"Shown in the about box for the link to https://signal.org/legal"
"The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"The label that is used for the Edit menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"The label that is used for the Window menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"The label that is used for the Preferences menu in the program main menu. This should be consistent with the standard naming for ‘Preferences’ on the operating system."
"description":"Application menu command to hide the window"
"message":"Hide Others",
"description":"Application menu command to hide all other windows"
"message":"Show All",
"description":"Application menu command to show all application windows"
"message":"Quit Signal",
"description":"Application menu command to close the application"
"description":"Edit menu command to remove recently-typed text"
"description":"Edit menu command to restore previously undone typed text"
"Edit menu command to remove selected text and add it to clipboard"
"description":"Edit menu command to add selected text to clipboard"
"Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location"
"message":"Paste and Match Style",
"Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location, taking only text and not style information"
"description":"Edit menu command to remove the selected text"
"message":"Select All",
"Edit menu comand to select all of the text in selected text box"
"message":"Start speaking",
"description":"Edit menu item under 'speech' to start dictation"
"message":"Stop speaking",
"description":"Edit menu item under 'speech' to stop dictation"
"message":"Close Window",
"description":"Window menu command to close the current window"
"description":"Window menu command to minimize the current window"
"Window menu command to make the current window the size of the whole screen"
"message":"Bring All to Front",
"Window menu command to bring all windows of current applicatinon to front"
"message":"Actual Size",
"description":"View menu command to go back to the default zoom"
"message":"Zoom In",
"description":"View menu command to make everything bigger"
"message":"Zoom Out",
"description":"View menu command to make everything smaller"
"message":"Toggle Full Screen",
"description":"View menu command to enter or leave Full Screen mode"
"message":"Toggle Developer Tools",
"description":"View menu command to show or hide the developer tools"
"message":"Set Up with Import",
"When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the import sequence"
"message":"Set Up as New Device",
"When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the set up as fresh device"
"message":"Set Up as Standalone Device",
"Only available on development modes, menu option to open up the standalone device setup sequence"
"Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
"message":"Optimizing application...",
"Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
"description":"Header shown on the first screen in the data import process"
"You've just gone through the export process, and your contacts and messages are waiting patiently on your computer. Select the folder that contains your saved Signal data.",
"Introduction to the process of importing messages and contacts from disk"
"message":"Choose directory with exported data",
"Title of the popup window used to select data previously exported"
"message":"Something went wrong!",
"description":"Header of the error screen after a failed import"
"message":"Loading contacts and messages",
"description":"Header of screen shown as data is import"
"Make sure you have chosen the correct directory that contains your saved Signal data. Its name should begin with 'Signal Export.' You can also save a new copy of your data from the Chrome App.",
"description":"Message shown if the import went wrong; first paragraph"
"If these steps don't work for you, please submit a debug log (View -> Debug Log) so that we can help you get migrated!",
"description":"Message shown if the import went wrong; second paragraph"
"message":"Choose folder and try again",
"Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
"Header shown on the screen at the end of a successful import process"
"message":"Start using Signal Desktop",
"Button shown at end of successful import process, nothing left but a restart"
"message":"Link this device to your phone",
"Button shown at end of successful 'light' import process, so the standard linking process still needs to happen"
"message":"your selected location",
"Message shown as the export location if we didn't capture the target directory"
"message":"Upgrading database. This may take some time...",
"Message shown on the loading screen when we're changing database structure on first run of a new version"
"message":"Loading messages. $count$ so far...",
"Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages",
"Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as not verified, whether on the Safety Number screen or by dismissing a banner or dialog.",
"Your safety numbers with these group members have changed since you last verified. Click a group member to see your new safety number with them.",
"When there are multiple previously-verified group members with safety number changes, a banner will be shown. The list of contacts with safety number changes is shown, and this text introduces that list."
"Your safety numbers with multiple group members have changed since you last verified. This could mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that they have simply reinstalled Signal.",
"Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"Your safety number with $name$ has changed since you last verified. This could mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that $name$ has simply reinstalled Signal.",
"Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message",
"The safety number you are trying to verify has changed. Please review your new safety number with $name$. Remember, this change could mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that $name$ has simply reinstalled Signal.",
"Shown on the safety number screen when the user has selected to verify/unverify a contact's safety number, and we immediately discover a safety number change",
"Your safety numbers with multiple group members have changed recently. This could mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that they have simply reinstalled Signal.",
"Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"Your safety number with $name$ has changed recently. This could mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that $name$ has simply reinstalled Signal.",
"Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message",
"Your safety number with $name$ has changed. This could either mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication or that $name$ has simply reinstalled Signal. You may wish to verify your saftey number with this contact.",
"Shown when user clicks on a failed recipient in the message detail view after an identity key change",
"Your safety number with this contact has changed. This could either mean that someone is trying to intercept your communication, or this contact simply reinstalled Signal. You may wish to verify the new safety number below."
"description":"Menu item for deleting messages, title case."
"message":"Permanently delete this conversation?",
"Confirmation dialog text that asks the user if they really wish to delete the conversation. Answer buttons use the strings 'ok' and 'cancel'. The deletion is permanent, i.e. it cannot be undone."
"message":"Secure session reset",
"This is a past tense, informational message. In other words, your secure session has been reset."
"message":"Thumbnail of image from quoted message",
"Used in alt tag of thumbnail images inside of an embedded message quote"
"message":"Image attached to message",
"description":"Used in alt tag of image attachment"
"Header in the settings dialog for the section dealing with data deletion"
"This will clear all data in the application, removing all messages and saved account information.",
"description":"Text describing what the clear data button will do."
"message":"Clear data",
"Button in the settings dialog starting process to delete all data"
"message":"Delete all data?",
"description":"Header of the full-screen delete data confirmation screen"
"You are about to delete all of this application's saved account information, including all contacts and all messages. You can always link with your mobile device again, but that will not restore deleted messages.",
"Text describing what exactly will happen if the user clicks the button to delete all data"
"message":"Delete all data",
"description":"Text of the button that deletes all data"
"message":"Disconnecting and deleting all data",
"Message shown to user when app is disconnected and data deleted"
"description":"Header for notification settings"
"message":"When messages arrive, display notifications that reveal:",
"description":"Explain the purpose of the notification settings"
"message":"Disable notifications",
"description":"Label for disabling notifications"
"message":"Both sender name and message",
"Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
"message":"Neither name nor message",
"Label for setting notifications to display no name and no message text"
"message":"Only sender name",
"description":"Label for setting notifications to display sender name only"
"message":"New Message",
"description":"Displayed in notifications for only 1 message"
"message":"New Messages",
"description":"Displayed in notifications for multiple messages"
"message":"Most recent from:",
"Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name only' and more than one message is waiting"
"Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name only' and one message is waiting"
"message":"Most recent:",
"Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name and message' and more than one message is waiting"
"description":"Shown if a message is very recent, less than 60 seconds old"
"message":"MMM D",
"Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"message":"Unblock this contact to send a message.",
"description":"Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"