
47 lines
2.2 KiB

<table style="width:100%">
<td>Public Key</td>
<td>Operator Fee (%)</td>
<td>Open For Contribution</td>
<td>Min. Contribution</td>
<td>Expiry Date UTC (Estimated)</td>
{%set max_contributors = 10 if 'hard_fork' in info and info.hard_fork >= 19 else 4 %}
{%for sn in (awaiting_sns | sort(attribute='portions_for_operator,contribution_open,contribution_required,service_node_pubkey'))[:limit_awaiting]%}
{%include 'include/sn_kcf.html'%}
<td>{{sn.total_contributed | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}}</td>
{%if sn.total_reserved >= sn.staking_requirement%}
<td title="All remaining contribution room is reserved for specific contributors">
⛔ {{sn.contribution_open | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}}
<td>{{sn.contribution_open | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true)}}</td>
<td>{{ (0 if sn.num_contributions >= 4 else (sn.contribution_open / (max_contributors - sn.num_contributions)) | round(method='ceil')) | oxen(tag=false, fixed=true) }}</td>
{%if sn.requested_unlock_height%}
<span title="Service Node unlock in progress (unlocks at block {{sn.requested_unlock_height}})">🔓</span>
{{((sn.requested_unlock_height - info.height) * 120 + server.datetime.timestamp()) | from_timestamp | format_datetime('short')}}
({{((sn.requested_unlock_height - info.height) * 120) | reltime}})
Staking Infinitely
{%if limit_awaiting and (awaiting_sns | length) > limit_awaiting%}
<td class="sn-more" colspan="7"><a href="/service_nodes#service-nodes-awaiting">+ {{(awaiting_sns | length) - limit_awaiting}} more ↪</a></td>