Harris e1b6bb7e56
Add one on one calls over clearnet (#864)
* feat: adding basic webrtc deps and test activity

* more testing code

* feat: add protos and bump version

* feat: added basic call functionality

* feat: adding UI and flipping cameras

* feat: add stats and starting call bottom sheet

* feat: hanging up and bottom sheet behaviors should work now

* feat: add call stats report on frontend

* feat: add relay toggle for answer and offer

* fix: add keep screen on and more end call message on back pressed / on finish

* refactor: removing and replacing dagger 1 dep with android hilt

* feat: include latest proto

* feat: update to utilise call ID

* feat: add stun and turn

* refactor: playing around with deps and transport types

* feat: adding call service functionality and permissions for calls

* feat: add call manager and more static intent building functions for WebRtcCallService.kt

* feat: adding ringers and more audio boilerplate

* feat: audio manager call service boilerplate

* feat: update kotlin and add in call view model and more management functions

* refactor: moving call code around to service and viewmodel interactions

* feat: plugging CallManager.kt into view model and service, fixing up dependencies

* feat: implementing more WebRtcCallService.kt functions and handlers for actions as well as lifecycle

* feat: adding more lifecycle vm and callmanager / call service functionality

* feat: adding more command handlers in WebRtcCallService.kt

* feat: more commands handled, adding lock manager and bluetooth permissions

* feat: adding remainder of basic functionality to services and CallManager.kt

* feat: hooking up calls and fixing broken dependencies and compile errors

* fix: add timestamp to incoming call

* feat: some connection and service launching / ring lifecycle

* feat: call establishing and displaying

* fix: fixing call connect flows

* feat: ringers and better state handling

* feat: updating call layout

* feat: add fixes to bluetooth and begin the network renegotiation

* feat: add call related permissions and more network handover tests

* fix: don't display call option in conversation and don't show notification if option not enabled

* fix: incoming ringer fix on receiving call, call notification priorities and notification channel update

* build: update build number for testing

* fix: bluetooth auto-connection and re-connection fixes, removing finished todos, allowing self-send call messages for deduping answers

* feat: add pre-offer information and action handling in web rtc call service

* refactor: discard offer messages from non-matching pre-offers we are already expecting

* build: build numbers and version name update

* feat: handle discarding pending calls from linked devices

* feat: add signing props to release config build

* docs: fix comment on time being 300s (5m) instead of 30s

* feat: adding call messages for incoming/outgoing/missed

* refactor: handle in-thread call notifications better and replace deny button intent with denyCallIntent instead of hangup

* feat: add a hangup via data channel message

* feat: process microphone enabled events and remove debuggable from build.gradle

* feat: add first call notification

* refactor: set the buttons to match iOS in terms of enable disable and colours

* refactor: change the call logos in control messages

* refactor: more bluetooth improvements

* refactor: move start ringer and init of audio manager to CallManager.kt and string fix up

* build: remove debuggable for release build

* refactor: replace call icons

* feat: adding a call time display

* refactor: change the call time to update every second

* refactor: testing out the full screen intents

* refactor: wrapper use corrected session description, set title to recipient displayName, indicate session calls

* fix: crash on view with a parent already attached

* refactor: aspect ratio fit preserved

* refactor: add wantsToAnswer ability in pre-init for fullscreenintent

* refactor: prevent calls from non hasSent participants

* build: update gradle code

* refactor: replace timeout schedule with a seconds count

* fix: various bug fixes for calls

* fix: remove end call from busy

* refactor: use answerCall instead of manual intent building again

* build: new version

* feat: add silenced notifications for call notification builder. check pre-offer and connecting state for pending connection

* build: update build number

* fix: text color uses overridden style value

* fix: remove wrap content for renderers and look more at recovering from network switches

* build: update build number

* refactor: remove whitespace

* build: update build number

* refactor: used shared number for BatchMessageReceiveJob.kt parameter across pollers

* fix: glide in update crash

* fix: bug fixes for self-send answer / hangup messages

* build: update build number

* build: update build.gradle number

* refactor: compile errors and refactoring to view binding

* fix: set the content to binding.root view

* build: increase build number

* build: update build numbers

* feat: adding base for rotation and picking random subset of turn servers

* feat: starting the screen rotation processing

* feat: setting up rotation for the remote render view

* refactor: applying rotation and mirroring based on front / rear cameras that wraps nicely, only scale reworking needed

* refactor: calls video stretching but consistent

* refactor: state machine and tests for the transition events

* feat: new call state processing

* refactor: adding reconnecting logic and visuals

* feat: state machine reconnect logic wip

* feat: add reconnecting and merge fixes

* feat: check new session based off current state

* feat: reconnection logic works correctly now

* refactor: reduce TIMEOUT_SECONDS to 30 from 90

* feat: reset peer connection on DC to prevent ICE messages from old connection or stale state in reconnecting

* refactor: add null case

* fix: set approved on new outgoing threads, use approved more deeply and invalidate the options menu on recipient modified. Add approvedMe flag toggles for visible message receive

* fix: add name update in action bar on modified, change where approvedMe is set

* build: increment build number

* build: update build number

* fix: merge compile errors and increment build number

* refactor: remove negotiation based on which party dropped connection

* refactor: call reconnection improvement tested cross platform to re-establish

* refactor: failed and disconnect events only handled if either the reconnect or the timeout runnables are not set

* build: update version number

* fix: reduce timeout

* fix: fixes the incoming hangup logic for linked devices

* refactor: match iOS styling for call activity closer

* chore: upgrade build numbers

* feat: add in call settings dialog for if calls is disabled in conversation

* feat: add a first call missed control message and info popup with link to privacy settings

* fix: looking at crash for specific large transaction in NotificationManager

* refactor: removing the people in case transaction size reduces to fix notif crash

* fix: comment out the entire send multiple to see if it fixes the issue

* refactor: revert to including the full notification process in a try/catch to handle weird responses from NotificationManager

* fix: add in notification settings prompt for calls and try to fall back to dirty full screen intent / start activity if we're allowed

* build: upgrade build number
2022-04-19 14:25:40 +10:00

111 lines
4.2 KiB

package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.NotificationPrivacyPreference;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.Util;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.recipients.Recipient;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.recipients.Recipient.VibrateState;
import network.loki.messenger.R;
public abstract class AbstractNotificationBuilder extends NotificationCompat.Builder {
private static final String TAG = AbstractNotificationBuilder.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int MAX_DISPLAY_LENGTH = 50;
protected Context context;
protected NotificationPrivacyPreference privacy;
protected final Bundle extras;
public AbstractNotificationBuilder(Context context, NotificationPrivacyPreference privacy) {
extras = new Bundle();
this.context = context;
this.privacy = privacy;
protected CharSequence getStyledMessage(@NonNull Recipient recipient, @Nullable CharSequence message) {
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
builder.append(": ");
builder.append(message == null ? "" : message);
return builder;
public void setAlarms(@Nullable Uri ringtone, VibrateState vibrate) {
Uri defaultRingtone = NotificationChannels.supported() ? NotificationChannels.getMessageRingtone(context) : TextSecurePreferences.getNotificationRingtone(context);
boolean defaultVibrate = NotificationChannels.supported() ? NotificationChannels.getMessageVibrate(context) : TextSecurePreferences.isNotificationVibrateEnabled(context);
if (ringtone == null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultRingtone.toString())) setSound(defaultRingtone);
else if (ringtone != null && !ringtone.toString().isEmpty()) setSound(ringtone);
if (vibrate == VibrateState.ENABLED ||
(vibrate == VibrateState.DEFAULT && defaultVibrate))
private void setLed() {
String ledColor = TextSecurePreferences.getNotificationLedColor(context);
String ledBlinkPattern = TextSecurePreferences.getNotificationLedPattern(context);
String ledBlinkPatternCustom = TextSecurePreferences.getNotificationLedPatternCustom(context);
if (!ledColor.equals("none")) {
String[] blinkPatternArray = parseBlinkPattern(ledBlinkPattern, ledBlinkPatternCustom);
public void setTicker(@NonNull Recipient recipient, @Nullable CharSequence message) {
if (privacy.isDisplayMessage()) {
setTicker(getStyledMessage(recipient, trimToDisplayLength(message)));
} else if (privacy.isDisplayContact()) {
setTicker(getStyledMessage(recipient, context.getString(R.string.AbstractNotificationBuilder_new_message)));
} else {
private String[] parseBlinkPattern(String blinkPattern, String blinkPatternCustom) {
if (blinkPattern.equals("custom"))
blinkPattern = blinkPatternCustom;
return blinkPattern.split(",");
protected @NonNull CharSequence trimToDisplayLength(@Nullable CharSequence text) {
text = text == null ? "" : text;
return text.length() <= MAX_DISPLAY_LENGTH ? text
: text.subSequence(0, MAX_DISPLAY_LENGTH);
public Notification build() {