Old python scripts and config files removed. Transifex config updated with the new directory structure.

This commit is contained in:
Anton Chekulaev 2020-11-26 12:27:17 +11:00
parent 742370b5fa
commit 96fd11ee6f
10 changed files with 8 additions and 4314 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -7,22 +7,12 @@ gen/
.idea/ .idea/
*.iml *.iml
out out
build build
signing.properties signing.properties
ffpr ffpr
*.sh *.sh
pkcs11.password pkcs11.password
play play

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ host = https://www.transifex.com
lang_map = da_DK:da-rDK,he:iw,id:in,kn_IN:kn-rIN,pt_BR:pt-rBR,pt_PT:pt,qu_EC:qu-rEC,sv_SE:sv-rSE,zh_CN:zh-rCN,zh_HK:zh-rHK,zh_TW:zh-rTW lang_map = da_DK:da-rDK,he:iw,id:in,kn_IN:kn-rIN,pt_BR:pt-rBR,pt_PT:pt,qu_EC:qu-rEC,sv_SE:sv-rSE,zh_CN:zh-rCN,zh_HK:zh-rHK,zh_TW:zh-rTW
[signal-android.master] [signal-android.master]
file_filter = res/values-<lang>/strings.xml file_filter = app/src/main/res/values-<lang>/strings.xml
source_file = res/values/strings.xml source_file = app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
source_lang = en source_lang = en
type = ANDROID type = ANDROID

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from zipfile import ZipFile
class ApkDiff:
# resources.arsc is ignored due to https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/110237303
# May be fixed in Android Gradle Plugin 3.4
def compare(self, sourceApk, destinationApk):
sourceZip = ZipFile(sourceApk, 'r')
destinationZip = ZipFile(destinationApk, 'r')
if self.compareManifests(sourceZip, destinationZip) and self.compareEntries(sourceZip, destinationZip) == True:
print("APKs match!")
print("APKs don't match!")
def compareManifests(self, sourceZip, destinationZip):
sourceEntrySortedList = sorted(sourceZip.namelist())
destinationEntrySortedList = sorted(destinationZip.namelist())
for ignoreFile in self.IGNORE_FILES:
while ignoreFile in sourceEntrySortedList: sourceEntrySortedList.remove(ignoreFile)
while ignoreFile in destinationEntrySortedList: destinationEntrySortedList.remove(ignoreFile)
if len(sourceEntrySortedList) != len(destinationEntrySortedList):
print("Manifest lengths differ!")
for (sourceEntryName, destinationEntryName) in zip(sourceEntrySortedList, destinationEntrySortedList):
if sourceEntryName != destinationEntryName:
print("Sorted manifests don't match, %s vs %s" % (sourceEntryName, destinationEntryName))
return False
return True
def compareEntries(self, sourceZip, destinationZip):
sourceInfoList = list(filter(lambda sourceInfo: sourceInfo.filename not in self.IGNORE_FILES, sourceZip.infolist()))
destinationInfoList = list(filter(lambda destinationInfo: destinationInfo.filename not in self.IGNORE_FILES, destinationZip.infolist()))
if len(sourceInfoList) != len(destinationInfoList):
print("APK info lists of different length!")
return False
for sourceEntryInfo in sourceInfoList:
for destinationEntryInfo in list(destinationInfoList):
if sourceEntryInfo.filename == destinationEntryInfo.filename:
sourceEntry = sourceZip.open(sourceEntryInfo, 'r')
destinationEntry = destinationZip.open(destinationEntryInfo, 'r')
if self.compareFiles(sourceEntry, destinationEntry) != True:
print("APK entry %s does not match %s!" % (sourceEntryInfo.filename, destinationEntryInfo.filename))
return False
return True
def compareFiles(self, sourceFile, destinationFile):
sourceChunk = sourceFile.read(1024)
destinationChunk = destinationFile.read(1024)
while sourceChunk != b"" or destinationChunk != b"":
if sourceChunk != destinationChunk:
return False
sourceChunk = sourceFile.read(1024)
destinationChunk = destinationFile.read(1024)
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: apkdiff <pathToFirstApk> <pathToSecondApk>")
ApkDiff().compare(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

apntool/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import sys
import re
import argparse
import sqlite3
import gzip
from progressbar import ProgressBar, Counter, Timer
from lxml import etree
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='apntool', description="""Process Android's apn xml files and drop them into an
easily queryable SQLite db. Tested up to version 9 of
their APN file.""")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s v1.1')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='the xml file to parse', default='apns.xml', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='the sqlite db output file', default='apns.db', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--quiet', help='do not show progress or verbose instructions', action='store_true', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--no-gzip', help="do not gzip after creation", action='store_true', required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
def normalized(target):
o2_typo = re.compile(r"02\.co\.uk")
port_typo = re.compile(r"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)")
leading_zeros = re.compile(r"(/|\.|^)0+(\d+)")
subbed = o2_typo.sub(r'o2.co.uk', target)
subbed = port_typo.sub(r'\1:\2', subbed)
subbed = leading_zeros.sub(r'\1\2', subbed)
return subbed
connection = sqlite3.connect(args.output)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()')
version = cursor.fetchone()
if not args.quiet:
print("SQLite version: %s" % version)
print("Opening %s" % args.input)
cursor.execute("PRAGMA legacy_file_format=ON")
cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE")
cursor.execute("PRAGMA page_size=32768")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS apns")
cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE apns(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, mccmnc TEXT, mcc TEXT, mnc TEXT, carrier TEXT,
apn TEXT, mmsc TEXT, port INTEGER, type TEXT, protocol TEXT, bearer TEXT, roaming_protocol TEXT,
carrier_enabled INTEGER, mmsproxy TEXT, mmsport INTEGER, proxy TEXT, mvno_match_data TEXT,
mvno_type TEXT, authtype INTEGER, user TEXT, password TEXT, server TEXT)""")
apns = etree.parse(args.input)
root = apns.getroot()
pbar = None
if not args.quiet:
pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Processed: ', Counter(), ' apns (', Timer(), ')'], maxval=len(list(root))).start()
count = 0
for apn in root.iter("apn"):
if apn.get("mmsc") is None:
sqlvars = ["?" for x in apn.attrib.keys()] + ["?"]
mccmnc = "%s%s" % (apn.get("mcc"), apn.get("mnc"))
normalized_mmsc = normalized(apn.get("mmsc"))
if normalized_mmsc != apn.get("mmsc"):
print("normalize MMSC: %s => %s" % (apn.get("mmsc"), normalized_mmsc))
apn.set("mmsc", normalized_mmsc)
if not apn.get("mmsproxy") is None:
normalized_mmsproxy = normalized(apn.get("mmsproxy"))
if normalized_mmsproxy != apn.get("mmsproxy"):
print("normalize proxy: %s => %s" % (apn.get("mmsproxy"), normalized_mmsproxy))
apn.set("mmsproxy", normalized_mmsproxy)
values = [apn.get(attrib) for attrib in apn.attrib.keys()] + [mccmnc]
keys = apn.attrib.keys() + ["mccmnc"]
cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM apns WHERE mccmnc = ? AND apn = ?", [mccmnc, apn.get("apn")])
if cursor.fetchone() is None:
statement = "INSERT INTO apns (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (", ".join(keys), ", ".join(sqlvars))
cursor.execute(statement, values)
count += 1
if not args.quiet:
if not args.quiet:
print("Successfully written to %s" % args.output)
if not args.no_gzip:
gzipped_file = "%s.gz" % (args.output,)
with open(args.output, 'rb') as orig:
with gzip.open(gzipped_file, 'wb') as gzipped:
print("Successfully gzipped to %s" % gzipped_file)
if not args.quiet:
print("\nTo include this in the distribution, copy it to the project's assets/databases/ directory.")
print("If you support API 10 or lower, you must use the gzipped version to avoid corruption.")
except sqlite3.Error, e:
if connection:
print("Error: %s" % e.args[0])
if connection:

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
name = OpenSC-PKCS11
description = SunPKCS11 via OpenSC
library = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so
slotListIndex = 0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
include ':libsignal'
include ':libsession'
rootProject.name = "session-android" rootProject.name = "session-android"
include ':app' include ':app'
include ':libsession'
include ':libsignal'