
9.8 KiB
Raw Blame History

{% extends "_basic.html" %} {% block content %}
{{ server.datetime | format_datetime }} Transaction Pool {% if config.pusher %} Transaction pusher {% endif %} {% if config.key_image_checker %} Key images checker {% endif %} {% if config.output_key_checker %} Output keys checker {% endif %} {% if config.autorefresh_option %} {% if refresh %} Autorefresh is ON ({{refresh}} s) {% else %} Autorefresh is OFF {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if config.testnet_url and not info.testnet %} Go to testnet explorer {% endif %} {% if config.devnet_url and not info.devnet %} Go to devnet explorer {% endif %} {% if config.mainnet_url and not info.mainnet %} Go to mainnet explorer {% endif %} {% if info.testnet %} This is TESTNET blockchain {% elif info.devnet %} This is DEVNET blockchain {% endif %}
{% if info %}

{{info.height}} v{{hf.version}} {% if hf.version >= 16 %} {{(info.pulse_target_timestamp|from_timestamp - server.datetime) | reltime(neg_is_now=true) }} {% else %} {{info.difficulty}} ~{{(info.difficulty / info.target) | si }}H/s {% endif %} {{stake.staking_requirement | loki}} {{fees.fee_per_output | loki}}/output + {{(fees.fee_per_byte * 1000) | loki}}/kB {{fees.blink_fee_per_output | loki}}/output + {{(fees.blink_fee_per_byte * 1000) | loki}}/kB {{(info.block_size_limit / 2) | si}}B/{{info.block_size_limit | si}}B {{info.database_size | si}}B

{% endif %}

: {% if not emission or emission.status == 'BUSY' %} (still calculating...) {% elif emission.status == 'OK' %} {{(emission.emission_amount - emission.burn_amount) | loki}} {{emission.emission_amount | loki}} {{emission.fee_amount | loki}} {{emission.burn_amount | loki}} {%endif%}

* — Circulating supply may exclude any currently, publicised locked tokens, otherwise it is equal to the Coinbase minus burned coins. Fees includes paid transaction fees less any portion of the fee that was burned.

🏁 Service Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Loki Name System Purchase 💾 LNS Update

{% include 'include/mempool.html' %}

Transactions in {% if page == 0 %} the Last {{blocks|length}} Blocks {% else %} Blocks {{blocks[0].height}}{{blocks[-1].height}} {% endif %} 🔗

{% set block_sizes = blocks | map(attribute='block_size') | sort %} {%if block_sizes|count > 0%}

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. size of these blocks: {{block_sizes[0] | si}}B / {{(block_sizes[(block_sizes|count-1)//2]/2 + block_sizes[(block_sizes|count)//2]/2) | si}}B / {{(block_sizes|sum / block_sizes|count) | si}}B / {{block_sizes[-1] | si}}B)

{% include 'include/block_page_controls.html' %} {% import 'include/tx_type_symbol.html' as symbol %} {% import 'include/tx_fee.html' as fee %} {% for b in blocks | reverse %} {% for tx in b.txs[1:] %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Height Age [hⓂ️s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Outputs In/Out TX Size
{{b.height}} {{b.timestamp | from_timestamp | ago}} {{b.block_size | si}} {{symbol.display(b.txs[0])}} {{b.miner_tx_hash}} {{fee.display(b.txs[0])}} {{b.reward | loki(tag=False, fixed=True, decimals=2)}} {{b.txs[0].info.vin | length}}/{{b.txs[0].info.vout | length}} {{b.txs[0].size | si}}
{{symbol.display(tx)}} {{tx.tx_hash}} {{fee.display(tx)}} {{tx.info.vin | length}}/{{tx.info.vout | length}} {{tx.size | si}}
{% include 'include/block_page_controls.html' %}
{%set limit_awaiting = 10%} {%set limit_inactive = 10%} {%set limit_active = 10%} {%include 'include/service_nodes_lists.html'%} {{quorum_state_summary}}

Note: The quorum shown here is the currently active voting height which is not necessarily the latest quorum. Quorums can only be voted on after a number of blocks have transpired.

Click here to see the last 1hrs worth of the stored quorum states

{% if show_cache_times %}
Tx details construction time: {{construction_time_total}} s
includes {{construction_time_cached}} s from block cache ({{cache_hits}} hits) and {{construction_time_non_cached}} s from non cache ({{cache_misses}} misses)
{% endif %} {% endblock %}