/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Whisper Systems * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import com.annimon.stream.Collectors; import com.annimon.stream.Stream; import com.google.android.mms.pdu_alt.NotificationInd; import com.google.android.mms.pdu_alt.PduHeaders; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.signal.IncomingMediaMessage; import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.signal.OutgoingExpirationUpdateMessage; import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.signal.OutgoingGroupMediaMessage; import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.signal.OutgoingMediaMessage; import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.signal.OutgoingSecureMediaMessage; import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.Attachment; import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.AttachmentId; import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.DatabaseAttachment; import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.link_preview.LinkPreview; import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.quotes.QuoteModel; import org.session.libsession.utilities.Address; import org.session.libsession.utilities.Contact; import org.session.libsession.utilities.GroupUtil; import org.session.libsession.utilities.IdentityKeyMismatch; import org.session.libsession.utilities.IdentityKeyMismatchList; import org.session.libsession.utilities.NetworkFailure; import org.session.libsession.utilities.NetworkFailureList; import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences; import org.session.libsession.utilities.Util; import org.session.libsession.utilities.recipients.Recipient; import org.session.libsession.utilities.recipients.RecipientFormattingException; import org.session.libsignal.utilities.JsonUtil; import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log; import org.session.libsignal.utilities.ThreadUtils; import org.session.libsignal.utilities.guava.Optional; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.MmsNotificationAttachment; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.helpers.SQLCipherOpenHelper; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.MediaMmsMessageRecord; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.MessageRecord; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.MmsMessageRecord; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.NotificationMmsMessageRecord; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.Quote; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mms.MmsException; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mms.SlideDeck; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class MmsDatabase extends MessagingDatabase { private static final String TAG = MmsDatabase.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String TABLE_NAME = "mms"; static final String DATE_SENT = "date"; static final String DATE_RECEIVED = "date_received"; public static final String MESSAGE_BOX = "msg_box"; static final String CONTENT_LOCATION = "ct_l"; static final String EXPIRY = "exp"; public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE = "m_type"; static final String MESSAGE_SIZE = "m_size"; static final String STATUS = "st"; static final String TRANSACTION_ID = "tr_id"; static final String PART_COUNT = "part_count"; static final String NETWORK_FAILURE = "network_failures"; static final String QUOTE_ID = "quote_id"; static final String QUOTE_AUTHOR = "quote_author"; static final String QUOTE_BODY = "quote_body"; static final String QUOTE_ATTACHMENT = "quote_attachment"; static final String QUOTE_MISSING = "quote_missing"; static final String SHARED_CONTACTS = "shared_contacts"; static final String LINK_PREVIEWS = "previews"; public static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + THREAD_ID + " INTEGER, " + DATE_SENT + " INTEGER, " + DATE_RECEIVED + " INTEGER, " + MESSAGE_BOX + " INTEGER, " + READ + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "m_id" + " TEXT, " + "sub" + " TEXT, " + "sub_cs" + " INTEGER, " + BODY + " TEXT, " + PART_COUNT + " INTEGER, " + "ct_t" + " TEXT, " + CONTENT_LOCATION + " TEXT, " + ADDRESS + " TEXT, " + ADDRESS_DEVICE_ID + " INTEGER, " + EXPIRY + " INTEGER, " + "m_cls" + " TEXT, " + MESSAGE_TYPE + " INTEGER, " + "v" + " INTEGER, " + MESSAGE_SIZE + " INTEGER, " + "pri" + " INTEGER, " + "rr" + " INTEGER, " + "rpt_a" + " INTEGER, " + "resp_st" + " INTEGER, " + STATUS + " INTEGER, " + TRANSACTION_ID + " TEXT, " + "retr_st" + " INTEGER, " + "retr_txt" + " TEXT, " + "retr_txt_cs" + " INTEGER, " + "read_status" + " INTEGER, " + "ct_cls" + " INTEGER, " + "resp_txt" + " TEXT, " + "d_tm" + " INTEGER, " + DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + MISMATCHED_IDENTITIES + " TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " + NETWORK_FAILURE + " TEXT DEFAULT NULL," + "d_rpt" + " INTEGER, " + SUBSCRIPTION_ID + " INTEGER DEFAULT -1, " + EXPIRES_IN + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + EXPIRE_STARTED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + NOTIFIED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + READ_RECEIPT_COUNT + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + QUOTE_ID + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + QUOTE_AUTHOR + " TEXT, " + QUOTE_BODY + " TEXT, " + QUOTE_ATTACHMENT + " INTEGER DEFAULT -1, " + QUOTE_MISSING + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + SHARED_CONTACTS + " TEXT, " + UNIDENTIFIED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + LINK_PREVIEWS + " TEXT);"; public static final String[] CREATE_INDEXS = { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_thread_id_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + THREAD_ID + ");", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_read_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + READ + ");", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_read_and_notified_and_thread_id_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + "(" + READ + "," + NOTIFIED + "," + THREAD_ID + ");", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_message_box_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + MESSAGE_BOX + ");", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_date_sent_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + DATE_SENT + ");", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_thread_date_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + THREAD_ID + ", " + DATE_RECEIVED + ");", }; private static final String[] MMS_PROJECTION = new String[] { MmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + ID + " AS " + ID, THREAD_ID, DATE_SENT + " AS " + NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT, DATE_RECEIVED + " AS " + NORMALIZED_DATE_RECEIVED, MESSAGE_BOX, READ, CONTENT_LOCATION, EXPIRY, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_SIZE, STATUS, TRANSACTION_ID, BODY, PART_COUNT, ADDRESS, ADDRESS_DEVICE_ID, DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT, READ_RECEIPT_COUNT, MISMATCHED_IDENTITIES, NETWORK_FAILURE, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, EXPIRES_IN, EXPIRE_STARTED, NOTIFIED, QUOTE_ID, QUOTE_AUTHOR, QUOTE_BODY, QUOTE_ATTACHMENT, QUOTE_MISSING, SHARED_CONTACTS, LINK_PREVIEWS, UNIDENTIFIED, "json_group_array(json_object(" + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.ROW_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.ROW_ID + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.UNIQUE_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.UNIQUE_ID + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.MMS_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.MMS_ID + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.SIZE + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.SIZE + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.FILE_NAME + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.FILE_NAME + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.DATA + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.DATA + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.THUMBNAIL + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.THUMBNAIL + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_TYPE + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_TYPE + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_LOCATION + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_LOCATION + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.FAST_PREFLIGHT_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.FAST_PREFLIGHT_ID + "," + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.VOICE_NOTE + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.VOICE_NOTE + "," + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.WIDTH + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.WIDTH + "," + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.HEIGHT + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.HEIGHT + "," + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.QUOTE + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.QUOTE + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_DISPOSITION + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.CONTENT_DISPOSITION + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.NAME + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.NAME + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.TRANSFER_STATE + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.TRANSFER_STATE + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.CAPTION + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.CAPTION + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_PACK_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_PACK_ID+ ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_PACK_KEY + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_PACK_KEY + ", " + "'" + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_ID + "', " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.STICKER_ID + ")) AS " + AttachmentDatabase.ATTACHMENT_JSON_ALIAS, }; private static final String RAW_ID_WHERE = TABLE_NAME + "._id = ?"; private final EarlyReceiptCache earlyDeliveryReceiptCache = new EarlyReceiptCache(); private final EarlyReceiptCache earlyReadReceiptCache = new EarlyReceiptCache(); public MmsDatabase(Context context, SQLCipherOpenHelper databaseHelper) { super(context, databaseHelper); } @Override protected String getTableName() { return TABLE_NAME; } public int getMessageCountForThread(long threadId) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {"COUNT(*)"}, THREAD_ID + " = ?", new String[] {threadId+""}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) return cursor.getInt(0); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } return 0; } public void addFailures(long messageId, List failure) { try { addToDocument(messageId, NETWORK_FAILURE, failure, NetworkFailureList.class); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } public void removeFailure(long messageId, NetworkFailure failure) { try { removeFromDocument(messageId, NETWORK_FAILURE, failure, NetworkFailureList.class); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } public boolean isOutgoingMessage(long timestamp) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; boolean isOutgoing = false; try { cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] { ID, THREAD_ID, MESSAGE_BOX, ADDRESS }, DATE_SENT + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(timestamp) }, null, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { if (Types.isOutgoingMessageType(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MESSAGE_BOX)))) { isOutgoing = true; } } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } return isOutgoing; } public void incrementReceiptCount(SyncMessageId messageId, long timestamp, boolean deliveryReceipt, boolean readReceipt) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; boolean found = false; try { cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {ID, THREAD_ID, MESSAGE_BOX, ADDRESS}, DATE_SENT + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(messageId.getTimetamp())}, null, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { if (Types.isOutgoingMessageType(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MESSAGE_BOX)))) { Address theirAddress = Address.fromSerialized(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ADDRESS))); Address ourAddress = messageId.getAddress(); String columnName = deliveryReceipt ? DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT : READ_RECEIPT_COUNT; if (ourAddress.equals(theirAddress) || theirAddress.isGroup()) { long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ID)); long threadId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(THREAD_ID)); int status = deliveryReceipt ? GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_DELIVERED : GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_READ; found = true; database.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + columnName + " = " + columnName + " + 1 WHERE " + ID + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(id)}); DatabaseFactory.getGroupReceiptDatabase(context).update(ourAddress, id, status, timestamp); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(threadId, false); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } } } if (!found) { if (deliveryReceipt) earlyDeliveryReceiptCache.increment(messageId.getTimetamp(), messageId.getAddress()); if (readReceipt) earlyReadReceiptCache.increment(messageId.getTimetamp(), messageId.getAddress()); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } public void updateSentTimestamp(long messageId, long newTimestamp, long threadId) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + DATE_SENT + " = ? " + "WHERE " + ID + " = ?", new String[] {newTimestamp + "", messageId + ""}); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); notifyConversationListListeners(); } public long getThreadIdForMessage(long id) { String sql = "SELECT " + THREAD_ID + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + ID + " = ?"; String[] sqlArgs = new String[] {id+""}; SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, sqlArgs); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) return cursor.getLong(0); else return -1; } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } private long getThreadIdFor(IncomingMediaMessage retrieved) throws RecipientFormattingException, MmsException { if (retrieved.getGroupId() != null) { Recipient groupRecipients = Recipient.from(context, retrieved.getGroupId(), true); return DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(groupRecipients); } else { Recipient sender = Recipient.from(context, retrieved.getFrom(), true); return DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(sender); } } private long getThreadIdFor(@NonNull NotificationInd notification) { String fromString = notification.getFrom() != null && notification.getFrom().getTextString() != null ? Util.toIsoString(notification.getFrom().getTextString()) : ""; Recipient recipient = Recipient.from(context, Address.fromExternal(context, fromString), false); return DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(recipient); } private Cursor rawQuery(@NonNull String where, @Nullable String[] arguments) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); return database.rawQuery("SELECT " + Util.join(MMS_PROJECTION, ",") + " FROM " + MmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + " ON (" + MmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + MmsDatabase.ID + " = " + AttachmentDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + AttachmentDatabase.MMS_ID + ")" + " WHERE " + where + " GROUP BY " + MmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME + "." + MmsDatabase.ID, arguments); } public Cursor getMessage(long messageId) { Cursor cursor = rawQuery(RAW_ID_WHERE, new String[] {messageId + ""}); setNotifyConverationListeners(cursor, getThreadIdForMessage(messageId)); return cursor; } public Reader getExpireStartedMessages() { String where = EXPIRE_STARTED + " > 0"; return readerFor(rawQuery(where, null)); } private void updateMailboxBitmask(long id, long maskOff, long maskOn, Optional threadId) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + MESSAGE_BOX + " = (" + MESSAGE_BOX + " & " + (Types.TOTAL_MASK - maskOff) + " | " + maskOn + " )" + " WHERE " + ID + " = ?", new String[] {id + ""}); if (threadId.isPresent()) { DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(threadId.get(), false); } } public void markAsPendingInsecureSmsFallback(long messageId) { long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); updateMailboxBitmask(messageId, Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK, Types.BASE_PENDING_INSECURE_SMS_FALLBACK, Optional.of(threadId)); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } public void markAsSending(long messageId) { long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); updateMailboxBitmask(messageId, Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK, Types.BASE_SENDING_TYPE, Optional.of(threadId)); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } public void markAsSentFailed(long messageId) { long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); updateMailboxBitmask(messageId, Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK, Types.BASE_SENT_FAILED_TYPE, Optional.of(threadId)); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } @Override public void markAsSent(long messageId, boolean secure) { long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); updateMailboxBitmask(messageId, Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK, Types.BASE_SENT_TYPE | (secure ? Types.PUSH_MESSAGE_BIT | Types.SECURE_MESSAGE_BIT : 0), Optional.of(threadId)); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } @Override public void markUnidentified(long messageId, boolean unidentified) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(UNIDENTIFIED, unidentified ? 1 : 0); SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(messageId)}); } @Override public void markAsDeleted(long messageId, boolean read) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(READ, 1); contentValues.put(BODY, ""); database.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(messageId)}); AttachmentDatabase attachmentDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context); ThreadUtils.queue(() -> attachmentDatabase.deleteAttachmentsForMessage(messageId)); long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); if (!read) { DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).decrementUnread(threadId, 1); } updateMailboxBitmask(messageId, Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK, Types.BASE_DELETED_TYPE, Optional.of(threadId)); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } @Override public void markExpireStarted(long messageId) { markExpireStarted(messageId, System.currentTimeMillis()); } @Override public void markExpireStarted(long messageId, long startedTimestamp) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(EXPIRE_STARTED, startedTimestamp); SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(messageId)}); long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); } public void markAsNotified(long id) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(NOTIFIED, 1); database.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(id)}); } public List setMessagesRead(long threadId) { return setMessagesRead(THREAD_ID + " = ? AND " + READ + " = 0", new String[] {String.valueOf(threadId)}); } public List setAllMessagesRead() { return setMessagesRead(READ + " = 0", null); } private List setMessagesRead(String where, String[] arguments) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); List result = new LinkedList<>(); Cursor cursor = null; database.beginTransaction(); try { cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {ID, ADDRESS, DATE_SENT, MESSAGE_BOX, EXPIRES_IN, EXPIRE_STARTED}, where, arguments, null, null, null); while(cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { if (Types.isSecureType(cursor.getLong(3))) { SyncMessageId syncMessageId = new SyncMessageId(Address.fromSerialized(cursor.getString(1)), cursor.getLong(2)); ExpirationInfo expirationInfo = new ExpirationInfo(cursor.getLong(0), cursor.getLong(4), cursor.getLong(5), true); result.add(new MarkedMessageInfo(syncMessageId, expirationInfo)); } } ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(READ, 1); database.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, where, arguments); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); database.endTransaction(); } return result; } public OutgoingMediaMessage getOutgoingMessage(long messageId) throws MmsException, NoSuchMessageException { AttachmentDatabase attachmentDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = rawQuery(RAW_ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(messageId)}); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { List associatedAttachments = attachmentDatabase.getAttachmentsForMessage(messageId); long outboxType = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MESSAGE_BOX)); String body = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BODY)); long timestamp = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT)); int subscriptionId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SUBSCRIPTION_ID)); long expiresIn = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(EXPIRES_IN)); String address = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ADDRESS)); long threadId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(THREAD_ID)); int distributionType = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getDistributionType(threadId); String mismatchDocument = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MISMATCHED_IDENTITIES)); String networkDocument = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NETWORK_FAILURE)); long quoteId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(QUOTE_ID)); String quoteAuthor = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(QUOTE_AUTHOR)); String quoteText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(QUOTE_BODY)); boolean quoteMissing = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(QUOTE_MISSING)) == 1; List quoteAttachments = Stream.of(associatedAttachments).filter(Attachment::isQuote).map(a -> (Attachment)a).toList(); List contacts = getSharedContacts(cursor, associatedAttachments); Set contactAttachments = new HashSet<>(Stream.of(contacts).map(Contact::getAvatarAttachment).filter(a -> a != null).toList()); List previews = getLinkPreviews(cursor, associatedAttachments); Set previewAttachments = Stream.of(previews).filter(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().isPresent()).map(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().get()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); List attachments = Stream.of(associatedAttachments).filterNot(Attachment::isQuote) .filterNot(contactAttachments::contains) .filterNot(previewAttachments::contains) .map(a -> (Attachment)a).toList(); Recipient recipient = Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(address), false); List networkFailures = new LinkedList<>(); List mismatches = new LinkedList<>(); QuoteModel quote = null; if (quoteId > 0 && (!TextUtils.isEmpty(quoteText) || !quoteAttachments.isEmpty())) { quote = new QuoteModel(quoteId, Address.fromSerialized(quoteAuthor), quoteText, quoteMissing, quoteAttachments); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mismatchDocument)) { try { mismatches = JsonUtil.fromJson(mismatchDocument, IdentityKeyMismatchList.class).getList(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(networkDocument)) { try { networkFailures = JsonUtil.fromJson(networkDocument, NetworkFailureList.class).getList(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } OutgoingMediaMessage message = new OutgoingMediaMessage(recipient, body, attachments, timestamp, subscriptionId, expiresIn, distributionType, quote, contacts, previews, networkFailures, mismatches); if (Types.isSecureType(outboxType)) { return new OutgoingSecureMediaMessage(message); } return message; } throw new NoSuchMessageException("No record found for id: " + messageId); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } private List getSharedContacts(@NonNull Cursor cursor, @NonNull List attachments) { String serializedContacts = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SHARED_CONTACTS)); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serializedContacts)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Map attachmentIdMap = new HashMap<>(); for (DatabaseAttachment attachment : attachments) { attachmentIdMap.put(attachment.getAttachmentId(), attachment); } try { List contacts = new LinkedList<>(); JSONArray jsonContacts = new JSONArray(serializedContacts); for (int i = 0; i < jsonContacts.length(); i++) { Contact contact = Contact.deserialize(jsonContacts.getJSONObject(i).toString()); if (contact.getAvatar() != null && contact.getAvatar().getAttachmentId() != null) { DatabaseAttachment attachment = attachmentIdMap.get(contact.getAvatar().getAttachmentId()); Contact.Avatar updatedAvatar = new Contact.Avatar(contact.getAvatar().getAttachmentId(), attachment, contact.getAvatar().isProfile()); contacts.add(new Contact(contact, updatedAvatar)); } else { contacts.add(contact); } } return contacts; } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse shared contacts.", e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private List getLinkPreviews(@NonNull Cursor cursor, @NonNull List attachments) { String serializedPreviews = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LINK_PREVIEWS)); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serializedPreviews)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Map attachmentIdMap = new HashMap<>(); for (DatabaseAttachment attachment : attachments) { attachmentIdMap.put(attachment.getAttachmentId(), attachment); } try { List previews = new LinkedList<>(); JSONArray jsonPreviews = new JSONArray(serializedPreviews); for (int i = 0; i < jsonPreviews.length(); i++) { LinkPreview preview = LinkPreview.deserialize(jsonPreviews.getJSONObject(i).toString()); if (preview.getAttachmentId() != null) { DatabaseAttachment attachment = attachmentIdMap.get(preview.getAttachmentId()); if (attachment != null) { previews.add(new LinkPreview(preview.getUrl(), preview.getTitle(), attachment)); } } else { previews.add(preview); } } return previews; } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse shared contacts.", e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private Optional insertMessageInbox(IncomingMediaMessage retrieved, String contentLocation, long threadId, long mailbox, long serverTimestamp) throws MmsException { if (threadId == -1 || retrieved.isGroupMessage()) { try { threadId = getThreadIdFor(retrieved); } catch (RecipientFormattingException e) { Log.w("MmsDatabase", e); if (threadId == -1) throw new MmsException(e); } } ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(DATE_SENT, retrieved.getSentTimeMillis()); contentValues.put(ADDRESS, retrieved.getFrom().serialize()); contentValues.put(MESSAGE_BOX, mailbox); contentValues.put(MESSAGE_TYPE, PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF); contentValues.put(THREAD_ID, threadId); contentValues.put(CONTENT_LOCATION, contentLocation); contentValues.put(STATUS, Status.DOWNLOAD_INITIALIZED); // In open groups messages should be sorted by their server timestamp long receivedTimestamp = serverTimestamp; if (serverTimestamp == 0) { receivedTimestamp = retrieved.getSentTimeMillis(); } contentValues.put(DATE_RECEIVED, receivedTimestamp); // Loki - This is important due to how we handle GIFs contentValues.put(PART_COUNT, retrieved.getAttachments().size()); contentValues.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, retrieved.getSubscriptionId()); contentValues.put(EXPIRES_IN, retrieved.getExpiresIn()); contentValues.put(READ, retrieved.isExpirationUpdate() ? 1 : 0); contentValues.put(UNIDENTIFIED, retrieved.isUnidentified()); if (!contentValues.containsKey(DATE_SENT)) { contentValues.put(DATE_SENT, contentValues.getAsLong(DATE_RECEIVED)); } List quoteAttachments = new LinkedList<>(); if (retrieved.getQuote() != null) { contentValues.put(QUOTE_ID, retrieved.getQuote().getId()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_BODY, retrieved.getQuote().getText()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_AUTHOR, retrieved.getQuote().getAuthor().serialize()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_MISSING, retrieved.getQuote().getMissing() ? 1 : 0); quoteAttachments = retrieved.getQuote().getAttachments(); } if (retrieved.isPushMessage() && isDuplicate(retrieved, threadId)) { Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring duplicate media message (" + retrieved.getSentTimeMillis() + ")"); return Optional.absent(); } long messageId = insertMediaMessage(retrieved.getBody(), retrieved.getAttachments(), quoteAttachments, retrieved.getSharedContacts(), retrieved.getLinkPreviews(), contentValues, null); if (!Types.isExpirationTimerUpdate(mailbox)) { DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).incrementUnread(threadId, 1); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(threadId, true); } notifyConversationListeners(threadId); return Optional.of(new InsertResult(messageId, threadId)); } public Optional insertSecureDecryptedMessageOutbox(OutgoingMediaMessage retrieved, long threadId, long serverTimestamp) throws MmsException { if (threadId == -1) { if(retrieved.isGroup()) { String decodedGroupId; if (retrieved instanceof OutgoingExpirationUpdateMessage) { decodedGroupId = ((OutgoingExpirationUpdateMessage)retrieved).getGroupId(); } else { decodedGroupId = ((OutgoingGroupMediaMessage)retrieved).getGroupId(); } String groupId; try { groupId = GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(decodedGroupId); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't encrypt group ID"); throw new MmsException(e); } Recipient group = Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(groupId), false); threadId = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(group); } else { threadId = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).getOrCreateThreadIdFor(retrieved.getRecipient()); } } long messageId = insertMessageOutbox(retrieved, threadId, false, null, serverTimestamp); if (messageId == -1) { return Optional.absent(); } markAsSent(messageId, true); return Optional.fromNullable(new InsertResult(messageId, threadId)); } public Optional insertSecureDecryptedMessageInbox(IncomingMediaMessage retrieved, long threadId, long serverTimestamp) throws MmsException { long type = Types.BASE_INBOX_TYPE | Types.SECURE_MESSAGE_BIT; if (retrieved.isPushMessage()) { type |= Types.PUSH_MESSAGE_BIT; } if (retrieved.isExpirationUpdate()) { type |= Types.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE_BIT; } if (retrieved.isScreenshotDataExtraction()) { type |= Types.SCREENSHOT_EXTRACTION_BIT; } if (retrieved.isMediaSavedDataExtraction()) { type |= Types.MEDIA_SAVED_EXTRACTION_BIT; } return insertMessageInbox(retrieved, "", threadId, type, serverTimestamp); } public Optional insertSecureDecryptedMessageInbox(IncomingMediaMessage retrieved, long threadId) throws MmsException { return insertSecureDecryptedMessageInbox(retrieved, threadId, 0); } public long insertMessageOutbox(@NonNull OutgoingMediaMessage message, long threadId, boolean forceSms, @Nullable SmsDatabase.InsertListener insertListener) throws MmsException { return insertMessageOutbox(message, threadId, forceSms, insertListener, 0); } public long insertMessageOutbox(@NonNull OutgoingMediaMessage message, long threadId, boolean forceSms, @Nullable SmsDatabase.InsertListener insertListener, long serverTimestamp) throws MmsException { long type = Types.BASE_SENDING_TYPE; if (message.isSecure()) type |= (Types.SECURE_MESSAGE_BIT | Types.PUSH_MESSAGE_BIT); if (forceSms) type |= Types.MESSAGE_FORCE_SMS_BIT; if (message.isGroup() && message instanceof OutgoingGroupMediaMessage) { if (((OutgoingGroupMediaMessage)message).isUpdateMessage()) type |= Types.GROUP_UPDATE_MESSAGE_BIT; } if (message.isExpirationUpdate()) { type |= Types.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE_BIT; } Map earlyDeliveryReceipts = earlyDeliveryReceiptCache.remove(message.getSentTimeMillis()); Map earlyReadReceipts = earlyReadReceiptCache.remove(message.getSentTimeMillis()); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(DATE_SENT, message.getSentTimeMillis()); contentValues.put(MESSAGE_TYPE, PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ); contentValues.put(MESSAGE_BOX, type); contentValues.put(THREAD_ID, threadId); contentValues.put(READ, 1); // In open groups messages should be sorted by their server timestamp long receivedTimestamp = serverTimestamp; if (serverTimestamp == 0) { receivedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } contentValues.put(DATE_RECEIVED, receivedTimestamp); contentValues.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, message.getSubscriptionId()); contentValues.put(EXPIRES_IN, message.getExpiresIn()); contentValues.put(ADDRESS, message.getRecipient().getAddress().serialize()); contentValues.put(DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT, Stream.of(earlyDeliveryReceipts.values()).mapToLong(Long::longValue).sum()); contentValues.put(READ_RECEIPT_COUNT, Stream.of(earlyReadReceipts.values()).mapToLong(Long::longValue).sum()); List quoteAttachments = new LinkedList<>(); if (message.getOutgoingQuote() != null) { contentValues.put(QUOTE_ID, message.getOutgoingQuote().getId()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_AUTHOR, message.getOutgoingQuote().getAuthor().serialize()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_BODY, message.getOutgoingQuote().getText()); contentValues.put(QUOTE_MISSING, message.getOutgoingQuote().getMissing() ? 1 : 0); quoteAttachments.addAll(message.getOutgoingQuote().getAttachments()); } if (isDuplicate(message, threadId)) { Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring duplicate media message (" + message.getSentTimeMillis() + ")"); return -1; } long messageId = insertMediaMessage(message.getBody(), message.getAttachments(), quoteAttachments, message.getSharedContacts(), message.getLinkPreviews(), contentValues, insertListener); if (message.getRecipient().getAddress().isGroup()) { List members = DatabaseFactory.getGroupDatabase(context).getGroupMembers(message.getRecipient().getAddress().toGroupString(), false); GroupReceiptDatabase receiptDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getGroupReceiptDatabase(context); receiptDatabase.insert(Stream.of(members).map(Recipient::getAddress).toList(), messageId, GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_UNDELIVERED, message.getSentTimeMillis()); for (Address address : earlyDeliveryReceipts.keySet()) receiptDatabase.update(address, messageId, GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_DELIVERED, -1); for (Address address : earlyReadReceipts.keySet()) receiptDatabase.update(address, messageId, GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_READ, -1); } DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).setLastSeen(threadId); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).setHasSent(threadId, true); return messageId; } private long insertMediaMessage(@Nullable String body, @NonNull List attachments, @NonNull List quoteAttachments, @NonNull List sharedContacts, @NonNull List linkPreviews, @NonNull ContentValues contentValues, @Nullable SmsDatabase.InsertListener insertListener) throws MmsException { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); AttachmentDatabase partsDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context); List allAttachments = new LinkedList<>(); List contactAttachments = Stream.of(sharedContacts).map(Contact::getAvatarAttachment).filter(a -> a != null).toList(); List previewAttachments = Stream.of(linkPreviews).filter(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().isPresent()).map(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().get()).toList(); allAttachments.addAll(attachments); allAttachments.addAll(contactAttachments); allAttachments.addAll(previewAttachments); contentValues.put(BODY, body); contentValues.put(PART_COUNT, allAttachments.size()); db.beginTransaction(); try { long messageId = db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, contentValues); Map insertedAttachments = partsDatabase.insertAttachmentsForMessage(messageId, allAttachments, quoteAttachments); String serializedContacts = getSerializedSharedContacts(insertedAttachments, sharedContacts); String serializedPreviews = getSerializedLinkPreviews(insertedAttachments, linkPreviews); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(serializedContacts)) { ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues(); contactValues.put(SHARED_CONTACTS, serializedContacts); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); int rows = database.update(TABLE_NAME, contactValues, ID + " = ?", new String[]{ String.valueOf(messageId) }); if (rows <= 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to update message with shared contact data."); } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(serializedPreviews)) { ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues(); contactValues.put(LINK_PREVIEWS, serializedPreviews); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); int rows = database.update(TABLE_NAME, contactValues, ID + " = ?", new String[]{ String.valueOf(messageId) }); if (rows <= 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to update message with link preview data."); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return messageId; } finally { db.endTransaction(); if (insertListener != null) { insertListener.onComplete(); } notifyConversationListeners(contentValues.getAsLong(THREAD_ID)); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(contentValues.getAsLong(THREAD_ID), true); } } public void deleteQuotedFromMessages(MessageRecord toDeleteRecord) { if (toDeleteRecord == null) { return; } String query = THREAD_ID + " = ?"; Cursor threadMmsCursor = rawQuery(query, new String[]{String.valueOf(toDeleteRecord.getThreadId())}); Reader reader = readerFor(threadMmsCursor); MmsMessageRecord messageRecord; while ((messageRecord = (MmsMessageRecord) reader.getNext()) != null) { if (messageRecord.getQuote() != null && toDeleteRecord.getDateSent() == messageRecord.getQuote().getId()) { setQuoteMissing(messageRecord.getId()); } } reader.close(); } @Override public boolean deleteMessage(long messageId) { long threadId = getThreadIdForMessage(messageId); AttachmentDatabase attachmentDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context); ThreadUtils.queue(() -> attachmentDatabase.deleteAttachmentsForMessage(messageId)); GroupReceiptDatabase groupReceiptDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getGroupReceiptDatabase(context); groupReceiptDatabase.deleteRowsForMessage(messageId); MessageRecord toDelete; try (Cursor messageCursor = getMessage(messageId)) { toDelete = readerFor(messageCursor).getNext(); } deleteQuotedFromMessages(toDelete); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); database.delete(TABLE_NAME, ID_WHERE, new String[] {messageId+""}); boolean threadDeleted = DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(threadId, false); notifyConversationListeners(threadId); notifyStickerListeners(); notifyStickerPackListeners(); return threadDeleted; } public void deleteThread(long threadId) { Set singleThreadSet = new HashSet<>(); singleThreadSet.add(threadId); deleteThreads(singleThreadSet); } private @Nullable String getSerializedSharedContacts(@NonNull Map insertedAttachmentIds, @NonNull List contacts) { if (contacts.isEmpty()) return null; JSONArray sharedContactJson = new JSONArray(); for (Contact contact : contacts) { try { AttachmentId attachmentId = null; if (contact.getAvatarAttachment() != null) { attachmentId = insertedAttachmentIds.get(contact.getAvatarAttachment()); } Contact.Avatar updatedAvatar = new Contact.Avatar(attachmentId, contact.getAvatarAttachment(), contact.getAvatar() != null && contact.getAvatar().isProfile()); Contact updatedContact = new Contact(contact, updatedAvatar); sharedContactJson.put(new JSONObject(updatedContact.serialize())); } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to serialize shared contact. Skipping it.", e); } } return sharedContactJson.toString(); } private @Nullable String getSerializedLinkPreviews(@NonNull Map insertedAttachmentIds, @NonNull List previews) { if (previews.isEmpty()) return null; JSONArray linkPreviewJson = new JSONArray(); for (LinkPreview preview : previews) { try { AttachmentId attachmentId = null; if (preview.getThumbnail().isPresent()) { attachmentId = insertedAttachmentIds.get(preview.getThumbnail().get()); } LinkPreview updatedPreview = new LinkPreview(preview.getUrl(), preview.getTitle(), attachmentId); linkPreviewJson.put(new JSONObject(updatedPreview.serialize())); } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to serialize shared contact. Skipping it.", e); } } return linkPreviewJson.toString(); } private boolean isDuplicate(IncomingMediaMessage message, long threadId) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, null, DATE_SENT + " = ? AND " + ADDRESS + " = ? AND " + THREAD_ID + " = ?", new String[]{String.valueOf(message.getSentTimeMillis()), message.getFrom().serialize(), String.valueOf(threadId)}, null, null, null, "1"); try { return cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst(); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } private boolean isDuplicate(OutgoingMediaMessage message, long threadId) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, null, DATE_SENT + " = ? AND " + ADDRESS + " = ? AND " + THREAD_ID + " = ?", new String[]{String.valueOf(message.getSentTimeMillis()), message.getRecipient().getAddress().serialize(), String.valueOf(threadId)}, null, null, null, "1"); try { return cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst(); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } public boolean isSent(long messageId) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); try (Cursor cursor = database.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MESSAGE_BOX }, ID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(messageId)}, null, null, null)) { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long type = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MESSAGE_BOX)); return Types.isSentType(type); } } return false; } /*package*/ void deleteThreads(Set threadIds) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); String where = ""; Cursor cursor = null; for (long threadId : threadIds) { where += THREAD_ID + " = '" + threadId + "' OR "; } where = where.substring(0, where.length() - 4); try { cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {ID}, where, null, null, null, null); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { deleteMessage(cursor.getLong(0)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } /*package*/void deleteMessagesInThreadBeforeDate(long threadId, long date) { Cursor cursor = null; try { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); String where = THREAD_ID + " = ? AND (CASE (" + MESSAGE_BOX + " & " + Types.BASE_TYPE_MASK + ") "; for (long outgoingType : Types.OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPES) { where += " WHEN " + outgoingType + " THEN " + DATE_SENT + " < " + date; } where += (" ELSE " + DATE_RECEIVED + " < " + date + " END)"); cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {ID}, where, new String[] {threadId+""}, null, null, null); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { Log.i("MmsDatabase", "Trimming: " + cursor.getLong(0)); deleteMessage(cursor.getLong(0)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } public void deleteAllThreads() { DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context).deleteAllAttachments(); DatabaseFactory.getGroupReceiptDatabase(context).deleteAllRows(); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); database.delete(TABLE_NAME, null, null); } public void beginTransaction() { databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase().beginTransaction(); } public void setTransactionSuccessful() { databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase().setTransactionSuccessful(); } public void endTransaction() { databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase().endTransaction(); } public Reader readerFor(Cursor cursor) { return new Reader(cursor); } public OutgoingMessageReader readerFor(OutgoingMediaMessage message, long threadId) { return new OutgoingMessageReader(message, threadId); } public int setQuoteMissing(long messageId) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(QUOTE_MISSING, 1); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int rows = database.update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, ID + " = ?", new String[]{ String.valueOf(messageId) }); return rows; } public static class Status { public static final int DOWNLOAD_INITIALIZED = 1; public static final int DOWNLOAD_NO_CONNECTIVITY = 2; public static final int DOWNLOAD_CONNECTING = 3; } public class OutgoingMessageReader { private final OutgoingMediaMessage message; private final long id; private final long threadId; public OutgoingMessageReader(OutgoingMediaMessage message, long threadId) { this.message = message; this.id = new SecureRandom().nextLong(); this.threadId = threadId; } public MessageRecord getCurrent() { SlideDeck slideDeck = new SlideDeck(context, message.getAttachments()); return new MediaMmsMessageRecord(id, message.getRecipient(), message.getRecipient(), 1, System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, threadId, message.getBody(), slideDeck, slideDeck.getSlides().size(), message.isSecure() ? MmsSmsColumns.Types.getOutgoingEncryptedMessageType() : MmsSmsColumns.Types.getOutgoingSmsMessageType(), new LinkedList(), new LinkedList(), message.getSubscriptionId(), message.getExpiresIn(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, message.getOutgoingQuote() != null ? new Quote(message.getOutgoingQuote().getId(), message.getOutgoingQuote().getAuthor(), message.getOutgoingQuote().getText(), message.getOutgoingQuote().getMissing(), new SlideDeck(context, message.getOutgoingQuote().getAttachments())) : null, message.getSharedContacts(), message.getLinkPreviews(), false); } } public class Reader implements Closeable { private final Cursor cursor; public Reader(Cursor cursor) { this.cursor = cursor; } public MessageRecord getNext() { if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return getCurrent(); } public MessageRecord getCurrent() { long mmsType = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_TYPE)); if (mmsType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND) { return getNotificationMmsMessageRecord(cursor); } else { return getMediaMmsMessageRecord(cursor); } } private NotificationMmsMessageRecord getNotificationMmsMessageRecord(Cursor cursor) { long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ID)); long dateSent = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT)); long dateReceived = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NORMALIZED_DATE_RECEIVED)); long threadId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.THREAD_ID)); long mailbox = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_BOX)); String address = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ADDRESS)); int addressDeviceId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ADDRESS_DEVICE_ID)); Recipient recipient = getRecipientFor(address); String contentLocation = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.CONTENT_LOCATION)); String transactionId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.TRANSACTION_ID)); long messageSize = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_SIZE)); long expiry = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.EXPIRY)); int status = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.STATUS)); int deliveryReceiptCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT)); int readReceiptCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.READ_RECEIPT_COUNT)); int subscriptionId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.SUBSCRIPTION_ID)); if (!TextSecurePreferences.isReadReceiptsEnabled(context)) { readReceiptCount = 0; } byte[]contentLocationBytes = null; byte[]transactionIdBytes = null; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contentLocation)) contentLocationBytes = Util.toIsoBytes(contentLocation); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(transactionId)) transactionIdBytes = Util.toIsoBytes(transactionId); SlideDeck slideDeck = new SlideDeck(context, new MmsNotificationAttachment(status, messageSize)); return new NotificationMmsMessageRecord(id, recipient, recipient, dateSent, dateReceived, deliveryReceiptCount, threadId, contentLocationBytes, messageSize, expiry, status, transactionIdBytes, mailbox, slideDeck, readReceiptCount); } private MediaMmsMessageRecord getMediaMmsMessageRecord(Cursor cursor) { long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ID)); long dateSent = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT)); long dateReceived = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NORMALIZED_DATE_RECEIVED)); long box = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_BOX)); long threadId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.THREAD_ID)); String address = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ADDRESS)); int addressDeviceId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.ADDRESS_DEVICE_ID)); int deliveryReceiptCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.DELIVERY_RECEIPT_COUNT)); int readReceiptCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.READ_RECEIPT_COUNT)); String body = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.BODY)); int partCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.PART_COUNT)); String mismatchDocument = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.MISMATCHED_IDENTITIES)); String networkDocument = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.NETWORK_FAILURE)); int subscriptionId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.SUBSCRIPTION_ID)); long expiresIn = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.EXPIRES_IN)); long expireStarted = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.EXPIRE_STARTED)); boolean unidentified = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.UNIDENTIFIED)) == 1; if (!TextSecurePreferences.isReadReceiptsEnabled(context)) { readReceiptCount = 0; } Recipient recipient = getRecipientFor(address); List mismatches = getMismatchedIdentities(mismatchDocument); List networkFailures = getFailures(networkDocument); List attachments = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context).getAttachment(cursor); List contacts = getSharedContacts(cursor, attachments); Set contactAttachments = Stream.of(contacts).map(Contact::getAvatarAttachment).filter(a -> a != null).collect(Collectors.toSet()); List previews = getLinkPreviews(cursor, attachments); Set previewAttachments = Stream.of(previews).filter(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().isPresent()).map(lp -> lp.getThumbnail().get()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); SlideDeck slideDeck = getSlideDeck(Stream.of(attachments).filterNot(contactAttachments::contains).filterNot(previewAttachments::contains).toList()); Quote quote = getQuote(cursor); return new MediaMmsMessageRecord(id, recipient, recipient, addressDeviceId, dateSent, dateReceived, deliveryReceiptCount, threadId, body, slideDeck, partCount, box, mismatches, networkFailures, subscriptionId, expiresIn, expireStarted, readReceiptCount, quote, contacts, previews, unidentified); } private Recipient getRecipientFor(String serialized) { Address address; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serialized) || "insert-address-token".equals(serialized)) { address = Address.Companion.getUNKNOWN(); } else { address = Address.fromSerialized(serialized); } return Recipient.from(context, address, true); } private List getMismatchedIdentities(String document) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(document)) { try { return JsonUtil.fromJson(document, IdentityKeyMismatchList.class).getList(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } return new LinkedList<>(); } private List getFailures(String document) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(document)) { try { return JsonUtil.fromJson(document, NetworkFailureList.class).getList(); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.w(TAG, ioe); } } return new LinkedList<>(); } private SlideDeck getSlideDeck(@NonNull List attachments) { List messageAttachments = Stream.of(attachments) .filterNot(Attachment::isQuote) .toList(); return new SlideDeck(context, messageAttachments); } private @Nullable Quote getQuote(@NonNull Cursor cursor) { long quoteId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.QUOTE_ID)); String quoteAuthor = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.QUOTE_AUTHOR)); String quoteText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.QUOTE_BODY)); boolean quoteMissing = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MmsDatabase.QUOTE_MISSING)) == 1; List attachments = DatabaseFactory.getAttachmentDatabase(context).getAttachment(cursor); List quoteAttachments = Stream.of(attachments).filter(Attachment::isQuote).toList(); SlideDeck quoteDeck = new SlideDeck(context, quoteAttachments); if (quoteId > 0 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(quoteAuthor)) { return new Quote(quoteId, Address.fromExternal(context, quoteAuthor), quoteText, quoteMissing, quoteDeck); } else { return null; } } @Override public void close() { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } }