package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications import android.content.Context import com.goterl.lazysodium.utils.KeyPair import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.MainScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import nl.komponents.kovenant.Promise import nl.komponents.kovenant.combine.and import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.notifications.PushRegistryV1 import org.session.libsession.utilities.Device import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Namespace import org.session.libsignal.utilities.emptyPromise import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.KeyPairUtilities import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton private val TAG = @Singleton class PushRegistry @Inject constructor( @ApplicationContext private val context: Context, private val device: Device, private val tokenManager: TokenManager, private val pushRegistryV2: PushRegistryV2, private val prefs: TextSecurePreferences, private val tokenFetcher: TokenFetcher, ) { private var pushRegistrationJob: Job? = null fun refresh(force: Boolean): Job { Log.d(TAG, "refresh() called with: force = $force") pushRegistrationJob?.apply { if (force) cancel() else if (isActive) return MainScope().launch {} } return MainScope().launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { register(tokenFetcher.fetch()).get() } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "register failed", e) } }.also { pushRegistrationJob = it } } fun register(token: String?): Promise<*, Exception> { Log.d(TAG, "refresh() called") if (token?.isNotEmpty() != true) return emptyPromise() prefs.setPushToken(token) val userPublicKey = prefs.getLocalNumber() ?: return emptyPromise() val userEdKey = KeyPairUtilities.getUserED25519KeyPair(context) ?: return emptyPromise() return when { prefs.isPushEnabled() -> register(token, userPublicKey, userEdKey) tokenManager.isRegistered -> unregister(token, userPublicKey, userEdKey) else -> emptyPromise() } } /** * Register for push notifications. */ private fun register( token: String, publicKey: String, userEd25519Key: KeyPair, namespaces: List = listOf(Namespace.DEFAULT()) ): Promise<*, Exception> { Log.d(TAG, "register() called") val v1 = PushRegistryV1.register( device = device, token = token, publicKey = publicKey ) fail { Log.e(TAG, "register v1 failed", it) } val v2 = pushRegistryV2.register( device, token, publicKey, userEd25519Key, namespaces ) fail { Log.e(TAG, "register v2 failed", it) } return v1 and v2 success { Log.d(TAG, "register v1 & v2 success") tokenManager.register() } } private fun unregister( token: String, userPublicKey: String, userEdKey: KeyPair ): Promise<*, Exception> = PushRegistryV1.unregister() and pushRegistryV2.unregister( device, token, userPublicKey, userEdKey ) fail { Log.e(TAG, "unregisterBoth failed", it) } success { tokenManager.unregister() } }