
205 lines
9.7 KiB

import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase.Companion.protoKindFor
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.bind
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingModuleConfiguration
import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.Destination
import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.control.SharedConfigurationMessage
import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.MessageSender
import org.session.libsession.messaging.utilities.Data
import org.session.libsession.snode.RawResponse
import org.session.libsession.snode.SnodeAPI
import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
// only contact (self) and closed group destinations will be supported
data class ConfigurationSyncJob(val destination: Destination): Job {
override var delegate: JobDelegate? = null
override var id: String? = null
override var failureCount: Int = 0
override val maxFailureCount: Int = 10
val shouldRunAgain = AtomicBoolean(false)
override suspend fun execute(dispatcherName: String) {
val storage =
val forcedConfig = TextSecurePreferences.hasForcedNewConfig(MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.context)
val currentTime = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
val userEdKeyPair = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.getUserED25519KeyPair()
val userPublicKey = storage.getUserPublicKey()
val delegate = delegate
if (destination is Destination.ClosedGroup // TODO: closed group configs will be handled in closed group feature
// if we haven't enabled the new configs don't run
|| !ConfigBase.isNewConfigEnabled(forcedConfig, currentTime)
// if we don't have a user ed key pair for signing updates
|| userEdKeyPair == null
// this will be useful to not handle null delegate cases
|| delegate == null
// check our local identity key exists
|| userPublicKey.isNullOrEmpty()
// don't allow pushing configs for non-local user
|| (destination is Destination.Contact && destination.publicKey != userPublicKey)
) {
Log.w(TAG, "No need to run config sync job, TODO")
return delegate?.handleJobSucceeded(this, dispatcherName) ?: Unit
// configFactory singleton instance will come in handy for modifying hashes and fetching configs for namespace etc
val configFactory = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.configFactory
// get latest states, filter out configs that don't need push
val configsRequiringPush = configFactory.getUserConfigs().filter { config -> config.needsPush() }
// don't run anything if we don't need to push anything
if (configsRequiringPush.isEmpty()) return delegate.handleJobSucceeded(this, dispatcherName)
// need to get the current hashes before we call `push()`
val toDeleteHashes = mutableListOf<String>()
// allow null results here so the list index matches configsRequiringPush
val sentTimestamp: Long = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
val batchObjects: List<Pair<SharedConfigurationMessage, SnodeAPI.SnodeBatchRequestInfo>?> = { config ->
val (data, seqNo, obsoleteHashes) = config.push()
toDeleteHashes += obsoleteHashes
SharedConfigurationMessage(config.protoKindFor(), data, seqNo) to config
}.map { (message, config) ->
// return a list of batch request objects
val snodeMessage = MessageSender.buildWrappedMessageToSnode(destination, message, true)
val authenticated = SnodeAPI.buildAuthenticatedStoreBatchInfo(
) ?: return@map null // this entry will be null otherwise
message to authenticated // to keep track of seqNo for calling confirmPushed later
val toDeleteRequest = toDeleteHashes.let { toDeleteFromAllNamespaces ->
if (toDeleteFromAllNamespaces.isEmpty()) null
else SnodeAPI.buildAuthenticatedDeleteBatchInfo(destination.destinationPublicKey(), toDeleteFromAllNamespaces)
if (batchObjects.any { it == null }) {
// stop running here, something like a signing error occurred
return delegate.handleJobFailedPermanently(this, dispatcherName, NullPointerException("One or more requests had a null batch request info"))
val allRequests = mutableListOf<SnodeAPI.SnodeBatchRequestInfo>()
allRequests += batchObjects.requireNoNulls().map { (_, request) -> request }
// add in the deletion if we have any hashes
if (toDeleteRequest != null) {
allRequests += toDeleteRequest
Log.d(TAG, "Including delete request for current hashes")
val batchResponse = SnodeAPI.getSingleTargetSnode(destination.destinationPublicKey()).bind { snode ->
sequence = true
try {
val rawResponses = batchResponse.get()
val responseList = (rawResponses["results"] as List<RawResponse>)
// we are always adding in deletions at the end
val deletionResponse = if (toDeleteRequest != null && responseList.isNotEmpty()) responseList.last() else null
val deletedHashes = deletionResponse?.let {
// get the sub-request body
(deletionResponse["body"] as? RawResponse)?.let { body ->
// get the swarm dict
body["swarm"] as? RawResponse
}?.mapValues { (_, swarmDict) ->
// get the deleted values from dict
((swarmDict as? RawResponse)?.get("deleted") as? List<String>)?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
}?.values?.reduce { acc, strings ->
// create an intersection of all deleted hashes (common between all swarm nodes)
acc intersect strings
} ?: emptySet()
// at this point responseList index should line up with configsRequiringPush index
configsRequiringPush.forEachIndexed { index, config ->
val (toPushMessage, _) = batchObjects[index]!!
val response = responseList[index]
val responseBody = response["body"] as? RawResponse
val insertHash = responseBody?.get("hash") as? String ?: run {
Log.w(TAG, "No hash returned for the configuration in namespace ${config.configNamespace()}")
Log.d(TAG, "Hash ${insertHash.take(4)} returned from store request for new config")
// confirm pushed seqno
val thisSeqNo = toPushMessage.seqNo
config.confirmPushed(thisSeqNo, insertHash)
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully removed the deleted hashes from ${config.javaClass.simpleName}")
// dump and write config after successful
if (config.needsDump()) { // usually this will be true?
configFactory.persist(config, toPushMessage.sentTimestamp ?: sentTimestamp)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error performing batch request", e)
return delegate.handleJobFailed(this, dispatcherName, e)
delegate.handleJobSucceeded(this, dispatcherName)
if (shouldRunAgain.get() && storage.getConfigSyncJob(destination) == null) {
// reschedule if something has updated since we started this job
fun Destination.destinationPublicKey(): String = when (this) {
is Destination.Contact -> publicKey
is Destination.ClosedGroup -> publicKey
else -> throw NullPointerException("Not public key for this destination")
override fun serialize(): Data {
val (type, address) = when (destination) {
is Destination.Contact -> CONTACT_TYPE to destination.publicKey
is Destination.ClosedGroup -> GROUP_TYPE to destination.publicKey
else -> return Data.EMPTY
return Data.Builder()
.putString(DESTINATION_ADDRESS_KEY, address)
override fun getFactoryKey(): String = KEY
companion object {
const val TAG = "ConfigSyncJob"
const val KEY = "ConfigSyncJob"
// Keys used for DB storage
const val DESTINATION_ADDRESS_KEY = "destinationAddress"
const val DESTINATION_TYPE_KEY = "destinationType"
// type mappings
const val CONTACT_TYPE = 1
const val GROUP_TYPE = 2
class Factory: Job.Factory<ConfigurationSyncJob> {
override fun create(data: Data): ConfigurationSyncJob? {
if (!data.hasInt(DESTINATION_TYPE_KEY) || !data.hasString(DESTINATION_ADDRESS_KEY)) return null
val address = data.getString(DESTINATION_ADDRESS_KEY)
val destination = when (data.getInt(DESTINATION_TYPE_KEY)) {
CONTACT_TYPE -> Destination.Contact(address)
GROUP_TYPE -> Destination.ClosedGroup(address)
else -> return null
return ConfigurationSyncJob(destination)