2020-08-17 23:28:16 -03:00

822 B

Loki Observer OMG block explorer

Block explorer using Loki 8+ LMQ RPC interface that does everything through RPC requests. Sexy, awesome, safe.

Building and running

Quick and dirty setup instructions for now:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd pylokimq
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6
cd ../..
ln -s pylokimq/build/pylokimq/pylokimq.cpython-*.so .
sudo apt install python3-flask python3-babel

You'll also need to run lokid with --lmq-local-control ipc:///path/to/loki-observer/mainnet.sock.

Then to run it in debug mode (production requires setting up a WSGI server, will document layer):

flask run --reload --debugger

This mode seems to be a bit flakey -- reloading, in particular, seems to break things and make it just silently exit after a while.