2020-03-13 19:05:12 -03:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The Loki Project
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
// conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
// prior written permission.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include "zmq.hpp"
#include "bt_serialize.h"
#include "string_view.h"
#include "connections.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "auth.h"
// Timers were not added until 4.3.0
#error "ZMQ >= 4.3.0 required"
namespace lokimq {
using namespace std::literals;
/// Logging levels passed into LogFunc. (Note that trace does nothing more than debug in a release
/// build).
enum class LogLevel { fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace };
// Forward declarations; see batch.h
namespace detail { class Batch; }
template <typename R> class Batch;
/** The keep-alive time for a send() that results in a establishing a new outbound connection. To
* use a longer keep-alive to a host call `connect()` first with the desired keep-alive time or pass
* the send_option::keep_alive.
static constexpr auto DEFAULT_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE = 30s;
// How frequently we cleanup connections (closing idle connections, calling connect or request failure callbacks)
static constexpr auto CONN_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1s;
// The default timeout for connect_remote()
static constexpr auto REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10s;
// The minimum amount of time we wait for a reply to a REQUEST before calling the callback with
// `false` to signal a timeout.
static constexpr auto REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 15s;
/// Maximum length of a category
static constexpr size_t MAX_CATEGORY_LENGTH = 50;
/// Maximum length of a command
static constexpr size_t MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH = 200;
class CatHelper;
* Class that handles LokiMQ listeners, connections, proxying, and workers. An application
* typically has just one instance of this class.
class LokiMQ {
/// The global context
zmq::context_t context;
/// A unique id for this LokiMQ instance, assigned in a thread-safe manner during construction.
const int object_id;
/// The x25519 keypair of this connection. For service nodes these are the long-run x25519 keys
/// provided at construction, for non-service-node connections these are generated during
/// construction.
std::string pubkey, privkey;
/// True if *this* node is running in service node mode (whether or not actually active)
bool local_service_node = false;
/// The thread in which most of the intermediate work happens (handling external connections
/// and proxying requests between them to worker threads)
std::thread proxy_thread;
/// Will be true (and is guarded by a mutex) if the proxy thread is quitting; guards against new
/// control sockets from threads trying to talk to the proxy thread.
bool proxy_shutting_down = false;
/// We have one seldom-used mutex here: it is generally locked just once per thread (the first
/// time the thread calls get_control_socket()) and once more by the proxy thread when it shuts
/// down, and so will not be a contention point.
std::mutex control_sockets_mutex;
/// Called to obtain a "command" socket that attaches to `control` to send commands to the
/// proxy thread from other threads. This socket is unique per thread and LokiMQ instance.
zmq::socket_t& get_control_socket();
/// Stores all of the sockets created in different threads via `get_control_socket`. This is
/// only used during destruction to close all of those open sockets, and is protected by an
/// internal mutex which is only locked by new threads getting a control socket and the
/// destructor.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<zmq::socket_t>> thread_control_sockets;
/// Callback type invoked to determine whether the given new incoming connection is allowed to
/// connect to us and to set its initial authentication level.
/// @param ip - the ip address of the incoming connection
/// @param pubkey - the x25519 pubkey of the connecting client (32 byte string). Note that this
/// will only be non-empty for incoming connections on `listen_curve` sockets; `listen_plain`
/// sockets do not have a pubkey.
/// @returns an `AuthLevel` enum value indicating the default auth level for the incoming
/// connection, or AuthLevel::denied if the connection should be refused.
using AllowFunc = std::function<Allow(string_view ip, string_view pubkey)>;
/// Callback that is invoked when we need to send a "strong" message to a SN that we aren't
/// already connected to and need to establish a connection. This callback returns the ZMQ
/// connection string we should use which is typically a string such as `tcp://`.
using SNRemoteAddress = std::function<std::string(string_view pubkey)>;
/// The callback type for registered commands.
using CommandCallback = std::function<void(Message& message)>;
/// The callback for making requests. This is called with `true` and a (moved) vector of data
/// part strings when we get a reply, or `false` and empty vector on timeout.
using ReplyCallback = std::function<void(bool success, std::vector<std::string> data)>;
/// Called to write a log message. This will only be called if the `level` is >= the current
/// LokiMQ object log level. It must be a raw function pointer (or a capture-less lambda) for
/// performance reasons. Takes four arguments: the log level of the message, the filename and
/// line number where the log message was invoked, and the log message itself.
using Logger = std::function<void(LogLevel level, const char* file, int line, std::string msg)>;
/// Callback for the success case of connect_remote()
using ConnectSuccess = std::function<void(ConnectionID)>;
/// Callback for the failure case of connect_remote()
using ConnectFailure = std::function<void(ConnectionID, string_view)>;
/// Explicitly non-copyable, non-movable because most things here aren't copyable, and a few
/// things aren't movable, either. If you need to pass the LokiMQ instance around, wrap it
/// in a unique_ptr or shared_ptr.
LokiMQ(const LokiMQ&) = delete;
LokiMQ& operator=(const LokiMQ&) = delete;
LokiMQ(LokiMQ&&) = delete;
LokiMQ& operator=(LokiMQ&&) = delete;
/** How long to wait for handshaking to complete on external connections before timing out and
* closing the connection. Setting this only affects new outgoing connections. */
std::chrono::milliseconds HANDSHAKE_TIME = 10s;
/** Whether to use a zmq routing ID based on the pubkey for new outgoing connections. This is
* normally desirable as it allows the listener to recognize that the incoming connection is a
* reconnection from the same remote and handover routing to the new socket while closing off
* the (likely dead) old socket. This, however, prevents a single LokiMQ instance from
* establishing multiple connections to the same listening LokiMQ, which is sometimes useful
* (for example when testing), and so this option can be overridden to `false` to use completely
* random zmq routing ids on outgoing connections (which will thus allow multiple connections).
/** Maximum incoming message size; if a remote tries sending a message larger than this they get
* disconnected. -1 means no limit. */
int64_t MAX_MSG_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
/** How long (in ms) to linger sockets when closing them; this is the maximum time zmq spends
* trying to sending pending messages before dropping them and closing the underlying socket
* after the high-level zmq socket is closed. */
std::chrono::milliseconds CLOSE_LINGER = 5s;
/// The lookup function that tells us where to connect to a peer, or empty if not found.
SNRemoteAddress sn_lookup;
/// The log level; this is atomic but we use relaxed order to set and access it (so changing it
/// might not be instantly visible on all threads, but that's okay).
std::atomic<LogLevel> log_lvl{LogLevel::warn};
/// The callback to call with log messages
Logger logger;
/// Logging implementation
template <typename... T>
void log_(LogLevel lvl, const char* filename, int line, const T&... stuff);
/// NB: The following are all the domain of the proxy thread (once it is started)!
/// The socket we listen on for handling ZAP authentication requests (the other end is internal
/// to zmq which sends requests to us as needed).
zmq::socket_t zap_auth{context, zmq::socket_type::rep};
struct bind_data {
bool curve;
size_t index;
AllowFunc allow;
bind_data(bool curve, AllowFunc allow)
: curve{curve}, index{0}, allow{std::move(allow)} {}
/// Addresses on which we are listening (or, before start(), on which we will listen).
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bind_data>> bind;
/// Info about a peer's established connection with us. Note that "established" means both
/// connected and authenticated.
struct peer_info {
/// Pubkey of the remote, if this connection is a curve25519 connection; empty otherwise.
std::string pubkey;
/// True if we've authenticated this peer as a service node. This gets set on incoming
/// messages when we check the remote's pubkey, and immediately on outgoing connections to
/// SNs (since we know their pubkey -- we'll fail to connect if it doesn't match).
bool service_node = false;
/// The auth level of this peer, as returned by the AllowFunc for incoming connections or
/// specified during outgoing connections.
AuthLevel auth_level = AuthLevel::none;
/// The actual internal socket index through which this connection is established
size_t conn_index;
/// Will be set to a non-empty routing prefix *if* one is necessary on the connection. This
/// is used only for SN peers (non-SN incoming connections don't have a peer_info record,
/// and outgoing connections don't have a route).
std::string route;
/// Returns true if this is an outgoing connection. (This is simply an alias for
/// route.empty() -- outgoing connections never have a route, incoming connections always
/// do).
bool outgoing() const { return route.empty(); }
/// The last time we sent or received a message (or had some other relevant activity) on
/// this connection. Used for closing outgoing connections that have reached an inactivity
/// expiry time (closing inactive conns for incoming connections is done by the other end).
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_activity;
/// Updates last_activity to the current time
void activity() { last_activity = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }
/// After more than this much inactivity we will close an idle (outgoing) connection
std::chrono::milliseconds idle_expiry;
/// Currently peer connections: id -> peer_info. The ID is as returned by connect_remote or a
/// SN pubkey string.
std::unordered_multimap<ConnectionID, peer_info> peers;
/// Maps connection indices (which can change) to ConnectionIDs (which are permanent).
std::vector<ConnectionID> conn_index_to_id;
/// Maps listening socket ConnectionIDs to connection index values (these don't have peers
/// entries)
std::unordered_map<ConnectionID, size_t> incoming_conn_index;
/// The next ConnectionID value we should use (for non-SN connections).
std::atomic<long long> next_conn_id{1};
/// Remotes we are still trying to connect to (via connect_remote(), not connect_sn()); when
/// we pass handshaking we move them out of here and (if set) trigger the on_connect callback.
/// Unlike regular node-to-node peers, these have an extra "HI"/"HELLO" sequence that we used
/// before we consider ourselves connected to the remote.
std::vector<std::tuple<size_t /*conn_index*/, long long /*conn_id*/, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point, ConnectSuccess, ConnectFailure>> pending_connects;
/// Pending requests that have been sent out but not yet received a matching "REPLY". The value
/// is the timeout timestamp.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point, ReplyCallback>>
/// different polling sockets the proxy handler polls: this always contains some internal
/// sockets for inter-thread communication followed by a pollitem for every connection (both
/// incoming and outgoing) in `connections`. We rebuild this from `connections` whenever
/// `pollitems_stale` is set to true.
std::vector<zmq::pollitem_t> pollitems;
/// If set then rebuild pollitems before the next poll (set when establishing new connections or
/// closing existing ones).
bool pollitems_stale = true;
/// Rebuilds pollitems to include the internal sockets + all incoming/outgoing sockets.
void rebuild_pollitems();
/// The connections to/from remotes we currently have open, both listening and outgoing. Each
/// element [i] here corresponds to an the pollitem_t at pollitems[i+1+poll_internal_size].
/// (Ideally we'd use one structure, but zmq requires the pollitems be in contiguous storage).
std::vector<zmq::socket_t> connections;
/// Socket we listen on to receive control messages in the proxy thread. Each thread has its own
/// internal "control" connection (returned by `get_control_socket()`) to this socket used to
/// give instructions to the proxy such as instructing it to initiate a connection to a remote
/// or send a message.
zmq::socket_t command{context, zmq::socket_type::router};
/// Timers. TODO: once cppzmq adds an interface around the zmq C timers API then switch to it.
struct TimersDeleter { void operator()(void* timers); };
std::unordered_map<int, std::tuple<std::function<void()>, bool, bool>> timer_jobs; // id => {func, squelch, running}
std::unique_ptr<void, TimersDeleter> timers;
// This needs to be public because we have to be able to call it from a plain C function.
// Nothing external may call it!
void _queue_timer_job(int);
/// Router socket to reach internal worker threads from proxy
zmq::socket_t workers_socket{context, zmq::socket_type::router};
/// indices of idle, active workers
std::vector<unsigned int> idle_workers;
/// Maximum number of general task workers, specified by g`/during construction
int general_workers = std::max<int>(1, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
/// Maximum number of possible worker threads we can have. This is calculated when starting,
/// and equals general_workers plus the sum of all categories' reserved threads counts plus the
/// reserved batch workers count. This is also used to signal a shutdown; we set it to 0 when
/// quitting.
int max_workers;
/// Number of active workers
int active_workers() const { return workers.size() - idle_workers.size(); }
/// Worker thread loop
void worker_thread(unsigned int index);
/// If set, skip polling for one proxy loop iteration (set when we know we have something
/// processible without having to shove it onto a socket, such as scheduling an internal job).
bool proxy_skip_one_poll = false;
/// Does the proxying work
void proxy_loop();
void proxy_conn_cleanup();
void proxy_worker_message(std::vector<zmq::message_t>& parts);
void proxy_process_queue();
void proxy_schedule_reply_job(std::function<void()> f);
/// Looks up a peers element given a connect index (for outgoing connections where we already
/// knew the pubkey and SN status) or an incoming zmq message (which has the pubkey and sn
/// status metadata set during initial connection authentication), creating a new peer element
/// if required.
decltype(peers)::iterator proxy_lookup_peer(int conn_index, zmq::message_t& msg);
/// Handles built-in primitive commands in the proxy thread for things like "BYE" that have to
/// be done in the proxy thread anyway (if we forwarded to a worker the worker would just have
/// to send an instruction back to the proxy to do it). Returns true if one was handled, false
/// to continue with sending to a worker.
bool proxy_handle_builtin(size_t conn_index, std::vector<zmq::message_t>& parts);
struct run_info;
/// Gets an idle worker's run_info and removes the worker from the idle worker list. If there
/// is no idle worker this creates a new `workers` element for a new worker (and so you should
/// only call this if new workers are permitted). Note that if this creates a new work info the
/// worker will *not* yet be started, so the caller must create the thread (in `.thread`) after
/// setting up the job if `.thread.joinable()` is false.
run_info& get_idle_worker();
/// Runs the worker; called after the `run` object has been set up. If the worker thread hasn't
/// been created then it is spawned; otherwise it is sent a RUN command.
void proxy_run_worker(run_info& run);
/// Sets up a job for a worker then signals the worker (or starts a worker thread)
void proxy_to_worker(size_t conn_index, std::vector<zmq::message_t>& parts);
/// proxy thread command handlers for commands sent from the outer object QUIT. This doesn't
/// get called immediately on a QUIT command: the QUIT commands tells workers to quit, then this
/// gets called after all works have done so.
void proxy_quit();
// Sets the various properties for a listening socket prior to binding. If curve is true then
// the socket is set up using the keys and incoming connections must already know the pubkey to
// establish a connection; otherwise the connection is plaintext without authentication.
void setup_listening_socket(zmq::socket_t& socket, bool curve);
// Sets the various properties on an outgoing socket prior to connection. If remote_pubkey is
// provided then the connection will be curve25519 encrypted and authenticate; otherwise it will
// be unencrypted and unauthenticated. Note that the remote end must be in the same mode (i.e.
// either accepting curve connections, or not accepting curve).
void setup_outgoing_socket(zmq::socket_t& socket, string_view remote_pubkey = {});
/// Common connection implementation used by proxy_connect/proxy_send. Returns the socket
/// and, if a routing prefix is needed, the required prefix (or an empty string if not needed).
/// For an optional connect that fail, returns nullptr for the socket.
/// @param pubkey the pubkey to connect to
/// @param connect_hint if we need a new connection and this is non-empty then we *may* use it
/// instead of doing a call to `sn_lookup()`.
/// @param optional if we don't already have a connection then don't establish a new one
/// @param incoming_only only relay this if we have an established incoming connection from the
/// given SN, otherwise don't connect (like `optional`)
/// @param keep_alive the keep alive for the connection, if we establish a new outgoing
/// connection. If we already have an outgoing connection then its keep-alive gets increased to
/// this if currently less than this.
std::pair<zmq::socket_t*, std::string> proxy_connect_sn(string_view pubkey, string_view connect_hint,
bool optional, bool incoming_only, std::chrono::milliseconds keep_alive);
/// CONNECT_SN command telling us to connect to a new pubkey. Returns the socket (which could
/// be existing or a new one). This basically just unpacks arguments and passes them on to
/// proxy_connect_sn().
std::pair<zmq::socket_t*, std::string> proxy_connect_sn(bt_dict_consumer data);
/// Opens a new connection to a remote, with callbacks. This is the proxy-side implementation
/// of the `connect_remote()` call.
void proxy_connect_remote(bt_dict_consumer data);
/// Called to disconnect our remote connection to the given id (if we have one).
void proxy_disconnect(bt_dict_consumer data);
void proxy_disconnect(ConnectionID conn, std::chrono::milliseconds linger);
/// SEND command. Does a connect first, if necessary.
void proxy_send(bt_dict_consumer data);
/// REPLY command. Like SEND, but only has a listening socket route to send back to and so is
/// weaker (i.e. it cannot reconnect to the SN if the connection is no longer open).
void proxy_reply(bt_dict_consumer data);
/// Currently active batch/reply jobs; this is the container that owns the Batch instances
std::unordered_set<detail::Batch*> batches;
/// Individual batch jobs waiting to run
using batch_job = std::pair<detail::Batch*, int>;
std::queue<batch_job> batch_jobs, reply_jobs;
int batch_jobs_active = 0;
int reply_jobs_active = 0;
int batch_jobs_reserved = -1;
int reply_jobs_reserved = -1;
/// Runs any queued batch jobs
void proxy_run_batch_jobs(std::queue<batch_job>& jobs, int reserved, int& active, bool reply);
/// BATCH command. Called with a Batch<R> (see lokimq/batch.h) object pointer for the proxy to
/// take over and queue batch jobs.
void proxy_batch(detail::Batch* batch);
/// TIMER command. Called with a serialized list containing: function pointer to assume
/// ownership of, an interval count (in ms), and whether or not jobs should be squelched (see
/// `add_timer()`).
void proxy_timer(bt_list_consumer timer_data);
/// Same, but deserialized
void proxy_timer(std::function<void()> job, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, bool squelch);
/// ZAP (https://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:27/ZAP/) authentication handler; this does non-blocking
/// processing of any waiting authentication requests for new incoming connections.
void process_zap_requests();
/// Handles a control message from some outer thread to the proxy
void proxy_control_message(std::vector<zmq::message_t>& parts);
/// Closing any idle connections that have outlived their idle time. Note that this only
/// affects outgoing connections; incomings connections are the responsibility of the other end.
void proxy_expire_idle_peers();
/// Helper method to actually close a remote connection and update the stuff that needs updating.
void proxy_close_connection(size_t removed, std::chrono::milliseconds linger);
/// Closes an outgoing connection immediately, updates internal variables appropriately.
/// Returns the next iterator (the original may or may not be removed from peers, depending on
/// whether or not it also has an active incoming connection).
decltype(peers)::iterator proxy_close_outgoing(decltype(peers)::iterator it);
struct category {
Access access;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<CommandCallback, bool /*is_request*/>> commands;
unsigned int reserved_threads = 0;
unsigned int active_threads = 0;
int max_queue = 200;
int queued = 0;
category(Access access, unsigned int reserved_threads, int max_queue)
: access{access}, reserved_threads{reserved_threads}, max_queue{max_queue} {}
/// Categories, mapped by category name.
std::unordered_map<std::string, category> categories;
/// For enabling backwards compatibility with command renaming: this allows mapping one command
/// to another in a different category (which happens before the category and command lookup is
/// done).
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> command_aliases;
/// Retrieve category and callback from a command name, including alias mapping. Warns on
/// invalid commands and returns nullptrs. The command name will be updated in place if it is
/// aliased to another command.
std::pair<category*, const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>*> get_command(std::string& command);
/// Checks a peer's authentication level. Returns true if allowed, warns and returns false if
/// not.
bool proxy_check_auth(size_t conn_index, bool outgoing, const peer_info& peer,
const std::string& command, const category& cat, zmq::message_t& msg);
/// Details for a pending command; such a command already has authenticated access and is just
/// waiting for a thread to become available to handle it.
struct pending_command {
category& cat;
std::string command;
std::vector<zmq::message_t> data_parts;
const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>* callback;
ConnectionID conn;
pending_command(category& cat, std::string command, std::vector<zmq::message_t> data_parts,
const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>* callback, ConnectionID conn)
: cat{cat}, command{std::move(command)}, data_parts{std::move(data_parts)},
callback{callback}, conn{std::move(conn)} {}
std::list<pending_command> pending_commands;
/// End of proxy-specific members
/// Structure that contains the data for a worker thread - both the thread itself, plus any
/// transient data we are passing into the thread.
struct run_info {
bool is_batch_job = false;
bool is_reply_job = false;
// If is_batch_job is false then these will be set appropriate (if is_batch_job is true then
// these shouldn't be accessed and likely contain stale data).
category *cat;
std::string command;
ConnectionID conn; // The connection (or SN pubkey) to reply on/to.
std::string conn_route; // if non-empty this is the reply routing prefix (for incoming connections)
std::vector<zmq::message_t> data_parts;
// If is_batch_job true then these are set (if is_batch_job false then don't access these!):
int batch_jobno; // >= 0 for a job, -1 for the completion job
union {
const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>* callback; // set if !is_batch_job
detail::Batch* batch; // set if is_batch_job
// These belong to the proxy thread and must not be accessed by a worker:
std::thread worker_thread;
size_t worker_id; // The index in `workers`
std::string worker_routing_id; // "w123" where 123 == worker_id
/// Loads the run info with an incoming command
run_info& load(category* cat, std::string command, ConnectionID conn,
std::vector<zmq::message_t> data_parts, const std::pair<CommandCallback, bool>* callback);
/// Loads the run info with a stored pending command
run_info& load(pending_command&& pending);
/// Loads the run info with a batch job
run_info& load(batch_job&& bj, bool reply_job = false);
/// Data passed to workers for the RUN command. The proxy thread sets elements in this before
/// sending RUN to a worker then the worker uses it to get call info, and only allocates it
/// once, before starting any workers. Workers may only access their own index and may not
/// change it.
std::vector<run_info> workers;
* LokiMQ constructor. This constructs the object but does not start it; you will typically
* want to first add categories and commands, then finish startup by invoking `start()`.
* (Categories and commands cannot be added after startup).
* @param pubkey the public key (32-byte binary string). For a service node this is the service
* node x25519 keypair. For non-service nodes this (and privkey) can be empty strings to
* automatically generate an ephemeral keypair.
* @param privkey the service node's private key (32-byte binary string), or empty to generate
* one.
* @param service_node - true if this instance should be considered a service node for the
* purpose of allowing "Access::local_sn" remote calls. (This should be true if we are
* *capable* of being a service node, whether or not we are currently actively). If specified
* as true then the pubkey and privkey values must not be empty.
* @param sn_lookup function that takes a pubkey key (32-byte binary string) and returns a
* connection string such as "tcp://" to which a connection should be established
* to reach that service node. Note that this function is only called if there is no existing
* connection to that service node, and that the function is never called for a connection to
* self (that uses an internal connection instead). Also note that the service node must be
* listening in curve25519 mode (otherwise we couldn't verify its authenticity). Should return
* empty for not found or if SN lookups are not supported.
* @param allow_incoming is a callback that LokiMQ can use to determine whether an incoming
* connection should be allowed at all and, if so, whether the connection is from a known
* service node. Called with the connecting IP, the remote's verified x25519 pubkey, and the
* called on incoming connections with the (verified) incoming connection
* pubkey (32-byte binary string) to determine whether the given SN should be allowed to
* connect.
* @param log a function or callable object that writes a log message. If omitted then all log
* messages are suppressed.
LokiMQ( std::string pubkey,
std::string privkey,
bool service_node,
SNRemoteAddress sn_lookup,
Logger logger = [](LogLevel, const char*, int, std::string) { });
* Simplified LokiMQ constructor for a simple listener without any SN connection/authentication
* capabilities. This treats all remotes as "basic", non-service node connections for command
* authentication purposes.
explicit LokiMQ(Logger logger = [](LogLevel, const char*, int, std::string) { })
: LokiMQ("", "", false, [](auto) { return ""s; /*no peer lookups*/ }, std::move(logger)) {}
* Destructor; instructs the proxy to quit. The proxy tells all workers to quit, waits for them
* to quit and rejoins the threads then quits itself. The outer thread (where the destructor is
* running) rejoins the proxy thread.
/// Sets the log level of the LokiMQ object.
void log_level(LogLevel level);
/// Gets the log level of the LokiMQ object.
LogLevel log_level() const;
* Add a new command category. This method may not be invoked after `start()` has been called.
* This method is also not thread safe, and is generally intended to be called (along with
* add_command) immediately after construction and immediately before calling start().
* @param name - the category name which must consist of one or more characters and may not
* contain a ".".
* @param access_level the access requirements for remote invocation of the commands inside this
* category.
* @param reserved_threads if non-zero then the worker thread pool will ensure there are at at
* least this many threads either current processing or available to process commands in this
* category. This is used to ensure that a category's commands can be invoked even if
* long-running commands in some other category are currently using all worker threads. This
* can increase the number of worker threads above the `general_workers` parameter given in the
* constructor, but will only do so if the need arised: that is, if a command request arrives
* for a category when all workers are busy and no worker is currently processing any command in
* that category.
* @param max_queue is the maximum number of incoming messages in this category that we will
* queue up when waiting for a worker to become available for this category. Once the queue for
* a category exceeds this many incoming messages then new messages will be dropped until some
* messages are processed off the queue. -1 means unlimited, 0 means we will never queue (which
* means just dropping messages for this category if no workers are available to instantly
* handle the request).
* @returns a CatHelper object that makes adding commands slightly less verbose (see the
* CatHelper describe, above).
CatHelper add_category(std::string name, Access access_level, unsigned int reserved_threads = 0, int max_queue = 200);
* Adds a new command to an existing category. This method may not be invoked after `start()`
* has been called.
* @param category - the category name (must already be created by a call to `add_category`)
* @param name - the command name, without the `category.` prefix.
* @param callback - a callable object which is callable as `callback(zeromq::Message &)`
void add_command(const std::string& category, std::string name, CommandCallback callback);
* Adds a new "request" command to an existing category. These commands are just like normal
* commands, but are expected to call `msg.send_reply()` with any data parts on every request,
* while normal commands are more general.
* Parameters given here are identical to `add_command()`.
void add_request_command(const std::string& category, std::string name, CommandCallback callback);
* Adds a command alias; this is intended for temporary backwards compatibility: if any aliases
* are defined then every command (not just aliased ones) has to be checked on invocation to see
* if it is defined in the alias list. May not be invoked after `start()`.
* Aliases should follow the `category.command` format for both the from and to names, and
* should only be called for `to` categories that are already defined. The category name is not
* currently enforced on the `from` name (for backwards compatility with Loki's quorumnet code)
* but will be at some point.
* Access permissions for an aliased command depend only on the mapped-to value; for example, if
* `cat.meow` is aliased to `dog.bark` then it is the access permissions on `dog` that apply,
* not those of `cat`, even if `cat` is more restrictive than `dog`.
void add_command_alias(std::string from, std::string to);
* Sets the number of worker threads reserved for batch jobs. If not explicitly called then
* this defaults to half the general worker threads configured (rounded up). This works exactly
* like reserved_threads for a category, but allows to batch jobs. See category for details.
* Note that some internal jobs are counted as batch jobs: in particular timers added via
* add_timer() are scheduled as batch jobs.
* Cannot be called after start()ing the LokiMQ instance.
void set_batch_threads(int threads);
* Sets the number of worker threads reserved for handling replies from servers; this is
* mostly for responses to `request()` calls, but also gets used for other network-related
* events such as the ConnectSuccess/ConnectFailure callbacks for establishing remote non-SN
* connections.
* Defaults to one-eighth of the number of configured general threads, rounded up.
* Cannot be changed after start()ing the LokiMQ instance.
void set_reply_threads(int threads);
* Sets the number of general worker threads. This is the target number of threads to run that
* we generally try not to exceed. These threads can be used for any command, and will be
* created (up to the limit) on demand. Note that individual categories (or batch jobs) with
* reserved threads can create threads in addition to the amount specified here if necessary to
* fulfill the reserved threads count for the category.
* Adjusting this also adjusts the default values of batch and reply threads, above.
* Defaults to `std::thread::hardware_concurrency()`.
* Cannot be called after start()ing the LokiMQ instance.
void set_general_threads(int threads);
* Finish starting up: binds to the bind locations given in the constructor and launches the
* proxy thread to handle message dispatching between remote nodes and worker threads.
* You will need to call `add_category` and `add_command` to register commands before calling
* `start()`; once start() is called commands cannot be changed.
void start();
/** Start listening on the given bind address using curve authentication/encryption. Incoming
* connections will only be allowed from clients that already have the server's pubkey, and
* will be encrypted. `allow_connection` is invoked for any incoming connections on this
* address to determine the incoming remote's access and authentication level.
* @param bind address - can be any string zmq supports; typically a tcp IP/port combination
* such as: "tcp://\*:4567" or "tcp://".
* @param allow_connection function to call to determine whether to allow the connection and, if
* so, the authentication level it receives. If omitted the default returns non-service node,
* AuthLevel::none access.
void listen_curve(std::string bind, AllowFunc allow_connection = [](auto, auto) { return Allow{AuthLevel::none, false}; });
/** Start listening on the given bind address in unauthenticated plain text mode. Incoming
* connections can come from anywhere. `allow_connection` is invoked for any incoming
* connections on this address to determine the incoming remote's access and authentication
* level. Note that `allow_connection` here will be called with an empty pubkey.
* @param bind address - can be any string zmq supports; typically a tcp IP/port combination
* such as: "tcp://\*:4567" or "tcp://".
* @param allow_connection function to call to determine whether to allow the connection and, if
* so, the authentication level it receives. If omitted the default returns non-service node,
* AuthLevel::none access.
void listen_plain(std::string bind, AllowFunc allow_connection = [](auto, auto) { return Allow{AuthLevel::none, false}; });
* Try to initiate a connection to the given SN in anticipation of needing a connection in the
* future. If a connection is already established, the connection's idle timer will be reset
* (so that the connection will not be closed too soon). If the given idle timeout is greater
* than the current idle timeout then the timeout increases to the new value; if less than the
* current timeout it is ignored. (Note that idle timeouts only apply if the existing
* connection is an outgoing connection).
* Note that this method (along with send) doesn't block waiting for a connection; it merely
* instructs the proxy thread that it should establish a connection.
* @param pubkey - the public key (32-byte binary string) of the service node to connect to
* @param keep_alive - the connection will be kept alive if there was valid activity within
* the past `keep_alive` milliseconds. If an outgoing connection already
* exists, the longer of the existing and the given keep alive is used.
* (Note that the default applied here is much longer than the default for an
* implicit connect() by calling send() directly.)
* @param hint - if non-empty and a new outgoing connection needs to be made this hint value
* may be used instead of calling the lookup function. (Note that there is no
* guarantee that the hint will be used; it is only usefully specified if the
* connection address has already been incidentally determined).
* @returns a ConnectionID that identifies an connection with the given SN. Typically you
* *don't* need to worry about this (and can just discard it): you can always simply pass the
* pubkey as a string wherever a ConnectionID is called.
ConnectionID connect_sn(string_view pubkey, std::chrono::milliseconds keep_alive = 5min, string_view hint = {});
* Establish a connection to the given remote with callbacks invoked on a successful or failed
* connection. Returns a ConnectionID associated with the connection being attempted. It is
* possible to send to the remote before the successful callback is invoked, but there is no
* guarantee that the messages will be delivered (e.g. if the connection ultimately fails).
* For connections to a service node you generally want connect_sn() instead (which verifies
* that it is talking to the SN and encrypts the connection).
* Unlike `connect_sn`, the connection established here will be kept open indefinitely (until
* you call disconnect).
* The `on_connect` and `on_failure` callbacks are invoked when a connection has been
* established or failed to establish.
* @param remote the remote connection address, such as `tcp://localhost:1234`.
* @param on_connect called with the identifier after the connection has been established.
* @param on_failure called with the identifier and failure message if we fail to connect.
* @param pubkey if non-empty then connect securely (using curve encryption) and verify that the
* remote's pubkey equals the given value. Specifying this is similar to using connect_sn()
* except that we do not treat the remote as a SN for command authorization purposes.
* @param auth_level determines the authentication level of the remote for issuing commands to
* us. The default is `AuthLevel::none`.
* @param timeout how long to try before aborting the connection attempt and calling the
* on_failure callback. Note that the connection can fail for various reasons before the
* timeout.
* @param returns ConnectionID that uniquely identifies the connection to this remote node. In
* order to talk to it you will need the returned value (or a copy of it).
ConnectionID connect_remote(string_view remote, ConnectSuccess on_connect, ConnectFailure on_failure,
string_view pubkey = {},
AuthLevel auth_level = AuthLevel::none,
std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
* Disconnects an established outgoing connection established with `connect_remote()` (or, less
* commonly, `connect_sn()`).
* @param id the connection id, as returned by `connect_remote()` or the SN pubkey.
* @param linger how long to allow the connection to linger while there are still pending
* outbound messages to it before disconnecting and dropping any pending messages. (Note that
* this lingering is internal; the disconnect_remote() call does not block). The default is 1
* second.
* If given a pubkey, we try to close an outgoing connection to the given SN if one exists; note
* however that this is often not particularly useful as messages to that SN can immediately
* reopen the connection.
void disconnect(ConnectionID id, std::chrono::milliseconds linger = 1s);
* Queue a message to be relayed to the given service node or remote without requiring a reply.
* LokiMQ will attempt to relay the message (first connecting and handshaking to the remote SN
* if not already connected).
* If a new connection is established it will have a relatively short (30s) idle timeout. If
* the connection should stay open longer you should either call `connect(pubkey, IDLETIME)` or
* pass a a `send_option::keep_alive{IDLETIME}` in `opts`.
* Note that this method (along with connect) doesn't block waiting for a connection or for the
* message to send; it merely instructs the proxy thread that it should send. ZMQ will
* generally try hard to deliver it (reconnecting if the connection fails), but if the
* connection fails persistently the message will eventually be dropped.
* @param remote - either a ConnectionID value returned by connect_remote, or a service node
* pubkey string. In the latter case, sending the message may trigger a new
* connection being established to the service node (i.e. you do not have to
* call connect() first).
* @param cmd - the first data frame value which is almost always the remote "category.command" name
* @param opts - any number of std::string (or string_views) and send options. Each send option
* affects how the send works; each string becomes a message part.
* Example:
* // Send to a SN, connecting to it if we aren't already connected:
* lmq.send(pubkey, "hello.world", "abc", send_option::hint("tcp://localhost:1234"), "def");
* // Start connecting to a remote and immediately queue a message for it
* auto conn = lmq.connect_remote("tcp://",
* [](ConnectionID) { std::cout << "connected\n"; },
* [](ConnectionID, string_view why) { std::cout << "connection failed: " << why << \n"; });
* lmq.send(conn, "hello.world", "abc", "def");
* Both of these send the command `hello.world` to the given pubkey, containing additional
* message parts "abc" and "def". In the first case, if not currently connected, the given
* connection hint may be used rather than performing a connection address lookup on the pubkey.
template <typename... T>
void send(ConnectionID to, string_view cmd, const T&... opts);
/** Send a command configured as a "REQUEST" command to a service node: the data parts will be
* prefixed with a random identifier. The remote is expected to reply with a ["REPLY",
* <identifier>, ...] message, at which point we invoke the given callback with any [...] parts
* of the reply.
* Like `send()`, a new connection to the service node will be established if not already
* connected.
* @param to - the pubkey string or ConnectionID to send this request to
* @param cmd - the command name
* @param callback - the callback to invoke when we get a reply. Called with a true value and
* the data strings when a reply is received, or false and an empty vector of data parts if we
* get no reply in the timeout interval.
* @param opts - anything else (i.e. strings, send_options) is forwarded to send().
template <typename... T>
void request(ConnectionID to, string_view cmd, ReplyCallback callback, const T&... opts);
/// The key pair this LokiMQ was created with; if empty keys were given during construction then
/// this returns the generated keys.
const std::string& get_pubkey() const { return pubkey; }
const std::string& get_privkey() const { return privkey; }
* Batches a set of jobs to be executed by workers, optionally followed by a completion function.
* Must include lokimq/batch.h to use.
template <typename R>
void batch(Batch<R>&& batch);
* Queues a single job to be executed with no return value. This is a shortcut for creating and
* submitting a single-job, no-completion-function batch job.
void job(std::function<void()> f);
* Adds a timer that gets scheduled periodically in the job queue. Normally jobs are not
* double-booked: that is, a new timed job will not be scheduled if the timer fires before a
* previously scheduled callback of the job has not yet completed. If you want to override this
* (so that, under heavy load or long jobs, there can be more than one of the same job scheduled
* or running at a time) then specify `squelch` as `false`.
void add_timer(std::function<void()> job, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, bool squelch = true);
/// Helper class that slightly simplifies adding commands to a category.
/// This allows simplifying:
/// lmq.add_category("foo", ...);
/// lmq.add_command("foo", "a", ...);
/// lmq.add_command("foo", "b", ...);
/// lmq.add_request_command("foo", "c", ...);
/// to:
/// lmq.add_category("foo", ...)
/// .add_command("a", ...)
/// .add_command("b", ...)
/// .add_request_command("b", ...)
/// ;
class CatHelper {
LokiMQ& lmq;
std::string cat;
CatHelper(LokiMQ& lmq, std::string cat) : lmq{lmq}, cat{std::move(cat)} {}
CatHelper& add_command(std::string name, LokiMQ::CommandCallback callback) {
lmq.add_command(cat, std::move(name), std::move(callback));
return *this;
CatHelper& add_request_command(std::string name, LokiMQ::CommandCallback callback) {
lmq.add_request_command(cat, std::move(name), std::move(callback));
return *this;
/// Namespace for options to the send() method
namespace send_option {
template <typename InputIt>
struct data_parts_impl {
InputIt begin, end;
data_parts_impl(InputIt begin, InputIt end) : begin{std::move(begin)}, end{std::move(end)} {}
/// Specifies an iterator pair of data options to send, for when the number of arguments to send()
/// cannot be determined at compile time.
template <typename InputIt>
data_parts_impl<InputIt> data_parts(InputIt begin, InputIt end) { return {std::move(begin), std::move(end)}; }
/// Specifies a connection hint when passed in to send(). If there is no current connection to the
/// peer then the hint is used to save a call to the SNRemoteAddress to get the connection location.
/// (Note that there is no guarantee that the given hint will be used or that a SNRemoteAddress call
/// will not also be done.)
struct hint {
std::string connect_hint;
// Constructor taking a hint. If the hint is an empty string then no hint will be used.
explicit hint(std::string connect_hint) : connect_hint{std::move(connect_hint)} {}
/// Does a send() if we already have a connection (incoming or outgoing) with the given peer,
/// otherwise drops the message.
struct optional {
bool is_optional = true;
// Constructor; default construction gives you an optional, but the bool parameter can be
// specified as false to explicitly make a connection non-optional instead.
explicit optional(bool opt = true) : is_optional{opt} {}
/// Specifies that the message should be sent only if it can be sent on an existing incoming socket,
/// and dropped otherwise.
struct incoming {
bool is_incoming = true;
// Constructor; default construction gives you an incoming-only, but the bool parameter can be
// specified as false to explicitly disable incoming-only behaviour.
explicit incoming(bool inc = true) : is_incoming{inc} {}
/// Specifies the idle timeout for the connection - if a new or existing outgoing connection is used
/// for the send and its current idle timeout setting is less than this value then it is updated.
struct keep_alive {
std::chrono::milliseconds time;
explicit keep_alive(std::chrono::milliseconds time) : time{std::move(time)} {}
namespace detail {
// Sends a control message to the given socket consisting of the command plus optional dict
// data (only sent if the data is non-empty).
void send_control(zmq::socket_t& sock, string_view cmd, std::string data = {});
/// Base case: takes a string-like value and appends it to the message parts
inline void apply_send_option(bt_list& parts, bt_dict&, string_view arg) {
/// `data_parts` specialization: appends a range of serialized data parts to the parts to send
template <typename InputIt>
void apply_send_option(bt_list& parts, bt_dict&, const send_option::data_parts_impl<InputIt> data) {
for (auto it = data.begin; it != data.end; ++it)
/// `hint` specialization: sets the hint in the control data
inline void apply_send_option(bt_list&, bt_dict& control_data, const send_option::hint& hint) {
control_data["hint"] = hint.connect_hint;
/// `optional` specialization: sets the optional flag in the control data
inline void apply_send_option(bt_list&, bt_dict& control_data, const send_option::optional& o) {
control_data["optional"] = o.is_optional;
/// `incoming` specialization: sets the incoming-only flag in the control data
inline void apply_send_option(bt_list&, bt_dict& control_data, const send_option::incoming& i) {
control_data["incoming"] = i.is_incoming;
/// `keep_alive` specialization: increases the outgoing socket idle timeout (if shorter)
inline void apply_send_option(bt_list&, bt_dict& control_data, const send_option::keep_alive& timeout) {
control_data["keep-alive"] = timeout.time.count();
/// Extracts a pubkey, SN status, and auth level from a zmq message received on a *listening*
/// socket.
std::tuple<std::string, bool, AuthLevel> extract_metadata(zmq::message_t& msg);
template <typename... T>
bt_dict build_send(ConnectionID to, string_view cmd, const T&... opts) {
bt_dict control_data;
bt_list parts{{cmd}};
#ifdef __cpp_fold_expressions
(detail::apply_send_option(parts, control_data, opts),...);
(void) std::initializer_list<int>{(detail::apply_send_option(parts, control_data, opts), 0)...};
if (to.sn())
control_data["conn_pubkey"] = std::move(to.pk);
else {
control_data["conn_id"] = to.id;
control_data["conn_route"] = std::move(to.route);
control_data["send"] = std::move(parts);
return control_data;
} // namespace detail
template <typename... T>
void LokiMQ::send(ConnectionID to, string_view cmd, const T&... opts) {
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "SEND",
bt_serialize(detail::build_send(std::move(to), cmd, opts...)));
std::string make_random_string(size_t size);
template <typename... T>
void LokiMQ::request(ConnectionID to, string_view cmd, ReplyCallback callback, const T &...opts) {
const auto reply_tag = make_random_string(15); // 15 random bytes is lots and should keep us in most stl implementations' small string optimization
bt_dict control_data = detail::build_send(std::move(to), cmd, reply_tag, opts...);
control_data["request"] = true;
control_data["request_callback"] = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(new ReplyCallback{std::move(callback)});
control_data["request_tag"] = string_view{reply_tag};
detail::send_control(get_control_socket(), "SEND", bt_serialize(std::move(control_data)));
template <typename... Args>
void Message::send_back(string_view command, Args&&... args) {
lokimq.send(conn, command, send_option::optional{!conn.sn()}, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void Message::send_reply(Args&&... args) {
lokimq.send(conn, "REPLY", reply_tag, send_option::optional{!conn.sn()}, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename ReplyCallback, typename... Args>
void Message::send_request(string_view cmd, ReplyCallback&& callback, Args&&... args) {
lokimq.request(conn, cmd, std::forward<ReplyCallback>(callback),
send_option::optional{!conn.sn()}, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... T>
void LokiMQ::log_(LogLevel lvl, const char* file, int line, const T&... stuff) {
if (log_level() < lvl)
std::ostringstream os;
#ifdef __cpp_fold_expressions
(os << ... << stuff);
(void) std::initializer_list<int>{(os << stuff, 0)...};
logger(lvl, file, line, os.str());
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, LogLevel lvl);
} // namespace lokimq
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