This commit is contained in:
andrew 2023-08-28 01:50:20 +09:30
parent c22860665e
commit 9f6dd728d5
2 changed files with 16 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ExpirationSettingsActivity: PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
viewModel.state.collect { state ->
actionBar?.subtitle = state.subtitle(this@ExpirationSettingsActivity)
supportActionBar?.subtitle = state.subtitle(this@ExpirationSettingsActivity)
// val position = deleteTypeOptions.indexOfFirst { it.value == state.selectedExpirationType }
// deleteTypeOptionAdapter.setSelectedPosition(max(0, position))

View File

@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
private val messageExpirationManager: MessageExpirationManagerProtocol,
private val threadDb: ThreadDatabase,
private val groupDb: GroupDatabase,
private val storage: Storage
private val storage: Storage,
private val isNewConfigEnabled: Boolean
) : ViewModel() {
private val _event = Channel<Event>()
@ -64,7 +65,6 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
private var expirationConfig: ExpirationConfiguration? = null
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
expirationConfig = storage.getExpirationConfiguration(threadId)
val expiryMode = expirationConfig?.expiryMode ?: ExpiryMode.NONE
@ -80,18 +80,6 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
// selectedExpirationType.mapLatest {
// when (it) {
// is ExpiryMode.Legacy, is ExpiryMode.AfterSend -> afterSendOptions
// is ExpiryMode.AfterRead -> afterReadOptions
// else -> emptyList()
// }
// }.onEach { options ->
// val enabled = _uiState.value.isSelfAdmin || recipient.value?.isClosedGroupRecipient == true
// _expirationTimerOptions.value = options.let {
// if (ExpirationConfiguration.isNewConfigEnabled && recipient.value?.run { isLocalNumber || isClosedGroupRecipient } == true) it.drop(1) else it
// }.map { it.copy(enabled = enabled) }
// }.launchIn(viewModelScope)
private fun typeOption(
@ -103,7 +91,7 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
) = OptionModel(GetString(title), subtitle?.let(::GetString), selected = state.expiryType == type) { setType(type) }
private fun typeOptions(state: State) =
if (state.isSelf) emptyList()
if (state.isSelf || state.isGroup) emptyList()
else listOf(
typeOption(ExpiryType.NONE, state, R.string.expiration_off, contentDescription = R.string.AccessibilityId_disable_disappearing_messages),
typeOption(ExpiryType.LEGACY, state, R.string.expiration_type_disappear_legacy, contentDescription = R.string.expiration_type_disappear_legacy_description),
@ -132,29 +120,31 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
// private fun timeOptions(state: State) = timeOptions(state.types.isEmpty(), state.expiryType == ExpiryType.AFTER_SEND)
private fun timeOptions(state: State): List<OptionModel> =
if (state.isSelf) noteToSelfOptions(state)
if (state.isSelf || state.isGroup) timeOptionsOnly(state)
else when (state.expiryMode) {
is ExpiryMode.Legacy -> afterReadTimes
is ExpiryMode.AfterRead -> afterReadTimes
is ExpiryMode.AfterSend -> afterSendTimes
else -> emptyList()
}.map { timeOption(it, state) }
private val afterReadTimes = listOf(12.hours, 1.days, 7.days, 14.days)
private val afterSendTimes = listOf(5.minutes, 1.hours) + afterReadTimes
private fun noteToSelfOptions(state: State) = listOfNotNull(
private fun timeOptionsOnly(state: State) = listOfNotNull(
typeOption(ExpiryType.NONE, state, R.string.arrays__off),
noteToSelfOption(1.minutes, state, subtitle = "for testing purposes").takeIf { BuildConfig.DEBUG },
) + { noteToSelfOption(it, state) }
private fun option(
private fun timeOption(
duration: Duration,
state: State,
title: GetString = GetString { ExpirationUtil.getExpirationDisplayValue(it, duration.inWholeSeconds.toInt()) },
) = OptionModel(
title = title,
selected = false
selected = state.expiryMode?.duration == duration
) { setTime(duration.inWholeSeconds) }
private fun noteToSelfOption(
duration: Duration,
state: State,
@ -214,7 +204,8 @@ class ExpirationSettingsViewModel(
) as T
@ -230,8 +221,8 @@ data class State(
val expiryMode: ExpiryMode? = null,
val types: List<ExpiryType> = emptyList()
) {
val subtitle get() = when (expiryType) {
ExpiryType.AFTER_SEND -> GetString(R.string.activity_expiration_settings_subtitle_sent)
val subtitle get() = when {
isGroup || isSelf -> GetString(R.string.activity_expiration_settings_subtitle_sent)
else -> GetString(R.string.activity_expiration_settings_subtitle)
val duration get() = expiryMode?.duration