Jason Rhinelander c079b288b8 Convert unit tests to Catch2
It is much nicer than boost or gtest, especially when running tests, and
is what we use very successfully in oxenmq and lokinet for unit tests.
2021-06-16 18:59:06 -03:00

125 lines
4.9 KiB

#include "rate_limiter.h"
#include "oxend_key.h"
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <chrono>
using oxen::RateLimiter;
using namespace std::literals;
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - snode - empty bucket", "[ratelim][snode]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
auto identifier = oxen::legacy_pubkey::from_hex(
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE; ++i) {
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier, now));
CHECK(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier, now));
// wait just enough to allow one more request
const auto delta =
std::chrono::microseconds(1'000'000ul / RateLimiter::TOKEN_RATE);
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier, now + delta));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - snode - steady bucket fillup", "[ratelim][snode]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
auto identifier = oxen::legacy_pubkey::from_hex(
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// make requests at the same rate as the bucket is filling up
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE * 10; ++i) {
const auto delta = std::chrono::microseconds(i * 1'000'000ul /
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier, now + delta));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - snode - multiple identifiers", "[ratelim][snode]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
auto identifier1 = oxen::legacy_pubkey::from_hex(
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE; ++i) {
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier1, now));
CHECK(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier1, now));
auto identifier2 = oxen::legacy_pubkey::from_hex(
// other id
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit(identifier2, now));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - client - empty bucket", "[ratelim][client]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
uint32_t identifier = (10<<24) + (1<<16) + (1<<8) + 13;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE; ++i) {
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier, now));
CHECK(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier, now));
// wait just enough to allow one more request
const auto delta =
std::chrono::microseconds(1'000'000ul / RateLimiter::TOKEN_RATE);
rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier, now + delta));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - client - steady bucket fillup", "[ratelim][client]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
uint32_t identifier = (10<<24) + (1<<16) + (1<<8) + 13;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// make requests at the same rate as the bucket is filling up
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE * 10; ++i) {
const auto delta = std::chrono::microseconds(i * 1'000'000ul /
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier, now + delta));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - client - multiple identifiers", "[ratelim][client]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
uint32_t identifier1 = (10<<24) + (1<<16) + (1<<8) + 13;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < RateLimiter::BUCKET_SIZE; ++i) {
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier1, now));
CHECK(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier1, now));
uint32_t identifier2 = (10<<24) + (1<<16) + (1<<8) + 10;
// other id
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(identifier2, now));
TEST_CASE("rate limiter - client - max client limit", "[ratelim][client]") {
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq;
RateLimiter rate_limiter{omq};
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
uint32_t ip_start = (10<<24) + 1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RateLimiter::MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) {
rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(ip_start + i, now);
uint32_t overflow_ip = ip_start + RateLimiter::MAX_CLIENTS;
CHECK(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(overflow_ip, now));
// Wait for buckets to be filled
const auto delta = 1'000'000us / RateLimiter::TOKEN_RATE;
CHECK_FALSE(rate_limiter.should_rate_limit_client(overflow_ip, now + delta));