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2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
import { snodeRpc } from './sessionRpc';
2021-05-18 05:51:01 +02:00
import {
} from './snodePool';
import { getSodiumRenderer } from '../../crypto';
import _, { isEmpty, range } from 'lodash';
import pRetry from 'p-retry';
import {
} from '../../utils/String';
import { Snode } from '../../../data/data';
import { updateIsOnline } from '../../../state/ducks/onion';
import { ed25519Str } from '../../onions/onionPath';
import { StringUtils, UserUtils } from '../../utils';
import { SnodePool } from '.';
import { handleHardforkResult } from './hfHandling';
// ONS name can have [a-zA-Z0-9_-] except that - is not allowed as start or end
// do not define a regex but rather create it on the fly to avoid
2021-06-17 01:23:54 +02:00
export const onsNameRegex = '^\\w([\\w-]*[\\w])?$';
export const ERROR_CODE_NO_CONNECT = 'ENETUNREACH: No network connection.';
let latestTimestampOffset = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
2021-09-21 09:51:23 +02:00
function handleTimestampOffset(_request: string, snodeTimestamp: number) {
if (snodeTimestamp && _.isNumber(snodeTimestamp) && snodeTimestamp > 1609419600 * 1000) {
// first january 2021. Arbitrary, just want to make sure the return timestamp is somehow valid and not some crazy low value
const now =;
2021-09-21 09:51:23 +02:00
// window?.log?.info(`timestamp offset from request ${request}: ${now - snodeTimestamp}ms`);
latestTimestampOffset = now - snodeTimestamp;
* This function has no use to be called except during tests.
* @returns the current offset we have with the rest of the network.
export function getLatestTimestampOffset() {
if (latestTimestampOffset === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
window.log.warn('latestTimestampOffset is not set yet');
return 0;
//'latestTimestampOffset is ', latestTimestampOffset);
return latestTimestampOffset;
export function getNowWithNetworkOffset() {
2022-01-31 03:45:22 +01:00
// make sure to call exports here, as we stub the exported one for testing.
return - exports.getLatestTimestampOffset();
2021-04-28 07:18:36 +02:00
export type SendParams = {
pubKey: string;
ttl: string;
timestamp: string;
data: string;
isSyncMessage?: boolean;
messageId?: string;
2021-04-28 07:18:36 +02:00
* get snodes for pubkey from random snode. Uses an existing snode
async function requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNodeRetryable(
pubKey: string,
targetNode: Snode
): Promise<Array<Snode>> {
const params = {
const result = await snodeRpc({
method: 'get_snodes_for_pubkey',
associatedWith: pubKey,
if (!result) {
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`SessionSnodeAPI::requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNodeRetryable - sessionRpc on ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port} returned falsish value`,
throw new Error('requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNodeRetryable: Invalid result');
if (result.status !== 200) {
window?.log?.warn('Status is not 200 for get_snodes_for_pubkey');
throw new Error('requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNodeRetryable: Invalid status code');
try {
const json = JSON.parse(result.body);
if (!json.snodes) {
// we hit this when snode gives 500s
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`SessionSnodeAPI::requestSnodesForPubkeyRetryable - sessionRpc on ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port} returned falsish value for snodes`,
throw new Error('Invalid json (empty)');
const snodes = json.snodes.filter((tSnode: any) => tSnode.ip !== '');
handleTimestampOffset('get_snodes_for_pubkey', json.t);
return snodes;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Invalid json');
async function requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNode(
pubKey: string,
targetNode: Snode
): Promise<Array<Snode>> {
// don't catch exception in here. we want them to bubble up
// this is the level where our targetNode is supposed to be valid. We retry a few times with this one.
// if all our retries fails, we retry from the caller of this function with a new target node.
return pRetry(
async () => {
return requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNodeRetryable(pubKey, targetNode);
retries: 3,
factor: 2,
minTimeout: 100,
maxTimeout: 2000,
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNode attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
async function requestSnodesForPubkeyRetryable(pubKey: string): Promise<Array<Snode>> {
// don't catch exception in here. we want them to bubble up
// this is the level where our targetNode is not yet known. We retry a few times with a new one everytime.
// the idea is that the requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNode will remove a failing targetNode
return pRetry(
async () => {
const targetNode = await getRandomSnode();
return requestSnodesForPubkeyWithTargetNode(pubKey, targetNode);
retries: 3,
factor: 2,
minTimeout: 100,
maxTimeout: 4000,
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`requestSnodesForPubkeyRetryable attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
export async function requestSnodesForPubkey(pubKey: string): Promise<Array<Snode>> {
try {
// catch exception in here only.
// the idea is that the pretry will retry a few times each calls, except if an AbortError is thrown.
// if all retry fails, we will end up in the catch below when the last exception thrown
return await requestSnodesForPubkeyRetryable(pubKey);
} catch (e) {
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
window?.log?.error('SessionSnodeAPI::requestSnodesForPubkey - error', e);
return [];
export async function getSessionIDForOnsName(onsNameCase: string) {
const validationCount = 3;
const onsNameLowerCase = onsNameCase.toLowerCase();
const sodium = await getSodiumRenderer();
const nameAsData = stringToUint8Array(onsNameLowerCase);
const nameHash = sodium.crypto_generichash(sodium.crypto_generichash_BYTES, nameAsData);
const base64EncodedNameHash = fromUInt8ArrayToBase64(nameHash);
const params = {
endpoint: 'ons_resolve',
params: {
type: 0,
name_hash: base64EncodedNameHash,
// we do this request with validationCount snodes
const promises = range(0, validationCount).map(async () => {
const targetNode = await getRandomSnode();
const result = await snodeRpc({ method: 'oxend_request', params, targetNode });
if (!result || result.status !== 200 || !result.body) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve:Failed to resolve ONS');
let parsedBody;
2021-06-02 05:59:48 +02:00
try {
parsedBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
handleTimestampOffset('ons_resolve', parsedBody.t);
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('ONSresolve: failed to parse ons result body', result.body);
throw new Error('ONSresolve: json ONS resovle');
const intermediate = parsedBody?.result;
if (!intermediate || !intermediate?.encrypted_value) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: no encrypted_value');
const hexEncodedCipherText = intermediate?.encrypted_value;
const isArgon2Based = !Boolean(intermediate?.nonce);
const ciphertext = fromHexToArray(hexEncodedCipherText);
2021-06-02 05:59:48 +02:00
let sessionIDAsData: Uint8Array;
let nonce: Uint8Array;
let key: Uint8Array;
if (isArgon2Based) {
2021-06-02 05:59:48 +02:00
// Handle old Argon2-based encryption used before HF16
const salt = new Uint8Array(sodium.crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES);
nonce = new Uint8Array(sodium.crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES);
try {
const keyHex = sodium.crypto_pwhash(
if (!keyHex) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: key invalid argon2');
key = fromHexToArray(keyHex);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Hashing failed');
sessionIDAsData = sodium.crypto_secretbox_open_easy(ciphertext, nonce, key);
if (!sessionIDAsData) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Decryption failed');
return toHex(sessionIDAsData);
// not argon2Based
const hexEncodedNonce = intermediate.nonce as string;
if (!hexEncodedNonce) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: No hexEncodedNonce');
2021-06-02 05:59:48 +02:00
nonce = fromHexToArray(hexEncodedNonce);
try {
key = sodium.crypto_generichash(sodium.crypto_generichash_BYTES, nameAsData, nameHash);
if (!key) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Hashing failed');
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('ONSresolve: hashing failed', e);
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Hashing failed');
2021-06-02 05:59:48 +02:00
sessionIDAsData = sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
if (!sessionIDAsData) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Decryption failed');
return toHex(sessionIDAsData);
try {
// if one promise throws, we end un the catch case
const allResolvedSessionIds = await Promise.all(promises);
if (allResolvedSessionIds?.length !== validationCount) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Validation failed');
// assert all the returned session ids are the same
if (_.uniq(allResolvedSessionIds).length !== 1) {
throw new Error('ONSresolve: Validation failed');
return allResolvedSessionIds[0];
} catch (e) {
window.log.warn('ONSresolve: error', e);
throw e;
* Try to fetch from 3 different snodes an updated list of snodes.
* If we get less than 24 common snodes in those result, we consider the request to failed and an exception is thrown.
* The three snode we make the request to is randomized.
* This function is to be called with a pRetry so that if one snode does not reply anything, another might be choose next time.
* Return the list of nodes all snodes agreed on.
export async function getSnodePoolFromSnodes() {
const existingSnodePool = await SnodePool.getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed();
if (existingSnodePool.length <= minSnodePoolCount) {
'getSnodePoolFromSnodes: Cannot get snodes list from snodes; not enough snodes',
throw new Error(
`Cannot get snodes list from snodes; not enough snodes even after refetching from seed', ${existingSnodePool.length}`
// Note intersectionWith only works with 3 at most array to find the common snodes.
const nodesToRequest = _.sampleSize(existingSnodePool, 3);
const results = await Promise.all( node => {
* this call is already retried if the snode does not reply
* (at least when onion requests are enabled)
* this request might want to rebuild a path if the snode length gets < minSnodePoolCount during the
* retries, so we need to make sure this does not happen.
* Remember that here, we are trying to fetch from snodes the updated list of snodes to rebuild a path.
* If we don't disable rebuilding a path below, this gets to a chicken and egg problem.
return TEST_getSnodePoolFromSnode(node);
// we want those at least `requiredSnodesForAgreement` snodes common between all the result
const commonSnodes = _.intersectionWith(
(s1: Snode, s2: Snode) => {
return s1.ip === s2.ip && s1.port === s2.port;
// We want the snodes to agree on at least this many snodes
if (commonSnodes.length < requiredSnodesForAgreement) {
throw new Error(
`Inconsistent snode pools. We did not get at least ${requiredSnodesForAgreement} in common`
return commonSnodes;
* Returns a list of unique snodes got from the specified targetNode.
* This function won't try to rebuild a path if at some point we don't have enough snodes.
* This is exported for testing purpose only
// tslint:disable-next-line: function-name
export async function TEST_getSnodePoolFromSnode(targetNode: Snode): Promise<Array<Snode>> {
const params = {
endpoint: 'get_service_nodes',
params: {
active_only: true,
fields: {
public_ip: true,
storage_port: true,
pubkey_x25519: true,
pubkey_ed25519: true,
const result = await snodeRpc({
method: 'oxend_request',
if (!result || result.status !== 200) {
throw new Error('Invalid result');
try {
const json = JSON.parse(result.body);
if (!json || !json.result || !json.result.service_node_states?.length) {
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
window?.log?.error('getSnodePoolFromSnode - invalid result from snode', result.body);
return [];
// Filter nodes which haven't submitted uptime proofs
const snodes = json.result.service_node_states
.filter((snode: any) => snode.public_ip !== '')
.map((snode: any) => ({
ip: snode.public_ip,
port: snode.storage_port,
pubkey_x25519: snode.pubkey_x25519,
pubkey_ed25519: snode.pubkey_ed25519,
})) as Array<Snode>;
handleTimestampOffset('get_service_nodes', json.t);
// we the return list by the snode is already made of uniq snodes
return _.compact(snodes);
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.error('Invalid json response');
return [];
export async function storeOnNode(
targetNode: Snode,
params: SendParams
): Promise<string | null | boolean> {
2021-05-17 06:39:56 +02:00
try {
// no retry here. If an issue is with the path this is handled in lokiOnionFetch
// if there is an issue with the targetNode, we still send a few times this request to a few snodes in // already so it's handled
const result = await snodeRpc({
method: 'store',
associatedWith: params.pubKey,
if (!result || result.status !== 200 || !result.body) {
2021-05-17 06:39:56 +02:00
return false;
2021-05-17 06:39:56 +02:00
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(result.body);
handleTimestampOffset('store', parsed.t);
const messageHash = parsed.hash;
if (messageHash) {
return messageHash;
return true;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('Failed to parse "store" result: ', e.msg);
return false;
2021-05-17 06:39:56 +02:00
} catch (e) {
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
window?.log?.warn('store - send error:', e, `destination ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port}`);
2021-06-29 06:55:59 +02:00
throw e;
async function getRetrieveSignatureParams(
params: RetrieveRequestParams
): Promise<{ timestamp: number; signature: string; pubkey_ed25519: string } | null> {
const ourPubkey = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyFromCache();
const ourEd25519Key = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPair();
if (isEmpty(params?.pubKey) || ourPubkey.key !== params.pubKey || !ourEd25519Key) {
return null;
const hasNamespace = params.namespace && params.namespace !== 0;
const namespace = params.namespace || 0;
const edKeyPrivBytes = fromHexToArray(ourEd25519Key?.privKey);
const signatureTimestamp = getNowWithNetworkOffset();
const verificationData = hasNamespace
? StringUtils.encode(`retrieve${namespace}${signatureTimestamp}`, 'utf8')
: StringUtils.encode(`retrieve${signatureTimestamp}`, 'utf8');
const message = new Uint8Array(verificationData);
const sodium = await getSodiumRenderer();
try {
const signature = sodium.crypto_sign_detached(message, edKeyPrivBytes);
const signatureBase64 = fromUInt8ArrayToBase64(signature);
const namespaceObject = hasNamespace ? { namespace } : {};
return {
timestamp: signatureTimestamp,
signature: signatureBase64,
pubkey_ed25519: ourEd25519Key.pubKey,
} catch (e) {
window.log.warn('getSignatureParams failed with: ', e.message);
return null;
type RetrieveRequestParams = {
pubKey: string;
lastHash: string;
namespace?: number;
/** */
export async function retrieveNextMessages(
targetNode: Snode,
lastHash: string,
associatedWith: string,
namespace?: number
): Promise<Array<any>> {
const params: RetrieveRequestParams = {
2021-05-25 01:53:11 +02:00
pubKey: associatedWith,
lastHash: lastHash || '',
namespace: namespace || 0,
const signatureParams = (await getRetrieveSignatureParams(params)) || {};
// let exceptions bubble up
// no retry for this one as this a call we do every few seconds while polling for messages
2021-10-04 01:56:54 +02:00
const result = await snodeRpc({
method: 'retrieve',
params: { ...signatureParams, ...params },
2021-10-04 01:56:54 +02:00
timeout: 4000,
if (!result) {
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`_retrieveNextMessages - sessionRpc could not talk to ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port}`
throw new Error(
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`_retrieveNextMessages - sessionRpc could not talk to ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port}`
if (result.status !== 200) {
window?.log?.warn('retrieve result is not 200');
throw new Error(
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`_retrieveNextMessages - retrieve result is not 200 with ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port}`
try {
const json = JSON.parse(result.body);
if (!window.inboxStore?.getState().onionPaths.isOnline) {
handleTimestampOffset('retrieve', json.t);
await handleHardforkResult(json);
return json.messages || [];
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('exception while parsing json of nextMessage:', e);
if (!window.inboxStore?.getState().onionPaths.isOnline) {
throw new Error(
2022-02-18 03:03:47 +01:00
`_retrieveNextMessages - exception while parsing json of nextMessage ${targetNode.ip}:${targetNode.port}: ${e?.message}`
* Makes a post to a node to receive the timestamp info. If non-existant, returns -1
* @param snode Snode to send request to
* @returns timestamp of the response from snode
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
export const getNetworkTime = async (snode: Snode): Promise<string | number> => {
const response: any = await snodeRpc({ method: 'info', params: {}, targetNode: snode });
const body = JSON.parse(response.body);
const timestamp = body?.timestamp;
if (!timestamp) {
throw new Error(`getNetworkTime returned invalid timestamp: ${timestamp}`);
return timestamp;
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-func-body-length
export const forceNetworkDeletion = async (): Promise<Array<string> | null> => {
const sodium = await getSodiumRenderer();
const userX25519PublicKey = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const userED25519KeyPair = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPair();
if (!userED25519KeyPair) {
window?.log?.warn('Cannot forceNetworkDeletion, did not find user ed25519 key.');
return null;
const edKeyPriv = userED25519KeyPair.privKey;
try {
const maliciousSnodes = await pRetry(
async () => {
const userSwarm = await getSwarmFor(userX25519PublicKey);
const snodeToMakeRequestTo: Snode | undefined = _.sample(userSwarm);
const edKeyPrivBytes = fromHexToArray(edKeyPriv);
if (!snodeToMakeRequestTo) {
window?.log?.warn('Cannot forceNetworkDeletion, without a valid swarm node.');
return null;
return pRetry(
async () => {
const timestamp = await exports.getNetworkTime(snodeToMakeRequestTo);
const verificationData = StringUtils.encode(`delete_all${timestamp}`, 'utf8');
const message = new Uint8Array(verificationData);
const signature = sodium.crypto_sign_detached(message, edKeyPrivBytes);
const signatureBase64 = fromUInt8ArrayToBase64(signature);
const deleteMessageParams = {
pubkey: userX25519PublicKey,
pubkey_ed25519: userED25519KeyPair.pubKey.toUpperCase(),
signature: signatureBase64,
const ret = await snodeRpc({
method: 'delete_all',
params: deleteMessageParams,
targetNode: snodeToMakeRequestTo,
associatedWith: userX25519PublicKey,
if (!ret) {
throw new Error(
`Empty response got for delete_all on snode ${ed25519Str(
try {
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(ret.body);
const { swarm } = parsedResponse;
if (!swarm) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON swarm response got for delete_all on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
const swarmAsArray = Object.entries(swarm) as Array<Array<any>>;
if (!swarmAsArray.length) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON swarmAsArray response got for delete_all on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
// results will only contains the snode pubkeys which returned invalid/empty results
const results: Array<string> = _.compact( => {
const snodePubkey = snode[0];
const snodeJson = snode[1];
const isFailed = snodeJson.failed || false;
if (isFailed) {
const reason = snodeJson.reason;
const statusCode = snodeJson.code;
if (reason && statusCode) {
`Could not delete data from ${ed25519Str(
)} due to error: ${reason}: ${statusCode}`
// if we tried to make the delete on a snode not in our swarm, just trigger a pRetry error so the outer block here finds new snodes to make the request to.
if (statusCode === 421) {
throw new pRetry.AbortError(
'421 error on network delete_all. Retrying with a new snode'
} else {
`Could not delete data from ${ed25519Str(
return snodePubkey;
const hashes = snodeJson.deleted as Array<string>;
const signatureSnode = snodeJson.signature as string;
// The signature format is ( PUBKEY_HEX || TIMESTAMP || DELETEDHASH[0] || ... || DELETEDHASH[N] )
const dataToVerify = `${userX25519PublicKey}${timestamp}${hashes.join('')}`;
const dataToVerifyUtf8 = StringUtils.encode(dataToVerify, 'utf8');
const isValid = sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(
new Uint8Array(dataToVerifyUtf8),
if (!isValid) {
return snodePubkey;
return null;
return results;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON response got for delete_all on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
retries: 3,
minTimeout: exports.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`delete_all INNER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
retries: 3,
minTimeout: exports.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
onFailedAttempt: e => {
2021-10-04 01:56:54 +02:00
`delete_all OUTER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left... ${e.message}`
return maliciousSnodes;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('failed to delete everything on network:', e);
return null;
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
export const TEST_getMinTimeout = () => 500;
* Locally deletes message and deletes message on the network (all nodes that contain the message)
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-func-body-length
export const networkDeleteMessages = async (
2021-10-27 04:57:14 +02:00
hashes: Array<string>
): Promise<Array<string> | null> => {
const sodium = await getSodiumRenderer();
const userX25519PublicKey = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const userED25519KeyPair = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPair();
if (!userED25519KeyPair) {
window?.log?.warn('Cannot networkDeleteMessages, did not find user ed25519 key.');
return null;
const edKeyPriv = userED25519KeyPair.privKey;
try {
const maliciousSnodes = await pRetry(
async () => {
const userSwarm = await getSwarmFor(userX25519PublicKey);
const snodeToMakeRequestTo: Snode | undefined = _.sample(userSwarm);
const edKeyPrivBytes = fromHexToArray(edKeyPriv);
if (!snodeToMakeRequestTo) {
window?.log?.warn('Cannot networkDeleteMessages, without a valid swarm node.');
return null;
return pRetry(
async () => {
const verificationData = StringUtils.encode(`delete${hashes.join('')}`, 'utf8');
const message = new Uint8Array(verificationData);
const signature = sodium.crypto_sign_detached(message, edKeyPrivBytes);
const signatureBase64 = fromUInt8ArrayToBase64(signature);
const deleteMessageParams = {
pubkey: userX25519PublicKey,
pubkey_ed25519: userED25519KeyPair.pubKey.toUpperCase(),
messages: hashes,
signature: signatureBase64,
const ret = await snodeRpc({
method: 'delete',
params: deleteMessageParams,
targetNode: snodeToMakeRequestTo,
associatedWith: userX25519PublicKey,
if (!ret) {
throw new Error(
`Empty response got for delete on snode ${ed25519Str(
try {
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(ret.body);
const { swarm } = parsedResponse;
if (!swarm) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON swarm response got for delete on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
const swarmAsArray = Object.entries(swarm) as Array<Array<any>>;
if (!swarmAsArray.length) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON swarmAsArray response got for delete on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
// results will only contains the snode pubkeys which returned invalid/empty results
const results: Array<string> = _.compact( => {
const snodePubkey = snode[0];
const snodeJson = snode[1];
//#region failure handling
const isFailed = snodeJson.failed || false;
if (isFailed) {
const reason = snodeJson.reason;
const statusCode = snodeJson.code;
if (reason && statusCode) {
`Could not delete msgs from ${ed25519Str(
)} due to error: ${reason}: ${statusCode}`
2021-10-04 01:56:54 +02:00
// if we tried to make the delete on a snode not in our swarm, just trigger a pRetry error so the outer block here finds new snodes to make the request to.
if (statusCode === 421) {
throw new pRetry.AbortError(
'421 error on network delete_all. Retrying with a new snode'
} else {
`Could not delete msgs from ${ed25519Str(
return snodePubkey;
//#region verification
const responseHashes = snodeJson.deleted as Array<string>;
const signatureSnode = snodeJson.signature as string;
// The signature looks like ( PUBKEY_HEX || RMSG[0] || ... || RMSG[N] || DMSG[0] || ... || DMSG[M] )
const dataToVerify = `${userX25519PublicKey}${hashes.join(
const dataToVerifyUtf8 = StringUtils.encode(dataToVerify, 'utf8');
const isValid = sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(
new Uint8Array(dataToVerifyUtf8),
if (!isValid) {
return snodePubkey;
return null;
return results;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid JSON response got for delete on snode ${ed25519Str(
)}, ${ret?.body}`
retries: 3,
minTimeout: exports.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`delete INNER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
retries: 3,
minTimeout: exports.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`delete OUTER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
return maliciousSnodes;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('failed to delete message on network:', e);
return null;