Morgan Pretty 810430e806 Fixed a couple of issues with the OpenGroupDeleteJob
Updated the OpenGroupDispatcher to have a thread limit of 8 (was previously unlimited which could result in the app getting flooded with threads under certain conditions)
Updated the OpenGroupDeleteJob to do bulk deletions (instead of individual message deletions)
Updated the OpenGroupDeleteJob to catch and report failures (wasn't previously happening)
2023-01-20 09:02:59 +11:00

153 lines
5.4 KiB

package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import net.zetetic.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteDatabase;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.session.libsession.utilities.Address;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.helpers.SQLCipherOpenHelper;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class GroupReceiptDatabase extends Database {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "group_receipts";
private static final String ID = "_id";
public static final String MMS_ID = "mms_id";
private static final String ADDRESS = "address";
private static final String STATUS = "status";
private static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
private static final String UNIDENTIFIED = "unidentified";
public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1;
public static final int STATUS_UNDELIVERED = 0;
public static final int STATUS_DELIVERED = 1;
public static final int STATUS_READ = 2;
public static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +
public static final String[] CREATE_INDEXES = {
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS group_receipt_mms_id_index ON " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + MMS_ID + ");",
public GroupReceiptDatabase(Context context, SQLCipherOpenHelper databaseHelper) {
super(context, databaseHelper);
public void insert(List<Address> addresses, long mmsId, int status, long timestamp) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
for (Address address : addresses) {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues(4);
values.put(MMS_ID, mmsId);
values.put(ADDRESS, address.serialize());
values.put(STATUS, status);
values.put(TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);
public void update(Address address, long mmsId, int status, long timestamp) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2);
values.put(STATUS, status);
values.put(TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
db.update(TABLE_NAME, values, MMS_ID + " = ? AND " + ADDRESS + " = ? AND " + STATUS + " < ?",
new String[] {String.valueOf(mmsId), address.serialize(), String.valueOf(status)});
public void setUnidentified(Address address, long mmsId, boolean unidentified) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1);
values.put(UNIDENTIFIED, unidentified ? 1 : 0);
db.update(TABLE_NAME, values, MMS_ID + " = ? AND " + ADDRESS + " = ?",
new String[] {String.valueOf(mmsId), address.serialize()});
public @NonNull List<GroupReceiptInfo> getGroupReceiptInfo(long mmsId) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase();
List<GroupReceiptInfo> results = new LinkedList<>();
try (Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, null, MMS_ID + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(mmsId)}, null, null, null)) {
while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) {
results.add(new GroupReceiptInfo(Address.fromSerialized(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ADDRESS))),
cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(UNIDENTIFIED)) == 1));
return results;
void deleteRowsForMessages(String[] mmsIds) {
StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < mmsIds.length; i++) {
queryBuilder.append(MMS_ID+" = ").append(mmsIds[i]);
if (i+1 < mmsIds.length) {
queryBuilder.append(" OR ");
String idsAsString = queryBuilder.toString();
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
db.delete(TABLE_NAME, idsAsString, null);
void deleteRowsForMessage(long mmsId) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
db.delete(TABLE_NAME, MMS_ID + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(mmsId)});
void deleteRowsForMessages(long[] mmsIds) {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
db.delete(TABLE_NAME, MMS_ID + " IN (?)", new String[] {StringUtils.join(mmsIds, ',')});
void deleteAllRows() {
SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
db.delete(TABLE_NAME, null, null);
public static class GroupReceiptInfo {
private final Address address;
private final int status;
private final long timestamp;
private final boolean unidentified;
GroupReceiptInfo(Address address, int status, long timestamp, boolean unidentified) {
this.address = address;
this.status = status;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.unidentified = unidentified;
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public long getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public boolean isUnidentified() {
return unidentified;