Jason Rhinelander ad04c53c0e
Simplify conn index handling (#41)
The existing code was overly complicated by trying to track indices in
the `connections` vector, which complication happening because things
get removed from `connections` requiring all the internal index values
to be updated.  So we ended up with a connection ID inside the
ConnectionID object, plus a map of those connection IDs to the
`connections` index, and need a map back from indices to ConnectionIDs.

Though this seems to work usually, I recently noticed an
oxen-storage-server sending oxend requests on the wrong connection and
so I suspect there is some rare edge cases here where a failed
connection index might not be updated properly.

This PR simplifies the whole thing by making getting rid of connection
ids entirely and keeping the connections in a map (with connection ids
that never change).  This might end up being a little less efficient
than the vector, but it's unlikely to matter and the added complexity
isn't worth it.
2021-06-23 17:51:25 -03:00

96 lines
3.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "auth.h"
#include "bt_value.h"
#include <string_view>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
namespace oxenmq {
struct ConnectionID;
namespace detail {
template <typename... T>
bt_dict build_send(ConnectionID to, std::string_view cmd, T&&... opts);
/// Opaque data structure representing a connection which supports ==, !=, < and std::hash. For
/// connections to service node this is the service node pubkey (and you can pass a 32-byte string
/// anywhere a ConnectionID is called for). For non-SN remote connections you need to keep a copy
/// of the ConnectionID returned by connect_remote().
struct ConnectionID {
// Default construction; creates a ConnectionID with an invalid internal ID that will not match
// an actual connection.
ConnectionID() : ConnectionID(0) {}
// Construction from a service node pubkey
ConnectionID(std::string pubkey_) : id{SN_ID}, pk{std::move(pubkey_)} {
if (pk.size() != 32)
throw std::runtime_error{"Invalid pubkey: expected 32 bytes"};
// Construction from a service node pubkey
ConnectionID(std::string_view pubkey_) : ConnectionID(std::string{pubkey_}) {}
ConnectionID(const ConnectionID&) = default;
ConnectionID(ConnectionID&&) = default;
ConnectionID& operator=(const ConnectionID&) = default;
ConnectionID& operator=(ConnectionID&&) = default;
// Returns true if this is a ConnectionID (false for a default-constructed, invalid id)
explicit operator bool() const {
return id != 0;
// Two ConnectionIDs are equal if they are both SNs and have matching pubkeys, or they are both
// not SNs and have matching internal IDs and routes. (Pubkeys do not have to match for
// non-SNs).
bool operator==(const ConnectionID &o) const {
if (sn() && o.sn())
return pk == o.pk;
return id == o.id && route == o.route;
bool operator!=(const ConnectionID &o) const { return !(*this == o); }
bool operator<(const ConnectionID &o) const {
if (sn() && o.sn())
return pk < o.pk;
return id < o.id || (id == o.id && route < o.route);
// Returns true if this ConnectionID represents a SN connection
bool sn() const { return id == SN_ID; }
// Returns this connection's pubkey, if any. (Note that all curve connections have pubkeys, not
// only SNs).
const std::string& pubkey() const { return pk; }
// Returns a copy of the ConnectionID with the route set to empty.
ConnectionID unrouted() { return ConnectionID{id, pk, ""}; }
ConnectionID(int64_t id) : id{id} {}
ConnectionID(int64_t id, std::string pubkey, std::string route = "")
: id{id}, pk{std::move(pubkey)}, route{std::move(route)} {}
constexpr static int64_t SN_ID = -1;
int64_t id = 0;
std::string pk;
std::string route;
friend class OxenMQ;
friend struct std::hash<ConnectionID>;
template <typename... T>
friend bt_dict detail::build_send(ConnectionID to, std::string_view cmd, T&&... opts);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ConnectionID& conn);
} // namespace oxenmq
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<oxenmq::ConnectionID> {
size_t operator()(const oxenmq::ConnectionID &c) const {
return c.sn() ? oxenmq::already_hashed{}(c.pk) :
std::hash<int64_t>{}(c.id) + std::hash<std::string>{}(c.route);
} // namespace std