import { Document, Block, Inline } from '@contentful/rich-text-types'; import { ContentfulClientApi, createClient, EntryCollection } from 'contentful'; import { format, parseISO } from 'date-fns'; import React from 'react'; import BittrexSVG from '../assets/svgs/bittrex-logo.svg'; import KucoinSVG from '../assets/svgs/kucoin-logo.svg'; import DiscordSVG from '../assets/svgs/socials/brand-discord.svg'; import RedditSVG from '../assets/svgs/socials/brand-reddit.svg'; import TelegramSVG from '../assets/svgs/socials/brand-telegram.svg'; import { Button } from '../components/Button'; import EmailSignup from '../components/EmailSignup'; import { CMS } from '../constants'; import { SideMenuItem, TPages } from '../state/navigation'; import { IAuthor, IFigureImage, IPost, ISplitPage, IFAQItem, IFetchBlogEntriesReturn, IFetchEntriesReturn, IFetchFAQItemsReturn, ITagList, } from '../types/cms'; import isLive from '../utils/environment'; import { generateURL } from '../constants/metadata'; import { fetchContent } from './embed'; function loadOptions(options: any) { if (isLive()) options[''] = true; return options; } // Turns CMS IDs into slugs export const slugify = (id: string) => id?.replace(/_/g, '-').toLowerCase(); export const unslugify = (slug: string) => slug.replace(/-/g, '_').toUpperCase(); export class CmsApi { client: ContentfulClientApi; constructor() { this.client = createClient({ space: process.env.CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID, accessToken: process.env.CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN, }); } public async fetchTagList(): Promise { // TODO Migrate to Contentful Tag System const { entries, total } = await this.fetchBlogEntries(); const tags: ITagList = {}; entries.forEach(entry => { entry.tags.forEach(tag => { if (!tags[tag]) { tags[tag] = tag; } }); }); return tags; } public async fetchBlogEntries( quantity = CMS.BLOG_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, page = 1, ): Promise { const _entries = await this.client.getEntries( loadOptions({ content_type: 'post', // only fetch blog post entry order: '', limit: quantity, skip: (page - 1) * quantity, }), ); const results = await this.generateEntries(_entries, 'post'); return { entries: results.entries as Array, total:, }; } public async fetchBlogEntriesByTag( tag: string, quantity = CMS.BLOG_RESULTS_PER_PAGE_TAGGED, page = 1, ): Promise { const _entries = await this.client.getEntries( loadOptions({ content_type: 'post', order: '', 'fields.tags[in]': tag, limit: quantity, skip: (page - 1) * quantity, }), ); const results = await this.generateEntries(_entries, 'post'); return { entries: results.entries as Array, total:, }; } public async fetchBlogEntriesWithoutDevUpdates( quantity = CMS.BLOG_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, page = 1, ): Promise { const DEV_UPDATE_TAG = 'dev-update'; const _entries = await this.client.getEntries( loadOptions({ content_type: 'post', // only fetch blog post entry order: '', 'fields.tags[ne]': DEV_UPDATE_TAG, // Exclude blog posts with the "dev-update" tag limit: quantity, skip: (page - 1) * quantity, }), ); const results = await this.generateEntries(_entries, 'post'); return { entries: results.entries as Array, total:, }; } public async fetchPageEntries(): Promise { try { const _entries = await this.client.getEntries( loadOptions({ content_type: 'splitPage', // only fetch blog post entry order: 'fields.order', }), ); const results = await this.generateEntries(_entries, 'splitPage'); const pages: TPages = {}; results.entries.forEach(page => { const pageExists = SideMenuItem[]; if (pageExists) { pages[] = page; } }); return pages; } catch (e) { return {}; } } public async fetchFAQItems(): Promise { const _entries = await this.client.getEntries({ content_type: 'faq_item', // only fetch faq items order: '', }); const results = await this.generateEntries(_entries, 'faq'); return { entries: results.entries as Array, total:, }; } public async fetchEntryById(id): Promise { return this.client.getEntry(id).then(entry => { if (entry) { return this.convertPost(entry); } return null; }); } public async fetchEntryBySlug( slug: string, entryType: 'post' | 'splitPage', ): Promise { const _entries = await this.client.getEntries({ content_type: entryType, // only fetch specific type 'fields.slug': slug, }); if (_entries?.items?.length > 0) { let entry; switch (entryType) { case 'post': entry = this.convertPost(_entries.items[0]); break; case 'splitPage': entry = this.convertPage(_entries.items[0]); break; default: break; } return entry; } return Promise.reject( new Error(`Failed to fetch ${entryType} for ${slug}`), ); } public async fetchPageById(id: SideMenuItem): Promise { return this.client .getEntries( loadOptions({ content_type: 'splitPage', '[in]': id, }), ) .then(entries => { if (entries && entries.items && entries.items.length > 0) { return this.convertPage(entries.items[0]); } return null; }); } public async generateEntries( entries: EntryCollection, entryType: 'post' | 'faq' | 'splitPage', ): Promise { let _entries: any = []; if (entries && entries.items && entries.items.length > 0) { switch (entryType) { case 'post': _entries = => this.convertPost(entry)); break; case 'faq': _entries = => this.convertFAQ(entry)); break; case 'splitPage': _entries = => this.convertPage(entry)); break; default: break; } return { entries: _entries, total: }; } return { entries: _entries, total: 0 }; } public convertImage = (rawImage): IFigureImage => rawImage ? { imageUrl: rawImage.file.url.replace('//', 'https://'), // may need to put null check as well here description: rawImage.description ?? null, title: rawImage.title ?? null, width: rawImage.file.details.image.width, height: rawImage.file.details.image.height, } : null; public convertAuthor = (rawAuthor): IAuthor => rawAuthor ? { name: rawAuthor?.name ?? null, avatar: this.convertImage(rawAuthor.avatar.fields), shortBio: rawAuthor?.shortBio ?? null, position: rawAuthor?.position ?? null, email: rawAuthor?.email ?? null, twitter: rawAuthor?.twitter ?? null, facebook: rawAuthor.facebook ?? null, github: rawAuthor.github ?? null, } : null; public convertPost = (rawData): IPost => { const rawPost = rawData.fields; const rawFeatureImage = rawPost?.featureImage ? rawPost?.featureImage.fields : null; const rawAuthor = ? : null; return { id: ?? null, body: rawPost.body ?? null, subtitle: rawPost.subtitle ?? null, description: rawPost.description ?? null, publishedDateISO:, publishedDate: format(parseISO(, 'dd MMMM yyyy'), slug: rawPost.slug, tags: rawPost?.tags, //?.map(t => t?.fields?.label) ?? [], title: rawPost.title, featureImage: this.convertImage(rawFeatureImage), author: this.convertAuthor(rawAuthor), }; }; public convertPage = (rawData): ISplitPage => { const rawPage = rawData.fields; const rawHero = rawPage?.hero ? rawPage?.hero?.fields : null; return { id: SideMenuItem[rawPage?.id] ?? null, label: rawPage?.label ?? null, title: rawPage?.title ?? null, body: rawPage?.body ?? null, hero: this.convertImage(rawHero), }; }; public convertFAQ = (rawData): IFAQItem => { const rawFAQ = rawData.fields; const { question, answer, id } = rawFAQ; return { id: id ?? null, question: question ?? null, answer: answer ?? null, }; }; } const extractShortcodeGeneralButton = (shortcode: string) => { if (!CMS.SHORTCODES.GENERAL_BUTTON.test(shortcode)) { return null; } // Pull our href and text const href = shortcode .replace(/^{{[\s]*button[\s]*href="/, '') .replace(/"[\s]*text="[^"]{1,99}"[\s]*}}/, ''); const text = shortcode .replace(/^{{[\s]*button[\s]*href="[^"]{1,333}"[\s]*text="/, '') .replace(/"[\s]*}}$/, ''); return { href, text }; }; export const renderShortcode = (shortcode: string) => { // General button if (CMS.SHORTCODES.GENERAL_BUTTON.test(shortcode)) { const { href, text } = extractShortcodeGeneralButton(shortcode); return (
); } // Community links if (CMS.SHORTCODES.COMMUNITY_LINKS.test(shortcode)) { // Community links - Telegram, Discord, Reddit, etc return (
open('', '_blank')} /> open('', '_blank')} /> open('', '_blank')} />
); } // Trade links on "Why buy $OXEN?" if (CMS.SHORTCODES.TRADE_LINKS.test(shortcode)) { return (

Find $OXEN on

); } // Github links if (CMS.SHORTCODES.GITHUB_LINKS.test(shortcode)) { // oxen core, session android/desktop/ios, lokinet return ( <>
); } // Call to Action -> Who Uses Oxen if (CMS.SHORTCODES.CTA_WHO_USES_OXEN.test(shortcode)) { return (
); } // Call to Action -> Session & Lokinet if (CMS.SHORTCODES.CTA_SESSION_LOKINET.test(shortcode)) { return (
); } // Call to Action -> Email Signup if (CMS.SHORTCODES.CTA_EMAIL_SIGNUP.test(shortcode)) { return ; } // All shortcode buttons with simple hrefs const shortcodeButton = Object.values(CMS.SHORTCODE_BUTTONS).find(item => item.regex.test(shortcode), ); if (shortcodeButton) { return (
); } return null; }; async function loadMetaData(node: Block | Inline) { // is embedded link not embedded media if (! { if ( === 'post') { = generateURL( `/blog/${}`, ); } = await fetchContent(, ); } return node; } export async function generateLinkMeta(doc: Document): Promise { const promises = (node: Block | Inline) => { if (node.nodeType === 'embedded-entry-block') { node = await loadMetaData(node); } else { // check for inline embedding const innerPromises = innerNode => { if ( innerNode.nodeType === 'embedded-entry-inline' && !== 'markup' ) { innerNode = await loadMetaData(innerNode); } }); await Promise.all(innerPromises); } }); await Promise.all(promises); return doc; }