Jason Rhinelander e25e800b50 100% fee display, part 2
Previous commit missed some things.
2021-03-24 22:01:14 -03:00

10 lines
672 B

{# First three commons columns of SN tables: pubkey, # contributors, and op fee #}
{%-set portions_base = 2**64 - 4-%}
{%-set solo_node = sn.contributors|length == 1 and sn.funded %}
<td><a href="/sn/{{sn.service_node_pubkey}}">{{sn.service_node_pubkey}}</a></td>
<td title="
{%-for c in sn.contributors%}{%for lc in c.locked_contributions%}{{c.address | truncate(15)}} ({{lc.amount | oxen(decimals=0)}} = {{(lc.amount / sn.staking_requirement * 100) | round(1) | chop0}}%)
{%endfor%}{%endfor%}"><span class="icon">{{sn.contributors | length}}/4</span></td>
<td>{%if not solo_node%}{{ (sn.portions_for_operator / portions_base * 100) | round(3) | chop0 }}{%endif%}</td>