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package org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.notifications
import com.goterl.lazysodium.utils.Key
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* N.B. all of these variable names will be named the same as the actual JSON utf-8 request/responses expected from the server.
* Changing the variable names will break how data is serialized/deserialized.
* If it's less than ideally named we can use [SerialName]
data class SubscriptionRequest(
/** the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a session ID */
val pubkey: String,
/** when the pubkey starts with 05 (i.e. a session ID) this is the ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the session ID */
val session_ed25519: String?,
/** 32-byte swarm authentication subkey; omitted (or null) when not using subkey auth (new closed groups) */
val subkey_tag: String? = null,
/** array of integer namespaces to subscribe to, **must be sorted in ascending order** */
val namespaces: List<Int>,
/** if provided and true then notifications will include the body of the message (as long as it isn't too large) */
val data: Boolean,
/** the signature unix timestamp in seconds, not ms */
val sig_ts: Long,
/** the 64-byte ed25519 signature */
val signature: String,
/** the string identifying the notification service, "firebase" for android (currently) */
val service: String,
/** dict of service-specific data, currently just "token" field with device-specific token but different services might have other requirements */
val service_info: Map<String, String>,
/** 32-byte encryption key; notification payloads sent to the device will be encrypted with XChaCha20-Poly1305 via libsodium using this key.
* persist it on device */
val enc_key: String
data class SubscriptionResponse(
val error: Int?,
val message: String?,
val success: Boolean?,
val added: Boolean?,
val updated: Boolean?,
) {
companion object {
/** invalid values, missing reuqired arguments etc, details in message */
/** the "service" value is not active / valid */
/** something getting wrong internally talking to the backend */
const val SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 3
/** other error processing the subscription (details in the message) */
const val GENERIC_ERROR = 4
fun isSuccess() = success == true && error == null
fun errorInfo() = if (success != true && error != null) {
error to message
} else null to null
data class PushNotificationServerObject(
val enc_payload: String,
val spns: Int,
) {
fun decryptPayload(key: Key): Any {