package network.loki.messenger.libsession_util import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.BaseCommunityInfo import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.ConfigPush import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.Contact import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.Conversation import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.GroupInfo import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.util.UserPic import org.session.libsignal.protos.SignalServiceProtos.SharedConfigMessage.Kind import org.session.libsignal.utilities.IdPrefix import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log sealed class ConfigBase(protected val /* yucky */ pointer: Long) { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("session_util") } external fun kindFor(configNamespace: Int): Class fun ConfigBase.protoKindFor(): Kind = when (this) { is UserProfile -> Kind.USER_PROFILE is Contacts -> Kind.CONTACTS is ConversationVolatileConfig -> Kind.CONVO_INFO_VOLATILE is UserGroupsConfig -> Kind.GROUPS } // TODO: time in future to activate (hardcoded to 1st jan 2024 for testing, change before release) private const val ACTIVATE_TIME = 1690761600000 fun isNewConfigEnabled(forced: Boolean, currentTime: Long) = forced || currentTime >= ACTIVATE_TIME const val PRIORITY_HIDDEN = -1 const val PRIORITY_VISIBLE = 0 const val PRIORITY_PINNED = 1 } external fun dirty(): Boolean external fun needsPush(): Boolean external fun needsDump(): Boolean external fun push(): ConfigPush external fun dump(): ByteArray external fun encryptionDomain(): String external fun confirmPushed(seqNo: Long, newHash: String) external fun merge(toMerge: Array>): Int external fun currentHashes(): List external fun configNamespace(): Int // Singular merge external fun merge(toMerge: Pair): Int external fun free() } class Contacts(pointer: Long) : ConfigBase(pointer) { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("session_util") } external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray): Contacts external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray, initialDump: ByteArray): Contacts } external fun get(sessionId: String): Contact? external fun getOrConstruct(sessionId: String): Contact external fun all(): List external fun set(contact: Contact) external fun erase(sessionId: String): Boolean /** * Similar to [updateIfExists], but will create the underlying contact if it doesn't exist before passing to [updateFunction] */ fun upsertContact(sessionId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit = {}) { if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value)) { Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix") return } else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value)) { Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix") return } val contact = getOrConstruct(sessionId) updateFunction(contact) set(contact) } /** * Updates the contact by sessionId with a given [updateFunction], and applies to the underlying config. * the [updateFunction] doesn't run if there is no contact */ fun updateIfExists(sessionId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit) { if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value)) { Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix") return } else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value)) { Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix") return } val contact = get(sessionId) ?: return updateFunction(contact) set(contact) } } class UserProfile(pointer: Long) : ConfigBase(pointer) { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("session_util") } external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray): UserProfile external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray, initialDump: ByteArray): UserProfile } external fun setName(newName: String) external fun getName(): String? external fun getPic(): UserPic external fun setPic(userPic: UserPic) external fun setNtsPriority(priority: Int) external fun getNtsPriority(): Int } class ConversationVolatileConfig(pointer: Long): ConfigBase(pointer) { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("session_util") } external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray): ConversationVolatileConfig external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray, initialDump: ByteArray): ConversationVolatileConfig } external fun getOneToOne(pubKeyHex: String): Conversation.OneToOne? external fun getOrConstructOneToOne(pubKeyHex: String): Conversation.OneToOne external fun eraseOneToOne(pubKeyHex: String): Boolean external fun getCommunity(baseUrl: String, room: String): Conversation.Community? external fun getOrConstructCommunity(baseUrl: String, room: String, pubKeyHex: String): Conversation.Community external fun getOrConstructCommunity(baseUrl: String, room: String, pubKey: ByteArray): Conversation.Community external fun eraseCommunity(community: Conversation.Community): Boolean external fun eraseCommunity(baseUrl: String, room: String): Boolean external fun getLegacyClosedGroup(groupId: String): Conversation.LegacyGroup? external fun getOrConstructLegacyGroup(groupId: String): Conversation.LegacyGroup external fun eraseLegacyClosedGroup(groupId: String): Boolean external fun erase(conversation: Conversation): Boolean external fun set(toStore: Conversation) /** * Erase all conversations that do not satisfy the `predicate`, similar to [MutableList.removeAll] */ external fun eraseAll(predicate: (Conversation) -> Boolean): Int external fun sizeOneToOnes(): Int external fun sizeCommunities(): Int external fun sizeLegacyClosedGroups(): Int external fun size(): Int external fun empty(): Boolean external fun allOneToOnes(): List external fun allCommunities(): List external fun allLegacyClosedGroups(): List external fun all(): List } class UserGroupsConfig(pointer: Long): ConfigBase(pointer) { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("session_util") } external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray): UserGroupsConfig external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray, initialDump: ByteArray): UserGroupsConfig } external fun getCommunityInfo(baseUrl: String, room: String): GroupInfo.CommunityGroupInfo? external fun getLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo? external fun getOrConstructCommunityInfo(baseUrl: String, room: String, pubKeyHex: String): GroupInfo.CommunityGroupInfo external fun getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo external fun set(groupInfo: GroupInfo) external fun erase(communityInfo: GroupInfo) external fun eraseCommunity(baseCommunityInfo: BaseCommunityInfo): Boolean external fun eraseCommunity(server: String, room: String): Boolean external fun eraseLegacyGroup(sessionId: String): Boolean external fun sizeCommunityInfo(): Int external fun sizeLegacyGroupInfo(): Int external fun size(): Int external fun all(): List external fun allCommunityInfo(): List external fun allLegacyGroupInfo(): List }