import classNames from 'classnames'; import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import { ScreenContext } from '../contexts/screen'; export interface Props { color?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'danger'; type?: 'text' | 'ghost' | 'solid' | 'outline'; size?: 'tiny' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; disabled?: boolean; selected?: boolean; onClick?(): any; children?: string; className?: string; // Icons prefix?: JSX.Element; suffix?: JSX.Element; wide?: boolean; } export function Button(props: Props) { const { color = 'primary', size = 'medium', type = 'solid', disabled = false, selected = false, onClick, children, className, prefix, suffix, wide = false, } = props; const { isDesktop } = useContext(ScreenContext); const clickHandler = (e: React.MouseEvent) => { if (onClick) { e?.stopPropagation && e?.stopPropagation(); onClick(); } }; const onClickFn = disabled ? () => null : clickHandler; const ghostClassNames = [ 'bg-transparent', `hover:bg-${color}`, 'bg-transparent', selected && `bg-white`, selected ? 'text-white' : `text-${color}`, ]; const solidClassNames = [ 'text-white', `bg-${color}`, 'hover:opacity-75', selected && 'bg-opacity-75', ]; const outlineClassNames = ['rounded-none py-2']; const textTypeClassNames = [`text-${color}`, 'hover:opacity-75']; const off = disabled ? ['cursor-not-allowed', 'opacity-50'] : ['cursor-pointer']; // Conditional isDesktop makes buttons more touch friendly // with more padding const sizeStyles = [ size === 'large' && 'text-lg py-2', size === 'medium' && 'text-base py-1', size === 'small' && ['text-sm', isDesktop ? 'py-0' : 'py-1'], size === 'tiny' && 'text-xs py-0', ]; // Make bg crop to text with tailwind on gradient // // prettier-ignore const typeStyles = type === 'ghost' ? ghostClassNames : type === 'solid' ? solidClassNames : type === 'text' ? textTypeClassNames : type === 'outline' ? outlineClassNames : ''; return (
{prefix && (
)} {children} {suffix && (
); }