Jason Rhinelander 3ad1ea6c7c Remove boost beast & many intertwined changes
- Replace boost beast http(s) client code with cpr (same as used in
oxen-core and lokinet)

- Replace bootstrap http requests with encrypted/authenticated omq rpc
requests to the bootstrap nodes (rather than unauthenticated,
unencrypted http connections).

- Remove boost::asio

- Remove boost circular buffer; a regular map with a two-line trimming
code is simpler for block hash cache, and a limit on stored snodes
doesn't seem necessary for the rate limiter.

- Make rate_limiter clean itself periodically; currently it only cleans
once it reaches max clients (i.e. 10k).

- Make rate_limiter thread safe, plus various code cleanups/DRYing.

- Remove ip_utils; we now longer really need a check for public ip for
proxy requests because we are sufficiently restrictive on the proxy url
target that we are unlikely to be able to reach anything sensitive (and
we also don't allow redirects).

- Replace /swarms/ping_test_v1 with /ping_test/v1; this new request now
returns the remote pubkey in a header, and no longer includes an SSL
cert signature (so that we can drop the SSL cert signatures after HF19).
The old one will still be used until HF19.

- Add OMQ endpoint for storage tests; it gets used instead of the https
one at HF19.

- Refactor storage test retries into request_handler (needed so both
legacy and omq endpoints can use it).

- Fix HF18 swarms/storage_test endpoint which was missing the snode
signature required for current SS versions to accept the response.

- Move HTTPS server-specific code (validate_snode_signature) out of
RequestHandler into HTTPSServer

- Make onion proxy-to-url timeout a bit less than the onion request
timeout so that the client has a better chance of actually getting a
timeout error.

- Miscellaneous cleanups

- Remove pre-HF18 compatibility code.

- Remove `process_lns_request` onion request target: it was accidentally
broken in HF18; clients are now using an oxend rpc request proxy to
`ons_resolve` instead.

- Shorten timeout values for ping and storage tests (5s and 15s,
respectively) and bootstrap connections (now 10s instead of 60s).
2021-06-16 18:59:06 -03:00

719 lines
29 KiB

#include "https_server.h"
#include "file.hpp"
#include "http.h"
#include "oxen_logger.h"
#include "request_handler.h"
#include "service_node.h"
#include "omq_server.h"
#include "signature.h"
#include "string_utils.hpp"
#include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <oxenmq/base64.h>
#include <oxenmq/hex.h>
#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
namespace oxen {
using nlohmann::json;
// Sends an error response and finalizes the response.
void HTTPSServer::error_response(
HttpResponse& res,
http::response_code code,
std::optional<std::string_view> body) const {
res.writeStatus(std::to_string(code.first) + " " + std::string{code.second});
res.writeHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
if (closing_) res.writeHeader("Connection", "close");
if (body)
res.end(std::string{code.second} + "\n");
if (closing_) res.close();
void HTTPSServer::handle_cors(HttpRequest& req, http::headers& extra_headers) {
if (cors_any_)
extra_headers.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
else if (!cors_.empty()) {
if (std::string origin{req.getHeader("origin")}; !origin.empty() && cors_.count(origin)) {
extra_headers.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
extra_headers.emplace("Vary", "Origin");
ServiceNode& sn,
RequestHandler& rh,
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, uint16_t, bool>> bind,
const std::filesystem::path& ssl_cert,
const std::filesystem::path& ssl_key,
const std::filesystem::path& ssl_dh,
legacy_keypair legacy_keys
) :
generate_signature(hash_data(slurp_file(ssl_cert)), legacy_keys_)
// Add a category for handling incoming https requests
2, // minimum # of threads reserved threads for this category
1000 // max queued requests
// uWS is designed to work from a single thread, which is good (we pull off the requests and
// then stick them into the LMQ job queue to be scheduled along with other jobs). But as a
// consequence, we need to create everything inside that thread. We *also* need to get the
// (thread local) event loop pointer back from the thread so that we can shut it down later
// (injecting a callback into it is one of the few thread-safe things we can do across threads).
// Things we need in the owning thread, fulfilled from the http thread:
// - the uWS::Loop* for the event loop thread (which is thread_local). We can get this during
// thread startup, after the thread does basic initialization.
std::promise<uWS::Loop*> loop_promise;
auto loop_future = loop_promise.get_future();
// - the us_listen_socket_t* on which the server is listening. We can't get this until we
// actually start listening, so wait until `start()` for it. (We also double-purpose it to
// send back an exception if one fires during startup).
std::promise<std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*>> startup_success_promise;
startup_success_ = startup_success_promise.get_future();
// Things we need to send from the owning thread to the event loop thread:
// - a signal when the thread should bind to the port and start the event loop (when we call
// start()).
uWS::SocketContextOptions https_opts{
.key_file_name = ssl_key.c_str(),
.cert_file_name = ssl_cert.c_str(),
.dh_params_file_name = ssl_dh.c_str()};
server_thread_ = std::thread{[this, bind=std::move(bind), &https_opts] (
std::promise<uWS::Loop*> loop_promise,
std::future<bool> startup_future,
std::promise<std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*>> startup_success) {
uWS::SSLApp https{https_opts};
try {
} catch (...) {
// We've initialized, signal the calling thread
// Now wait until we get the signal to go (sent when the caller calls start() call).
if (!startup_future.get())
// False means cancel, i.e. we got destroyed/shutdown without start() being called
// we don't currently do cors
//cors_ = {...};
std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*> listening;
try {
bool required_bind_failed = false;
for (const auto& [addr, port, required] : bind)
https.listen(addr, port, [&listening, req=required, &required_bind_failed](us_listen_socket_t* sock) {
if (sock) listening.push_back(sock);
else if (req) required_bind_failed = true;
if (listening.empty() || required_bind_failed) {
std::ostringstream error;
error << "RPC HTTP server failed to bind; ";
if (listening.empty()) error << "no valid bind address(es) given";
error << "tried to bind to:";
for (const auto& [addr, port, required] : bind)
error << ' ' << addr << ':' << port;
throw std::runtime_error{error.str()};
} catch (...) {
}, std::move(loop_promise), startup_promise_.get_future(), std::move(startup_success_promise)};
loop_ = loop_future.get();
bool HTTPSServer::check_ready(HttpResponse& res) {
if (std::string reason; !service_node_.snode_ready(&reason)) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Storage server not ready ({}), replying with 503", reason);
error_response(res, http::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Service node is not ready: " + reason + "\n");
return false;
return true;
void HTTPSServer::add_generic_headers(HttpResponse& res) const {
res.writeHeader("Server", server_header());
// Queues a response with the uWebSockets response object; this must only be called from the
// http thread (typically you want to use `queue_response` instead).
void queue_response_internal(HTTPSServer& https, HttpResponse& r, Response res, bool force_close = false) {
r.cork([&https, &r, res=std::move(res), force_close] {
r.writeStatus(std::to_string(res.status.first) + " " + std::string{res.status.second});
if (!res.content_type.empty())
r.writeHeader("Content-Type", res.content_type);
for (const auto& [h, v] : res.headers)
r.writeHeader(h, v);
r.end(res.body, force_close || https.closing());
namespace {
struct Request {
std::string body;
http::headers headers;
std::string remote_addr;
std::string uri;
struct call_data {
HTTPSServer& https;
oxenmq::OxenMQ& omq;
HttpResponse& res;
Request request;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> extra_headers;
bool aborted{false};
bool replied{false};
// If we have to drop the request because we are overloaded we want to reply with an error (so
// that we close the connection instead of leaking it and leaving it hanging). We don't do
// this, of course, if the request got aborted and replied to.
~call_data() {
if (replied || aborted) return;
https.loop_defer([&https=https, &res=res] {
https.error_response(res, http::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Server busy, try again later");
call_data(const call_data&) = delete;
call_data(call_data&&) = delete;
call_data& operator=(const call_data&) = delete;
call_data& operator=(call_data&&) = delete;
template <typename... T>
auto error_response(T&&... args) {
if (replied || aborted) return;
replied = true;
return https.error_response(std::forward<T>(args)...);
// Queues a response for the HTTP thread to handle; the response can be in multiple string pieces
// to be concatenated together.
void queue_response(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data, Response res, bool force_close = false)
if (!data || data->replied) return;
data->replied = true;
data->https.loop_defer([data=std::move(data), res=std::move(res), force_close] () mutable {
if (data->aborted)
queue_response_internal(data->https, data->res, std::move(res), force_close);
std::string get_remote_address(HttpResponse& res) {
std::ostringstream result;
bool first = true;
auto addr = res.getRemoteAddress();
if (addr.size() == 4)
{ // IPv4, packed into bytes
for (auto c : addr) {
if (first) first = false;
else result << '.';
result << +static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
else if (addr.size() == 16)
// IPv6, packed into bytes. Interpret as a series of 8 big-endian shorts and convert to hex,
// joined with :. But we also want to drop leading insignificant 0's (i.e. '34f' instead of
// '034f'), and we want to collapse the longest sequence of 0's that we come across (so that,
// for example, localhost becomes `::1` instead of `0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1`).
std::array<uint16_t, 8> a;
std::memcpy(a.data(), addr.data(), 16);
for (auto& x : a) boost::endian::big_to_native_inplace(x);
size_t zero_start = 0, zero_end = 0;
for (size_t i = 0, start = 0, end = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
if (a[i] != 0)
if (end != i) // This zero value starts a new zero sequence
start = i;
end = i + 1;
if (end - start > zero_end - zero_start)
zero_end = end;
zero_start = start;
result << '[' << std::hex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
if (i >= zero_start && i < zero_end)
if (i == zero_start) result << "::";
if (i > 0 && i != zero_end)
result << ':';
result << a[i];
result << ']';
result << "{unknown:" << oxenmq::to_hex(addr) << "}";
return result.str();
// Extracts a x25519 pubkey from a hex string. Warns and throws on invalid input.
x25519_pubkey extract_x25519_from_hex(std::string_view hex) {
try {
return x25519_pubkey::from_hex(hex);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
OXEN_LOG(warn, "Failed to decode ephemeral key in onion request: {}", e.what());
// Sets up a request handler that processes the initial incoming requests, sets up the appropriate
// handlers for incoming data, and invokes the `ready` callback once all data has been received
// (i.e. when the request is complete). Can optionally call `prevalidate` on the partial
// call_data: it will have everything except for the body set (and can be used, for instance, to
// abort a request based only on headers); it will also be called from the same thread calling
// handle_request (typically the http thread), *not* a worker thread.
template <typename ReadyCallback>
static void handle_request(
HTTPSServer& https,
oxenmq::OxenMQ& omq,
HttpRequest& req,
HttpResponse& res,
ReadyCallback ready,
std::function<void(call_data& c)> prevalidate = nullptr) {
if (auto len = req.getHeader("content-length"); !len.empty()) {
if (uint64_t length; !util::parse_int(len, length)) {
OXEN_LOG(warn, "Received HTTPS request from {} with invalid Content-Length, dropping",
queue_response_internal(https, res, Response{http::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid Content-Length"}, true);
} else if (length > MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE) {
OXEN_LOG(warn, "Received HTTPS request from {} with too-large body ({} > {}), dropping",
get_remote_address(res), length, MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE);
queue_response_internal(https, res, Response{http::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE}, true);
std::shared_ptr<call_data> data{new call_data{https, omq, res}};
auto& request = data->request;
request.remote_addr = get_remote_address(res);
request.uri = req.getUrl();
for (const auto& [header, value] : req)
request.headers[std::string{header}] = value;
https.handle_cors(req, request.headers);
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Received {} {} request from {}", req.getMethod(), request.uri, request.remote_addr);
if (prevalidate) prevalidate(*data);
res.onAborted([data] { data->aborted = true; });
res.onData([data=std::move(data), ready=std::move(ready)](std::string_view d, bool done) mutable {
data->request.body += d;
if (done)
} // anonymous namespace
void HTTPSServer::create_endpoints(uWS::SSLApp& https)
// Legacy target, can be removed post-HF19:
https.post("/swarms/ping_test/v1", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
OXEN_LOG(trace, "Received (old) https ping_test");
Response resp{http::OK};
resp.headers.emplace_back(http::SNODE_SIGNATURE_HEADER, cert_signature_);
queue_response_internal(*this, *res, std::move(resp));
https.post("/ping_test/v1", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
OXEN_LOG(trace, "Received https ping_test");
Response resp{http::OK};
resp.headers.emplace_back(http::SNODE_PUBKEY_HEADER, oxenmq::to_base64(legacy_keys_.first.hex()));
queue_response_internal(*this, *res, std::move(resp));
// Legacy storage testing over HTTPS; can be removed after HF19
https.post("/swarms/storage_test/v1", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (!check_ready(*res)) return;
process_storage_test_req(*req, *res);
https.post("/storage_rpc/v1", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (!check_ready(*res)) return;
OXEN_LOG(trace, "POST /storage_rpc/v1");
process_storage_rpc_req(*req, *res);
https.post("/onion_req/v2", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (!check_ready(*res)) return;
OXEN_LOG(trace, "POST /onion_req/v2");
process_onion_req_v2(*req, *res);
https.get("/get_stats/v1", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
queue_response_internal(*this, *res, Response{
nlohmann::json{{"version", STORAGE_SERVER_VERSION_STRING}}.dump(),
https.post("/retrieve_all", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
handle_request(req, res, [this, started=std::chrono::steady_clock::now()]
(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data) mutable {
data->omq.inject_task("https", "https:" + data->uri, data->remote_addr,
[data=std::move(data), started] mutable {
queue_response(std::move(data), request_handler_.process_retrieve_all());
https.post("/quit", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
OXEN_LOG(info, "POST /quit");
res.cork([this, &res] {
res.writeStatus("200 OK");
// Fallback to send a 404 for anything else:
https.any("/*", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
OXEN_LOG(info, "Invalid HTTP request for {} {} from {}",
req->getMethod(), req->getUrl(), get_remote_address(*res));
error_response(*res, http::NOT_FOUND, fmt::format("{} {} Not Found", req->getMethod(), req->getUrl()));
/// Verifies snode pubkey and signature values in a request; returns the sender pubkey on
/// success or a filled-out error Response if verification fails.
/// `prevalidate` - if true, do a "pre-validation": check that the required header values
/// (pubkey, signature) are present and valid (including verifying that the pubkey is a valid
/// snode) but don't actually verify the signature against the body (note that this is *not*
/// signature verification but is used as a pre-check before reading a body to ensure the
/// Deprecated; can be removed after HF19
static std::variant<legacy_pubkey, Response> validate_snode_signature(ServiceNode& sn, const Request& r, bool prevalidate = false) {
legacy_pubkey pubkey;
if (auto it = r.headers.find(http::SNODE_SENDER_HEADER); it != r.headers.end())
pubkey = parse_legacy_pubkey(it->second);
if (!pubkey) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Missing or invalid pubkey header for request");
return Response{http::BAD_REQUEST, "missing/invalid pubkey header"};
signature sig;
if (auto it = r.headers.find(http::SNODE_SIGNATURE_HEADER); it != r.headers.end()) {
try { sig = signature::from_base64(it->second); }
catch (...) {
OXEN_LOG(warn, "invalid signature (not b64) found in header from {}", pubkey);
return Response{http::BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid signature"};
} else {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Missing required signature header for request");
return Response{http::BAD_REQUEST, "missing signature header"};
if (!sn.find_node(pubkey)) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Rejecting signature from unknown service node: {}", pubkey);
return Response{http::UNAUTHORIZED, "Unknown service node"};
if (!prevalidate) {
if (!check_signature(sig, hash_data(r.body), pubkey)) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "snode signature verification failed for pubkey {}", pubkey);
return Response{http::UNAUTHORIZED, "snode signature verification failed"};
return pubkey;
void HTTPSServer::process_storage_test_req(HttpRequest& req, HttpResponse& res) {
auto check_snode_headers = [this, &res](call_data& data) {
// Before we read the body make sure we have the required headers (so that we can reject bad
// requests earlier).
if (auto prevalidate = validate_snode_signature(service_node_, data.request, true);
std::holds_alternative<Response>(prevalidate)) {
queue_response_internal(*this, res, std::move(std::get<Response>(prevalidate)));
data.replied = true;
} else {
if (rate_limiter_.should_rate_limit(std::get<legacy_pubkey>(prevalidate))) {
queue_response_internal(*this, res,
Response{http::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, "too many requests from this snode"});
data.replied = true;
handle_request(*this, omq_, req, res, [this](std::shared_ptr<call_data> data) mutable {
// Now that we have the body, fully validate the snode signature:
if (auto validate = validate_snode_signature(service_node_, data->request);
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(std::get<Response>(validate)));
data->omq.inject_task("https", "https:" + data->request.uri, data->request.remote_addr,
[this, data=std::move(data)] () mutable {
if (data->replied || data->aborted) return;
auto& req = data->request;
Response resp{http::BAD_REQUEST};
resp.headers.emplace_back(http::SNODE_SIGNATURE_HEADER, cert_signature_);
legacy_pubkey tester_pk;
if (auto it = req.headers.find(http::SNODE_SENDER_HEADER); it != req.headers.end()) {
if (tester_pk = parse_legacy_pubkey(it->second); !tester_pk) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Invalid test request: invalid pubkey");
resp.body = "invalid tester pubkey header";
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
} else {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Invalid test request: missing pubkey");
resp.body = "missing tester pubkey header";
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
auto body = json::parse(data->request.body, nullptr, false);
if (body.is_discarded()) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Bad snode test request: invalid json");
resp.body = "invalid json";
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
uint64_t height;
std::string msg_hash;
try {
height = body.at("height").get<uint64_t>();
msg_hash = body.at("hash").get<std::string>();
} catch (...) {
resp.body = "Bad snode test request: missing fields in json";
OXEN_LOG(debug, resp.body);
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
request_handler_.process_storage_test_req(height, tester_pk, msg_hash,
[data=std::move(data), resp=std::move(resp)]
(MessageTestStatus status, std::string answer, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration elapsed) mutable {
resp.status = http::OK;
resp.content_type = http::json;
switch (status) {
case MessageTestStatus::SUCCESS:
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Storage test success after {}",
resp.body = json{
{"status", "OK"},
{"value", std::move(answer)}}.dump();
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
case MessageTestStatus::WRONG_REQ:
resp.body = json{{"status", "wrong request"}}.dump();
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
case MessageTestStatus::RETRY:
[[fallthrough]]; // If we're getting called then a retry ran out of time
case MessageTestStatus::ERROR:
// Promote this to `error` once we enforce storage testing
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Failed storage test, tried for {}", util::friendly_duration(elapsed));
resp.body = json{{"status", "other"}}.dump();
return queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(resp));
}, std::move(check_snode_headers));
bool HTTPSServer::should_rate_limit_client(std::string_view addr) {
if (addr.size() != 4) return true;
uint32_t ip;
std::memcpy(&ip, addr.data(), 4);
return rate_limiter_.should_rate_limit_client(ip);
void HTTPSServer::process_storage_rpc_req(HttpRequest& req, HttpResponse& res) {
auto addr = res.getRemoteAddress();
if (addr.size() != 4) {
// We don't (currently?) support IPv6 at all (SS published IPs are only IPv4) so if we
// somehow get an IPv6 address then it isn't a proper SS request so just drop it.
OXEN_LOG(warn, "incoming client request is not IPv4; dropping it");
return error_response(res, http::BAD_REQUEST);
if (should_rate_limit_client(addr)) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Rate limiting client request from {}", get_remote_address(res));
return error_response(res, http::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS);
if (!req.getHeader("x-loki-long-poll").empty()) {
// Obsolete header, return an error code
return error_response(res, http::GONE, "long polling is no longer supported, client upgrade required");
handle_request(*this, omq_, req, res, [this, started=std::chrono::steady_clock::now()]
(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data) mutable {
data->omq.inject_task("https", "https:" + data->request.uri, data->request.remote_addr,
[this, data=std::move(data), started] () mutable {
if (data->replied || data->aborted) return;
try {
[data, started](Response response) mutable {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Responding to a client request after {}",
util::friendly_duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - started));
queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(response));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
auto error = "Exception caught with processing client request: "s + e.what();
OXEN_LOG(critical, "{}", error);
queue_response(std::move(data), {http::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error});
void HTTPSServer::process_onion_req_v2(HttpRequest& req, HttpResponse& res) {
handle_request(*this, omq_, req, res, [this, started=std::chrono::steady_clock::now()]
(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data) mutable {
auto& omq = data->omq;
auto& request = data->request;
omq.inject_task("https", "https:" + request.uri, request.remote_addr,
[this, data=std::move(data), started] () mutable {
if (data->replied || data->aborted) return;
OnionRequestMetadata onion{
[data, started](Response res) {
OXEN_LOG(debug, "Got an onion response ({} {}) as edge node (after {})",
res.status.first, res.status.second,
util::friendly_duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - started));
queue_response(std::move(data), std::move(res));
0, // hopno
try {
auto [ciphertext, json_req] = parse_combined_payload(data->request.body);
onion.ephem_key = extract_x25519_from_hex(
json_req.at("ephemeral_key").get_ref<const std::string&>());
if (auto it = json_req.find("enc_type"); it != json_req.end())
onion.enc_type = parse_enc_type(it->get_ref<const std::string&>());
// Otherwise stay at default aes-gcm
// Allows a fake starting hop number (to make it harder for intermediate hops to know where
// they are). If omitted, defaults to 0.
if (auto it = json_req.find("hop_no"); it != json_req.end())
onion.hop_no = std::max(0, it->get<int>());
request_handler_.process_onion_req(ciphertext, std::move(onion));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
auto msg = fmt::format("Error parsing onion request: {}", e.what());
OXEN_LOG(err, "{}", msg);
queue_response(std::move(data), {http::BAD_REQUEST, msg});
void HTTPSServer::start()
if (sent_startup_)
throw std::logic_error{"Cannot call HTTPSServer::start() more than once"};
sent_startup_ = true;
listen_socks_ = startup_success_.get();
void HTTPSServer::shutdown(bool join)
if (!server_thread_.joinable())
if (!sent_shutdown_)
OXEN_LOG(trace, "initiating shutdown");
if (!sent_startup_)
sent_startup_ = true;
else if (!listen_socks_.empty())
loop_defer([this] {
OXEN_LOG(trace, "closing {} listening sockets", listen_socks_.size());
for (auto* s : listen_socks_)
us_listen_socket_close(/*ssl=*/true, s);
closing_ = true;
sent_shutdown_ = true;
OXEN_LOG(trace, "joining https server thread");
if (join)
OXEN_LOG(trace, "done shutdown");
} // namespace oxen