Update documentation

This commit is contained in:
Mikunj 2020-03-27 09:06:30 +11:00
parent 0cccc70b9b
commit 555db5e83b
2 changed files with 25 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -82,38 +82,43 @@ while you make changes:
yarn grunt dev # runs until you stop it, re-generating built assets on file changes
## Additional storage profiles
## Multiple instances
Since there is no registration for Session, you can create as many accounts as you
can public keys. To test the P2P functionality on the same machine, however, requries
that each client binds their message server to a different port.
can public keys. Each client however has a dedicated storage profile which is determined by the environment and instance variables.
You can use the following command to start a client bound to a different port.
This profile will change [userData](https://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#appgetpathname)
directory from `%appData%/Session` to `%appData%/Session-{environment}-{instance}`.
There are a few scripts which you can use:
yarn start-multi
yarn start - Start development
yarn start-multi - Start second instance of development
yarn start-prod - Start production but in development mode
yarn start-prod-multi - Start another instance of production
For more than 2 clients, you can setup additional storage profiles and switch
between them using the `NODE_APP_INSTANCE` environment variable.
For more than 2 clients, you may run the above command with `NODE_APP_INSTANCE` set before them.
For example, running:
NODE_APP_INSTANCE=alice yarn start
Will run the development environment with the `alice` instance and thus create a seperate storage profile.
For example, to create an 'alice' profile, put a file called `local-alice.json` in the
If a fixed profile is needed (in the case of tests), you can specify it using `storageProfile` in the config file. If the change is local then put it in `local-{instance}.json` otherwise put it in `default-{instance}.json` or `{env}-{instance}.json`.
Local config files will be ignored by default in git.
For example, to create an 'alice' profile locally, put a file called `local-alice.json` in the
`config` directory:
"storageProfile": "aliceProfile",
"storageProfile": "alice-profile",
Then you can start up the application a little differently to load the profile:
NODE_APP_INSTANCE=alice yarn run start
This changes the [userData](https://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#appgetpathname)
directory from `%appData%/Session` to `%appData%/Session-aliceProfile`.
This will then set the `userData` directory to `%appData%/Session-alice-profile` when running the `alice` instance.
# Making changes
@ -185,26 +190,11 @@ Above all, spend some time with the repository. Follow the pull request template
your pull request description automatically. Take a look at recent approved pull requests,
see how they did things.
## Testing Production Builds
## Production Builds
To test changes to the build system, build a release using
You can build a production binary by running the following:
yarn generate
yarn build-release
Then, run the tests using `grunt test-release:osx --dir=release`, replacing `osx` with `linux` or `win` depending on your platform.
<!-- TODO:
## Translations
To pull the latest translations, follow these steps:
1. Download Transifex client:
2. Create Transifex account: https://transifex.com
3. Generate API token: https://www.transifex.com/user/settings/api/
4. Create `~/.transifexrc` configuration:
5. Run `yarn grunt tx`. -->

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
"grunt": "grunt",
"icon-gen": "electron-icon-maker --input=images/icon_1024.png --output=./build",
"generate": "yarn icon-gen && yarn grunt",
"build-release": "cross-env SIGNAL_ENV=production npm run build -- --config.directories.output=release",
"build-module-protobuf": "pbjs --target static-module --wrap commonjs --out ts/protobuf/compiled.js protos/*.proto && pbts --out ts/protobuf/compiled.d.ts ts/protobuf/compiled.js",
"clean-module-protobuf": "rm -f ts/protobuf/compiled.d.ts ts/protobuf/compiled.js",
"build-protobuf": "yarn build-module-protobuf",