Jason Rhinelander f3d583c520 Initial LokiMQ release
This library is adapted from lokid's existing quorumnet code (added in
6.x) used for SN-to-SN communication for quorum voting but generalized
to be usable both there and as a basis for other communication channels
with loki projects (for example: wallet-to-lokid communication; loki-ss
and lokinet internal communication with lokid; loki-ss to loki-ss
communication and message passing; perhaps eventually loki p2p traffic).

This initial release compiles but likely has a few warts and bugs that
need ironing out in the implementation before it is production ready.
Some tests will follow.
2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
bt_serialize.cpp Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
bt_serialize.h Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
hex.h Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
lokimq.cpp Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
lokimq.h Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00
string_view.h Initial LokiMQ release 2020-02-02 22:39:26 -04:00