socket_limit, "]");
// We bind `command` here so that the `get_control_socket()` below is always connecting to a
// bound socket, but we do nothing else here: the proxy thread is responsible for everything
// except binding it.
proxy_thread = std::thread{&OxenMQ::proxy_loop, this};
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Waiting for proxy thread to get ready...");
auto &control = get_control_socket();
detail::send_control(control, "START");
LMQ_TRACE("Sent START command");
zmq::message_t ready_msg;
std::vector<zmq::message_t> parts;
try { recv_message_parts(control, parts); }
catch (const zmq::error_t &e) { throw std::runtime_error("Failure reading from OxenMQ::Proxy thread: "s + e.what()); }
if (!(parts.size() == 1 && view(parts.front()) == "READY"))
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid startup message from proxy thread (didn't get expected READY message)");
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Proxy thread is ready");
void OxenMQ::listen_curve(std::string bind_addr, AllowFunc allow_connection, std::function<void(bool)> on_bind) {
if (std::string_view{bind_addr}.substr(0, 9) == "inproc://")
throw std::logic_error{"inproc:// cannot be used with listen_curve"};
if (!allow_connection) allow_connection = [](auto&&...) { return AuthLevel::none; };
bind_data d{std::move(bind_addr), true, std::move(allow_connection), std::move(on_bind)};
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "BIND", bt_serialize(detail::serialize_object(std::move(d))));
void OxenMQ::listen_plain(std::string bind_addr, AllowFunc allow_connection, std::function<void(bool)> on_bind) {
if (std::string_view{bind_addr}.substr(0, 9) == "inproc://")
throw std::logic_error{"inproc:// cannot be used with listen_plain"};
if (!allow_connection) allow_connection = [](auto&&...) { return AuthLevel::none; };
bind_data d{std::move(bind_addr), false, std::move(allow_connection), std::move(on_bind)};
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "BIND", bt_serialize(detail::serialize_object(std::move(d))));
std::pair<OxenMQ::category*, const std::pair<OxenMQ::CommandCallback, bool>*> OxenMQ::get_command(std::string& command) {
if (command.size() > MAX_CATEGORY_LENGTH + 1 + MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Invalid command '", command, "': command too long");
return {};
if (!command_aliases.empty()) {
auto it = command_aliases.find(command);
if (it != command_aliases.end())
command = it->second;
auto dot = command.find('.');
if (dot == 0 || dot == std::string::npos) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Invalid command '", command, "': expected <category>.<command>");
return {};
std::string catname = command.substr(0, dot);
std::string cmd = command.substr(dot + 1);
auto catit = categories.find(catname);
if (catit == categories.end()) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Invalid command category '", catname, "'");
return {};
const auto& category = catit->second;
auto callback_it = category.commands.find(cmd);
if (callback_it == category.commands.end()) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Invalid command '", command, "'");
return {};
return {&catit->second, &callback_it->second};
void OxenMQ::set_batch_threads(int threads) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot change reserved batch threads after calling `start()`");
if (threads < -1) // -1 is the default which is based on general threads
throw std::out_of_range("Invalid set_batch_threads() value " + std::to_string(threads));
batch_jobs_reserved = threads;
void OxenMQ::set_reply_threads(int threads) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot change reserved reply threads after calling `start()`");
if (threads < -1) // -1 is the default which is based on general threads
throw std::out_of_range("Invalid set_reply_threads() value " + std::to_string(threads));
reply_jobs_reserved = threads;
void OxenMQ::set_general_threads(int threads) {
if (proxy_thread.joinable())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot change general thread count after calling `start()`");
if (threads < 1)
throw std::out_of_range("Invalid set_general_threads() value " + std::to_string(threads) + ": general threads must be > 0");
general_workers = threads;
OxenMQ::run_info& OxenMQ::run_info::load(category* cat_, std::string command_, ConnectionID conn_, Access access_, std::string remote_,
std::vector<zmq::message_t> data_parts_, const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>* callback_) {
cat = cat_;
command = std::move(command_);
conn = std::move(conn_);
access = std::move(access_);
remote = std::move(remote_);
data_parts = std::move(data_parts_);
to_run = callback_;
return *this;
OxenMQ::run_info& OxenMQ::run_info::load(category* cat_, std::string command_, std::string remote_, std::function<void()> callback) {
is_injected = true;
cat = cat_;
command = std::move(command_);
conn = {};
access = {};
remote = std::move(remote_);
to_run = std::move(callback);
return *this;
OxenMQ::run_info& OxenMQ::run_info::load(pending_command&& pending) {
if (auto *f = std::get_if<std::function<void()>>(&pending.callback))
return load(&pending.cat, std::move(pending.command), std::move(pending.remote), std::move(*f));
assert(pending.callback.index() == 0);
return load(&pending.cat, std::move(pending.command), std::move(pending.conn), std::move(pending.access),
std::move(pending.remote), std::move(pending.data_parts), var::get<0>(pending.callback));
OxenMQ::run_info& OxenMQ::run_info::load(batch_job&& bj, bool reply_job, int tagged_thread) {
is_batch_job = true;
is_reply_job = reply_job;
is_tagged_thread_job = tagged_thread > 0;
batch_jobno = bj.second;
to_run = bj.first;
return *this;
OxenMQ::~OxenMQ() {
if (!proxy_thread.joinable()) {
if (!tagged_workers.empty()) {
// This is a bit icky: we have tagged workers that are waiting for a signal on
// workers_socket, but the listening end of workers_socket doesn't get set up until the
// proxy thread starts (and we're getting destructed here without a proxy thread). So
// we need to start listening on it here in the destructor so that we establish a
// connection and send the QUITs to the tagged worker threads.
workers_socket.set(zmq::sockopt::router_mandatory, true);
for (auto& [run, busy, queue] : tagged_workers) {
while (true) {
try {
route_control(workers_socket, run.worker_routing_id, "QUIT");
} catch (const zmq::error_t&) {
for (auto& [run, busy, queue] : tagged_workers)
LMQ_LOG(info, "OxenMQ shutting down proxy thread");
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "QUIT");
LMQ_LOG(info, "OxenMQ proxy thread has stopped");
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, LogLevel lvl) {
os << (lvl == LogLevel::trace ? "trace" :
lvl == LogLevel::debug ? "debug" :
lvl == LogLevel::info ? "info" :
lvl == LogLevel::warn ? "warn" :
lvl == LogLevel::error ? "ERROR" :
lvl == LogLevel::fatal ? "FATAL" :
return os;
std::string make_random_string(size_t size) {
static thread_local std::mt19937_64 rng{std::random_device{}()};
static thread_local std::uniform_int_distribution<char> dist{std::numeric_limits<char>::min(), std::numeric_limits<char>::max()};
std::string rando;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
rando += dist(rng);
return rando;
} // namespace oxenmq
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