#include "common.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace oxenmq { template std::future> MQ_start_request( OxenMQ& omq, ConnectionID conn, std::string name, std::vector byte_args, Options&&... opts) { std::vector args; args.reserve(byte_args.size()); for (auto& b : byte_args) args.push_back(b); auto result = std::make_shared>>(); auto fut = result->get_future(); omq.request(conn, std::move(name), [result=std::move(result)](bool success, std::vector value) { if (success) result->set_value(std::move(value)); else { std::string err; for (auto& m : value) { if (!err.empty()) err += ", "; err += m; } result->set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(std::runtime_error{"Request failed: " + err})); } }, lokimq::send_option::data_parts(args.begin(), args.end()), std::forward(opts)... ); return fut; } // Binds a stl future. `Conv` is a lambda that converts the future's .get() value into something // Python-y (it can be the value directly, if the value is convertible to Python already). template void bind_future(py::module& m, std::string class_name, Conv conv) { py::class_(m, class_name.c_str()) .def("get", [conv=std::move(conv)](F& f) { return conv(f.get()); }, "Gets the result (or raises an exception if the result set an exception); must only be called once") .def("valid", [](F& f) { return f.valid(); }, "Returns true if the result is available") .def("wait", &F::wait, "Waits indefinitely for the result to become available") .def("wait_for", &F::template wait_for>, "Waits up to the given timedelta for the result to become available") .def("wait_for", [](F& f, double seconds) { return f.wait_for(std::chrono::duration{seconds}); }, "Waits up to the given number of seconds for the result to become available") .def("wait_until", &F::template wait_until, "Wait until the given datetime for the result to become available") ; } static std::mutex log_mutex; void OxenMQ_Init(py::module & mod) { using namespace pybind11::literals; py::class_(mod, "ConnectionID") .def("__eq__", [](const ConnectionID & self, const ConnectionID & other) { return self == other; }); py::class_(mod, "Message") .def_readonly("remote", &Message::remote) .def_readonly("conn", &Message::conn); py::class_
(mod, "Address") .def(py::init()); py::class_(mod, "TaggedThreadID"); py::enum_(mod, "LogLevel") .value("fatal", LogLevel::fatal).value("error", LogLevel::error).value("warn", LogLevel::warn) .value("info", LogLevel::info).value("debug", LogLevel::debug).value("trace", LogLevel::trace); py::enum_(mod, "future_status") .value("deferred", std::future_status::deferred) .value("ready", std::future_status::ready) .value("timeout", std::future_status::timeout); bind_future>>(mod, "ResultFuture", [](std::vector bytes) { py::list l; for (const auto& v : bytes) l.append(py::bytes(v)); return l; }); py::class_(mod, "OxenMQ") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init([](LogLevel level) { // Quick and dirty logger that logs to stderr. It would be much nicer to take a python // function, but that deadlocks pretty much right away because of the crappiness of the gil. return std::make_unique([] (LogLevel lvl, const char* file, int line, std::string msg) mutable { std::lock_guard l{log_mutex}; std::cerr << '[' << lvl << "][" << file << ':' << line << "]: " << msg << "\n"; }, level); })) .def_readwrite("handshake_time", &OxenMQ::HANDSHAKE_TIME) .def_readwrite("pubkey_base_routing_id", &OxenMQ::PUBKEY_BASED_ROUTING_ID) .def_readwrite("max_message_size", &OxenMQ::MAX_MSG_SIZE) .def_readwrite("max_sockets", &OxenMQ::MAX_SOCKETS) .def_readwrite("reconnect_interval", &OxenMQ::RECONNECT_INTERVAL) .def_readwrite("close_longer", &OxenMQ::CLOSE_LINGER) .def_readwrite("connection_check_interval", &OxenMQ::CONN_CHECK_INTERVAL) .def_readwrite("connection_heartbeat", &OxenMQ::CONN_HEARTBEAT) .def_readwrite("connection_heartbeat_timeout", &OxenMQ::CONN_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT) .def_readwrite("startup_umask", &OxenMQ::STARTUP_UMASK) .def("start", &OxenMQ::start) .def("listen_plain", [](OxenMQ & self, std::string path) { self.listen_plain(path); }) .def("listen_curve", [](OxenMQ & self, std::string path) { self.listen_curve(path); }) .def("add_tagged_thread", [](OxenMQ & self, std::string name) { return self.add_tagged_thread(name); }) .def("add_timer", [](OxenMQ & self, std::chrono::milliseconds interval, std::function callback) { self.add_timer(callback, interval); }) .def("call_soon", [](OxenMQ & self, std::function job, std::optional thread) { self.job(std::move(job), std::move(thread)); }) .def("add_anonymous_category", [](OxenMQ & self, std::string name) { self.add_category(std::move(name), AuthLevel::none); }) .def("add_request_command", [](OxenMQ &self, std::string category, std::string name, py::function handler) { self.add_request_command(category, name, [handler](Message & msg) { std::string result; { py::gil_scoped_acquire gil; std::vector data; for (auto& arg : msg.data) { data.emplace_back(arg.begin(), arg.size()); } try { const auto obj = handler(data); result = py::str(obj); } catch(std::exception & ex) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, ex.what()); } } msg.send_reply(result); }); }) .def("add_request_command_ex", [](OxenMQ &self, std::string category, std::string name, py::function handler) { self.add_request_command(category, name, [handler](Message & msg) { std::string result; { py::gil_scoped_acquire gil; std::vector data; for (auto& arg : msg.data) { data.emplace_back(arg.begin(), arg.size()); } try { const auto obj = handler(data, msg); result = py::str(obj); } catch(std::exception & ex) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, ex.what()); } } msg.send_reply(result); }); }) .def("connect_remote", [](OxenMQ & self, std::string remote) -> ConnectionID { std::promise promise; self.connect_remote( remote, [&promise](ConnectionID id) { promise.set_value(std::move(id)); }, [&promise](auto, std::string_view reason) { promise.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr( std::runtime_error{"Connection failed: " + std::string{reason}})); }); return promise.get_future().get(); }) .def("request", [](OxenMQ & self, ConnectionID conn, std::string name, std::vector args, std::optional timeout) -> py::list { py::list l; for (auto& s : LokiMQ_start_request(self, conn, std::move(name), std::move(args), lokimq::send_option::request_timeout{timeout ? std::chrono::milliseconds(long(*timeout * 1000)) : DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} ).get()) l.append(py::bytes(s)); return l; }, "conn"_a, "name"_a, "args"_a = std::vector{}, "timeout"_a = py::none{}) .def("request_future", [](OxenMQ & self, ConnectionID conn, std::string name, std::vector args, std::optional timeout) -> std::future> { return LokiMQ_start_request(self, conn, std::move(name), std::move(args), lokimq::send_option::request_timeout{timeout ? std::chrono::milliseconds(long(*timeout * 1000)) : DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} ); }, "conn"_a, "name"_a, "args"_a = std::vector{}, "timeout"_a = py::none{}) ; } }