Jason Rhinelander e17ca30411 Split up into logical headers and compilation units
lokimq.cpp and lokimq.h were getting monolithic; this splits lokimq.cpp
into multiple smaller cpp files by logical purpose for better parallel
compilation ability.  It also splits up the lokimq.h header slightly by
moving the ConnectionID and Message types into their own headers.
2020-03-13 14:28:21 -03:00

187 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "lokimq.h"
#include "hex.h"
#include "lokimq-internal.h"
namespace lokimq {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, AuthLevel a) {
return o << to_string(a);
namespace {
// Builds a ZMTP metadata key-value pair. These will be available on every message from that peer.
// Keys must start with X- and be <= 255 characters.
std::string zmtp_metadata(string_view key, string_view value) {
assert(key.size() > 2 && key.size() <= 255 && key[0] == 'X' && key[1] == '-');
std::string result;
result.reserve(1 + key.size() + 4 + value.size());
result += static_cast<char>(key.size()); // Size octet of key
result.append(&key[0], key.size()); // key data
for (int i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) // 4-byte size of value in network order
result += static_cast<char>((value.size() >> i) & 0xff);
result.append(&value[0], value.size()); // value data
return result;
bool LokiMQ::proxy_check_auth(size_t conn_index, bool outgoing, const peer_info& peer,
const std::string& command, const category& cat, zmq::message_t& msg) {
std::string reply;
if (peer.auth_level < cat.access.auth) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Access denied to ", command, " for peer [", to_hex(peer.pubkey), "]/", peer_address(msg),
": peer auth level ", peer.auth_level, " < ", cat.access.auth);
reply = "FORBIDDEN";
else if (cat.access.local_sn && !local_service_node) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Access denied to ", command, " for peer [", to_hex(peer.pubkey), "]/", peer_address(msg),
": that command is only available when this LokiMQ is running in service node mode");
else if (cat.access.remote_sn && !peer.service_node) {
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Access denied to ", command, " for peer [", to_hex(peer.pubkey), "]/", peer_address(msg),
": remote is not recognized as a service node");
// Disconnect: we don't think the remote is a SN, but it issued a command only SNs should be
// issuing. Drop the connection; if the remote has something important to relay it will
// reconnect, at which point we will reassess the SN status on the new incoming connection.
if (outgoing)
proxy_disconnect(peer.service_node ? ConnectionID{peer.pubkey} : conn_index_to_id[conn_index], 1s);
send_routed_message(connections[conn_index], peer.route, "BYE");
return false;
if (reply.empty())
return true;
if (outgoing)
send_direct_message(connections[conn_index], std::move(reply), command);
send_routed_message(connections[conn_index], peer.route, std::move(reply), command);
return false;
void LokiMQ::process_zap_requests() {
for (std::vector<zmq::message_t> frames; recv_message_parts(zap_auth, frames, zmq::recv_flags::dontwait); frames.clear()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (log_level() >= LogLevel::trace) {
std::ostringstream o;
o << "Processing ZAP authentication request:";
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++) {
o << "\n[" << i << "]: ";
auto v = view(frames[i]);
if (i == 1 || i == 6)
o << to_hex(v);
o << v;
log_(LogLevel::trace, __FILE__, __LINE__, o.str());
} else
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Processing ZAP authentication request");
// https://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:27/ZAP/
// The request message SHALL consist of the following message frames:
// The version frame, which SHALL contain the three octets "1.0".
// The request id, which MAY contain an opaque binary blob.
// The domain, which SHALL contain a (non-empty) string.
// The address, the origin network IP address.
// The identity, the connection Identity, if any.
// The mechanism, which SHALL contain a string.
// The credentials, which SHALL be zero or more opaque frames.
// The reply message SHALL consist of the following message frames:
// The version frame, which SHALL contain the three octets "1.0".
// The request id, which MAY contain an opaque binary blob.
// The status code, which SHALL contain a string.
// The status text, which MAY contain a string.
// The user id, which SHALL contain a string.
// The metadata, which MAY contain a blob.
// (NB: there are also null address delimiters at the beginning of each mentioned in the
// RFC, but those have already been removed through the use of a REP socket)
std::vector<std::string> response_vals(6);
response_vals[0] = "1.0"; // version
if (frames.size() >= 2)
response_vals[1] = std::string{view(frames[1])}; // unique identifier
std::string &status_code = response_vals[2], &status_text = response_vals[3];
if (frames.size() < 6 || view(frames[0]) != "1.0") {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Bad ZAP authentication request: version != 1.0 or invalid ZAP message parts");
status_code = "500";
status_text = "Internal error: invalid auth request";
} else {
auto auth_domain = view(frames[2]);
size_t bind_id = (size_t) -1;
try {
bind_id = bt_deserialize<size_t>(view(frames[2]));
} catch (...) {}
if (bind_id >= bind.size()) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Bad ZAP authentication request: invalid auth domain '", auth_domain, "'");
status_code = "400";
status_text = "Unknown authentication domain: " + std::string{auth_domain};
} else if (bind[bind_id].second.curve
? !(frames.size() == 7 && view(frames[5]) == "CURVE")
: !(frames.size() == 6 && view(frames[5]) == "NULL")) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Bad ZAP authentication request: invalid ",
bind[bind_id].second.curve ? "CURVE" : "NULL", " authentication request");
status_code = "500";
status_text = "Invalid authentication request mechanism";
} else if (bind[bind_id].second.curve && frames[6].size() != 32) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Bad ZAP authentication request: invalid request pubkey");
status_code = "500";
status_text = "Invalid public key size for CURVE authentication";
} else {
auto ip = view(frames[3]);
string_view pubkey;
if (bind[bind_id].second.curve)
pubkey = view(frames[6]);
auto result = bind[bind_id].second.allow(ip, pubkey);
bool sn = result.remote_sn;
auto& user_id = response_vals[4];
if (bind[bind_id].second.curve) {
to_hex(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end(), std::back_inserter(user_id));
if (result.auth <= AuthLevel::denied || result.auth > AuthLevel::admin) {
LMQ_LOG(info, "Access denied for incoming ", view(frames[5]), (sn ? " service node" : " client"),
" connection from ", !user_id.empty() ? user_id + " at " : ""s, ip,
" with initial auth level ", result.auth);
status_code = "400";
status_text = "Access denied";
} else {
LMQ_LOG(info, "Accepted incoming ", view(frames[5]), (sn ? " service node" : " client"),
" connection with authentication level ", result.auth,
" from ", !user_id.empty() ? user_id + " at " : ""s, ip);
auto& metadata = response_vals[5];
metadata += zmtp_metadata("X-SN", result.remote_sn ? "1" : "0");
metadata += zmtp_metadata("X-AuthLevel", to_string(result.auth));
status_code = "200";
status_text = "";
LMQ_TRACE("ZAP request result: ", status_code, " ", status_text);
std::vector<zmq::message_t> response;
for (auto &r : response_vals) response.push_back(create_message(std::move(r)));
send_message_parts(zap_auth, response.begin(), response.end());