Ian Macdonald 3c55bb8106
Add country data to display of service nodes.
To enable:

$ sudo apt install python3-geoip2  # or: 'pip install geoip2' for the latest
$ sudo apt install geoipupdate

If necessary, sign up for an account with MaxMind:


Edit `/etc/GeoIP.conf` with the details of your MaxMind account:

AccountID 123456
LicenseKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
EditionIDs GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-ASN

Edit `/etc/cron.d/geoipupdate`:

 # MaxMind database updates take place on Tuesdays and Fridays.
00 12    * * 2,5   root    test -x /usr/bin/geoipupdate && grep -q '^AccountID .*[^0]\+' /etc/GeoIP.conf && /usr/bin/geoipupdate

Edit `./local_config.py`:

config.geoip_dir = '/var/lib/GeoIP'
2022-06-30 09:48:28 +02:00

2.3 KiB

{%set max_contributors = 10 if 'hard_fork' in info and info.hard_fork >= 19 else 4 %} {%for sn in (awaiting_sns | sort(attribute='portions_for_operator,contribution_open,contribution_required,service_node_pubkey'))[:limit_awaiting]%} {%include 'include/sn_kcf.html'%} {%if sn.total_reserved >= sn.staking_requirement%} {%else%} {%endif%} {%endfor%} {%if limit_awaiting and (awaiting_sns | length) > limit_awaiting%} {%endif%}
Public Key Contributors Operator Fee (%) Contributed Open For Contribution Min. Contribution Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country
{{sn.total_contributed | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}} {{sn.contribution_open | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}} {{sn.contribution_open | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}}{{ (0 if sn.num_contributions >= max_contributors else (sn.contribution_open / (max_contributors - sn.num_contributions)) | round(method='ceil')) | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true) }} {%if sn.requested_unlock_height%} 🔓 {{((sn.requested_unlock_height - info.height) * 120 + server.datetime.timestamp()) | from_timestamp | format_datetime('short')}} ({{((sn.requested_unlock_height - info.height) * 120) | reltime}}) {%else%} Staking Infinitely {%endif%} {{sn.country}}
+ {{(awaiting_sns | length) - limit_awaiting}} more ↪