#!/usr/bin/env python3 import flask from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import babel.dates import json import sys import statistics import string import requests import time from base64 import b32encode, b16decode from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import JsonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter import subprocess import qrcode from io import BytesIO import config import local_config from lmq import FutureJSON, lmq_connection # Make a dict of config.* to pass to templating conf = {x: getattr(config, x) for x in dir(config) if not x.startswith('__')} git_rev = subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--short=9", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if git_rev.returncode == 0: git_rev = git_rev.stdout.strip() else: git_rev = "(unknown)" app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.jinja_options['extensions'].append('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') class Hex64Converter(BaseConverter): def __init__(self, url_map): super().__init__(url_map) self.regex = "[0-9a-fA-F]{64}" app.url_map.converters['hex64'] = Hex64Converter @app.template_filter('format_datetime') def format_datetime(value, format='long'): return babel.dates.format_datetime(value, format, tzinfo=babel.dates.get_timezone('UTC')) @app.template_filter('from_timestamp') def from_timestamp(value): return datetime.fromtimestamp(value, tz=timezone.utc) @app.template_filter('ago') def datetime_ago(value): delta = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - value disp='' if delta.days < 0: delta = -delta disp += '-' if delta.days > 0: disp += '{}d '.format(delta.days) disp += '{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(delta.seconds // 3600, delta.seconds // 60 % 60, delta.seconds % 60) return disp @app.template_filter('reltime') def relative_time(seconds, two_part=False, in_ago=True, neg_is_now=False): if isinstance(seconds, timedelta): seconds = seconds.seconds + 86400*seconds.days ago = False if seconds == 0 or (neg_is_now and seconds < 0): return 'now' elif seconds < 0: seconds = -seconds ago = True if two_part: if seconds < 3600: delta = '{:.0f} minutes {:.0f} seconds'.format(seconds//60, seconds%60//1) elif seconds < 24 * 3600: delta = '{:.0f} hours {:.1f} minutes'.format(seconds//3600, seconds%3600/60) elif seconds < 10 * 86400: delta = '{:.0f} days {:.1f} hours'.format(seconds//86400, seconds%86400/3600) else: delta = '{:.1f} days'.format(seconds / 86400) elif seconds < 90: delta = '{:.0f} seconds'.format(seconds) elif seconds < 90 * 60: delta = '{:.1f} minutes'.format(seconds / 60) elif seconds < 36 * 3600: delta = '{:.1f} hours'.format(seconds / 3600) elif seconds < 99.5 * 86400: delta = '{:.1f} days'.format(seconds / 86400) else: delta = '{:.0f} days'.format(seconds / 86400) return delta if not in_ago else delta + ' ago' if ago else 'in ' + delta @app.template_filter('roundish') def filter_round(value): return ("{:.0f}" if value >= 100 or isinstance(value, int) else "{:.1f}" if value >= 10 else "{:.2f}").format(value) @app.template_filter('chop0') def filter_chop0(value): value = str(value) if '.' in value: return value.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return value si_suffix = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'] @app.template_filter('si') def format_si(value): i = 0 while value >= 1000 and i < len(si_suffix) - 1: value /= 1000 i += 1 return filter_round(value) + '{}'.format(si_suffix[i]) @app.template_filter('oxen') def format_oxen(atomic, tag=True, fixed=False, decimals=9, zero=None): """Formats an atomic current value as a human currency value. tag - if False then don't append " OXEN" fixed - if True then don't strip insignificant trailing 0's and '.' decimals - at how many decimal we should round; the default is full precision fixed - if specified, replace 0 with this string """ if atomic == 0 and zero: disp = zero else: disp = "{{:.{}f}}".format(decimals).format(atomic * 1e-9) if not fixed and decimals > 0: disp = disp.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if tag: disp += ' OXEN' return disp # For some inexplicable reason some hex fields are provided as array of byte integer values rather # than hex. This converts such a monstrosity to hex. @app.template_filter('bytes_to_hex') def bytes_to_hex(b): return "".join("{:02x}".format(x) for x in b) @app.template_filter('base32z') def base32z(hex): return b32encode(b16decode(hex, casefold=True)).translate( bytes.maketrans( b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567', b'ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769')).decode().rstrip('=') @app.template_filter('ellipsize') def ellipsize(string, leading=10, trailing=5, ellipsis='...'): if len(string) <= leading + trailing + 3: return string return string[0:leading] + ellipsis + ('' if not trailing else string[-trailing:]) @app.after_request def add_global_headers(response): for k, v in { 'Cache-Control': 'no-store', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }.items(): if k not in response.headers: response.headers[k] = v return response @app.route('/style.css') def css(): return flask.send_from_directory('static', 'style.css') def get_sns_future(lmq, oxend): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_service_nodes', 5, args={ 'all': False, 'fields': { x: True for x in ('service_node_pubkey', 'requested_unlock_height', 'last_reward_block_height', 'last_reward_transaction_index', 'active', 'funded', 'earned_downtime_blocks', 'service_node_version', 'contributors', 'total_contributed', 'total_reserved', 'staking_requirement', 'portions_for_operator', 'operator_address', 'pubkey_ed25519', 'last_uptime_proof', 'state_height', 'swarm_id') } }) def get_sns(sns_future, info_future): info = info_future.get() awaiting_sns, active_sns, inactive_sns = [], [], [] sn_states = sns_future.get() sn_states = sn_states['service_node_states'] if 'service_node_states' in sn_states else [] for sn in sn_states: sn['contribution_open'] = sn['staking_requirement'] - sn['total_reserved'] sn['contribution_required'] = sn['staking_requirement'] - sn['total_contributed'] sn['num_contributions'] = sum(len(x['locked_contributions']) for x in sn['contributors'] if 'locked_contributions' in x) if sn['active']: active_sns.append(sn) elif sn['funded']: sn['decomm_blocks_remaining'] = max(sn['earned_downtime_blocks'], 0) sn['decomm_blocks'] = info['height'] - sn['state_height'] inactive_sns.append(sn) else: awaiting_sns.append(sn) return awaiting_sns, active_sns, inactive_sns def get_quorums_future(lmq, oxend, height): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_quorum_state', 30, args={ 'start_height': height-55, 'end_height': height }) def get_quorums(quorums_future): qkey = ["obligation", "checkpoint", "blink", "pulse"] quo = {x: [] for x in qkey} quorums = quorums_future.get() quorums = quorums['quorums'] if 'quorums' in quorums else [] for q in quorums: if q['quorum_type'] <= len(qkey): quo[qkey[q['quorum_type']]].append(q) else: print("Something getting wrong in quorums: found unknown quorum_type={}".format(q['quorum_type']), file=sys.stderr) return quo def get_mempool_future(lmq, oxend): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_transaction_pool', 5, args={"tx_extra":True, "stake_info":True}) def parse_mempool(mempool_future): # mempool RPC return values are about as nasty as can be. For each mempool tx, we get back # *both* binary+hex encoded values and JSON-encoded values slammed into a string, which means we # have to invoke an *extra* JSON parser for each tx. This is terrible. mp = mempool_future.get() if 'transactions' in mp: # If we have a cached value we have already sorted it if '_sorted' not in mp: mp['transactions'].sort(key=lambda tx: (tx['receive_time'], tx['id_hash'])) mp['_sorted'] = True for tx in mp['transactions']: tx['info'] = json.loads(tx["tx_json"]) else: mp['transactions'] = [] return mp @app.context_processor def template_globals(): return { 'config': conf, 'server': { 'datetime': datetime.now(timezone.utc), 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow().timestamp(), 'revision': git_rev, }, } @app.route('/page/') @app.route('/page//') @app.route('/range//') @app.route('/autorefresh/') @app.route('/') def main(refresh=None, page=0, per_page=None, first=None, last=None): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() inforeq = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) stake = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_staking_requirement', 10) base_fee = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_fee_estimate', 10) hfinfo = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.hard_fork_info', 10) mempool = get_mempool_future(lmq, oxend) sns = get_sns_future(lmq, oxend) checkpoints = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_checkpoints', args={"count": 3}) # This call is slow the first time it gets called in oxend but will be fast after that, so call # it with a very short timeout. It's also an admin-only command, so will always fail if we're # using a restricted RPC interface. coinbase = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'admin.get_coinbase_tx_sum', 10, timeout=1, fail_okay=True, args={"height":0, "count":2**31-1}) custom_per_page = '' if per_page is None or per_page <= 0 or per_page > config.max_blocks_per_page: per_page = config.blocks_per_page else: custom_per_page = '/{}'.format(per_page) # We have some chained request dependencies here and below, so get() them as needed; all other # non-dependent requests should already have a future initiated above so that they can # potentially run in parallel. info = inforeq.get() height = info['height'] # Permalinked block range: if first is not None and last is not None and 0 <= first <= last and last <= first + 99: start_height, end_height = first, last if end_height - start_height + 1 != per_page: per_page = end_height - start_height + 1; custom_per_page = '/{}'.format(per_page) # We generally can't get a perfect page number because our range (e.g. 5-14) won't line up # with pages (e.g. 10-19, 0-19), so just get as close as we can. Next/Prev page won't be # quite right, but they'll be within half a page. page = round((height - 1 - end_height) / per_page) else: end_height = max(0, height - per_page*page - 1) start_height = max(0, end_height - per_page + 1) blocks = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_block_headers_range', cache_key='main', args={ 'start_height': start_height, 'end_height': end_height, 'get_tx_hashes': True, }).get()['headers'] # If 'txs' is already there then it is probably left over from our cached previous call through # here. if blocks and 'txs' not in blocks[0]: txids = [] for b in blocks: b['txs'] = [] txids.append(b['miner_tx_hash']) if 'tx_hashes' in b: txids += b['tx_hashes'] txs = parse_txs(tx_req(lmq, oxend, txids, cache_key='mempool').get()) i = 0 for tx in txs: # TXs should come back in the same order so we can just skip ahead one when the block # height changes rather than needing to search for the block if blocks[i]['height'] != tx['block_height']: i += 1 while i < len(blocks) and blocks[i]['height'] != tx['block_height']: print("Something getting wrong: missing txes?", file=sys.stderr) i += 1 if i >= len(blocks): print("Something getting wrong: have leftover txes") break blocks[i]['txs'].append(tx) # Clean up the SN data a bit to make things easier for the templates awaiting_sns, active_sns, inactive_sns = get_sns(sns, inforeq) return flask.render_template('index.html', info=info, stake=stake.get(), fees=base_fee.get(), emission=coinbase.get(), hf=hfinfo.get(), active_sns=active_sns, inactive_sns=inactive_sns, awaiting_sns=awaiting_sns, blocks=blocks, block_size_median=statistics.median(b['block_size'] for b in blocks), page=page, per_page=per_page, custom_per_page=custom_per_page, mempool=parse_mempool(mempool), checkpoints=checkpoints.get(), refresh=refresh, ) @app.route('/txpool') def mempool(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) mempool = get_mempool_future(lmq, oxend) return flask.render_template('mempool.html', info=info.get(), mempool=parse_mempool(mempool), ) @app.route('/service_nodes') def sns(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) awaiting, active, inactive = get_sns(get_sns_future(lmq, oxend), info) return flask.render_template('service_nodes.html', info=info.get(), active_sns=active, awaiting_sns=awaiting, inactive_sns=inactive, ) def tx_req(lmq, oxend, txids, cache_key='single', **kwargs): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_transactions', cache_seconds=10, cache_key=cache_key, args={ "txs_hashes": txids, "decode_as_json": True, "tx_extra": True, "prune": True, "stake_info": True, }, **kwargs) def sn_req(lmq, oxend, pubkey, **kwargs): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_service_nodes', 5, cache_key='single', args={"service_node_pubkeys": [pubkey]}, **kwargs ) def block_header_req(lmq, oxend, hash_or_height, **kwargs): if isinstance(hash_or_height, int) or (len(hash_or_height) <= 10 and hash_or_height.isdigit()): return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_block_header_by_height', cache_key='single', args={ "height": int(hash_or_height) }, **kwargs) else: return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_block_header_by_hash', cache_key='single', args={ 'hash': hash_or_height }, **kwargs) def block_with_txs_req(lmq, oxend, hash_or_height, **kwargs): args = { 'get_tx_hashes': True } if isinstance(hash_or_height, int) or (len(hash_or_height) <= 10 and hash_or_height.isdigit()): args['height'] = int(hash_or_height) else: args['hash'] = hash_or_height return FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_block', cache_key='single', args=args, **kwargs) @app.route('/service_node/') # For backwards compatibility with old explorer URLs @app.route('/sn/') def show_sn(pubkey): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) hfinfo = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.hard_fork_info', 10) sn = sn_req(lmq, oxend, pubkey).get() quos = get_quorums_future(lmq, oxend, info.get()['height']) if 'service_node_states' not in sn or not sn['service_node_states']: return flask.render_template('not_found.html', info=info.get(), type='sn', id=pubkey, ) sn = sn['service_node_states'][0] # These are a bit non-trivial to properly calculate: # Number of staked contributions sn['num_contributions'] = sum(len(x["locked_contributions"]) for x in sn["contributors"] if "locked_contributions" in x) # Number of unfilled, reserved contribution spots: sn['num_reserved_spots'] = sum(x["amount"] < x["reserved"] for x in sn["contributors"]) # Available open contribution spots: sn['num_open_spots'] = 0 if sn['total_reserved'] >= sn['staking_requirement'] else max(0, 4 - sn['num_contributions'] - sn['num_reserved_spots']) return flask.render_template('sn.html', info=info.get(), hf=hfinfo.get(), sn=sn, quorums=get_quorums(quos) ) @app.route('/qr/') def qr_sn_pubkey(pubkey): qr = qrcode.QRCode( box_size=5, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, ) qr.add_data(pubkey.upper()) img = qr.make_image( fill_color="#1e1d48", back_color="#dbf7f5" ) with BytesIO() as output: img.save(output, format="PNG") r = flask.make_response(output.getvalue()) r.headers.set('Content-Type', 'image/png') return r def parse_txs(txs_rpc): """Takes a tx_req(...).get() response and parses the embedded nested json into something useful This modifies the txs_rpc['txs'] values in-place. Returns txs_rpc['txs'] if it exists, otherwise an empty list. """ if 'txs' not in txs_rpc: return [] for tx in txs_rpc['txs']: if 'info' not in tx: # We have serialized JSON data inside a field in the JSON, because of oxend's # multiple incompatible JSON generators 🤮: tx['info'] = json.loads(tx["as_json"]) del tx['as_json'] # The "extra" field inside as_json is retardedly in per-byte integer values, # convert it to a hex string 🤮: tx['info']['extra'] = bytes_to_hex(tx['info']['extra']) return txs_rpc['txs'] def get_block_txs_future(lmq, oxend, block): hashes = [] if 'tx_hashes' in block: hashes += block['tx_hashes'] hashes.append(block['block_header']['miner_tx_hash']) if 'info' not in block: try: block['info'] = json.loads(block["json"]) del block['info']['miner_tx'] # Doesn't include enough for us, we fetch it separately with extra interpretation instead del block["json"] except Exception as e: print("Something getting wrong: cannot parse block json for block {}: {}".format(block_height, e), file=sys.stderr) return tx_req(lmq, oxend, hashes, cache_key='block') @app.route('/block/') @app.route('/block//') @app.route('/block/') @app.route('/block//') def show_block(height=None, hash=None, more_details=False): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) hfinfo = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.hard_fork_info', 10) if height is not None: val = height elif hash is not None: val = hash block = None if val is None else block_with_txs_req(lmq, oxend, val).get() if block is None: return flask.render_template("not_found.html", info=info.get(), hfinfo=hfinfo.get(), type='block', height=height, id=hash ) next_block = None block_height = block['block_header']['height'] txs = get_block_txs_future(lmq, oxend, block) if info.get()['height'] > 1 + block_height: next_block = block_header_req(lmq, oxend, '{}'.format(block_height + 1)) if more_details: formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass="syntax-highlight", style="native") more_details = { 'details_css': formatter.get_style_defs('.syntax-highlight'), 'details_html': highlight(json.dumps(block, indent="\t", sort_keys=True), JsonLexer(), formatter), } else: more_details = {} transactions = [] if txs is None else parse_txs(txs.get()).copy() miner_tx = transactions.pop() if transactions else [] return flask.render_template("block.html", info=info.get(), hfinfo=hfinfo.get(), block_header=block['block_header'], block=block, miner_tx=miner_tx, transactions=transactions, next_block=next_block.get() if next_block else None, **more_details, ) @app.route('/block/latest') def show_block_latest(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() height = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1).get()['height'] - 1 return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('show_block', height=height), code=302) @app.route('/tx/') @app.route('/tx//') def show_tx(txid, more_details=False): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) txs = tx_req(lmq, oxend, [txid]).get() if 'txs' not in txs or not txs['txs']: return flask.render_template('not_found.html', info=info.get(), type='tx', id=txid, ) tx = parse_txs(txs)[0] # If this is a state change, see if we have the quorum stored to provide context testing_quorum = None if tx['info']['version'] >= 4 and 'sn_state_change' in tx['extra']: testing_quorum = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_quorum_state', 60, cache_key='tx_state_change', args={ 'quorum_type': 0, 'start_height': tx['extra']['sn_state_change']['height'] }) kindex_info = {} # { amount => { keyindex => {output-info} } } block_info_req = None if 'vin' in tx['info']: if len(tx['info']['vin']) == 1 and 'gen' in tx['info']['vin'][0]: tx['coinbase'] = True elif tx['info']['vin'] and config.enable_mixins_details: # Load output details for all outputs contained in the inputs outs_req = [] for inp in tx['info']['vin']: # Key positions are stored as offsets from the previous index rather than indices, # so de-delta them back into indices: if 'key_offsets' in inp['key'] and 'key_indices' not in inp['key']: kis = [] inp['key']['key_indices'] = kis kbase = 0 for koff in inp['key']['key_offsets']: kbase += koff kis.append(kbase) del inp['key']['key_offsets'] outs_req = [{"amount":inp['key']['amount'], "index":ki} for inp in tx['info']['vin'] for ki in inp['key']['key_indices']] outputs = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_outs', args={ 'get_txid': True, 'outputs': outs_req, }).get() if outputs and 'outs' in outputs and len(outputs['outs']) == len(outs_req): outputs = outputs['outs'] # Also load block details for all of those outputs: block_info_req = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_block_header_by_height', args={ 'heights': [o["height"] for o in outputs] }) i = 0 for inp in tx['info']['vin']: amount = inp['key']['amount'] if amount not in kindex_info: kindex_info[amount] = {} ki = kindex_info[amount] for ko in inp['key']['key_indices']: ki[ko] = outputs[i] i += 1 if more_details: formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass="syntax-highlight", style="paraiso-dark") more_details = { 'details_css': formatter.get_style_defs('.syntax-highlight'), 'details_html': highlight(json.dumps(tx, indent="\t", sort_keys=True), JsonLexer(), formatter), } else: more_details = {} block_info = {} # { height => {block-info} } if block_info_req: bi = block_info_req.get() if 'block_headers' in bi: for bh in bi['block_headers']: block_info[bh['height']] = bh if testing_quorum: testing_quorum = testing_quorum.get() if testing_quorum: if 'quorums' in testing_quorum and testing_quorum['quorums']: testing_quorum = testing_quorum['quorums'][0]['quorum'] else: testing_quorum = None return flask.render_template('tx.html', info=info.get(), tx=tx, kindex_info=kindex_info, block_info=block_info, testing_quorum=testing_quorum, **more_details, ) @app.route('/quorums') def show_quorums(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) quos = get_quorums_future(lmq, oxend, info.get()['height']) return flask.render_template('quorums.html', info=info.get(), quorums=get_quorums(quos) ) @app.route('/search') def search(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) val = (flask.request.args.get('value') or '').strip() if val and len(val) < 10 and val.isdigit(): # Block height return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('show_block', height=val), code=301) if not val or len(val) != 64 or any(c not in string.hexdigits for c in val): return flask.render_template('not_found.html', info=info.get(), type='bad_search', id=val, ) # Initiate all the lookups at once, then redirect to whichever one responds affirmatively snreq = sn_req(lmq, oxend, val) blreq = block_header_req(lmq, oxend, val, fail_okay=True) txreq = tx_req(lmq, oxend, [val]) sn = snreq.get() if 'service_node_states' in sn and sn['service_node_states']: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('show_sn', pubkey=val), code=301) bl = blreq.get() if bl and 'block_header' in bl and bl['block_header']: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('show_block', hash=val), code=301) tx = txreq.get() if tx and 'txs' in tx and tx['txs']: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('show_tx', txid=val), code=301) return flask.render_template('not_found.html', info=info.get(), type='search', id=val, ) @app.route('/api/networkinfo') def api_networkinfo(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) hfinfo = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.hard_fork_info', 10) info = info.get() data = {**info} hfinfo = hfinfo.get() data['current_hf_version'] = hfinfo['version'] data['next_hf_height'] = hfinfo['earliest_height'] if 'earliest_height' in hfinfo else None return flask.jsonify({"data": data, "status": "OK"}) @app.route('/api/emission') def api_emission(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) coinbase = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'admin.get_coinbase_tx_sum', 10, timeout=1, fail_okay=True, args={"height":0, "count":2**31-1}).get() if not coinbase: return flask.jsonify(None) info = info.get() return flask.jsonify({ "data": { "blk_no": info['height'] - 1, "burn": coinbase["burn_amount"], "circulating_supply": coinbase["emission_amount"] - coinbase["burn_amount"], "coinbase": coinbase["emission_amount"] - coinbase["burn_amount"], "emission": coinbase["emission_amount"], "fee": coinbase["fee_amount"] }, "status": "success" }) @app.route('/api/service_node_stats') def api_service_node_stats(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() info = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_info', 1) stakinginfo = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'rpc.get_staking_requirement', 30) sns = get_sns_future(lmq, oxend) sns = sns.get() if 'service_node_states' not in sns: return flask.jsonify({"status": "Error retrieving SN stats"}), 500 sns = sns['service_node_states'] stats = {'active': 0, 'funded': 0, 'awaiting_contribution': 0, 'decommissioned': 0, 'staked': 0} for sn in sns: if sn['funded']: stats['funded'] += 1 if sn['active']: stats['active'] += 1 else: stats['decommissioned'] += 1 else: stats['awaiting_contribution'] += 1 stats['staked'] += sn['total_contributed'] stats['staked'] /= 1_000_000_000 stats['sn_reward'] = 16.5 stats['sn_reward_interval'] = stats['active'] stakinginfo = stakinginfo.get() stats['sn_staking_requirement_full'] = stakinginfo['staking_requirement'] / 1_000_000_000 stats['sn_staking_requirement_min'] = stats['sn_staking_requirement_full'] / 4 info = info.get() stats['height'] = info['height'] return flask.jsonify({"data": stats, "status": "OK"}) @app.route('/api/circulating_supply') def api_circulating_supply(): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() coinbase = FutureJSON(lmq, oxend, 'admin.get_coinbase_tx_sum', 10, timeout=1, fail_okay=True, args={"height":0, "count":2**31-1}).get() return flask.jsonify((coinbase["emission_amount"] - coinbase["burn_amount"]) // 1_000_000_000 if coinbase else None) # FIXME: need better error handling here @app.route('/api/transaction/') def api_tx(txid): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() tx = tx_req(lmq, oxend, [txid]).get() txs = parse_txs(tx) return flask.jsonify({ "status": tx['status'], "data": (txs[0] if txs else None), }) @app.route('/api/block/') @app.route('/api/block/') def api_block(blkid=None, height=None): lmq, oxend = lmq_connection() block = block_with_txs_req(lmq, oxend, blkid if blkid is not None else height).get() txs = get_block_txs_future(lmq, oxend, block) if 'block_header' in block: data = block['block_header'].copy() data["txs"] = parse_txs(txs.get()).copy() return flask.jsonify({ "status": block['status'], "data": data, }) ticker_vs, ticker_vs_expires = [], None ticker_cache, ticker_cache_expires = {}, None @app.route('/api/prices') @app.route('/api/price/') def api_price(fiat=None): global ticker_cache, ticker_cache_expires, ticker_vs, ticker_vs_expires # TODO: will need to change to 'oxen' when/if the ticker changes: ticker = 'loki-network' if not ticker_cache or not ticker_cache_expires or ticker_cache_expires < time.time(): if not ticker_vs_expires or ticker_vs_expires < time.time(): try: x = requests.get("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/supported_vs_currencies").json() if x: ticker_vs = x ticker_vs_expires = time.time() + 300 except RuntimeError as e: print("Failed to retrieve vs currencies: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr) # ignore failure because we might have an old value that is still usable if not ticker_vs: raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve CoinGecko currency list") try: x = requests.get("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids={}&vs_currencies={}".format( ticker, ",".join(ticker_vs))).json() except RuntimeError as e: print("Failed to retrieve prices: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr) if not x or ticker not in x or not x[ticker]: raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve prices from CoinGecko") ticker_cache = x[ticker] ticker_cache_expires = time.time() + 60 if fiat is None: return flask.jsonify(ticker_cache) else: fiat = fiat.lower() return flask.jsonify({ fiat: ticker_cache[fiat] } if fiat in ticker_cache else {})