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import { _electron, Page, test } from '@playwright/test';
2022-09-14 07:46:18 +02:00
import { beforeAllClean, forceCloseAllWindows } from './setup/beforeEach';
import { openAppsAndNewUsers, openAppsNoNewUsers } from './setup/new_user';
import { sendNewMessage } from './send_message';
import { clickOnMatchingText, clickOnTestIdWithText, typeIntoInput } from './utils';
import { sleepFor } from '../../session/utils/Promise';
// tslint:disable: no-console
let windows: Array<Page> = [];
2022-09-14 07:46:18 +02:00
test.afterEach(() => forceCloseAllWindows(windows));
test('Delete account from swarm', async () => {
const testMessage = `A -> B: ${}`;
const testReply = `B -> A: ${}`;
const windowLoggedIn = await openAppsAndNewUsers(2);
windows =;
const [windowA, windowB] = windows;
const [userA, userB] = windowLoggedIn.users;
// Create contact and send new message
await Promise.all([
sendNewMessage(windowA, userB.sessionid, testMessage),
sendNewMessage(windowB, userA.sessionid, testReply),
// Delete all data from device
// Click on settings tab
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowA, 'settings-section');
// Click on clear all data
2022-09-14 07:46:18 +02:00
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowA, 'clear-data-settings-menu-item', 'Clear Data');
// Select entire account
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, 'Entire Account');
// Confirm deletion by clicking i am sure
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, 'I am sure');
await windowA.waitForTimeout(7500);
// Wait for window to close and reopen
await sleepFor(10000, true);
// await windowA.close();
const restoringWindows = await openAppsNoNewUsers(1);
const [restoringWindow] = restoringWindows;
// Sign in with deleted account and check that nothing restores
await clickOnTestIdWithText(restoringWindow, 'restore-using-recovery', 'Restore your account');
// Fill in recovery phrase
await typeIntoInput(restoringWindow, 'recovery-phrase-input', userA.recoveryPhrase);
// Enter display name
await typeIntoInput(restoringWindow, 'display-name-input', userA.userName);
// Click continue
await clickOnTestIdWithText(restoringWindow, 'continue-session-button');
2022-09-14 07:46:18 +02:00
console.log('sleeping for 20000ms');
await sleepFor(20000); // just to allow any messages from our swarm to show up
// Check if message from user B is restored (we don't want it to be)
const errorDesc = 'Test Message should not be found';
try {
const elemShouldNotBeFound = restoringWindow.locator(testMessage);
if (elemShouldNotBeFound) {
console.error('Test message was not found');
throw new Error(errorDesc);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message !== errorDesc) {
throw e;
await clickOnTestIdWithText(restoringWindow, 'new-conversation-button'); // Expect contacts list to be empty
const errorDesc2 = 'Should not be found';
try {
const elemShouldNotBeFound = restoringWindow.locator(userB.userName);
if (elemShouldNotBeFound) {
console.error('Contact not found');
throw new Error(errorDesc2);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message !== errorDesc2) {
throw e;
await forceCloseAllWindows(restoringWindows);