
444 lines
21 KiB

package org.session.libsession.snode
import android.os.Build
import com.goterl.lazysodium.LazySodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.SodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.exceptions.SodiumException
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.AEAD
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.GenericHash
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.PwHash
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.SecretBox
import com.goterl.lazysodium.utils.Key
import nl.komponents.kovenant.*
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.bind
import org.session.libsession.messaging.utilities.MessageWrapper
import org.session.libsignal.crypto.getRandomElement
import org.session.libsignal.database.LokiAPIDatabaseProtocol
import org.session.libsignal.protos.SignalServiceProtos
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.*
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Base64
import java.util.*
object SnodeAPI {
private val sodium by lazy { LazySodiumAndroid(SodiumAndroid()) }
private val database: LokiAPIDatabaseProtocol
get() =
private val broadcaster: Broadcaster
get() = SnodeModule.shared.broadcaster
internal var snodeFailureCount: MutableMap<Snode, Int> = mutableMapOf()
internal var snodePool: Set<Snode>
get() = database.getSnodePool()
set(newValue) { database.setSnodePool(newValue) }
// Settings
private val maxRetryCount = 6
private val minimumSnodePoolCount = 12
private val minimumSwarmSnodeCount = 3
// Use port 4433 if the API level can handle the network security configuration and enforce pinned certificates
private val seedNodePort = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) 443 else 4433
private val seedNodePool by lazy {
if (useTestnet) {
setOf( "" )
} else {
setOf( "$seedNodePort ", "$seedNodePort ", "$seedNodePort" )
private val snodeFailureThreshold = 3
private val targetSwarmSnodeCount = 2
private val useOnionRequests = true
internal val useTestnet = false
// Error
internal sealed class Error(val description: String) : Exception(description) {
object Generic : Error("An error occurred.")
object ClockOutOfSync : Error("Your clock is out of sync with the Service Node network.")
// ONS
object DecryptionFailed : Error("Couldn't decrypt ONS name.")
object HashingFailed : Error("Couldn't compute ONS name hash.")
object ValidationFailed : Error("ONS name validation failed.")
// Internal API
internal fun invoke(method: Snode.Method, snode: Snode, publicKey: String? = null, parameters: Map<String, Any>): RawResponsePromise {
val url = "${snode.address}:${snode.port}/storage_rpc/v1"
if (useOnionRequests) {
return OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(method, parameters, snode, publicKey)
} else {
val deferred = deferred<Map<*, *>, Exception>()
ThreadUtils.queue {
val payload = mapOf( "method" to method.rawValue, "params" to parameters )
try {
val json = HTTP.execute(HTTP.Verb.POST, url, payload)
} catch (exception: Exception) {
val httpRequestFailedException = exception as? HTTP.HTTPRequestFailedException
if (httpRequestFailedException != null) {
val error = handleSnodeError(httpRequestFailedException.statusCode, httpRequestFailedException.json, snode, publicKey)
if (error != null) { return@queue deferred.reject(exception) }
Log.d("Loki", "Unhandled exception: $exception.")
return deferred.promise
internal fun getRandomSnode(): Promise<Snode, Exception> {
val snodePool = this.snodePool
if (snodePool.count() < minimumSnodePoolCount) {
val target = seedNodePool.random()
val url = "$target/json_rpc"
Log.d("Loki", "Populating snode pool using: $target.")
val parameters = mapOf(
"method" to "get_n_service_nodes",
"params" to mapOf(
"active_only" to true,
"limit" to 256,
"fields" to mapOf( "public_ip" to true, "storage_port" to true, "pubkey_x25519" to true, "pubkey_ed25519" to true )
val deferred = deferred<Snode, Exception>()
deferred<Snode, Exception>()
ThreadUtils.queue {
try {
val json = HTTP.execute(HTTP.Verb.POST, url, parameters, useSeedNodeConnection = true)
val intermediate = json["result"] as? Map<*, *>
val rawSnodes = intermediate?.get("service_node_states") as? List<*>
if (rawSnodes != null) {
val snodePool = rawSnodes.mapNotNull { rawSnode ->
val rawSnodeAsJSON = rawSnode as? Map<*, *>
val address = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("public_ip") as? String
val port = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("storage_port") as? Int
val ed25519Key = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("pubkey_ed25519") as? String
val x25519Key = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("pubkey_x25519") as? String
if (address != null && port != null && ed25519Key != null && x25519Key != null && address != "") {
Snode("https://$address", port, Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key, x25519Key))
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to parse: ${rawSnode?.prettifiedDescription()}.")
Log.d("Loki", "Persisting snode pool to database.")
this.snodePool = snodePool
try {
} catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.d("Loki", "Got an empty snode pool from: $target.")
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to update snode pool from: ${(rawSnodes as List<*>?)?.prettifiedDescription()}.")
} catch (exception: Exception) {
return deferred.promise
} else {
return Promise.of(snodePool.getRandomElement())
internal fun dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(snode: Snode, publicKey: String) {
val swarm = database.getSwarm(publicKey)?.toMutableSet()
if (swarm != null && swarm.contains(snode)) {
database.setSwarm(publicKey, swarm)
internal fun getSingleTargetSnode(publicKey: String): Promise<Snode, Exception> {
// SecureRandom() should be cryptographically secure
return getSwarm(publicKey).map { it.shuffled(SecureRandom()).random() }
// Public API
fun getSessionIDFor(onsName: String): Promise<String, Exception> {
val deferred = deferred<String, Exception>()
val promise = deferred.promise
val validationCount = 3
val sessionIDByteCount = 33
// Hash the ONS name using BLAKE2b
val onsName = onsName.toLowerCase(Locale.US)
val nameAsData = onsName.toByteArray()
val nameHash = ByteArray(GenericHash.BYTES)
if (!sodium.cryptoGenericHash(nameHash, nameHash.size, nameAsData, nameAsData.size.toLong())) {
return promise
val base64EncodedNameHash = Base64.encodeBytes(nameHash)
// Ask 3 different snodes for the Session ID associated with the given name hash
val parameters = mapOf(
"endpoint" to "ons_resolve",
"params" to mapOf( "type" to 0, "name_hash" to base64EncodedNameHash )
val promises = (1..validationCount).map {
getRandomSnode().bind { snode ->
retryIfNeeded(maxRetryCount) {
invoke(Snode.Method.OxenDaemonRPCCall, snode, null, parameters)
all(promises).success { results ->
val sessionIDs = mutableListOf<String>()
for (json in results) {
val intermediate = json["result"] as? Map<*, *>
val hexEncodedCiphertext = intermediate?.get("encrypted_value") as? String
if (hexEncodedCiphertext != null) {
val ciphertext = Hex.fromStringCondensed(hexEncodedCiphertext)
val isArgon2Based = (intermediate["nonce"] == null)
if (isArgon2Based) {
// Handle old Argon2-based encryption used before HF16
val salt = ByteArray(PwHash.SALTBYTES)
val key: ByteArray
val nonce = ByteArray(SecretBox.NONCEBYTES)
val sessionIDAsData = ByteArray(sessionIDByteCount)
try {
key = Key.fromHexString(sodium.cryptoPwHash(onsName, SecretBox.KEYBYTES, salt, PwHash.OPSLIMIT_MODERATE, PwHash.MEMLIMIT_MODERATE, PwHash.Alg.PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13)).asBytes
} catch (e: SodiumException) {
if (!sodium.cryptoSecretBoxOpenEasy(sessionIDAsData, ciphertext, ciphertext.size.toLong(), nonce, key)) {
} else {
val hexEncodedNonce = intermediate["nonce"] as? String
if (hexEncodedNonce == null) {
val nonce = Hex.fromStringCondensed(hexEncodedNonce)
val key = ByteArray(GenericHash.BYTES)
if (!sodium.cryptoGenericHash(key, key.size, nameAsData, nameAsData.size.toLong(), nameHash, nameHash.size)) {
val sessionIDAsData = ByteArray(sessionIDByteCount)
if (!sodium.cryptoAeadXChaCha20Poly1305IetfDecrypt(sessionIDAsData, null, null, ciphertext, ciphertext.size.toLong(), null, 0, nonce, key)) {
} else {
if (sessionIDs.size == validationCount && sessionIDs.toSet().size == 1) {
} else {
return promise
fun getTargetSnodes(publicKey: String): Promise<List<Snode>, Exception> {
// SecureRandom() should be cryptographically secure
return getSwarm(publicKey).map { it.shuffled(SecureRandom()).take(targetSwarmSnodeCount) }
fun getSwarm(publicKey: String): Promise<Set<Snode>, Exception> {
val cachedSwarm = database.getSwarm(publicKey)
if (cachedSwarm != null && cachedSwarm.size >= minimumSwarmSnodeCount) {
val cachedSwarmCopy = mutableSetOf<Snode>() // Workaround for a Kotlin compiler issue
return task { cachedSwarmCopy }
} else {
val parameters = mapOf( "pubKey" to if (useTestnet) publicKey.removing05PrefixIfNeeded() else publicKey )
return getRandomSnode().bind {
invoke(Snode.Method.GetSwarm, it, publicKey, parameters)
}.map {
}.success {
database.setSwarm(publicKey, it)
fun getRawMessages(snode: Snode, publicKey: String): RawResponsePromise {
val lastHashValue = database.getLastMessageHashValue(snode, publicKey) ?: ""
val parameters = mapOf( "pubKey" to if (useTestnet) publicKey.removing05PrefixIfNeeded() else publicKey, "lastHash" to lastHashValue )
return invoke(Snode.Method.GetMessages, snode, publicKey, parameters)
fun getMessages(publicKey: String): MessageListPromise {
return retryIfNeeded(maxRetryCount) {
getSingleTargetSnode(publicKey).bind { snode ->
getRawMessages(snode, publicKey).map { parseRawMessagesResponse(it, snode, publicKey) }
fun sendMessage(message: SnodeMessage): Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>, Exception> {
val destination = if (useTestnet) message.recipient.removing05PrefixIfNeeded() else message.recipient
return retryIfNeeded(maxRetryCount) {
getTargetSnodes(destination).map { swarm -> { snode ->
val parameters = message.toJSON()
invoke(Snode.Method.SendMessage, snode, destination, parameters)
// Parsing
private fun parseSnodes(rawResponse: Any): List<Snode> {
val json = rawResponse as? Map<*, *>
val rawSnodes = json?.get("snodes") as? List<*>
if (rawSnodes != null) {
return rawSnodes.mapNotNull { rawSnode ->
val rawSnodeAsJSON = rawSnode as? Map<*, *>
val address = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("ip") as? String
val portAsString = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("port") as? String
val port = portAsString?.toInt()
val ed25519Key = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("pubkey_ed25519") as? String
val x25519Key = rawSnodeAsJSON?.get("pubkey_x25519") as? String
if (address != null && port != null && ed25519Key != null && x25519Key != null && address != "") {
Snode("https://$address", port, Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key, x25519Key))
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to parse snode from: ${rawSnode?.prettifiedDescription()}.")
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to parse snodes from: ${rawResponse.prettifiedDescription()}.")
return listOf()
fun parseRawMessagesResponse(rawResponse: RawResponse, snode: Snode, publicKey: String): List<SignalServiceProtos.Envelope> {
val messages = rawResponse["messages"] as? List<*>
return if (messages != null) {
updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(snode, publicKey, messages)
val newRawMessages = removeDuplicates(publicKey, messages)
return parseEnvelopes(newRawMessages);
} else {
private fun updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(snode: Snode, publicKey: String, rawMessages: List<*>) {
val lastMessageAsJSON = rawMessages.lastOrNull() as? Map<*, *>
val hashValue = lastMessageAsJSON?.get("hash") as? String
if (hashValue != null) {
database.setLastMessageHashValue(snode, publicKey, hashValue)
} else if (rawMessages.isNotEmpty()) {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to update last message hash value from: ${rawMessages.prettifiedDescription()}.")
private fun removeDuplicates(publicKey: String, rawMessages: List<*>): List<*> {
val receivedMessageHashValues = database.getReceivedMessageHashValues(publicKey)?.toMutableSet() ?: mutableSetOf()
val result = rawMessages.filter { rawMessage ->
val rawMessageAsJSON = rawMessage as? Map<*, *>
val hashValue = rawMessageAsJSON?.get("hash") as? String
if (hashValue != null) {
val isDuplicate = receivedMessageHashValues.contains(hashValue)
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Missing hash value for message: ${rawMessage?.prettifiedDescription()}.")
database.setReceivedMessageHashValues(publicKey, receivedMessageHashValues)
return result
private fun parseEnvelopes(rawMessages: List<*>): List<SignalServiceProtos.Envelope> {
return rawMessages.mapNotNull { rawMessage ->
val rawMessageAsJSON = rawMessage as? Map<*, *>
val base64EncodedData = rawMessageAsJSON?.get("data") as? String
val data = base64EncodedData?.let { Base64.decode(it) }
if (data != null) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to unwrap data for message: ${rawMessage.prettifiedDescription()}.")
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to decode data for message: ${rawMessage?.prettifiedDescription()}.")
// endregion
// Error Handling
internal fun handleSnodeError(statusCode: Int, json: Map<*, *>?, snode: Snode, publicKey: String? = null): Exception? {
fun handleBadSnode() {
val oldFailureCount = snodeFailureCount[snode] ?: 0
val newFailureCount = oldFailureCount + 1
snodeFailureCount[snode] = newFailureCount
Log.d("Loki", "Couldn't reach snode at $snode; setting failure count to $newFailureCount.")
if (newFailureCount >= snodeFailureThreshold) {
Log.d("Loki", "Failure threshold reached for: $snode; dropping it.")
if (publicKey != null) {
dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(snode, publicKey)
snodePool = snodePool.toMutableSet().minus(snode).toSet()
Log.d("Loki", "Snode pool count: ${snodePool.count()}.")
snodeFailureCount[snode] = 0
when (statusCode) {
400, 500, 502, 503 -> { // Usually indicates that the snode isn't up to date
406 -> {
Log.d("Loki", "The user's clock is out of sync with the service node network.")
return Error.ClockOutOfSync
421 -> {
// The snode isn't associated with the given public key anymore
if (publicKey != null) {
fun invalidateSwarm() {
Log.d("Loki", "Invalidating swarm for: $publicKey.")
dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(snode, publicKey)
if (json != null) {
val snodes = parseSnodes(json)
if (snodes.isNotEmpty()) {
database.setSwarm(publicKey, snodes.toSet())
} else {
} else {
} else {
Log.d("Loki", "Got a 421 without an associated public key.")
else -> {
Log.d("Loki", "Unhandled response code: ${statusCode}.")
return Error.Generic
return null
// Type Aliases
typealias RawResponse = Map<*, *>
typealias MessageListPromise = Promise<List<SignalServiceProtos.Envelope>, Exception>
typealias RawResponsePromise = Promise<RawResponse, Exception>