
131 lines
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package org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.visible
import com.goterl.lazycode.lazysodium.BuildConfig
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingConfiguration
import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.Message
import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.DatabaseAttachment
import org.session.libsignal.service.internal.push.SignalServiceProtos
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.Attachment as SignalAttachment
class VisibleMessage : Message() {
var syncTarget: String? = null
var text: String? = null
var attachmentIDs = ArrayList<Long>()
var quote: Quote? = null
var linkPreview: LinkPreview? = null
var contact: Contact? = null
var profile: Profile? = null
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
companion object {
const val TAG = "VisibleMessage"
fun fromProto(proto: SignalServiceProtos.Content): VisibleMessage? {
val dataMessage = proto.dataMessage ?: return null
val result = VisibleMessage()
result.syncTarget = dataMessage.syncTarget
result.text = dataMessage.body
// Attachments are handled in MessageReceiver
val quoteProto = dataMessage.quote
quoteProto?.let {
val quote = Quote.fromProto(quoteProto)
quote?.let { result.quote = quote }
val linkPreviewProto = dataMessage.previewList.first()
linkPreviewProto?.let {
val linkPreview = LinkPreview.fromProto(linkPreviewProto)
linkPreview?.let { result.linkPreview = linkPreview }
// TODO Contact
val profile = Profile.fromProto(dataMessage)
profile?.let { result.profile = profile }
return result
fun addSignalAttachments(signalAttachments: List<SignalAttachment>) {
val attachmentIDs = {
val databaseAttachment = it as DatabaseAttachment
this.attachmentIDs = attachmentIDs as ArrayList<Long>
fun isMediaMessage(): Boolean {
return attachmentIDs.isNotEmpty() || quote != null || linkPreview != null || contact != null
// validation
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
if (attachmentIDs.isNotEmpty()) return true
val text = text?.trim() ?: return false
if (text.isNotEmpty()) return true
return false
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val proto = SignalServiceProtos.Content.newBuilder()
val dataMessage: SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Builder
// Profile
val profile = profile
val profileProto = profile?.toProto()
if (profileProto != null) {
dataMessage = profileProto.toBuilder()
} else {
dataMessage = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.newBuilder()
// Text
text?.let { dataMessage.body = text }
// Quote
val quotedAttachmentID = quote?.attachmentID
quotedAttachmentID?.let {
val index = attachmentIDs.indexOf(quotedAttachmentID)
if (index >= 0) { attachmentIDs.removeAt(index) }
val quote = quote
quote?.let {
val quoteProto = quote.toProto()
if (quoteProto != null) dataMessage.quote = quoteProto
//Link preview
val linkPreviewAttachmentID = linkPreview?.attachmentID
linkPreviewAttachmentID?.let {
val index = attachmentIDs.indexOf(quotedAttachmentID)
if (index >= 0) { attachmentIDs.removeAt(index) }
val linkPreview = linkPreview
linkPreview?.let {
val linkPreviewProto = linkPreview.toProto()
linkPreviewProto?.let {
val attachments = attachmentIDs.mapNotNull { MessagingConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider.getSignalAttachmentPointer(it) }
if (!attachments.all { !it.url.isNullOrEmpty() }) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
//TODO equivalent to iOS's preconditionFailure
Log.d(TAG, "Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.")
val attachmentPointers = attachments.mapNotNull { Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(it) }
// Sync target
if (syncTarget != null) {
dataMessage.syncTarget = syncTarget
// TODO Contact
// Build
try {
proto.dataMessage =
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct visible message proto from: $this")
return null