Morgan Pretty 70f0dad36e Fixed a few bugs and some optimisations
Updated a number of nested layout components to be included instead of inflated
Added a couple of optimisations to the EmojiTextView
Fixed an issue where long conversation titles could squish the unread count
Fixed an issue where the typing indicator wasn't working on the home screen
2023-01-13 15:56:14 +11:00

291 lines
12 KiB

package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.v2.messages
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.*
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import network.loki.messenger.R
import network.loki.messenger.databinding.ViewEmojiReactionsBinding
import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences.Companion.getLocalNumber
import org.session.libsession.utilities.ThemeUtil
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.components.emoji.EmojiImageView
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.components.emoji.EmojiUtil
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.v2.ViewUtil
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.MessageId
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.ReactionRecord
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.NumberUtil.getFormattedNumber
import java.util.*
class EmojiReactionsView : ConstraintLayout, OnTouchListener {
companion object {
private const val DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 5
private const val longPressDurationThreshold: Long = 250
private const val maxDoubleTapInterval: Long = 200
private val binding: ViewEmojiReactionsBinding by lazy { ViewEmojiReactionsBinding.bind(this) }
// Normally 6dp, but we have 1dp left+right margin on the pills themselves
private val OUTER_MARGIN = ViewUtil.dpToPx(2)
private var records: MutableList<ReactionRecord>? = null
private var messageId: Long = 0
private var delegate: VisibleMessageViewDelegate? = null
private val gestureHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
private var pressCallback: Runnable? = null
private var longPressCallback: Runnable? = null
private var onDownTimestamp: Long = 0
private var extended = false
constructor(context: Context) : super(context) { init(null) }
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(context, attrs) { init(attrs) }
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyleAttr: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { init(attrs) }
private fun init(attrs: AttributeSet?) {
records = ArrayList()
if (attrs != null) {
val typedArray = context.theme.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.EmojiReactionsView, 0, 0)
fun clear() {
fun setReactions(messageId: Long, records: List<ReactionRecord>, outgoing: Boolean, delegate: VisibleMessageViewDelegate?) {
this.delegate = delegate
if (records == this.records) {
binding.layoutEmojiContainer.justifyContent = if (outgoing) JustifyContent.FLEX_END else JustifyContent.FLEX_START
if (this.messageId != messageId) {
extended = false
this.messageId = messageId
displayReactions(if (extended) Int.MAX_VALUE else DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)
override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
if (v.tag == null) return false
val reaction = v.tag as Reaction
val action = event.action
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) onDown(MessageId(reaction.messageId, reaction.isMms)) else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) removeLongPressCallback() else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) onUp(reaction)
return true
private fun displayReactions(threshold: Int) {
val userPublicKey = getLocalNumber(context)
val reactions = buildSortedReactionsList(records!!, userPublicKey, threshold)
val overflowContainer = LinearLayout(context)
overflowContainer.orientation = LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL
val innerPadding = ViewUtil.dpToPx(4)
overflowContainer.setPaddingRelative(innerPadding, innerPadding, innerPadding, innerPadding)
val pixelSize = ViewUtil.dpToPx(1)
for (reaction in reactions) {
if (binding.layoutEmojiContainer.childCount + 1 >= DEFAULT_THRESHOLD && threshold != Int.MAX_VALUE && reactions.size > threshold) {
if (overflowContainer.parent == null) {
val overflowParams = overflowContainer.layoutParams as MarginLayoutParams
overflowParams.height = ViewUtil.dpToPx(26)
overflowParams.setMargins(pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize)
overflowContainer.layoutParams = overflowParams
overflowContainer.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.reaction_pill_background)
val pill = buildPill(context, this, reaction, true)
pill.setOnClickListener { v: View? ->
extended = true
pill.findViewById<View>( = GONE
pill.findViewById<View>( = GONE
} else {
val pill = buildPill(context, this, reaction, false)
pill.tag = reaction
val params = pill.layoutParams as MarginLayoutParams
params.setMargins(pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize)
pill.layoutParams = params
val overflowChildren = overflowContainer.childCount
val negativeMargin = ViewUtil.dpToPx(-8)
for (i in 0 until overflowChildren) {
val child = overflowContainer.getChildAt(i)
val childParams = child.layoutParams as MarginLayoutParams
if (i == 0 && overflowChildren > 1 || i + 1 < overflowChildren) {
// if first and there is more than one child, or we are not the last child then set negative right margin
childParams.setMargins(0, 0, negativeMargin, 0)
child.layoutParams = childParams
if (threshold == Int.MAX_VALUE) {
binding.groupShowLess.visibility = VISIBLE
for (id in binding.groupShowLess.referencedIds) {
findViewById<View>(id).setOnClickListener { view: View? ->
extended = false
} else {
binding.groupShowLess.visibility = GONE
private fun buildSortedReactionsList(records: List<ReactionRecord>, userPublicKey: String?, threshold: Int): List<Reaction> {
val counters: MutableMap<String, Reaction> = LinkedHashMap()
records.forEach {
val baseEmoji = EmojiUtil.getCanonicalRepresentation(it.emoji)
val info = counters[baseEmoji]
if (info == null) {
counters[baseEmoji] = Reaction(messageId, it.isMms, it.emoji, it.count, it.sortId, it.dateReceived, userPublicKey ==
else {
info.update(it.emoji, it.count, it.dateReceived, userPublicKey ==
val reactions: List<Reaction> = ArrayList(counters.values)
Collections.sort(reactions, Collections.reverseOrder())
return if (reactions.size >= threshold + 2 && threshold != Int.MAX_VALUE) {
val shortened: MutableList<Reaction> = ArrayList(threshold + 2)
shortened.addAll(reactions.subList(0, threshold + 2))
} else {
private fun buildPill(context: Context, parent: ViewGroup, reaction: Reaction, isCompact: Boolean): View {
val root = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.reactions_pill, parent, false)
val emojiView = root.findViewById<EmojiImageView>(
val countView = root.findViewById<TextView>(
val spacer = root.findViewById<View>(
if (isCompact) {
root.setPaddingRelative(1, 1, 1, 1)
val layoutParams = root.layoutParams
layoutParams.height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
root.layoutParams = layoutParams
if (reaction.emoji != null) {
if (reaction.count >= 1) {
countView.text = getFormattedNumber(reaction.count)
} else {
countView.visibility = GONE
spacer.visibility = GONE
} else {
emojiView.visibility = GONE
spacer.visibility = GONE
countView.text = context.getString(R.string.ReactionsConversationView_plus, reaction.count)
if (reaction.userWasSender && !isCompact) {
root.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.reaction_pill_background_selected)
countView.setTextColor(ThemeUtil.getThemedColor(context, R.attr.reactionsPillSelectedTextColor))
} else {
if (!isCompact) {
root.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.reaction_pill_background)
return root
private fun onReactionClicked(reaction: Reaction) {
if (reaction.messageId != 0L) {
val messageId = MessageId(reaction.messageId, reaction.isMms)
delegate!!.onReactionClicked(reaction.emoji!!, messageId, reaction.userWasSender)
private fun onDown(messageId: MessageId) {
val newLongPressCallback = Runnable {
if (delegate != null) {
longPressCallback = newLongPressCallback
gestureHandler.postDelayed(newLongPressCallback, longPressDurationThreshold)
onDownTimestamp = Date().time
private fun removeLongPressCallback() {
if (longPressCallback != null) {
private fun onUp(reaction: Reaction) {
if (Date().time - onDownTimestamp < longPressDurationThreshold) {
if (pressCallback != null) {
pressCallback = null
} else {
val newPressCallback = Runnable {
pressCallback = null
pressCallback = newPressCallback
gestureHandler.postDelayed(newPressCallback, maxDoubleTapInterval)
internal class Reaction(
internal val messageId: Long,
internal val isMms: Boolean,
internal var emoji: String?,
internal var count: Long,
internal val sortIndex: Long,
internal var lastSeen: Long,
internal var userWasSender: Boolean
) : Comparable<Reaction?> {
fun update(emoji: String, count: Long, lastSeen: Long, userWasSender: Boolean) {
if (!this.userWasSender) {
if (userWasSender || lastSeen > this.lastSeen) {
this.emoji = emoji
this.count = this.count + count
this.lastSeen = Math.max(this.lastSeen, lastSeen)
this.userWasSender = this.userWasSender || userWasSender
fun merge(other: Reaction): Reaction {
count = count + other.count
lastSeen = Math.max(lastSeen, other.lastSeen)
userWasSender = userWasSender || other.userWasSender
return this
override fun compareTo(other: Reaction?): Int {
if (other == null) { return -1 }
if (this.count == other.count) {
return this.sortIndex.compareTo(other.sortIndex)
return this.count.compareTo(other.count)