
254 lines
9.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import flask
from datetime import datetime
import babel.dates
import json
import sys
import statistics
import config
from lmq import FutureJSON, lmq_connection
# Make a dict of config.* to pass to templating
conf = {x: getattr(config, x) for x in dir(config) if not x.startswith('__')}
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True
def format_datetime(value, format='long'):
return babel.dates.format_datetime(value, format, tzinfo=babel.dates.get_timezone('UTC'))
def from_timestamp(value):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(value)
def datetime_ago(value):
delta = datetime.now() - value
if delta.days < 0:
delta = -delta
disp += '-'
if delta.days > 0:
disp += '{}d '.format(delta.days)
disp += '{:2d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(delta.seconds // 3600, delta.seconds // 60 % 60, delta.seconds % 60)
return disp
def relative_time(seconds):
ago = False
if seconds == 0:
return 'now'
elif seconds < 0:
seconds = -seconds
ago = True
if seconds < 90:
delta = '{:.0f} seconds'.format(seconds)
elif seconds < 90 * 60:
delta = '{:.1f} minutes'.format(seconds / 60)
elif seconds < 36 * 3600:
delta = '{:.1f} hours'.format(seconds / 3600)
elif seconds < 99.5 * 86400:
delta = '{:.1f} days'.format(seconds / 86400)
delta = '{:.0f} days'.format(seconds / 86400)
return delta + ' ago' if ago else 'in ' + delta
def filter_round(value):
return ("{:.0f}" if value >= 100 or isinstance(value, int) else "{:.1f}" if value >= 10 else "{:.2f}").format(value)
def filter_chop0(value):
value = str(value)
if '.' in value:
return value.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
return value
si_suffix = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
def format_si(value):
i = 0
while value >= 1000 and i < len(si_suffix) - 1:
value /= 1000
i += 1
return filter_round(value) + '{}'.format(si_suffix[i])
def format_loki(atomic, tag=True, fixed=False, decimals=9):
"""Formats an atomic current value as a human currency value.
tag - if False then don't append " LOKI"
fixed - if True then don't strip insignificant trailing 0's and '.'
decimals - at how many decimal we should round; the default is full precision
disp = "{{:.{}f}}".format(decimals).format(atomic * 1e-9)
if not fixed and decimals > 0:
disp = disp.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
if tag:
disp += ' LOKI'
return disp
def add_global_headers(response):
if 'Cache-Control' not in response.headers:
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
return response
def css():
return flask.send_from_directory('static', 'style.css')
def main(refresh=None, page=0, per_page=None, first=None, last=None):
lmq, lokid = lmq_connection()
inforeq = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_info', 1)
stake = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_staking_requirement', 10)
base_fee = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_fee_estimate', 10)
hfinfo = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.hard_fork_info', 10)
mempool = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_transaction_pool', 5)
sns = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_service_nodes', 5,
'all': False,
'fields': { x: True for x in ('service_node_pubkey', 'requested_unlock_height', 'last_reward_block_height',
'last_reward_transaction_index', 'active', 'funded', 'earned_downtime_blocks',
'service_node_version', 'contributors', 'total_contributed', 'total_reserved',
'staking_requirement', 'portions_for_operator', 'operator_address', 'pubkey_ed25519',
'last_uptime_proof', 'service_node_version') } }).encode()])
# This call is slow the first time it gets called in lokid but will be fast after that, so call
# it with a very short timeout. It's also an admin-only command, so will always fail if we're
# using a restricted RPC interface.
coinbase = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'admin.get_coinbase_tx_sum', 10, timeout=1, fail_okay=True,
args=[json.dumps({"height":0, "count":2**31-1}).encode()])
server = dict(
custom_per_page = ''
if per_page is None or per_page <= 0 or per_page > config.max_blocks_per_page:
per_page = config.blocks_per_page
custom_per_page = '/{}'.format(per_page)
# We have some chained request dependencies here and below, so get() them as needed; all other
# non-dependent requests should already have a future initiated above so that they can
# potentially run in parallel.
info = inforeq.get()
height = info['height']
# Permalinked block range:
if first is not None and last is not None and 0 <= first <= last and last <= first + 99:
start_height, end_height = first, last
if end_height - start_height + 1 != per_page:
per_page = end_height - start_height + 1;
custom_per_page = '/{}'.format(per_page)
# We generally can't get a perfect page number because our range (e.g. 5-14) won't line up
# with pages (e.g. 10-19, 0-19), so just get as close as we can. Next/Prev page won't be
# quite right, but they'll be within half a page.
page = round((height - 1 - end_height) / per_page)
end_height = max(0, height - per_page*page - 1)
start_height = max(0, end_height - per_page + 1)
blocks = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_block_headers_range', args=[json.dumps({
'start_height': start_height,
'end_height': end_height,
'get_tx_hashes': True,
# If 'txs' is already there then it is probably left over from our cached previous call through
# here.
if blocks and 'txs' not in blocks[0]:
txids = []
for b in blocks:
b['txs'] = []
if 'tx_hashes' in b:
txids += b['tx_hashes']
txs = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_transactions', args=[json.dumps({
"txs_hashes": txids,
"decode_as_json": True,
"tx_extra": True,
"prune": True,
txs = txs['txs']
i = 0
for tx in txs:
# TXs should come back in the same order so we can just skip ahead one when the block
# height changes rather than needing to search for the block
if blocks[i]['height'] != tx['block_height']:
i += 1
while i < len(blocks) and blocks[i]['height'] != tx['block_height']:
print("Something getting wrong: missing txes?", file=sys.stderr)
i += 1
if i >= len(blocks):
print("Something getting wrong: have leftover txes")
tx['info'] = json.loads(tx['as_json'])
#txes = FutureJSON(lmq, lokid, 'rpc.get_transactions');
# mempool RPC return values are about as nasty as can be. For each mempool tx, we get back
# *both* binary+hex encoded values and JSON-encoded values slammed into a string, which means we
# have to invoke an *extra* JSON parser for each tx. This is terrible.
mp = mempool.get()
if 'transactions' in mp:
for tx in mp['transactions']:
tx['info'] = json.loads(tx["tx_json"])
mp['transactions'] = []
# Clean up the SN data a bit to make things easier for the templates
sn_states = sns.get()['service_node_states']
awaiting_sns, active_sns, inactive_sns = [], [], []
for sn in sn_states:
sn['contribution_open'] = sn['staking_requirement'] - sn['total_reserved']
sn['contribution_required'] = sn['staking_requirement'] - sn['total_contributed']
sn['num_contributions'] = sum(len(x['locked_contributions']) for x in sn['contributors'])
if sn['active']:
elif sn['funded']:
sn['decomm_blocks_remaining'] = max(sn['earned_downtime_blocks'], 0)
sn['decomm_blocks'] = info['height'] - sn['state_height']
return flask.render_template('index.html',
block_size_median=statistics.median(b['block_size'] for b in blocks),