package import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineDispatcher import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob import kotlinx.coroutines.asCoroutineDispatcher import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingModuleConfiguration import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log import java.util.Timer import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import kotlin.concurrent.schedule import kotlin.math.min import kotlin.math.pow import kotlin.math.roundToLong class JobQueue : JobDelegate { private var hasResumedPendingJobs = false // Just for debugging private val jobTimestampMap = ConcurrentHashMap() private val rxDispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher() private val rxMediaDispatcher = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher() private val openGroupDispatcher = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8).asCoroutineDispatcher() private val txDispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher() private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) + SupervisorJob() private val queue = Channel(UNLIMITED) private val pendingJobIds = mutableSetOf() private val openGroupChannels = mutableMapOf>() val timer = Timer() private fun CoroutineScope.processWithOpenGroupDispatcher( channel: Channel, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, name: String ) = launch(dispatcher) { for (job in channel) { if (!isActive) break val openGroupId = when (job) { is BatchMessageReceiveJob -> job.openGroupID is OpenGroupDeleteJob -> job.openGroupId is TrimThreadJob -> job.openGroupId is BackgroundGroupAddJob -> job.openGroupId is GroupAvatarDownloadJob -> "${job.server}.${}" else -> null } if (openGroupId.isNullOrEmpty()) { Log.e("OpenGroupDispatcher", "Open Group ID was null on ${job.javaClass.simpleName}") handleJobFailedPermanently(job, name, NullPointerException("Open Group ID was null")) } else { val groupChannel = if (!openGroupChannels.containsKey(openGroupId)) { Log.d("OpenGroupDispatcher", "Creating ${openGroupId.hashCode()} channel") val newGroupChannel = Channel(UNLIMITED) launch(dispatcher) { for (groupJob in newGroupChannel) { if (!isActive) break groupJob.process(name) } } openGroupChannels[openGroupId] = newGroupChannel newGroupChannel } else { Log.d("OpenGroupDispatcher", "Re-using channel") openGroupChannels[openGroupId]!! } Log.d("OpenGroupDispatcher", "Sending to channel $groupChannel") groupChannel.send(job) } } } private fun CoroutineScope.processWithDispatcher( channel: Channel, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, name: String, asynchronous: Boolean = true ) = launch(dispatcher) { for (job in channel) { if (!isActive) break if (asynchronous) { launch(dispatcher) { job.process(name) } } else { job.process(name) } } } private suspend fun Job.process(dispatcherName: String) { Log.d(dispatcherName,"processJob: ${javaClass.simpleName} (id: $id)") delegate = this@JobQueue try { execute(dispatcherName) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.d(dispatcherName, "unhandledJobException: ${javaClass.simpleName} (id: $id)") this@JobQueue.handleJobFailed(this, dispatcherName, e) } } init { // Process jobs scope.launch { val rxQueue = Channel(capacity = UNLIMITED) val txQueue = Channel(capacity = UNLIMITED) val mediaQueue = Channel(capacity = UNLIMITED) val openGroupQueue = Channel(capacity = UNLIMITED) val receiveJob = processWithDispatcher(rxQueue, rxDispatcher, "rx", asynchronous = false) val txJob = processWithDispatcher(txQueue, txDispatcher, "tx") val mediaJob = processWithDispatcher(mediaQueue, rxMediaDispatcher, "media") val openGroupJob = processWithOpenGroupDispatcher(openGroupQueue, openGroupDispatcher, "openGroup") while (isActive) { when (val job = queue.receive()) { is NotifyPNServerJob, is AttachmentUploadJob, is MessageSendJob, is ConfigurationSyncJob -> { txQueue.send(job) } is RetrieveProfileAvatarJob, is AttachmentDownloadJob -> { mediaQueue.send(job) } is GroupAvatarDownloadJob, is BackgroundGroupAddJob, is OpenGroupDeleteJob -> { openGroupQueue.send(job) } is MessageReceiveJob, is TrimThreadJob, is BatchMessageReceiveJob -> { if ((job is BatchMessageReceiveJob && !job.openGroupID.isNullOrEmpty()) || (job is TrimThreadJob && !job.openGroupId.isNullOrEmpty())) { openGroupQueue.send(job) } else { rxQueue.send(job) } } else -> { throw IllegalStateException("Unexpected job type.") } } } // The job has been cancelled receiveJob.cancel() txJob.cancel() mediaJob.cancel() openGroupJob.cancel() } } companion object { @JvmStatic val shared: JobQueue by lazy { JobQueue() } } fun add(job: Job) { addWithoutExecuting(job) queue.trySend(job) // offer always called on unlimited capacity } private fun addWithoutExecuting(job: Job) { // When adding multiple jobs in rapid succession, timestamps might not be good enough as a unique ID. To // deal with this we keep track of the number of jobs with a given timestamp and add that to the end of the // timestamp to make it a unique ID. We can't use a random number because we do still want to keep track // of the order in which the jobs were added. val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() jobTimestampMap.putIfAbsent(currentTime, AtomicInteger()) = currentTime.toString() + jobTimestampMap[currentTime]!!.getAndIncrement().toString() } fun resumePendingSendMessage(job: Job) { val id = ?: run { Log.e("Loki", "tried to resume pending send job with no ID") return } if (!pendingJobIds.add(id)) { Log.e("Loki","tried to re-queue pending/in-progress job (id: $id)") return } queue.trySend(job) Log.d("Loki", "resumed pending send message $id") } fun resumePendingJobs(typeKey: String) { val allPendingJobs = val pendingJobs = mutableListOf() for ((id, job) in allPendingJobs) { if (job == null) { // Job failed to deserialize, remove it from the DB handleJobFailedPermanently(id) } else { pendingJobs.add(job) } } pendingJobs.sortedBy { }.forEach { job -> Log.i("Loki", "Resuming pending job of type: ${job::class.simpleName} (id: ${}).") queue.trySend(job) // Offer always called on unlimited capacity } } fun resumePendingJobs() { if (hasResumedPendingJobs) { Log.d("Loki", "resumePendingJobs() should only be called once.") return } hasResumedPendingJobs = true val allJobTypes = listOf( AttachmentUploadJob.KEY, AttachmentDownloadJob.KEY, MessageReceiveJob.KEY, MessageSendJob.KEY, NotifyPNServerJob.KEY, BatchMessageReceiveJob.KEY, GroupAvatarDownloadJob.KEY, BackgroundGroupAddJob.KEY, OpenGroupDeleteJob.KEY, RetrieveProfileAvatarJob.KEY, ConfigurationSyncJob.KEY, InviteContactJob.KEY ) allJobTypes.forEach { type -> resumePendingJobs(type) } } override fun handleJobSucceeded(job: Job, dispatcherName: String) { val jobId = ?: return pendingJobIds.remove(jobId) } override fun handleJobFailed(job: Job, dispatcherName: String, error: Exception) { // Canceled val storage = if (storage.isJobCanceled(job)) { return Log.i("Loki", "${job::class.simpleName} canceled (id: ${}).") } // Message send jobs waiting for the attachment to upload if (job is MessageSendJob && error is MessageSendJob.AwaitingAttachmentUploadException) { Log.i("Loki", "Message send job waiting for attachment upload to finish (id: ${}).") return } // Batch message receive job, re-queue non-permanently failed jobs if (job is BatchMessageReceiveJob && job.failureCount <= 0) { val replacementParameters = job.failures.toList() if (replacementParameters.isNotEmpty()) { val newJob = BatchMessageReceiveJob(replacementParameters, job.openGroupID) newJob.failureCount = job.failureCount + 1 add(newJob) } } // Regular job failure job.failureCount += 1 if (job.failureCount >= job.maxFailureCount) { handleJobFailedPermanently(job, dispatcherName, error) } else { storage.persistJob(job) val retryInterval = getRetryInterval(job) Log.i("Loki", "${job::class.simpleName} failed (id: ${}); scheduling retry (failure count is ${job.failureCount}).") timer.schedule(delay = retryInterval) { Log.i("Loki", "Retrying ${job::class.simpleName} (id: ${}).") queue.trySend(job) } } } override fun handleJobFailedPermanently(job: Job, dispatcherName: String, error: Exception) { val jobId = ?: return handleJobFailedPermanently(jobId) Log.d(dispatcherName, "permanentlyFailedJob: ${javaClass.simpleName} (id: ${})") } private fun handleJobFailedPermanently(jobId: String) { val storage = storage.markJobAsFailedPermanently(jobId) } private fun getRetryInterval(job: Job): Long { // Arbitrary backoff factor... // try 1 delay: 0.5s // try 2 delay: 1s // ... // try 5 delay: 16s // ... // try 11 delay: 512s val maxBackoff = (10 * 60).toDouble() // 10 minutes return (1000 * 0.25 * min(maxBackoff, (2.0).pow(job.failureCount))).roundToLong() } private fun Job.isSend() = this is MessageSendJob || this is AttachmentUploadJob }