2021-01-07 15:12:15 +11:00

80 lines
2.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include "oxen_common.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
constexpr std::chrono::seconds PING_PEERS_INTERVAL = 10s;
namespace oxen {
namespace detail {
/// TODO: make this class "private"?
class reach_record_t {
// The time the node failed for the first time
// (and hasn't come back online)
time_point_t first_failure;
time_point_t last_failure;
// whether it's been reported to Oxend
bool reported = false;
// whether reachable over http
bool http_ok = true;
// whether reachable over zmq
bool zmq_ok = true;
} // namespace detail
enum class ReachType { HTTP, ZMQ };
enum class ReportType { GOOD, BAD };
class reachability_records_t {
// TODO: sn_records are heavy (3 strings), so how about we only store the
// pubkey?
// Nodes that failed the reachability test
// Note: I don't expect this list to be large, so
// `std::vector` is probably faster than `std::set` here
std::unordered_map<sn_pub_key_t, detail::reach_record_t> offline_nodes_;
// The time we were last tested and reached by some other node over lmq
time_point_t latest_incoming_lmq_;
// The time we were last tested and reached by some other node over http
time_point_t latest_incoming_http_;
// These will be set to `false` if we stop receiving lmq/http pings
bool lmq_ok = true;
bool http_ok = true;
// Check whether we received incoming pings recently
void check_incoming_tests(time_point_t reset_time);
// Records node as reachable/unreachable according to `val`
void record_reachable(const sn_pub_key_t& sn, ReachType type, bool val);
// return `true` if the node should be reported to Oxend as being
// reachable or unreachable for a long time depending on `type`
bool should_report_as(const sn_pub_key_t& sn, ReportType type);
// Expires a node, removing it from offline nodes. Returns true if found
// and removed, false if it didn't exist.
bool expire(const sn_pub_key_t& sn);
void set_reported(const sn_pub_key_t& sn);
// Retrun the least recently tested node
std::optional<sn_pub_key_t> next_to_test();
} // namespace oxen