You have left the group. You created a new group. %1$s added you to the group. You renamed the group to %1$s %1$s renamed the group to: %2$s You added %1$s to the group. %1$s added %2$s to the group. You removed %1$s from the group. %1$s removed %2$s from the group. You were removed from the group. You %s called you Called %s Missed call from %s You disabled disappearing messages. %1$s disabled disappearing messages. You set the disappearing message timer to %1$s %1$s set the disappearing message timer to %2$s %1$s took a screenshot. Media saved by %1$s. Off %d second %d seconds %ds %d minute %d minutes %dm %d hour %d hours %dh %d day %d days %dd %d week %d weeks %dw %1$s has left the group. Group display picture updated. Group name is now %1$s. Group name updated. %1$s was invited to join the group. %1$s and %2$s were invited to join the group. %1$s and %2$d others were invited to join the group. %1$s was removed from the group. %1$s and %2$s were removed from the group. %1$s and %2$d others were removed from the group. %1$s was promoted to Admin. %1$s and %2$s were promoted to Admin. %1$s and %2$d others were promoted to Admin. Unnamed group