import { useMeasure } from 'react-use'; import { NAVIGATION, METADATA } from '../constants'; import { SideMenuItem } from '../state/navigation'; import CustomHead from '../components/CustomHead'; function Roadmap() { const [ref, { width, height }] = useMeasure(); const aspectRatio = width / height; // Control the aspect ratio of the page images const horizontal = width > 600 && aspectRatio > 0.65; console.log('roadmap ➡️ horizontal:', horizontal); console.log('roadmap ➡️ height:', height); console.log('roadmap ➡️ width:', width); console.log('roadmap ➡️ ratio:', aspectRatio); return ( <>
Oxen's Roadmap and Plans for the future.

Session in 2021

Session's Roadmap and Plans for the future.

Lokinet in 2021

Lokinet's Roadmap and Plans for the future.
); } export default Roadmap;