Fetch translations (#2056)

* show missed-call,started-call and answered call notification in chat

* fix types for createLastMessageUpdate

* show incoming dialog if we have a pending call when enable call receptio

* simplify a bit the avatar component

* move disableDrag to a custom hook

* speed up hash colors of avatarPlaceHolders

* fixup text selection and double click reply on message

* keep avatar decoded items longer before releasing memory

* add incoming/outgoing/missed call notification

also, merge that notification with the timer and group notification

* hangup call if no answer after 30sec

* refactor SessionInput using hook + add testid field for recovery

* disable message request feature flag for now

* fix merge issue

* force loading screen to be black instead of white

for our dark theme user's eyes safety

* add type for i18n to run update after crowdin  fetch with tools/updateI18nKeysType.py

* update to latest translations
This commit is contained in:
Audric Ackermann 2021-11-30 14:46:06 +11:00 committed by GitHub
parent cf44896a03
commit 651b1c4376
No known key found for this signature in database
77 changed files with 3303 additions and 2472 deletions

View File

@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Terms & Privacy Policy",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Copy error and quit",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"databaseError": "Database Error",
"mainMenuFile": "&File",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Edit",
"mainMenuView": "&View",
"mainMenuWindow": "&Window",
"mainMenuHelp": "&Help",
"appMenuHide": "Hide",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Hide Others",
"appMenuUnhide": "Show All",
"appMenuQuit": "Quit Session",
"editMenuUndo": "Undo",
"editMenuRedo": "Redo",
"editMenuCut": "Cut",
"editMenuCopy": "Copy",
"editMenuPaste": "Paste",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Paste and Match Style",
"privacyPolicy": "الشروط وسياسة الخصوصية",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "نسخ الخطأ والخروج",
"unknown": "مجهول",
"databaseError": "خطأ في قاعدة البيانات",
"mainMenuFile": "&ملف",
"mainMenuEdit": "&تعديل",
"mainMenuView": "&عرض",
"mainMenuWindow": "&نافذة",
"mainMenuHelp": "&مساعدة",
"appMenuHide": "إخفاء",
"appMenuHideOthers": "إخفاء الآخرين",
"appMenuUnhide": "إظهار الكل",
"appMenuQuit": "إنهاء سِيشَن",
"editMenuUndo": "تراجع",
"editMenuRedo": "إعادة",
"editMenuCut": "قص",
"editMenuCopy": "نسخ",
"editMenuPaste": "لصق",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "لصق ومطابقة النمط",
"editMenuDelete": "أحذف ",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Select All",
"windowMenuClose": "Close Window",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Minimize",
"windowMenuZoom": "Zoom",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bring All to Front",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Actual Size",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Zoom In",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Zoom Out",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"windowMenuClose": "أغلق النافذة",
"windowMenuMinimize": "صغِّر",
"windowMenuZoom": "تكبير",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "أحضر الجميع للأمام",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "الحجم الحقيقي",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "تكبير",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "تصغير",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "الانتقال إلى ملء الشاشة",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "الانتقال إلى أدوات المطور",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "لا اقتراحات",
"openGroupInvitation": "دعوة المجموعة المفتوحة",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "الانضمام إلى $roomName$؟",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد الانضمام إلى المجموعة المفتوحة $roomName$؟",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "أدخل معرف سِيشَن أو اسم ONS",
"loading": "جاري التحميل",
"optimizingApplication": "Optimizing application...",
"done": "Done",
"optimizingApplication": "تحسين التطبيق...",
"done": "تم",
"me": "أنا",
"view": "معاينة ",
"youLeftTheGroup": "لقد غادرت المجموعة ",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "تمت إزالتك من المجموعة.",
"unreadMessage": "رسالة غير مقروءة",
"unreadMessages": "الرسائل غير المقروءة",
"debugLogExplanation": "هذه السجلاّت سيتم نشرها علنا ليتمكن المساهمون من معاينتها. ربما ترغب فى تعديلها أو التحقق منها قبل إرسالها. ",
"debugLogError": "Something went wrong with the upload! Please consider manually adding your log to the bug you file.",
"debugLogError": "حدث خطأ ما في الرفع! الرجاء النظر في إضافة السجل الخاص بك يدوياً إلى الخطأ الذي ستقوم بإيداعه.",
"reportIssue": "بلّغ عن مشكل",
"gotIt": "واضح",
"submit": "إرسال",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"incomingError": "Error handling incoming message",
"media": "Media",
"markAllAsRead": "تحديد الكل كمقروء",
"incomingError": "خطأ في معالجة الرسالة الواردة",
"media": "الوسائط",
"mediaEmptyState": "You dont have any media in this conversation",
"documents": "Documents",
"documents": "الوثائق",
"documentsEmptyState": "You dont have any documents in this conversation",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"today": "اليوم",
"yesterday": "الأمس",
"thisWeek": "This Week",
"thisMonth": "This Month",
"thisMonth": "هذا الشهر",
"voiceMessage": "رسالة صوتية",
"dangerousFileType": "Attachment type not allowed for security reasons",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
@ -71,8 +71,9 @@
"offline": "غير متصل بالإنترنت ",
"checkNetworkConnection": "الرجاء التحقق من الاتصال بالشبكة",
"attemptingReconnection": "جاري اعادة الاتصال خلال $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ ثواني",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"submitDebugLog": "سجل تصحيح الأخطاء",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "خطأ",
"delete": "أحذف ",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "أحذف هذه الرسالة",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "حذف الرسائل",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "مِن",
"to": "to",
"sent": "أُرسلت",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "أفراد المجموعة",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "حذف الرسالة",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "حذف الرسائل",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "حذف المحادثة بصفة نهائية ؟",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -144,21 +138,22 @@
"addACaption": "Add a caption...",
"copy": "Copy",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "نسخ رابط المجموعة",
"save": "حفظ",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "تم الحفظ",
"permissions": "الصلاحيات",
"general": "عام",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ took a screenshot",
"savedTheFile": "Media saved by $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
"tookAScreenshot": "قام $name$ بتصوير الشاشة",
"savedTheFile": "قام $name$ بحفظ الوسائط",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "إرسال معاينات الروابط",
"linkPreviewDescription": "المعاينات مدعومة لمعظم الروابط",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "لن يكون لديك حماية كاملة للبيانات الوصفية عند إرسال معاينات الرابط.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "التدقيق الإملائي",
"spellCheckDescription": "تفعيل التحقق الإملائي على النص المدخل في مربع تكوين الرسالة",
"spellCheckDirty": "يجب عليك إعادة تشغيل سِيشَن لتطبيق إعداداتك الجديدة",
"notifications": "الإشعارات",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "See and share when messages have been read (enables read receipts in all sessions).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Read Receipts",
@ -234,20 +229,20 @@
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Session update available",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "There is a new version of Session available.",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Press Restart Session to apply the updates.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Restart Session",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Later",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Download",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "قم بإعادة تشغيل سِيشَن",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "لاحقاً",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "تنزيل",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "هل تريد تنزيل التحديث؟",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ left the group",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ left the group",
"updatedTheGroup": "Group updated",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ غادر المجموعة",
"updatedTheGroup": "تم تحديث المجموعة",
"titleIsNow": "Group name has been set to '$name$'",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ joined the group",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$names$ joined the group",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "تمت إزالة $name$ من المجموعة.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Block",
"blockUser": "حَظْر",
"unblockUser": "Unblock",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
@ -272,10 +267,10 @@
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Copy message text",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Edit group",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Updating $name$...",
"selectMessage": "حدد الرسالة",
"editGroup": "تعديل المجموعة",
"editGroupName": "تعديل اسم المجموعة",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "جارٍ تحديث $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"yourSessionID": "Your Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Set Account Password",
@ -285,9 +280,9 @@
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPassword": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور الخاصة بك",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Your recovery phrase is the master key to your Session ID — you can use it to restore your Session ID if you lose access to your device. Store your recovery phrase in a safe place, and don't give it to anyone.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Уменьшить",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Переключить полный экран",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Переключить инструменты разработчика",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Няма предложения",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"loading": "Загрузка...",
"optimizingApplication": "Оптимизация приложения...",
"done": "Done",
"done": "Готово",
"me": "Я",
"view": "Просмотреть",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Вы покинули группу.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Бяхте премахнат от тази група",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"debugLogExplanation": "Этот журнал отладки будет открыто опубликован для разработчиков. Вы можете проверить и изменить его перед отправкой.",
@ -73,13 +73,14 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Попытка переподключения через $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ секунд",
"submitDebugLog": "Журнал отладки",
"debugLog": "Журнал отладки",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Перейти к заметкам о релизе",
"goToSupportPage": "Перейти на страницу поддержки",
"menuReportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"about": "О Session",
"speech": "Речь",
"show": "Показать",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
"sessionMessenger": "Сесия",
"search": "Поиск",
"noSearchResults": "Результаты не найдены для \"$searchTerm$\"",
"conversationsHeader": "Беседы",
@ -105,17 +106,18 @@
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"ok": "Добре",
"cancel": "Отменить",
"close": "Close",
"close": "Затвори",
"continue": "Продолжить",
"error": "Ошибка",
"delete": "Удалить",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Вы уверены? Нажав 'удалить' вы навсегда удалите данное сообщение только с этого устройства.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Удалить сообщение",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Удалить сообщения",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "От:",
"to": "Кому:",
"sent": "Отправлено",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Участники группы",
"moreInformation": "Больше информации",
"resend": "Отправить ещё раз",
"deleteMessage": "Удалить Сообщение",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Удалить сообщения",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Удалить этот разговор без возможности восстановления?",
"clearAllData": "Очистить все данные",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Сохранить",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Разрешения",
"general": "Общие",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Отправлять Предпросмотр Ссылки",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls.",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Разрешить доступ к камере и микрофону",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Проверка орфографии",
"spellCheckDescription": "Включить проверку орфографии текста, введенного в поле создания сообщения",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -258,7 +253,7 @@
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Забрани и изтрий всички",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
"view": "Mostra",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Heu abandonat el grup",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "T'han eliminat del grup.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"unreadMessage": "Missatge sense llegir",
"unreadMessages": "Missatges sense llegir",
"debugLogExplanation": "Aquest registre es penjarà públicament perquè el vegin els col·laboradors. Podeu examinar-lo i editar-lo abans d'enviar-lo.",
"debugLogError": "S'ha produït un error amb la càrrega! Considereu afegir manualment el registre a l'error que envieu.",
"reportIssue": "Informeu d'un error",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "S'intentarà de reconnectar en $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ segons",
"submitDebugLog": "Registre de depuració",
"debugLog": "Registre de depuració",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Vés a les notes de versió",
"goToSupportPage": "Vés a la pàgina de suport",
"menuReportIssue": "Informeu d'un error",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuar",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Suprimeix",
"deletePublicWarning": "Estàs segur? D'aquesta manera, se suprimirà aquest missatge de manera permanent per a tothom d'aquest grup obert.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Estàs segur? Això eliminarà aquests missatges de manera permanent per a tothom d'aquest grup obert.",
"deleteWarning": "N'esteu segur? Si feu clic en «Suprimeix» aquest missatge s'esborrarà només en aquest aparell.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "N'esteu segur? Si feu clic en «Suprimeix» aquest missatge s'esborrarà només en aquest dispositiu.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "No teniu autorització per esborrar els missatges d'altres",
"deleteThisMessage": "Suprimeix aquest missatge",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Suprimeix els missatges",
"deleted": "Eliminat",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "De",
"to": "a",
"sent": "Enviament",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Membres del grup",
"moreInformation": "Més informació",
"resend": "Reenviar",
"deleteMessage": "Suprimeix el missatge",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Suprimeix els missatges",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Suprimeix el missatge per a tothom",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Suprimeix el missatge per a tothom",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Voleu suprimir aquesta conversa de forma permanent?",
"clearAllData": "Esborrar totes les dades",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copia l'ID de Session",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copia l'URL del grup",
"save": "Desa",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Desat",
"permissions": "Permisos",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Envia previsualitzacions d'enllaços",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Les previsualitzacions són compatibles amb la majoria dUrls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Micròfon i càmera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permet l'accés a la càmera i el micròfon",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Revisar Ortografia",
"spellCheckDescription": "Activa la comprovació ortogràfica del text introduït en el quadre d'edició de missatges",
"spellCheckDirty": "Heu de reiniciar Session per aplicar la vostra nova configuració",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Pokus o znovupřipojení za $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekund",
"submitDebugLog": "Ladící log",
"debugLog": "Ladící log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Přejít na poznámky k vydání",
"goToSupportPage": "Přejít na stránky podpory",
"menuReportIssue": "Nahlásit problém",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Pokračovat",
"error": "Chyba",
"delete": "Vymazat",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Jste si jisti? Kliknutím na 'smazat' permanentně vymažete zprávu z tohoto zařízení.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Smazat tuto zprávu",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Smazat zprávy",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Od",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Odeslána",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Členové skupiny",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Smazat zprávu",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Smazat zprávy",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Trvale smazat tuto konverzaci?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Uložit",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Oprávnění",
"general": "Obecné",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon a fotoaparát",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Umožnit přístup ke kameře a mikrofonu",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Kontrola pravopisu",
"spellCheckDescription": "Kontrolovat pravopis při psaní zpráv",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Forsøger at genoprette forbindelse på $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekunder",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Gå til udgivelsesnoter",
"goToSupportPage": "Gå til supportsiden",
"menuReportIssue": "Indmeld en fejl",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Fejl",
"delete": "Slet",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Er du sikker? Hvis du klikker på 'Slet', fjernes denne meddelelse permanent og kun fra denne enhed.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Slet besked",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Slet beskeder",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Fra",
"to": "til",
"sent": "Sendt",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Gruppemedlemmer",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Slet besked",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Slet beskeder",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Slet samtale permanent?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Gem",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Tilladelser",
"general": "Generelt",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Tillad adgang til kamera og mikrofon",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Aktiver stavekontrol af beskeder",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Neuer Verbindungsversuch in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ Sekunden",
"submitDebugLog": "Diagnoseprotokoll",
"debugLog": "Diagnoseprotokoll",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Versionshinweise",
"goToSupportPage": "Support",
"menuReportIssue": "Problem melden",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Weiter",
"error": "Fehler",
"delete": "Löschen",
"deletePublicWarning": "Sind Sie sicher? Dies wird diese Nachricht für alle Teilnehmer dieser offenen Gruppe dauerhaft entfernen.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Sind Sie sicher? Dies wird diese Nachrichten für alle Teilnehmer dieser offenen Gruppe dauerhaft entfernen.",
"deleteWarning": "Bist du sicher? Das Anklicken von »Löschen« wird diese Nachricht unwiderruflich von nur diesem Gerät entfernen.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Sind Sie sicher? Ein Klick auf „Löschen“ löscht diese Nachrichten dauerhaft von diesem Gerät.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung, Nachrichten anderer Teilnehmer zu löschen",
"deleteThisMessage": "Nachrichten löschen",
"deleteJustForMe": "Nur für mich löschen",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Alle Nachrichten löschen",
"deleted": "Gelöscht",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht",
"from": "Von:",
"to": "An:",
"sent": "Gesendet",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Gruppenmitglieder",
"moreInformation": "Mehr Informationen",
"resend": "Erneut Senden",
"deleteMessage": "Nachrichten Löschen",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Alle Nachrichten löschen",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Nachricht für alle löschen",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Nachrichten für alle löschen",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Soll diese Unterhaltung unwiderruflich gelöscht werden?",
"clearAllData": "Alle Daten löschen",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Dies wird all deine Nachrichten und Kontakte permanent löschen.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Möchten Sie diese Unterhaltung wirklich löschen?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniaturbild aus zitierter Nachricht",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Bildanhang",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Session-ID kopieren",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Gruppen-URL kopieren",
"save": "Speichern",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Gespeichert",
"permissions": "Berechtigungen",
"general": "Allgemein",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "Medien gespeichert von $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Link-Vorschauen Senden",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Vorschau wird für die meisten URLs unterstützt",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon und Kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Zugriff auf Kamera und Mikrofon erlauben",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Beim Senden von Link-Vorschauen sind Ihre Metadaten nicht vollständig geschützt.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Rechtschreibprüfung",
"spellCheckDescription": "Rechtschreibprüfung für im Nachrichteneingabefeld eingegebenen Text aktivieren",
"spellCheckDirty": "Sie müssen Session neu starten, um die neuen Einstellungen zu übernehmen",
@ -340,7 +335,7 @@
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Nur der Ersteller der Gruppe kann Benutzer entfernen",
"createAccount": "Konto Erstellen",
"signIn": "Einloggen",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayTitle": "Im Infobereich starten",
"startInTrayDescription": "Wollen sie Session als minimierten Anwendung starten ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Das ist Ihre Session ID.",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Ihre Session ID ist die eindeutige Adresse, unter der Personen Sie über Session kontaktieren können. Ihre Session ID ist nicht mit Ihrer realen Identität verbunden, völlig anonym und von Natur aus privat.",
@ -421,40 +416,51 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unterhaltung abnehmen",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limit für angeheftete Unterhaltungen",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Du kannst höchstens $number$ Unterhaltungen anheften",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Erste ungelesene Nachricht ist oben",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Wiederherstellungsphrase zusenden",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Mit der Wiederherstellungsphrase kann auf deinen Account zugegriffen werden. Bist du dir sicher das du sie dir zusenden lassen möchtest?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Daten nicht gelöscht",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Die Daten wurden aufgrund eines unbekannten Fehlers nicht gelöscht. Möchten Sie Ihre Daten nur von diesem Gerät löschen?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Möchten Sie Daten nur von diesem Gerät löschen?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Diese Serviceknoten haben die Daten nicht gelöscht: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Möchten Sie nur dieses Gerät entfernen, oder Ihr Konto vollständig löschen?",
"deviceOnly": "Device Only",
"deviceOnly": "Nur Geräte",
"entireAccount": "Gesamtes Konto",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Bist du dir sicher dass du deine Gerätedaten löschen willst?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihr gesamtes Konto, einschließlich der Daten im Netzwerk, löschen möchten?",
"iAmSure": "Ich bin mir sicher",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Du bist fast fertig!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Sichern Sie Ihr Konto, indem Sie Ihre Wiederherstellungsphrase speichern. Zeigen Sie Ihre Wiederherstellungsphrase an und speichern Sie diese sicher.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Wiederherstellungsphrase anzeigen",
"notificationSubtitle": "Benachrichtigungen - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Nimm unsere Session Umfrage an",
"goToOurSurvey": "Zur Umfrage",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Akzeptieren",
"decline": "Ablehnen",
"endCall": "Anruf beenden",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Neuer Anruf konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"callMissed": "Entgangener Anruf von $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Anruf verpasst",
"noCameraFound": "Keine Kamera gefunden",
"noAudioInputFound": "Keine Audioeingabe gefunden",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Απόπειρα επανασύνδεσης σε $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ δευτερόλεπτα",
"submitDebugLog": "Αρχείο καταγραφής αποσφαλμάτωσης",
"debugLog": "Αρχείο καταγραφής αποσφαλμάτωσης",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Μετάβαση στις Σημειώσεις Έκδοσης",
"goToSupportPage": "Μετάβαση στη Σελίδα Υποστήριξης",
"menuReportIssue": "Αναφορά Σφάλματος",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Σφάλμα",
"delete": "Διαγραφή",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Είστε σίγουρος/η; Πατώντας \"διαγραφή\", αυτό το μήνυμα θα καταργηθεί οριστικά από αυτή την συσκευή.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Διαγραφή αυτού του μηνύματος",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Διαγραφή Μηνυμάτων",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Από",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Στάλθηκε",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Μέλη ομάδας",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Διαγραφή Μηνύματος",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Διαγραφή Μηνυμάτων",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Οριστική διαγραφή αυτής της συνομιλίας;",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Αποθήκευση",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Άδειες",
"general": "Γενικά",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Να επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση στην κάμερα και μικρόφωνο",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Ενεργοποίηση ορθογραφικού ελέγχου του κειμένου που εισάγεται στο παράθυρο σύνθεσης μηνύματος",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Provo rekonekti post $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekundoj",
"submitDebugLog": "Sencimiga protokolo",
"debugLog": "Sencimiga protokolo",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Iri al eldonaj notoj",
"goToSupportPage": "Iri al helppaĝo",
"menuReportIssue": "Raporti problemon",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Eraro",
"delete": "Forigi",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Ĉu vi pricertas? Per alklako de „Forigi“, tiu mesaĝo porĉiame foriĝos nur de ĉi tiu aparato.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Forigi tiun ĉi mesaĝon",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Forigi mesaĝojn",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "El",
"to": "al",
"sent": "Sendita",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Grupanoj",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Forigi mesaĝon",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Forigi mesaĝojn",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Ĉu porĉiame forigi tiun ĉi tutan interparolon?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Kopii Session ID-on",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Konservi",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permesoj",
"general": "Ĝenerala",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permesi aliron al la fotilo kaj la mikrofono",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Ŝalti literumilon de teksto entajpita en mesaĝa verkejo",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Términos y política de privacidad",
"privacyPolicy": "Aviso Legal y Política de Privacidad",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Copiar fallo y cerrar Session",
"unknown": "Desconocido",
"databaseError": "Fallo en la base de datos",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Intentando volver a conectar en $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ segundos",
"submitDebugLog": "Registro de depuración (log)",
"debugLog": "Registro de depuración",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Ir a las notas de versión",
"goToSupportPage": "Ir a la página de soporte técnico",
"menuReportIssue": "Informar de un problema",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuar",
"error": "Fallo",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"deletePublicWarning": "¿Estas seguro? El mensaje será eliminado permanentemente para todos en el grupo.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "¿Estás seguro? Estos mensajes se eliminarán para todos en el grupo permanentemente.",
"deleteWarning": "¿Estás segura? Al hacer clic en 'Eliminar' se borrará el mensaje permanentemente de este (y solamente este) dispositivo.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "¿Estas seguro? Esto borrará el mensaje solo para ti permanentemente.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "No tienes permiso de borrar mensajes de otros",
"deleteThisMessage": "Eliminar mensaje",
"deleteJustForMe": "Eliminar solo para mí",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Eliminar mensajes",
"deleted": "Eliminado",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Este mensaje se ha eliminado",
"from": "Desde:",
"to": "Para:",
"sent": "Enviado",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Miembros del grupo",
"moreInformation": "Más detalles",
"resend": "Reenviar",
"deleteMessage": "Eliminar Mensaje",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Eliminar mensajes",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Borrar mensaje para todos",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Borrar mensajes para todos",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "¿Eliminar este chat permanentemente?",
"clearAllData": "Borrar todos los datos",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Esto eliminará permanentemente tu ID de Session, incluyendo todos los mensajes, sesiones y contactos.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta conversación?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniatura de una foto como cita de un mensaje",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Imagen adjunta al mensaje",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copiad ID de Session",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copiar URL del grupo",
"save": "Guardar",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Guardado",
"permissions": "Permisos",
"general": "General",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "$name$ guardó el archivo",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Enviar Previsualizaciones",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls.",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Micrófono y Cámara",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permitir acesso a cámara y micrófono",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "No tendrás una privacidad completa de metadatos al enviar previsualizaciones de enlaces.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Revisión ortográfica",
"spellCheckDescription": "Comprobar la ortografía al escribir el mensaje",
"spellCheckDirty": "Debes reiniciar Session para aplicar las nuevas configuraciones",
@ -203,7 +198,7 @@
"timerOption_1_week": "1 semana",
"disappearingMessages": "Desaparición de mensajes",
"changeNickname": "Cambiar nombre de usuario",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"clearNickname": "Borrar nombre de usuario",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "Nuevo nombre de usuario",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Ingresa un nombre de usuario",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "inactivo",
@ -279,10 +274,10 @@
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Frase de recuperación",
"yourSessionID": "Tu ID de Session",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Establecer contraseña de la cuenta",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Requiere contraseña para desbloquear la pantalla de Session. Seguirás recibiendo notificaciones mientras el bloqueo de pantalla está activado. Los ajustes de notificación de Session te permiten personalizar la información que se muestra",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Cambiar la Contraseña de la Cuenta",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change your password",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Cambia tu contraseña",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Eliminar contraseña de cuenta",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Eliminar la contraseña asociada a tu cuenta",
"enterPassword": "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña",
"confirmPassword": "Confirmar contraseña",
@ -297,7 +292,7 @@
"setPassword": "Establecer Contraseña",
"changePassword": "Cambiar Contraseña",
"removePassword": "Eliminar Contraseña",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Invalid Password. Would you like to reset the database?",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Contraseña inválida. ¿Restablecer la base de datos?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Por favor, escribe tu contraseña antigua",
"invalidOldPassword": "La contraseña antigua es inválida",
"invalidPassword": "Contraseña inválida",
@ -306,7 +301,7 @@
"setPasswordInvalid": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"changePasswordInvalid": "La contraseña antigua que ingresaste es incorrecta",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set Password",
"setPasswordTitle": "Establecer Contraseña",
"changePasswordTitle": "Contraseña Cambiada",
"removePasswordTitle": "Contraseña Eliminada",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Tu contraseña ha sido establecida. Por favor, manténgala segura.",
@ -317,12 +312,12 @@
"connectingToServer": "Conectando ...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Conectado con exito al grupo abierto",
"setPasswordFail": "Error al establecer la contraseña",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordLengthError": "La contraseña debe tener entre 6 y 12 caracteres de longitud",
"passwordTypeError": "La contraseña debe ser una cadena de texto",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"passwordCharacterError": "La contraseña solo debe contener letras, números y símbolos",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"invalidSessionId": "ID de Session no válida",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Formato de Clave Pública inválido",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Por favor, ingresa un nombre de grupo",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Perfil",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Nombre Del Grupo",
@ -340,8 +335,8 @@
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Sólo el creador del grupo puede eliminar usuarios",
"createAccount": "Create Account",
"signIn": "Iniciar sesión",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session as a minified app ",
"startInTrayTitle": "Iniciar en la bandeja del sistema",
"startInTrayDescription": "Iniciar Session como una aplicación minificada ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Saluda a tu ID de Session",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Tu ID de Session es la dirección única que las personas pueden usar para contactarte en Session. Por diseño, tu ID de Session es totalmente anónima y privada, sin vínculo con tu identidad real.",
"getStarted": "Comenzar",
@ -421,40 +416,51 @@
"unpinConversation": "Desanclar conversación",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Límite de conversaciones ancladas",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Solo puedes anclar $number$ conversaciones",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "El primer mensaje no leído está arriba",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Enviando Frase de Recuperación",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Estás intentando enviar tu frase de recuperación, que puede utilizarse para acceder a tu cuenta. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas enviar este mensaje?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Datos no eliminados",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Los datos no se eliminaron por un error desconocido. ¿Quieres eliminarlos solo de este dispositivo?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "¿Quieres eliminar sólo los datos de este dispositivo?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Datos no eliminados por los siguientes nodos de servicio: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "¿Quieres borrar sólo este dispositivo o eliminar toda tu cuenta?",
"deviceOnly": "Solamente en el dispositivo",
"entireAccount": "Entire Account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"entireAccount": "Toda la cuenta",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "¿Estás seguro de querer eliminar sólo los datos del dispositivo?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "¿Estás seguro de querer eliminar la cuenta, incluyendo los datos de red?",
"iAmSure": "Estoy seguro",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "¡Ya casi has terminado!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Protege tu cuenta al guardar la frase de recuperación. Revela tu frase de recuperación y guárdala de forma segura para protegerla.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Mostrar frase de recuperación",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notificaciones - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Realiza nuestra encuesta de Session",
"goToOurSurvey": "Ir a la encuesta",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Aceptar",
"decline": "Rechazar",
"endCall": "Finalizar llamada",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "No se puede iniciar la llamada",
"callMissed": "Llamada perdida de $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Llamada perdida",
"noCameraFound": "Cámara no encontrada",
"noAudioInputFound": "No se encontró dispositivo de sonido",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuar",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Enviado",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Guardar",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "$reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekundi pärast proovitakse uuesti ühenduda.",
"submitDebugLog": "Silumisinfo",
"debugLog": "Silumisinfo",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Mine väljalaskemärkmete juurde",
"goToSupportPage": "Mine kasutajatoelehele",
"menuReportIssue": "Teavita probleemist",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Tõrge",
"delete": "Kustuta",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Kas sa oled kindel? Klõpsates \"Kustuta\" eemaldatakse see sõnum ainult sellest seadmest.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Kustuta see sõnum",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Kustuta sõnumid",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Saatja",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Saadetud",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Grupi liikmed",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Kustuta sõnum",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Kustuta sõnumid",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Kas kustutada see vestlus jäädavalt?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Salvesta",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Õigused",
"general": "Üldine",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Luba ligipääs kaamerale ja mikrofonile",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Luba sõnumite kasti teksti õigekirja kontroll",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "گزارش خطاء",
"debugLog": "گزارش خطا",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "رفتن به یادداشت های ریلیز",
"goToSupportPage": "رفتن به صفحه پشتیبانی",
"menuReportIssue": "گزارش مشکل",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "ادامه",
"error": "خطا",
"delete": "پاک کن",
"deletePublicWarning": "آیا مطمئن هستید می‌خواهید این پیام را برای همگان در این گروه به صورت دائمی پاک کنید؟",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "آیا مطمئن هستید می‌خواهید این پیام‌ها را برای همگان در این گروه به صورت دائمی پاک کنید؟",
"deleteWarning": "آیا مطمئن هستید؟ کلیک روی 'حذف' این پیام را برای همیشه از روی این دستگاه حذف خواهد کرد.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "آیا مطمئن هستید؟ با کلیک بر روی 'حذف'، این پیام‌ها فقط از این دستگاه حذف خواهد شد.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "شما دسترسی برای حذف پیام دیگران را ندارید",
"deleteThisMessage": "این پیام را حذف کن",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "حذف پیام‌ها",
"deleted": "حذف شده",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "از",
"to": "to",
"sent": "ارسال شد",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "اعضای گروه",
"moreInformation": "اطلاعات بیشتر",
"resend": "ارسال مجدد",
"deleteMessage": "حذف پیام",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "حذف پیام‌ها",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "حذف پیام برای همگان",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "حذف پیام‌ها برای همگان",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "آیا می‌خواهید این گفتگو را برای همیشه حذف کنید؟",
"clearAllData": "پاک‌سازی همه داده‌ها",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "این کار برای همیشه پیام ها و مخاطبین شما را حذف می کند .",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این مکالمه را حذف کنید؟",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "پیش‌نمایش تصویر از پیام نقل قول شده",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "تصویر پیوست شده به پیام",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "کپی شناسه‌ی Session",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "کپی آدرس گروه",
"save": "ذخیره",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "ذخیره شده",
"permissions": "دسترسی ها",
"general": "عمومی",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "رسانه توسط $name$ ذخیره شد",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "ارسال پیش‌نمایش لینک",
"linkPreviewDescription": "پیش‌نمایش‌ها برای اکثر آدرس‌ها پشتیبانی می‌شوند",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "میکروفون و دوربین",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "اجازه دسترسی به دوربین و میکروفون",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "زمانی کی پیش نمایش لینک ها را می فرستید و دریافت می کنید فراداده یا متا دیتای شما محافظت نخواهد شد.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "بررسی املا",
"spellCheckDescription": "فعال سازی کنترل املاء متن وارد شده در باکس پیام نویسی",
"spellCheckDirty": "برای اعمال تنظیمات جدید نیاز است Session را دوباره راه‌اندازی کنید",
@ -238,7 +233,7 @@
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "بعدا",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "دانلود",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "آیا میخواهید بروز رسانی را دانلود کنید ؟",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ گروه را ترک کرد",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ گروه را ترک کرد",
"updatedTheGroup": "گروه آپدیت شد",
@ -252,13 +247,13 @@
"unblocked": "رفع مسدودی",
"blocked": "مسدود شده",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "مخاطبین مسدود شده",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"unbanUser": "غیر مسدود کردن کاربر",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"userUnbanned": "کاربر با موفقیت غیر مستود شد",
"userUnbanFailed": "غیر مستود کردن شکست خورد!",
"banUser": "مسدود کردن کاربر",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "مستود کردن کاربر و حذف کردن داده های آن",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "مسدود کردن شکست خورد!",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "محدودیت سنجاق کردن گفتگوها",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "اعلان ها - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Yritetään uudelleen $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekunnin kuluttua",
"submitDebugLog": "Virheenkorjausloki",
"debugLog": "Virheenkorjausloki",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Siirry julkaisutietoihin",
"goToSupportPage": "Siirry tukisivulle",
"menuReportIssue": "Ilmoita ongelmasta",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Jatka",
"error": "Virhe",
"delete": "Poista",
"deletePublicWarning": "Oletko varma? Tämä poistaa pysyvästi tämän viestin kaikilta avoimen ryhmän jäseniltä.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Oletko varma? Tämä poistaa kaikki nämä viesti kaikilta jäseniltä avoimessa ryhmässä.",
"deleteWarning": "Oletko varma? Tämä poistaa pysyvästi tämän viestin ainoastaan tästä laitteesta.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Oletko varma? Painamalla 'Poista', kaikki nämä viestit poistetaan pysyvästi ainoastaan tältä laitteelta.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta poistaa toisten käyttäjien viestejä",
"deleteThisMessage": "Poista tämä viesti",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Poista viestit",
"deleted": "Poistettu",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Lähettäjä",
"to": "vastaanottaja",
"sent": "Lähetetty",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Ryhmän jäsenet",
"moreInformation": "Lisätietoja",
"resend": "Uudelleenlähetä",
"deleteMessage": "Poista viesti",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Poista viestit",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Poista viesti kaikilta",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Poista viesti kaikilta",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Poistetaanko tämä keskustelu pysyvästi?",
"clearAllData": "Poista kaikki data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Kopioi Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Kopioi ryhmän URL -osoite",
"save": "Tallenna",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Tallennettu",
"permissions": "Käyttöoikeudet",
"general": "Yleistä",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Lähetä linkin esikatselu",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Esikatselut ovat tuettuja useimmilla URL-osoitteilla",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofoni ja kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Myönnä kameran ja mikrofonin käyttöoikeus",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus",
"spellCheckDescription": "Ota käyttöön viestilaatikkoon kirjoitetun tekstin oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus",
"spellCheckDirty": "Sinun täytyy uudelleenkäynnistää Session -sovellus ottaaksesi käyttöön asetusten muutokset",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Irroita keskustelu",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Kiinnitettyjen keskuteluiden raja",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Voit kiinnittää enintään $number$ keskustelua",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Viimeisin lukematon viesti on ylimpänä",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Lähetetään palautuslausetta",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Tentative de reconnexion $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ secondes",
"submitDebugLog": "Journal de débogage",
"debugLog": "Journal de débogage",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Accéder aux notes de mise à jour",
"goToSupportPage": "Accéder à la page dassistance",
"menuReportIssue": "Signaler un problème",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuer",
"error": "Erreur",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"deletePublicWarning": "Êtes-vous sûr? Cela supprimera ce message pour tous les membres de ce groupe public.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Êtes-vous sûr? Cela supprimera ces messages pour tous les membres de ce groupe public.",
"deleteWarning": "Êtes-vous certain? Cliquer sur Supprimer éliminera définitivement ce message de cet appareil seulement.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Êtes-vous sûr? En cliquant sur 'Supprimer' cela supprimera ces messages sur cet appareil uniquement.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à supprimer les messages des autres utilisateurs.",
"deleteThisMessage": "Supprimer le message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Supprimer juste pour moi",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Supprimer les messages",
"deleted": "Supprimé",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Ce message a été supprimé",
"from": "De :",
"to": "À :",
"sent": "Envoyé",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Membres du groupe",
"moreInformation": "Plus dinformations",
"resend": "Renvoyer",
"deleteMessage": "Supprimer le message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Supprimer les messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Supprimer ce message pour tout le monde",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Supprimer ces messages pour tout le monde",
"deleteForEveryone": "Supprimer ce message",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Supprimer définitivement cette conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Effacer toutes les données",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Cela supprimera définitivement vos messages, vos sessions et vos contacts.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette conversation ?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Imagette du message cité",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Image jointe au message",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copier la Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copier l'URL de Group",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Enregistré",
"permissions": "Autorisations",
"general": "Général",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "$name$ a enregistré le média",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Envoyer des aperçus de liens",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Les aperçus sont pris en charge pour la plupart des URLs",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone et caméra",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Autoriser laccès à la caméra et au micro",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Vous n'aurez pas une protection complète des métadonnées en envoyant des aperçu de liens.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Vérification orthographique",
"spellCheckDescription": "Activer la vérification de lorthographe du texte saisi dans la fenêtre de rédaction des messages",
"spellCheckDirty": "Vous devez redémarrer Session pour appliquer ces changements.",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Désépingler la conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limite de conversation épinglée",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Vous pouvez seulement épingler $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Le premier message non lu se situe au-dessus",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Envoyer la phrase de récupération",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Vous essayer actuellement denvoyer votre phrase de récupération, qui peut être utilisée pour accéder a votre compte. Êtes-vous sûre de vouloir envoyer ce message?",
@ -431,30 +427,40 @@
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Souhaitez-vous effacer seulement sur cet appareil ou supprimer l'ensemble de votre compte ?",
"deviceOnly": "Appareil uniquement",
"entireAccount": "Lensemble du compte",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer uniquement les données de votre appareil ?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'ensemble de votre compte, y compris les données du réseau?",
"iAmSure": "Je suis sûr(e)",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Vous avez presque terminé !",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Sécurisez votre compte en enregistrant votre phrase de récupération. Afficher votre phrase de récupération puis stockez-la en toute sécurité pour la sécuriser.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Afficher la phrase de récupération",
"notificationSubtitle": "Paramètres des notifications",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "מנסה להתחבר מחדש תוך $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ שניות",
"submitDebugLog": "יומן תקלים",
"debugLog": "יומן תקלים",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "לך אל הערות שחרור",
"goToSupportPage": "לך אל דף התמיכה",
"menuReportIssue": "דווח על סוגייה",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "שגיאה",
"delete": "מחק",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "האם אתה בטוח? לחיצה על 'מחק' תסיר לצמיתות הודעה זו ממכשיר זה בלבד.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "מחק הודעה זו",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "מחק הודעות",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "מאת",
"to": "אל",
"sent": "נשלח",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "חברי קבוצה",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "מחק הודעה",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "מחק הודעות",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "האם למחוק לצמיתות שיחה זו?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "שמור",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "הרשאות",
"general": "כללי",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "התר גישה אל מצלמה ומיקרופון",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "אפשר בדיקת איות של מלל המוכנס בתיבת חיבור הודעה",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "फिर से कनेक्ट करने का प्रयास करना$reconnect_duration_in_seconds$सेकंड",
"submitDebugLog": "डीबग लॉग",
"debugLog": "लॉग को डीबग करें",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "रिलीज़ नोट्स पे जाइए",
"goToSupportPage": "सहायता पेज पर जाएँ",
"menuReportIssue": "समस्या की रिपोर्ट करें…",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "जारी रखें",
"error": " गलती",
"delete": "हटाना",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "यह संदेश हटाएं",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "संदेश हटाएँ",
"deleted": "हटा दिया गया",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "किस से",
"to": "to",
"sent": "भेज दिया",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "समूह के सदस्य",
"moreInformation": "अधिक जानकारी",
"resend": "फिर से भेजें",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "संदेश हटाएँ",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "इस वार्तालाप को स्थायी रूप से हटाएं?",
"clearAllData": "सभी डेटा हटाएं",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "संरक्षित करें",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Greška",
"delete": "Obriši",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Obriši ovu poruku",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Izbriši poruku",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Od",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Poslano",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Članovi grupe",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Izbriši poruku",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Trajno obrisati ovaj razgovor?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Spremi",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "Općenito",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Újracsatlakozási kísérlet $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ másodperc múlva",
"submitDebugLog": "Fejlesztői naplófájl",
"debugLog": "Fejlesztői napló",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Release notes megnyitása",
"goToSupportPage": "Támogatás megnyitása",
"menuReportIssue": "Hiba bejelentése",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Tovább",
"error": "Hiba",
"delete": "Törlés",
"deletePublicWarning": "Biztosan ezt akarja tenni? Ez mindenki számára véglegesen törli ezt az üzenetet ebből a nyílvános csoportból.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Biztosan ezt akarja tenni? Ez mindenki számára véglegesen törli ezeket az üzeneteket ebből a nyílvános csoportból.",
"deleteWarning": "Biztos vagy benne? A 'Törlés'-re kattintással végleg eltávolítod az üzenetet erről az eszközről.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Biztosan ezt akarja tenni? A 'Törlés' gombra kattintva végleg törli az üzeneteket erről az eszközről.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Nincs joga mások üzeneteit törölni",
"deleteThisMessage": "Üzenet törlése",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Üzenetek törlése",
"deleted": "Törölve",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Feladó",
"to": "címzett",
"sent": "Elküldve",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Csoport tagjai",
"moreInformation": "További információ",
"resend": "Újraküldés",
"deleteMessage": "Üzenet törlése",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Üzenetek törlése",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Törölni az üzenetet mindenki számára",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Törölni az üzeneteket mindenki számára",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Véglegesen törlöd ezt a beszélgetést?",
"clearAllData": "Az összes adat törlése",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Az ön Session azonosítójának kimásolása",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Csoport URL-jének másolása",
"save": "Mentés",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Elmentve",
"permissions": "Jogosultságok",
"general": "Általános",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Hivatkozások előnézeti képének küldése",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Az előnézetek a legtöbb linknél támogatottak",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon és kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Hozzáférés a kamerához és a mikrofonhoz",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Helyesírás ellenőrzése",
"spellCheckDescription": "Az üzenetíró dobozba gépelt szöveg helyesírás-ellenőrzésének engedélyezése",
"spellCheckDirty": "Újra kell indítanod a Session-t a beállítások érvényesítéséhez",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Feltűzött beszélgetés eltávolítása",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Feltűzött beszélgetések limite",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Csak $number$ beszélgetést tudsz feltűzni",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "A legkorábbi olvasatlan üzenet feljebb található",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Helyreállító kódmondat küldése",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "A helyreállító kódmondatod készülsz elküldeni, amellyel hozzá lehet férni fiókodhoz. Biztosan el akarod küldeni?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Biztosítsd fiókod a helyreállítási kulcsod elmentésével. Fedd fel a kulcsod, majd biztonságosan tedd el.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Helyreállító kódmondat felfedése",
"notificationSubtitle": "Értesítések - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Mencoba menyambung kembali dalam $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ detik",
"submitDebugLog": "Catatan Awakutu",
"debugLog": "Catatan Awakutu",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Lihat Catatan Rilis",
"goToSupportPage": "Cek halaman bantuan",
"menuReportIssue": "Laporkan masalah ",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Lanjutkan",
"error": "Galat",
"delete": "Hapus",
"deletePublicWarning": "Anda yakin? Aksi ini akan menghapus pesan ini secara permanen untuk seluruh orang di grup terbuka ini.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Anda yakin? Aksi ini akan menghapus pesan-pesan ini secara permanen untuk seluruh orang di grup terbuka ini.",
"deleteWarning": "Apakah Anda yakin? Menekan \"hapus\" akan menghapus pesan secara permanen hanya pada perangkat ini.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Anda yakin? Aksi ini akan menghapus pesan secara permanen hanya di perangkat ini.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus pesan lainnya",
"deleteThisMessage": "Hapus pesan",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Hapus pesan",
"deleted": "Terhapus",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Dari:",
"to": "Kepada:",
"sent": "Terkirim",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Anggota grup",
"moreInformation": "Informasi lebih lanjut",
"resend": "Kirim ulang",
"deleteMessage": "Hapus pesan",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Hapus pesan",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Hapus pesan untuk semua",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Hapus pesan untuk semua",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Hapus obrolan ini selamanya?",
"clearAllData": "Hapus semua data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Salin Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Salin URL grup",
"save": "Simpan",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Tersimpan",
"permissions": "Perizinan",
"general": "Umum",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Kirim pratinjau tautan",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon dan kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Izinkan akses ke kamera dan mikrofon",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Pemeriksa Ejaan",
"spellCheckDescription": "Aktifkan pengecek ejaan dalam kotak pesan",
"spellCheckDirty": "Anda harus muat ulang Session untuk terima pengaturan baru anda",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Tentativo di riconessione tra $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ secondi.",
"submitDebugLog": "Log di debug",
"debugLog": "Log di debug",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Vai alle note di rilascio",
"goToSupportPage": "Vai alla pagina di supporto",
"menuReportIssue": "Segnala un problema",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continua",
"error": "Errore",
"delete": "Cancella",
"deletePublicWarning": "Sei sicuro? Questo rimuoverà permanentemente questo messaggio a tutti in questo gruppo aperto.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Sei sicuro? Questo rimuoverà permanentemente questi messaggi a tutti in questo gruppo aperto.",
"deleteWarning": "Sicuro? Cliccando 'cancella' rimuoverai definitivamente questo messaggio solo da questo dispositivo.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Sei sicuro? Fare clic su 'eliminare' rimuoverà permanentemente questi messaggi solo da questo dispositivo.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Non hai il permesso di eliminare i messaggi degli altri",
"deleteThisMessage": "Cancella messaggio",
"deleteJustForMe": "Elimina solo per me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Elimina messaggi",
"deleted": "Eliminata",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Questo messaggio è stato eliminato",
"from": "Da:",
"to": "A:",
"sent": "Inviato",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Membri del gruppo",
"moreInformation": "Maggiori informazioni",
"resend": "Reinvia",
"deleteMessage": "Cancella Messaggio",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Elimina messaggi",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Elimina Messaggio Per Tutti",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Elimina Messaggi Per Tutti",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Rimuovere definitivamente la conversazione?",
"clearAllData": "Elimina tutti i dati",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Ciò eliminerà permanentemente i tuoi messaggi e contatti.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa conversazione?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Anteprima dell'immagine dal messaggio citato",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Immagine allegata a un messaggio",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copia Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copia L'Url Del Gruppo",
"save": "Salva",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Salvato",
"permissions": "Permessi",
"general": "Generale",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "Media salvati da $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Invia Anteprime Dei Link",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls.",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microfono e Fotocamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Concedi l'accesso alla fotocamera e al microfono",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Non avrai la protezione completa dei metadati quando invierai le anteprime dei link.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Controllo ortografico",
"spellCheckDescription": "Abilita il controllo ortografico del testo inserito nella casella di composizione",
"spellCheckDirty": "È necessario riavviare Session per applicare le modifiche",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Rimuovi conversazione",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limite conversazioni fissate",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Puoi fissare solo $number$ conversazioni",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Il primo messaggio non letto è sopra",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Invio Frase Di Recupero",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Stai tentando di inviare la frase di recupero che può essere utilizzata per accedere al tuo account. Sei sicuro di voler inviare questo messaggio?",
@ -431,30 +427,40 @@
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Vuoi formattare solo questo dispositivo o cancellare del tutto l'account?",
"deviceOnly": "Solo dispositivo",
"entireAccount": "Tutto l'account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare i dati solo sul tuo dispositivo?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare l'intero tuo account, inclusi i dati di rete?",
"iAmSure": "Sono sicuro",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Hai quasi finito!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Proteggi il tuo account salvando la tua frase di recupero. Mostra la tua frase di recupero, quindi salvala in modo sicuro per proteggerla.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Mostra Frase di Recupero",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifiche - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Fai il nostro sondaggio di Session",
"goToOurSurvey": "Vai al sondaggio",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accetta",
"decline": "Rifiuta",
"endCall": "Termina chiamata",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Impossibile avviare una nuova chiamata",
"callMissed": "Chiamata persa da $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Chiamata persa",
"noCameraFound": "Nessuna fotocamera è stata trovata",
"noAudioInputFound": "Nessun ingresso audio trovato",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "$reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ 秒後に再接続を行います。",
"submitDebugLog": "デバッグログ",
"debugLog": "デバッグログ",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "リリースノートを閲覧",
"goToSupportPage": "サポートページへ",
"menuReportIssue": "バグを報告",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "続行",
"error": "エラー",
"delete": "削除",
"deletePublicWarning": "削除」を選択したら公開グループからメッセージが永久削除されます。よろしいですか?",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "削除」を選択したら公開グループからメッセージが永久削除されます。よろしいですか?",
"deleteWarning": "「削除」を選択したら自分の端末からのみメッセージが永久削除されます。よろしいですか?",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "「削除」を選択したら自分の端末からのみメッセージが永久削除されます。よろしいですか?",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "メッセージの削除",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "メッセージを削除",
"deleted": "メッセージが削除されました",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "送信",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "グループメンバー",
"moreInformation": "詳細",
"resend": "再送",
"deleteMessage": "メッセージの削除",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "メッセージを削除",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "全員からメッセージを削除",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "全員からメッセージを削除",
"deleteForEveryone": "全員から削除",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "この会話を完全に消去しますが,よろしいですか?",
"clearAllData": "すべてのデータを消去する",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Session ID をコピー",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "保存",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "アクセス許可",
"general": "一般",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "リンクプレビューを送る",
"linkPreviewDescription": "プレビューはImgur、Instagram、Pinterest、RedditおよびYouTubeリンクをサポートしています",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "マイクとカメラ",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "カメラとマイクへのアクセスを許可する",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "スペルチェック",
"spellCheckDescription": "メッセージボックスに入力されたテキストのスペルチェックを有効にする",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -50,16 +50,16 @@
"submit": "გაგზავნა",
"markAllAsRead": "ყველას მონიშვნა წაკითხულად",
"incomingError": "Error handling incoming message",
"media": "Media",
"mediaEmptyState": "No media",
"documents": "Documents",
"documentsEmptyState": "No documents",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"thisWeek": "This week",
"thisMonth": "This Month",
"voiceMessage": "Voice Message",
"dangerousFileType": "For security reasons, this file type cannot be sent",
"media": "მედია",
"mediaEmptyState": "მედია ცარიელია",
"documents": "დოკუმენტები",
"documentsEmptyState": "დოკუმენტები არ არის",
"today": "დღეს",
"yesterday": "გუშინ",
"thisWeek": "ამ კვირაში",
"thisMonth": "ამ თვეს",
"voiceMessage": "ხმოვანი შეტყობინება",
"dangerousFileType": "უსაფრთხოების მიზნით, ამ ტიპის ფაილის გაგზავნა შეუძლებელია",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
@ -68,37 +68,38 @@
"maximumAttachments": "Maximum number of attachments reached. Please send remaining attachments in a separate message.",
"fileSizeWarning": "Attachment exceeds size limits for the type of message you're sending.",
"unableToLoadAttachment": "Sorry, there was an error setting your attachment.",
"offline": "Offline",
"offline": "ხაზგარეშე",
"checkNetworkConnection": "Check your network connection.",
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
"about": "About",
"about": "შესახებ",
"speech": "Speech",
"show": "Show",
"show": "ჩვენება",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
"search": "Search",
"noSearchResults": "No results found for \"$searchTerm$\"",
"conversationsHeader": "Conversations",
"contactsHeader": "Contacts",
"messagesHeader": "Messages",
"settingsHeader": "Settings",
"search": "ძიება",
"noSearchResults": "\"$searchTerm$\" -ზე არაფერი მოიძებნა",
"conversationsHeader": "საუბრები",
"contactsHeader": "კონტაქტები",
"messagesHeader": "შეტყობინებები",
"settingsHeader": "პარამეტრები",
"typingAlt": "Typing animation for this conversation",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Avatar for contact $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Download Attachment",
"replyToMessage": "Reply to message",
"replyingToMessage": "Replying to:",
"downloadAttachment": "მიმაგრებული ფაილის გადმოტვირთვა",
"replyToMessage": "პასუხი",
"replyingToMessage": "პასუხობთ:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Original message not found",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Original message no longer available",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Original message found, but not loaded. Scroll up to load it.",
"recording": "Recording",
"you": "You",
"recording": "ჩანაწერი",
"you": "თქვენ",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone Access Required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"audio": "Audio",
"audio": "აუდიო",
"video": "ვიდეო",
"photo": "ფოტო",
"cannotUpdate": "ვერ განახლდა",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "გაგრძელება",
"error": "შეცდომა",
"delete": "წაშლა",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "កំពុងព្យាយាមតភ្ជាប់ឡើងវិញក្នុងពេល $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ វិនាទី",
"submitDebugLog": "កំណត់ត្រាបញ្ហា",
"debugLog": "កំណត់ត្រាបញ្ហា",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "ចូលទៅកាន់កំណត់ចេញថ្មី",
"goToSupportPage": "ចូលទៅកាន់ទំព័រគាំទ្រ",
"menuReportIssue": "រាយការណ៍បញ្ហាមួយ",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "បញ្ហា",
"delete": "លុប",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "តើអ្នកច្បាស់ទេ? ចុច 'លុប' នឹងសារនេះ ចេញពីឧបករណ៍នេះរហូត។",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "លុបសារនេះ",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "លុបសារ",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "ពី",
"to": "ទៅ",
"sent": "បានផ្ញើ",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "សមាជិកក្រុម",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "លុបសារ",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "លុបសារ",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "លុបការសន្ទនានេះចោលរហូត?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "រក្សាទុក",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "ការអនុញ្ញាត",
"general": "ទូទៅ",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "បើកសិទ្ធិប្រើប្រាស់កាមេរ៉ា និងម៉ៃក្រូហ្វូន",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "បើកការត្រួតពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធនៃពាក្យដែលបានបញ្ចូលក្នុងប្រអប់ផ្ញើសារ",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "계속",
"error": "에러",
"delete": "지우기",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "경고 지우기",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "여러 개의 경고를 지우기",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete this message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From",
"to": "to",
"sent": "전송됨",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "그룹 구성원",
"moreInformation": "더 많은 정보",
"resend": "재전송",
"deleteMessage": "메시지 지우기",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "모두에게서 메시지 지우기",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "저장",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "일반 설정",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Bandoma jungtis iš naujo po $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekundžių",
"submitDebugLog": "Derinimo žurnalas",
"debugLog": "Derinimo žurnalas",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Pereiti į laidos informaciją",
"goToSupportPage": "Pereiti į palaikymo puslapį",
"menuReportIssue": "Pranešti apie klaidą",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Tęsti",
"error": "Klaida",
"delete": "Ištrinti",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Ar tikrai? Spustelėjus \"Ištrinti\", ši žinutė visiems laikams bus pašalinta tik iš šio įrenginio.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Ištrinti šią žinutę",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Ištrinti žinutes",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Nuo",
"to": "skirta",
"sent": "Išsiųsta",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Grupės dalyviai",
"moreInformation": "Daugiau informacijos",
"resend": "Siųsti iš naujo",
"deleteMessage": "Ištrinti žinutę",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Ištrinti žinutes",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Ar ištrinti šį pokalbį visiems laikams?",
"clearAllData": "Išvalyti visus duomenis",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Kopijuoti Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Kopijuoti grupės URL",
"save": "Įrašyti",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Įrašyta",
"permissions": "Leidimai",
"general": "Bendra",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Siųsti nuorodų peržiūras",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofonas ir kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Leisti prieigą prie kameros ir mikrofono",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Rašybos tikrinimas",
"spellCheckDescription": "Įjungti rašybos tikrinimą tekstui, kuris įvedamas į žinutės rašymo langelį",
"spellCheckDirty": "Norėdami taikyti naujus nustatymus, privalote paleisti Session iš naujo",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Atsegti pokalbį",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Dalyvaukite mūsų seanso apklausoje ",
"goToOurSurvey": "Eikite į mūsų apklausą",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Priimti",
"decline": "Atmesti",
"endCall": "Baigti pokalbį",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Neįmanoma pradėti naujo skambučio",
"callMissed": "Praleistas skambutis nuo $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Praleistas skambutis",
"noCameraFound": "Kameros nerasta",
"noAudioInputFound": "Nerasta garso įvesties",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Грешка",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete this message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Избриши пораки",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Испратено",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Избриши пораки",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Зачувај",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "Општо",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Terms & Privacy Policy",
"privacyPolicy": "privacybeleid",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Foutmelding kopiëren en afsluiten",
"unknown": "Onbekend",
"databaseError": "Databasefout",
@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Uitzoomen",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Volledigschermmodus",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Ontwikkelopties weergeven",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Geen suggesties ",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group uitnodiging",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "groepnaam\n",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Weet je zeker dat je lid wilt worden van de $roomName$ open groep?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Voer Sessie ID of ONS naam in",
"loading": "Bezig met laden…",
"optimizingApplication": "Toepassing aan het optimaliseren…",
"done": "Done",
"done": "Gereed",
"me": "Ik",
"view": "Bekijken",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Je hebt de groep verlaten",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Poging tot opnieuw verbinden over $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconden",
"submitDebugLog": "Foutopsporingslogboek",
"debugLog": "Foutopsporingslogboek",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Ga naar uitgaveopmerkingen",
"goToSupportPage": "Ga naar ondersteuningspagina",
"menuReportIssue": "Meld een probleem",
@ -101,70 +102,64 @@
"audio": "Geluid",
"video": "Video",
"photo": "Foto",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"cannotUpdate": "Kan niet updaten",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Sessie Desktop kon niet worden bijgewerkt, maar er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar. Ga naar https://getsessie. rg/ en installeer de nieuwe versie handmatig, neem dan contact op met support of maak een bug over dit probleem.",
"ok": "Begrepen",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"close": "Close",
"continue": "Continue",
"close": "Sluiten",
"continue": "Doorgaan",
"error": "Fout",
"delete": "Wissen",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Weet je het zeker? Door op Wissen te klikken, wordt dit bericht voorgoed van enkel dit apparaat gewist.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Dit bericht wissen",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Je hebt geen toestemming om andermans berichten te verwijderen",
"deleteJustForMe": "Verwijder alleen voor mij",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Berichten wissen",
"deleted": "Verwijderd",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Dit bericht is verwijderd",
"from": "Van",
"to": "aan",
"sent": "Verzonden",
"received": "Ontvangen",
"sendMessage": "Verzend een bericht",
"groupMembers": "Groepsleden",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Bericht wissen",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Berichten wissen",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"moreInformation": "Meer informatie",
"resend": "Opnieuw verzenden",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Dit gesprek voorgoed wissen?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Wis alle gegevens",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Hiermee worden uw berichten en contactpersonen permanent verwijderd.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je deze conversatie wilt verwijderen?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniatuur van afbeelding uit aangehaald bericht",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Afbeelding toegevoegd aan bericht",
"videoAttachmentAlt": "Schermafdruk van video toegevoegd aan bericht",
"lightboxImageAlt": "Afbeelding verstuurd in gesprek",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Pictogram dat laat zien dat deze afbeelding een bijschrift heeft",
"addACaption": "Voeg een bijschrift toe…",
"copy": "Copy",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"copy": "Kopiëren",
"copySessionID": "Sessie-ID kopiëren",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Kopiëer groep URL",
"save": "Opslaan",
"saved": "Saved",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Opgeslagen",
"permissions": "Toestemmingen",
"general": "Algemeen",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ took a screenshot",
"savedTheFile": "Media saved by $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Geef toestemming om de camera en microfoon te gebruiken",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ heeft een schermafdruk gemaakt",
"savedTheFile": "Media opgeslagen door $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Verstuur Link-voorbeelden",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Voorvertoningen worden ondersteund voor de meeste urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Je hebt geen volledige bescherming van metadata bij het verzenden van link-voorbeelden.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spellingcontrole",
"spellCheckDescription": "Gebruik spellingscontrole voor de tekst in het berichtinvoerveld",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
"spellCheckDirty": "Je moet Session opnieuw starten, om uw nieuwe instellingen toe te passen",
"notifications": "Meldingen",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "See and share when messages have been read (enables read receipts in all sessions).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Read Receipts",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "See and share when messages are being typed (applies to all sessions).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Typing Indicators",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoom Factor",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "Bekijk en deel wanneer berichten zijn gelezen (laat een lees bevestiging toe in alle sessies).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Leesbevestigingen",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "Bekijk en deel wanneer berichten worden getypt (geldt voor alle sessies).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Typindicatoren",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoom factor",
"notificationSettingsDialog": "Toon wanneer een bericht ontvangen wordt meldingen die het volgende weergeven:",
"disableNotifications": "Meldingen uitschakelen",
"nameAndMessage": "Naam van afzender en berichtinhoud",
@ -183,7 +178,7 @@
"timestamp_m": "1 minuut",
"timestamp_h": "1 uur",
"timestampFormat_M": "D MMM",
"messageBodyMissing": "Please enter a message body.",
"messageBodyMissing": "Voeg a. u. b. een bericht toe.",
"unblockToSend": "Deblokkeer dit contact om een bericht te verzenden.",
"unblockGroupToSend": "Deblokkeer deze groep om een bericht te verzenden.",
"youChangedTheTimer": "Je hebt de timer voor zelf-wissende berichten op $time$gezet",
@ -202,14 +197,14 @@
"timerOption_1_day": "1 dag",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 week",
"disappearingMessages": "Zelf-wissende berichten",
"changeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"changeNickname": "Verander bijnaam",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "New Nickname",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Enter a nickname for this user",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "Nieuwe bijnaam",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Vul een bijnaam in voor deze gebruiker",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "uit",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5s",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10s",
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": "30s",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5 seconden",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10 seconden",
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": "30 seconden",
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": "1m",
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": "5m",
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": "30m",
@ -223,238 +218,249 @@
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "Je hebt zelf-wissende berichten uitgeschakeld",
"timerSetTo": "Timer ingesteld op $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Notitie aan mezelf",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Hide Menu Bar",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Menubalk verbergen",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Zichtbaarheid systeemmenu in-/uitschakelen",
"startConversation": "Begin een nieuw gesprek…",
"invalidNumberError": "Ongeldig nummer",
"failedResolveOns": "Failed to resolve ONS name",
"successUnlinked": "Your device was unlinked successfully",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Auto Update",
"failedResolveOns": "Gefaald de ONS naam op te lossen",
"successUnlinked": "Je apparaat is met succes ontkoppeld",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Automatisch bijwerken",
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Automatically check for updates on launch",
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Update voor Session beschikbaar",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "Er is een nieuwe versie van Session beschikbaar.",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Klik op Session herstarten om de updates toe te passen.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Session herstarten",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Later",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Download",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Downloaden",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Wil je de update downloaden?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ heeft de groep verlaten",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ heeft de groep verlaten",
"updatedTheGroup": "De groep is aangepast",
"titleIsNow": "De titel is nu “$name$”",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ is lid geworden van de groep",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$names$ is lid geworden van de groep",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Block",
"unblockUser": "Unblock",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blocked contacts",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ is verwijderd uit de groep.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ is verwijderd uit de groep.",
"blockUser": "Blokkeren",
"unblockUser": "Blokkering opheffen",
"unblocked": "Gedeblokkeerd",
"blocked": "Geblokkeerd",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Geblokkeerde contacten",
"unbanUser": "Gebruiker deblokkeren",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"userUnbanned": "Gebruiker gedeblokkeerd",
"userUnbanFailed": "Deblokkeren mislukt!",
"banUser": "Gebruiker uitsluiten",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Blokkeer en verwijder alles",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Weet je zeker dat je de gebruiker wilt verbieden en al zijn berichten wilt verwijderen?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
"leaveGroup": "Leave Group",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Leave Group and remove for everyone",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "You don't have any contacts yet",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Copy message text",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Edit group",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Updating $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"yourSessionID": "Your Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Set Account Password",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Change Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change your password",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Your recovery phrase is the master key to your Session ID — you can use it to restore your Session ID if you lose access to your device. Store your recovery phrase in a safe place, and don't give it to anyone.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"passwordViewTitle": "Type In Your Password",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"password": "Password",
"setPassword": "Set Password",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"removePassword": "Remove Password",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Invalid Password. Would you like to reset the database?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Please type in your old password",
"invalidOldPassword": "Old password is invalid",
"invalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"noGivenPassword": "Please enter your password",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passwords do not match",
"changePasswordInvalid": "The old password you entered is incorrect",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Incorrect password",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set Password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Changed Password",
"removePasswordTitle": "Removed Password",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been set. Please keep it safe.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "You have removed your password.",
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this open group",
"connectToServerFail": "Couldn't join group",
"connectingToServer": "Connecting...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to open group",
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordTypeError": "Password must be a string",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"remove": "Remove",
"invalidSessionId": "Invalid Session ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Please enter a group name",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Profile",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Group Name",
"inviteContacts": "Invite Contacts",
"addModerators": "Add Moderators",
"removeModerators": "Remove Moderators",
"userBanFailed": "Blokkeren mislukt!",
"leaveGroup": "Verlaat groep",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Groep verlaten en voor iedereen verwijderen",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je deze groep wilt verlaten?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "Je bent de beheerder van deze groep, als je deze verlaat, wordt deze voor alle huidige leden verwijderd. Weet je zeker dat je deze groep wilt verlaten?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Kan deze gebruiker niet verwijderen",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "Je kunt deze gebruiker niet verwijderen omdat hij/zij de maker van de groep is.",
"noContactsForGroup": "Je hebt nog geen contacten",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Gebruiker toevoegen als moderator is mislukt",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Gebruiker verwijderen uit de moderator lijst is mislukt",
"copyMessage": "Kopieer tekst van bericht",
"selectMessage": "Selecteer een bericht",
"editGroup": "Groep bewerken",
"editGroupName": "Groepsnaam bewerken",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "$name$ bijwerken...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Herstel zin",
"yourSessionID": "Je Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Account wachtwoord instellen",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Vereis wachtwoord om het Session scherm te ontgrendelen. Je kunt nog steeds berichten ontvangen terwijl schermvergrendeling is ingeschakeld. De meldingsinstellingen van Session geven u de mogelijkheid om informatie die wordt weergegeven aan te passen",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Veranderd account wachtwoord",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Wijzig je wachtwoord",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Verwijder Account Wachtwoord",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Verwijder het wachtwoord dat aan je account is gekoppeld",
"enterPassword": "Voer a. u. b. je wachtwoord in",
"confirmPassword": "Bevestig Wachtwoord",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "De inhoud van het klembord is langer dan de maximale wachtwoordlengte van $max_pwd_len$ tekens.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Voer a. u. b. je wachtwoord in",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Jou herstel zin is de hoofdsleutel van jou Session ID - Je kunt deze gebruiken om je Session ID te herstellen als je de toegang tot jouw apparaat verliest. Sla jouw herstel zin veilig op en geef het aan niemand.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Ongeldige URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Gekopiëerd naar klembord",
"passwordViewTitle": "Typ je wachtwoord",
"unlock": "Ontgrendelen",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"setPassword": "Instellen wachtwoord",
"changePassword": "Wachtwoord wijzigen",
"removePassword": "Verwijderd wachtwoord",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Ongeldig wachtwoord. Wilt u de database resetten?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Voer a. u. b. je oude wachtwoord in",
"invalidOldPassword": "Oude wachtwoord is ongeldig",
"invalidPassword": "Ongeldig wachtwoord",
"noGivenPassword": "Voer a. u. b. je wachtwoord in",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Wachtwoorden zijn niet hetzelfde",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Wachtwoorden zijn niet hetzelfde",
"changePasswordInvalid": "Het ingevoerde oude wachtwoord is onjuist",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"setPasswordTitle": "Instellen wachtwoord",
"changePasswordTitle": "Gewijzigd wachtwoord",
"removePasswordTitle": "Verwijderd wachtwoord",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Je wachtwoord is ingesteld. Houd het veilig.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Uw wachtwoord is gewijzigd. Hou het veilig.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "Je hebt je wachtwoord verwijderd.",
"publicChatExists": "Je bent al verbonden met deze open groep",
"connectToServerFail": "Kon niet toetreden tot groep",
"connectingToServer": "Verbinding maken...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Succesvol verbonden om een groep te openen",
"setPasswordFail": "Wachtwoord instellen mislukt",
"passwordLengthError": "Wachtwoord moet tussen de 6 en 64 tekens lang zijn",
"passwordTypeError": "Wachtwoord moet een tekenreeks zijn",
"passwordCharacterError": "Wachtwoord mag alleen letters, cijfers en symbolen bevatten",
"remove": "Verwijderen",
"invalidSessionId": "Ongeldige Session ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Ongeldig Pubkey formaat",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Vul a. u. b een groepsnaam in",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Profiel",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Groepsnaam",
"inviteContacts": "Contactpersonen uitnodigen",
"addModerators": "Moderatoren toevoegen",
"removeModerators": "Verwijder moderators",
"addAsModerator": "Add As Moderator",
"removeFromModerators": "Remove From Moderators",
"add": "Add",
"addingContacts": "Adding contacts to",
"noContactsToAdd": "No contacts to add",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "No other members in this group",
"noModeratorsToRemove": "no moderators to remove",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "You are not the creator",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Only the creator of the group can remove users",
"removeFromModerators": "Verwijder uit Moderators",
"add": "Toevoegen",
"addingContacts": "Contactpersonen toevoegen aan",
"noContactsToAdd": "Geen contacten toe te voegen",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "Geen andere leden in deze groep",
"noModeratorsToRemove": "geen moderators te verwijderen",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "Jij bent niet de maker",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Alleen de maker van de groep kan gebruikers verwijderen",
"createAccount": "Create Account",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session as a minified app ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Say hello to your Session ID",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Your Session ID is the unique address people can use to contact you on Session. With no connection to your real identity, your Session ID is totally anonymous and private by design.",
"getStarted": "Get started",
"createSessionID": "Create Session ID",
"recoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "Enter your recovery phrase",
"displayName": "Display Name",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"removeResidueMembers": "Clicking ok will also remove those members as they left the group.",
"enterDisplayName": "Enter a display name",
"enterOptionalPassword": "Enter password (optional)",
"continueYourSession": "Continue Your Session",
"linkDevice": "Link Device",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Restore your account",
"or": "or",
"ByUsingThisService...": "By using this service, you agree to our <a href=\"https://getsession.org/legal/#tos\">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"https://getsession.org/privacy-policy/\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>",
"beginYourSession": "Begin your Session.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Welcome to your Session",
"newSession": "New Session",
"searchFor...": "Search for conversations or contacts",
"enterSessionID": "Enter Session ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Enter Session ID or ONS name of recipient",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "Users can share their Session ID by going into their account settings and tapping \"Share Session ID\", or by sharing their QR code.",
"message": "Message",
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Appearance",
"permissionSettingsTitle": "Permissions",
"signIn": "Aanmelden",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in taakbalk",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session als een miniatuur app ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Zeg hallo tegen jou Session-ID",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Jou Session-ID is het unieke adres dat mensen kunnen gebruiken om contact met u op te nemen op Session. Ontworpen zonder verbinding met je echte identiteit, is jou Session-ID volledig anoniem en privé.",
"getStarted": "Aan de slag",
"createSessionID": "Session ID aanmaken",
"recoveryPhrase": "Uw herstel zin",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "Voer uw herstel zin in",
"displayName": "Naam weergeven",
"anonymous": "Anoniem",
"removeResidueMembers": "Als u op OK klikt, worden deze leden ook verwijderd bij het verlaten van de groep.",
"enterDisplayName": "Kies een weergavenaam",
"enterOptionalPassword": "Wachtwoord invoeren (optioneel)",
"continueYourSession": "Ga verder met je sessie",
"linkDevice": "Koppel een apparaat",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Herstel je account",
"or": "of",
"ByUsingThisService...": "Door gebruik te maken van deze service, gaat u akkoord met onze <a href=\"https://getsession.org/legal/#tos\">Gebruiksvoorwaarden</a> en <a href=\"https://getsession.org/privacy-policy/\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>",
"beginYourSession": "Begin je sessie.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Welkom bij Session",
"newSession": "Nieuwe sessie",
"searchFor...": "Zoeken naar gesprekken of contacten",
"enterSessionID": "Uw Session-ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Voer de Session ID van de ontvanger in",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "Gebruikers kunnen hun Session-ID delen door naar hun accountinstellingen te gaan en op \"Deel Session-ID\" te tikken, of door hun QR-code te delen.",
"message": "Bericht",
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Weergave",
"permissionSettingsTitle": "Toestemmingen",
"privacySettingsTitle": "Privacy",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Notifications",
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "Enter your recovery phrase",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Meldingen",
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "Voer uw herstelzin in",
"displayNameEmpty": "Please pick a display name",
"members": "$count$ members",
"joinOpenGroup": "Join Open Group",
"newClosedGroup": "New Closed Group",
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Group Name",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Enter a group name",
"openGroupURL": "Open Group URL",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Enter an open group URL",
"next": "Next",
"members": "$count$ leden",
"joinOpenGroup": "Deelnemen aan Open groep",
"newClosedGroup": "Nieuwe Besloten Groep",
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Groepsnaam",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Vul een groepsnaam in",
"openGroupURL": "Open Groep-URL openen",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Voer een open groep URL in",
"next": "Volgende",
"description": "Description",
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Please enter a group name",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Please enter a shorter group name",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Please pick at least 1 group member",
"closedGroupMaxSize": "A closed group cannot have more than 100 members",
"noBlockedContacts": "No blocked contacts",
"userAddedToModerators": "User added to moderator list",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "User removed from moderator list",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Or join one of these...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Help us Translate Session",
"translation": "Translation",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Group Invitation Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Unable to successfully invite a group member",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Unable to successfully invite all group members",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Retry invitations",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Completed",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Group Invitation Succeeded",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Successfully invited closed group members",
"notificationForConvo": "Notifications",
"notificationForConvo_all": "All",
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Disabled",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Path",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session hides your IP by bouncing your messages through several Service Nodes in Session's decentralized network. These are the countries your connection is currently being bounced through:",
"unknownCountry": "Unknown Country",
"device": "Device",
"destination": "Destination",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Open this link in your browser?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to open $url$ in your browser?",
"open": "Open",
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Audio Message Autoplay",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Automatically play consecutively sent audio messages",
"clickToTrustContact": "Click to download media",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Trust $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Are you sure you want to download media sent by $name$?",
"pinConversation": "Pin Conversation",
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Data not deleted",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Would you like to clear only this device, or delete your entire account?",
"deviceOnly": "Device Only",
"entireAccount": "Entire Account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "You're almost finished!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Vul een groepsnaam in",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Vul a. u. b een kortere groepsnaam in",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Kies ten minste één groepslid",
"closedGroupMaxSize": "Een besloten groep kan niet meer dan 100 leden hebben",
"noBlockedContacts": "Geen geblokkeerde contactpersonen",
"userAddedToModerators": "Gebruiker toegevoegd aan moderator lijst",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "Gebruiker verwijderd uit moderatorlijst",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Of neem deel aan een van deze...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Help ons om Session the vertalen",
"translation": "Vertalingen",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Uitnodiging voor groep mislukt",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Groepsuitnodigingen mislukt",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Kan een groepslid niet uitnodigen",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Kan een groepslid niet uitnodigen",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Uitnodigingen nogmaals proberen",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Groepsuitnodigingen voltooid",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Groepsuitnodiging geslaagd",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Besloten groepsleden met succes uitgenodigd",
"notificationForConvo": "Meldingen",
"notificationForConvo_all": "Alle",
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Gedeactiveerd",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Alleen vermeldingen,",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Pad",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session verbergt uw IP door uw berichten te verzenden via meerdere Service Nodes in het gedecentraliseerde Session netwerk. Uw verbinding wordt momenteel verzonden via deze landen:",
"unknownCountry": "Onbekend land",
"device": "Apparaat",
"destination": "Bestemming",
"learnMore": "Meer informatie",
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Deze link in je browser openen?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Weet je zeker dat je $url$ in je browser wilt openen?",
"open": "Openen",
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Audio bericht automatisch afspelen",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Automatisch opeenvolgende verzonden audioberichten afspelen",
"clickToTrustContact": "Klik om media te downloaden",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Vertrouw $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Weet je zeker dat je media van $name$ wilt downloaden?",
"pinConversation": "Gesprek vastzetten",
"unpinConversation": "Gesprek losmaken",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limiet vastgezette gesprekken",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Je kan alleen $number$ gesprekken vastzetten",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Eerste ongelezen bericht staat boven",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Herstelzin verzenden",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Je probeert uw herstel zin te versturen welke kan worden gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot jou account. Weet je zeker dat je dit bericht wilt versturen?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Gegevens niet verwijderd",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Gegevens niet verwijderd door een onbekende fout. Wilt je gegevens verwijderen van alleen dit apparaat?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Wilt je gegevens verwijderen van alleen dit apparaat?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Gegevens niet verwijderd door deze Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Wilt je alleen dit apparaat, of uw hele account verwijderen?",
"deviceOnly": "Alleen apparaat",
"entireAccount": "Gehele account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Weet je zeker dat je de gegevens van alleen uw apparaat wilt verwijderen?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Weet je zeker dat je je hele account wilt verwijderen, inclusief de netwerkgegevens?",
"iAmSure": "Ik weet het zeker",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Je bent bijna klaar!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Beveilig je account door je herstelzin op te slaan. Bekijk je herstelzin en sla deze veilig op om het te beveiligen.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Toon herstelzin",
"notificationSubtitle": "Meldingen - $setting$",
"surveyTitle": "Neem deel aan onze Session enquête",
"goToOurSurvey": "Ga naar onze enquête",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Aanvaarden",
"decline": "Afwijzen",
"endCall": "Gesprek beëindigen",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Kan geen nieuw gesprek starten",
"callMissed": "Gemiste oproep van $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Oproep gemist",
"noCameraFound": "Geen camera gevonden",
"noAudioInputFound": "Geen audio-invoer gevonden",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,460 +1,466 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Terms & Privacy Policy",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Copy error and quit",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"databaseError": "Database Error",
"mainMenuFile": "&File",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Edit",
"mainMenuView": "&View",
"mainMenuWindow": "&Window",
"mainMenuHelp": "&Help",
"appMenuHide": "Hide",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Hide Others",
"appMenuUnhide": "Show All",
"appMenuQuit": "Quit Session",
"editMenuUndo": "Undo",
"editMenuRedo": "Redo",
"editMenuCut": "Cut",
"editMenuCopy": "Copy",
"editMenuPaste": "Paste",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Paste and Match Style",
"editMenuDelete": "Delete",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Select all",
"windowMenuClose": "Close Window",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Minimize",
"privacyPolicy": "Vilkår og personvernerklæring",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Kopier feilmelding og avslutt",
"unknown": "Ukjent",
"databaseError": "Databasefeil",
"mainMenuFile": "&Fil",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Rediger",
"mainMenuView": "&Vis",
"mainMenuWindow": "&Vindu",
"mainMenuHelp": "&Hjelp",
"appMenuHide": "Skjul",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Skjul andre",
"appMenuUnhide": "Vis alle",
"appMenuQuit": "Avslutt Session",
"editMenuUndo": "Angre",
"editMenuRedo": "Gjenta",
"editMenuCut": "Klipp ut",
"editMenuCopy": "Kopier",
"editMenuPaste": "Lim inn",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Lim inn med gjeldende stil",
"editMenuDelete": "Slett",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Velg alt",
"windowMenuClose": "Lukk vindu",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Minimer",
"windowMenuZoom": "Zoom",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bring All to Front",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Actual Size",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Zoom In",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Zoom Out",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"loading": "Loading...",
"optimizingApplication": "Optimizing application...",
"done": "Done",
"me": "Me",
"view": "View",
"youLeftTheGroup": "You have left the group.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"debugLogExplanation": "This log will be posted publicly online for contributors to view. You may examine and edit it before submitting.",
"debugLogError": "Something went wrong with the upload! Please consider manually adding your log to the bug you file.",
"reportIssue": "Report an issue",
"gotIt": "Got it",
"submit": "Submit",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"incomingError": "Error handling incoming message",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bring alle til toppen",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Opprinnelig størrelse",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Zoom inn",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Zoom ut",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Fullskjerm",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Utviklerverktøy",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Ingen forslag",
"openGroupInvitation": "Invitasjon til åpen gruppe",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Bli med i $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Er du sikker på at du vil bli med i den åpne gruppen $roomName$?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Angi Session-ID eller ONS-navn",
"loading": "Laster...",
"optimizingApplication": "Optimerer applikasjonen...",
"done": "Ferdig",
"me": "Meg",
"view": "Vis",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Du har forlatt gruppen.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Du ble fjernet fra gruppen.",
"unreadMessage": "Ulest melding",
"unreadMessages": "Uleste meldinger",
"debugLogExplanation": "Denne loggen vil bli lagt ut offentlig på internett slik at bidragsytere kan se den. Du kan undersøke og redigere den før du sender den inn.",
"debugLogError": "Noe gikk galt med opplastingen! Vennligst vurder å manuelt legge loggen din til insektet du leverer inn.",
"reportIssue": "Rapporter et problem",
"gotIt": "Oppfattet",
"submit": "Send inn",
"markAllAsRead": "Merk alt som lest",
"incomingError": "Feil under behandling av innkommende beskjed",
"media": "Media",
"mediaEmptyState": "No media",
"documents": "Documents",
"documentsEmptyState": "No documents",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"thisWeek": "This week",
"thisMonth": "This Month",
"voiceMessage": "Voice Message",
"dangerousFileType": "For security reasons, this file type cannot be sent",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": "Sorry, there is a limit of one non-image attachment per message",
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": "Sorry, you cannot mix images with other file types in one message",
"maximumAttachments": "Maximum number of attachments reached. Please send remaining attachments in a separate message.",
"fileSizeWarning": "Attachment exceeds size limits for the type of message you're sending.",
"unableToLoadAttachment": "Sorry, there was an error setting your attachment.",
"offline": "Offline",
"checkNetworkConnection": "Check your network connection.",
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
"about": "About",
"speech": "Speech",
"show": "Show",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
"search": "Search",
"noSearchResults": "No results found for \"$searchTerm$\"",
"conversationsHeader": "Conversations",
"contactsHeader": "Contacts",
"messagesHeader": "Messages",
"settingsHeader": "Settings",
"typingAlt": "Typing animation for this conversation",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Avatar for contact $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Download Attachment",
"replyToMessage": "Reply to message",
"replyingToMessage": "Replying to:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Original message not found",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Original message no longer available",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Original message found, but not loaded. Scroll up to load it.",
"recording": "Recording",
"you": "You",
"mediaEmptyState": "Ingen medier",
"documents": "Dokumenter",
"documentsEmptyState": "Ingen dokumenter",
"today": "I dag",
"yesterday": "I går",
"thisWeek": "Denne uken",
"thisMonth": "Denne måneden",
"voiceMessage": "Talebeskjed",
"dangerousFileType": "Av sikkerhetsårsaker kan denne filtypen ikke sendes",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Miniatyrlenkeforhåndsvisningskladd for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Miniatyrlenkeforhåndsvisning for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Bildevedleggskladd: $path$",
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": "Beklager, det er en begrensning på ett vedlegg utenom bilder per beskjed",
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": "Beklager, du kan ikke blande bilder med andre filtyper i samme beskjed",
"maximumAttachments": "Maksimalt antall vedlegg nådd. Vennligst send gjenstående vedlegg i en adskilt beskjed.",
"fileSizeWarning": "Vedlegget overskrider størrelsesbegrensninger for beskjedtypen du sender.",
"unableToLoadAttachment": "Beklager, det skjedde en feil ved stilling av vedlegget ditt.",
"offline": "Frakoblet",
"checkNetworkConnection": "Kontroller nettverksforbindelsen din.",
"attemptingReconnection": "Forsøker å koble til på nytt om $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekunder",
"submitDebugLog": "Feilsøkingslogg",
"debugLog": "Feilsøkingslogg",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Gå til utgivelsesmerknader",
"goToSupportPage": "Gå til støttesiden",
"menuReportIssue": "Rapporter et problem",
"about": "Om",
"speech": "Tale",
"show": "Vis",
"sessionMessenger": "Økt",
"search": "Søk",
"noSearchResults": "Ingen resultater funnet for «$searchTerm$»",
"conversationsHeader": "Samtaler",
"contactsHeader": "Kontakter",
"messagesHeader": "Beskjeder",
"settingsHeader": "Innstillinger",
"typingAlt": "Inntastingsanimasjon for denne samtalen",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Avatar for kontakt $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Last ned vedlegg",
"replyToMessage": "Svar på beskjed",
"replyingToMessage": "Svarer på:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Opprinnelig beskjed ikke funnet",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Opprinnelig beskjed er ikke lenger tilgjengelig",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Opprinnelig beskjed funnet, men ikke lastet inn. Rull oppover for å laste den.",
"recording": "Tar opp",
"you": "Du",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone access required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"audio": "Audio",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "Du kan aktivere mikrofontilgang under: Innstillinger (Tannhjulssymbol) => Personvern",
"audio": "Lyd",
"video": "Video",
"photo": "Photo",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"photo": "Fotografi",
"cannotUpdate": "Kan ikke oppdatere",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop mislyktes i å oppdatere, men det er en ny versjon tilgjengelig. Vennligst gå til https://getsession.org/ og installer den nye versjonen manuelt, og kontakt enten deretter kundestøtte eller lever inn et insekt om dette problemet.",
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
"received": "Received",
"sendMessage": "Message",
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Thumbnail of image from quoted message",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Image attached to message",
"videoAttachmentAlt": "Screenshot of video attached to message",
"lightboxImageAlt": "Image sent in conversation",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Icon showing that this image has a caption",
"addACaption": "Add a caption...",
"copy": "Copy",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ took a screenshot",
"savedTheFile": "Media saved by $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "See and share when messages have been read (enables read receipts in all sessions).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Read Receipts",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "See and share when messages are being typed (applies to all sessions).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Typing Indicators",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoom Factor",
"notificationSettingsDialog": "When messages arrive, display notifications that reveal...",
"disableNotifications": "Mute notifications",
"nameAndMessage": "Name and content",
"noNameOrMessage": "No name or content",
"nameOnly": "Name Only",
"newMessage": "New Message",
"newMessages": "New Messages",
"notificationMostRecentFrom": "Most recent from: $name$",
"notificationFrom": "From:",
"notificationMostRecent": "Most recent:",
"sendFailed": "Send Failed",
"expiredWarning": "This version of Session has expired. Please upgrade to the latest version to continue messaging.",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"mediaMessage": "Media message",
"timestamp_s": "Now",
"timestamp_m": "1 minute",
"timestamp_h": "1 hour",
"timestampFormat_M": "MMM D",
"messageBodyMissing": "Please enter a message body.",
"unblockToSend": "Unblock this contact to send a message.",
"unblockGroupToSend": "This group is blocked. Unlock it if you would like to send a message.",
"youChangedTheTimer": "You set the disappearing message timer to $time$",
"timerSetOnSync": "Updated disappearing message timer to $time$",
"theyChangedTheTimer": "$name$ set the disappearing message timer to $time$",
"timerOption_0_seconds": "Off",
"timerOption_5_seconds": "5 seconds",
"timerOption_10_seconds": "10 seconds",
"timerOption_30_seconds": "30 seconds",
"timerOption_1_minute": "1 minute",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 minutes",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 minutes",
"timerOption_1_hour": "1 hour",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 hours",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 hours",
"timerOption_1_day": "1 day",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 week",
"disappearingMessages": "Disappearing messages",
"changeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "New Nickname",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Enter a nickname for this user",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "off",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"close": "Lukk",
"continue": "Fortsett",
"error": "Feil",
"delete": "Slett",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å slette andres beskjeder",
"deleteJustForMe": "Slett kun for meg",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Slett beskjeder",
"deleted": "Slettet",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Denne beskjeden er slettet",
"from": "Fra:",
"to": "Til:",
"sent": "Sendt",
"received": "Mottatt",
"sendMessage": "Beskjed",
"groupMembers": "Gruppemedlemmer",
"moreInformation": "Mer informasjon",
"resend": "Send på nytt",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Slett beskjedene permanent i denne samtalen?",
"clearAllData": "Fjern alle data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Dette vil slette dine beskjeder og kontakter permanent.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne samtalen?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniatyrbilde av bilde i sitert beskjed",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Bilde vedlagt til beskjed",
"videoAttachmentAlt": "Skjermbilde av video vedlagt til beskjed",
"lightboxImageAlt": "Bilde sendt i samtale",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Symbol som viser at dette bildet har en bildetekst",
"addACaption": "Legg til bildetekst...",
"copy": "Kopier",
"copySessionID": "Kopier Session-ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Kopier gruppens URL",
"save": "Lagre",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Lagret",
"permissions": "Tillatelser",
"general": "Generelt",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ tok et skjermbilde",
"savedTheFile": "Media lagret av $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send forhåndsvisning av lenker",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Forhåndsvisninger støttes for de fleste nettadresser",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Du vil ikke ha full metadatabeskyttelse når du sender lenkeforhåndsvisninger.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Stavekontroll",
"spellCheckDescription": "Aktiver stavekontroll av tekst inntastet i feltet for forfatting av beskjeder",
"spellCheckDirty": "Du må starte Session på nytt for at dine nye innstillinger skal tre i kraft",
"notifications": "Varsler",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "Se og del når beskjeder er lest (aktiverer lesekvitteringer i alle økter).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Lesekvitteringer",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "Se og del når beskjeder blir skrevet (gjelder alle økter).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Inntastingsindikatorer",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoomfaktor",
"notificationSettingsDialog": "Ved innkommende beskjeder, vis varsler som avslører:",
"disableNotifications": "Deaktiver varsler",
"nameAndMessage": "Navn og innhold",
"noNameOrMessage": "Verken navn eller innhold",
"nameOnly": "Kun navn",
"newMessage": "Ny beskjed",
"newMessages": "Nye beskjeder",
"notificationMostRecentFrom": "Siste fra: $name$",
"notificationFrom": "Fra:",
"notificationMostRecent": "Siste:",
"sendFailed": "Sending mislyktes",
"expiredWarning": "Denne versjonen av Session er foreldet. Vennligst oppgrader til den siste versjonen for å fortsette med å sende beskjeder.",
"upgrade": "Oppgrader",
"mediaMessage": "Mediebeskjed",
"timestamp_s": "Nå",
"timestamp_m": "1 minutt",
"timestamp_h": "1 time",
"timestampFormat_M": "D. MMM",
"messageBodyMissing": "Vennligst tast inn beskjedinnhold.",
"unblockToSend": "Avblokker denne kontakten for å sende en beskjed.",
"unblockGroupToSend": "Denne gruppen er blokkert. Avblokker den hvis du ønsker å sende en beskjed.",
"youChangedTheTimer": "Du satte utløpstiden for beskjeder til $time$",
"timerSetOnSync": "Oppdaterte utløpstiden for beskjeder til $time$",
"theyChangedTheTimer": "$name$ satte utløpstiden for beskjeder til $time$",
"timerOption_0_seconds": "Av",
"timerOption_5_seconds": "5 sekunder",
"timerOption_10_seconds": "10 sekunder",
"timerOption_30_seconds": "30 sekunder",
"timerOption_1_minute": "1 minutt",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 minutter",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 minutter",
"timerOption_1_hour": "1 time",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 timer",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 timer",
"timerOption_1_day": "1 dag",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 uke",
"disappearingMessages": "Tidsbegrensede beskjeder",
"changeNickname": "Forandre kallenavn",
"clearNickname": "Fjern kallenavn",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "Nytt kallenavn",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Skriv inn et kallenavn for denne brukeren",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "av",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5s",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10s",
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": "30s",
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": "1m",
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": "5m",
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": "30m",
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": "1h",
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": "6h",
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": "12h",
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": "30min",
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": "1t",
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": "6t",
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": "12t",
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": "1d",
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": "1w",
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": "Disappearing messages disabled",
"disabledDisappearingMessages": "$name$ disabled disappearing messages.",
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "You disabled disappearing messages.",
"timerSetTo": "Disappearing message time set to $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Note to Self",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Hide Menu Bar",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility",
"startConversation": "Start New Conversation",
"invalidNumberError": "Invalid Session ID or ONS Name",
"failedResolveOns": "Failed to resolve ONS name",
"successUnlinked": "Your device was unlinked successfully",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Auto Update",
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Automatically check for updates on launch",
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Session update available",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "There is a new version of Session available.",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Press Restart Session to apply the updates.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Restart Session",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Later",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Download",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ has left the group.",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ left the group",
"updatedTheGroup": "Group updated",
"titleIsNow": "Group name is now '$name$'.",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ joined the group.",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$name$ joined the group.",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Block",
"unblockUser": "Unblock",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blocked contacts",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
"leaveGroup": "Leave Group",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Leave Group and remove for everyone",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "You don't have any contacts yet",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Copy message text",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Edit group",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Updating $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"yourSessionID": "Your Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Set Account Password",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Change Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change your password",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Your recovery phrase is the master key to your Session ID — you can use it to restore your Session ID if you lose access to your device. Store your recovery phrase in a safe place, and don't give it to anyone.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"passwordViewTitle": "Type In Your Password",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"password": "Password",
"setPassword": "Set Password",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"removePassword": "Remove Password",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Invalid Password. Would you like to reset the database?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Please type in your old password",
"invalidOldPassword": "Old password is invalid",
"invalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"noGivenPassword": "Please enter your password",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passwords do not match",
"changePasswordInvalid": "The old password you entered is incorrect",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Incorrect password",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set Password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Changed Password",
"removePasswordTitle": "Removed Password",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been set. Please keep it safe.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "You have removed your password.",
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this open group",
"connectToServerFail": "Couldn't join group",
"connectingToServer": "Connecting...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to open group",
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordTypeError": "Password must be a string",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"remove": "Remove",
"invalidSessionId": "Invalid Session ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Please enter a group name",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Profile",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Group Name",
"inviteContacts": "Invite Contacts",
"addModerators": "Add Moderators",
"removeModerators": "Remove Moderators",
"addAsModerator": "Add As Moderator",
"removeFromModerators": "Remove From Moderators",
"add": "Add",
"addingContacts": "Adding contacts to",
"noContactsToAdd": "No contacts to add",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "No other members in this group",
"noModeratorsToRemove": "no moderators to remove",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "You are not the creator",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Only the creator of the group can remove users",
"createAccount": "Create Account",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session as a minified app ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Say hello to your Session ID",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Your Session ID is the unique address people can use to contact you on Session. With no connection to your real identity, your Session ID is totally anonymous and private by design.",
"getStarted": "Get started",
"createSessionID": "Create Session ID",
"recoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "Enter your recovery phrase",
"displayName": "Display Name",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"removeResidueMembers": "Clicking ok will also remove those members as they left the group.",
"enterDisplayName": "Enter a display name",
"enterOptionalPassword": "Enter password (optional)",
"continueYourSession": "Continue Your Session",
"linkDevice": "Link Device",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Restore your account",
"or": "or",
"ByUsingThisService...": "By using this service, you agree to our <a href=\"https://getsession.org/legal/#tos\">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"https://getsession.org/privacy-policy/\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>",
"beginYourSession": "Begin your Session.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Welcome to your Session",
"newSession": "New Session",
"searchFor...": "Search for conversations or contacts",
"enterSessionID": "Enter Session ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Enter Session ID or ONS name of recipient",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "Users can share their Session ID by going into their account settings and tapping \"Share Session ID\", or by sharing their QR code.",
"message": "Message",
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Appearance",
"permissionSettingsTitle": "Permissions",
"privacySettingsTitle": "Privacy",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Notifications",
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "Enter your recovery phrase",
"displayNameEmpty": "Please pick a display name",
"members": "$count$ members",
"joinOpenGroup": "Join Open Group",
"newClosedGroup": "New Closed Group",
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Group Name",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Enter a group name",
"openGroupURL": "Open Group URL",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Enter an open group URL",
"next": "Next",
"description": "Description",
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Please enter a group name",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Please enter a shorter group name",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Please pick at least 1 group member",
"closedGroupMaxSize": "A closed group cannot have more than 100 members",
"noBlockedContacts": "No blocked contacts",
"userAddedToModerators": "User added to moderator list",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "User removed from moderator list",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Or join one of these...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Help us Translate Session",
"translation": "Translation",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Group Invitation Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Unable to successfully invite a group member",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Unable to successfully invite all group members",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Retry invitations",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Completed",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Group Invitation Succeeded",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Successfully invited closed group members",
"notificationForConvo": "Notifications",
"notificationForConvo_all": "All",
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Disabled",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Path",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session hides your IP by bouncing your messages through several Service Nodes in Session's decentralized network. These are the countries your connection is currently being bounced through:",
"unknownCountry": "Unknown Country",
"device": "Device",
"destination": "Destination",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Open this link in your browser?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to open $url$ in your browser?",
"open": "Open",
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Audio Message Autoplay",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Automatically play consecutively sent audio messages",
"clickToTrustContact": "Click to download media",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Trust $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Are you sure you want to download media sent by $name$?",
"pinConversation": "Pin Conversation",
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Data not deleted",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Would you like to clear only this device, or delete your entire account?",
"deviceOnly": "Device Only",
"entireAccount": "Entire Account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "You're almost finished!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": "1u",
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": "Tidsbegrensede beskjeder er deaktivert",
"disabledDisappearingMessages": "$name$ deaktiverte tidsbegrensede beskjeder.",
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "Du deaktiverte tidsbegrensede beskjeder.",
"timerSetTo": "Utløpstiden for beskjeder satt til $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Notat til meg selv",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Skjul menylinjen",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Vis eller skjul menylinjen",
"startConversation": "Start ny samtale",
"invalidNumberError": "Ugyldig Session-ID eller ONS-navn",
"failedResolveOns": "Fant ikke ONS-navnet",
"successUnlinked": "Lyktes med å fjerne sammenkoblingen med enheten",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Automatisk oppdatering",
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Se etter oppdateringer automatisk ved oppstart",
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Session-oppdatering tilgjengelig",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "En ny versjon av Session er tilgjengelig.",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Trykk på Start på nytt for å fullføre oppdateringene.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Start på nytt",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Senere",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Last ned",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "Oppdatering har blitt lastet ned.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Vil du laste ned oppdateringen?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ har forlatt gruppen.",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ forlot gruppen",
"updatedTheGroup": "Gruppe oppdatert",
"titleIsNow": "Gruppens navn er nå '$name$'.",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ ble med i gruppen.",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$name$ ble med i gruppen.",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ ble fjernet fra gruppen.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ ble fjernet fra gruppen.",
"blockUser": "Blokker",
"unblockUser": "Avblokker",
"unblocked": "Blokkering opphevet",
"blocked": "Blokkert",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blokkerte kontakter",
"unbanUser": "Opphev utestengelse av bruker",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil oppheve utestengelsen av brukeren?",
"userUnbanned": "Bruker ikke lenger utestengt",
"userUnbanFailed": "Oppheving av utestengelse mislyktes!",
"banUser": "Utesteng bruker",
"banUserConfirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil utestenge brukeren?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Utesteng og slett alle",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil utestenge brukeren og slette alle beskjedene hans?",
"userBanned": "Lyktes med å utestenge brukeren",
"userBanFailed": "Utestengelse mislyktes!",
"leaveGroup": "Forlat gruppen",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Forlat gruppen og fjern for alle",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil forlate denne gruppen?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "Ettersom du er administrator for denne gruppen, vil den dersom du forlater den fjernes for alle nåværende medlemmer. Er du sikker på at du vil forlate denne gruppen?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Kan ikke fjerne denne brukeren",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "Du kan ikke fjerne denne brukeren, ettersom vedkommende er skaperen av gruppen.",
"noContactsForGroup": "Du har ingen kontakter ennå",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Mislyktes i å legge til bruker som ordstyrer",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Mislyktes i å fjerne bruker fra listen over ordstyrere",
"copyMessage": "Kopier beskjedtekst",
"selectMessage": "Velg beskjed",
"editGroup": "Rediger gruppe",
"editGroupName": "Rediger gruppenavn",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Oppdaterer $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Gjenopprettelsesfrase",
"yourSessionID": "Din Session-ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Still kontopassord",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Krev passord for å låse opp Session-skjermen. Du kan fremdeles motta beskjedvarsler når skjermlås er aktivert. Sessions varslingsinnstillinger lar deg tilpasse hvilke opplysninger som vises",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Forandre kontopassord",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Forandre passordet ditt",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Fjern kontopassord",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Fjern passordet forbundet med kontoen din",
"enterPassword": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet ditt",
"confirmPassword": "Bekreft passordet",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "Innholdet av utklippstavlen overskrider den maksimale passordlengden på $max_pwd_len$ tegn.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet ditt",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Gjenopprettelsesfrasen din er hovednøkkelen til Session-IDen din du kan bruke den for å gjenopprette Session-IDen din dersom du mister tilgang til enheten din. Arkiver gjenopprettelsesfrasen din på et trygt sted, og ikke gi den til noen.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Ugyldig URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopiert til utklippstavlen",
"passwordViewTitle": "Tast inn passordet ditt",
"unlock": "Lås opp",
"password": "Passord",
"setPassword": "Still passord",
"changePassword": "Forandre passord",
"removePassword": "Fjern passord",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Ugyldig passord. Vil du nullstille databasen?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Vennligst tast inn det gamle passordet ditt",
"invalidOldPassword": "Gammelt passord er ugyldig",
"invalidPassword": "Ugyldig passord",
"noGivenPassword": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet ditt",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passordene stemmer ikke overens",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passordene stemmer ikke overens",
"changePasswordInvalid": "Det gamle passordet du skrev inn, var galt",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Galt passord",
"setPasswordTitle": "Stilte passordet",
"changePasswordTitle": "Forandret passordet",
"removePasswordTitle": "Fjernet passordet",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Passordet er blitt stilt. Vennligst oppbevar det trygt.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Passordet ditt er endret. Vennligst oppbevar det trygt.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "Du har fjernet passordet ditt.",
"publicChatExists": "Du er allerede koblet til denne åpne gruppen",
"connectToServerFail": "Kunne ikke bli med i gruppen",
"connectingToServer": "Kobler til...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Lyktes med å koble til den åpne gruppen",
"setPasswordFail": "Kunne ikke stille passordet",
"passwordLengthError": "Passordet må være mellom 6 og 64 tegn langt",
"passwordTypeError": "Passordet må være en streng",
"passwordCharacterError": "Passordet kan kun inneholde bokstaver, tall og symboler",
"remove": "Fjern",
"invalidSessionId": "Ugyldig Session-ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Ugyldig format på offentlig nøkkel",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Vennligst skriv inn et gruppenavn",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Profil",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Gruppenavn",
"inviteContacts": "Innby kontakter",
"addModerators": "Legg til ordstyrere",
"removeModerators": "Fjern ordstyrere",
"addAsModerator": "Legg til som ordstyrer",
"removeFromModerators": "Fjern fra ordstyrere",
"add": "Legg til",
"addingContacts": "Legger kontakter til",
"noContactsToAdd": "Ingen kontakter å legge til",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "Ingen andre medlemmer i denne gruppen",
"noModeratorsToRemove": "Ingen ordstyrere å fjerne",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "Du er ikke skaperen av gruppen",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Kun skaperen av gruppen kan fjerne brukere",
"createAccount": "Opprett konto",
"signIn": "Logg på",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start i varslingsfeltet",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session som minimert applikasjon",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Si hei til din Session-ID",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Din Session-ID er den unike adressen folk kan bruke for å kontakte deg på Session. Uten en forbindelse til din virkelige identitet er din Session-ID laget for å være fullstendig anonym og privat.",
"getStarted": "Kom i gang",
"createSessionID": "Opprett Session-ID",
"recoveryPhrase": "Gjenopprettelsesfrase",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "Skriv inn din gjenopprettelsesfrase",
"displayName": "Navn som vises",
"anonymous": "Anonym",
"removeResidueMembers": "Ved å klikke OK vil også disse medlemmene fjernes, ettersom de forlot gruppen.",
"enterDisplayName": "Skriv inn navnet som skal vises",
"enterOptionalPassword": "Skriv inn passord (valgfritt)",
"continueYourSession": "Fortsett økten din",
"linkDevice": "Koble sammen enhet",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Gjenopprett kontoen din",
"or": "eller",
"ByUsingThisService...": "Ved å bruke denne tjenesten, samtykker du i våre <a href=\"https://getsession.org/legal/#tos\">tjenestevilkår</a> og <a href=\"https://getsession.org/privacy-policy/\" target=\"_blank\">personvernserklæring</a>",
"beginYourSession": "Start økten din.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Velkommen til økten din",
"newSession": "Ny økt",
"searchFor...": "Søk etter samtaler eller kontakter",
"enterSessionID": "Skriv inn Session-ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Skriv inn mottakerens Session-ID eller ONS-navn",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "Brukere kan dele sin Session-ID ved å gå inn i sine kontoinnstillinger og trykke på \"Del Session-ID\", eller ved å dele sin QR-kode.",
"message": "Beskjed",
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Utseende",
"permissionSettingsTitle": "Tillatelser",
"privacySettingsTitle": "Personvern",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Varsler",
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "Skriv inn gjenopprettelsesfrasen",
"displayNameEmpty": "Vennligst skriv inn navnet som skal vises",
"members": "$count$ medlemmer",
"joinOpenGroup": "Bli med i åpen gruppe",
"newClosedGroup": "Ny lukket gruppe",
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Gruppenavn",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Skriv inn et gruppenavn",
"openGroupURL": "URL for åpen gruppe",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Skriv inn en åpen gruppe-URL",
"next": "Neste",
"description": "1 minutt",
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Vennligst skriv inn et gruppenavn",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Vennligst skriv inn et kortere gruppenavn",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Vennligst velg minst 1 gruppemedlem",
"closedGroupMaxSize": "En lukket gruppe kan ikke ha flere enn 100 medlemmer",
"noBlockedContacts": "Ingen blokkerte kontakter",
"userAddedToModerators": "Bruker lagt til i listen over ordstyrere",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "Bruker fjernet fra listen over ordstyrere",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Eller bli med i en av disse...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Hjelp oss med å oversette Session",
"translation": "Oversettelse",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Gruppeinnbydelse mislyktes",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Gruppeinnbydelser mislyktes",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Klarte ikke å lykkes med å innby et gruppemedlem",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Klarte ikke å lykkes med å innby alle gruppemedlemmene",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Forsøk innbydelser på nytt",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Gruppeinnbydelser fullført",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Gruppeinnbydelse lyktes",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Lyktes med å innby medlemmer til lukket gruppe",
"notificationForConvo": "Varsler",
"notificationForConvo_all": "Alle",
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Deaktivert",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Kun omtaler",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Sti",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session skjuler IPen din ved å la beskjedene dine passere gjennom flere tjenesteknutepunkter i Sessions desentraliserte nettverk. Dette er landene forbindelsen din nå passerer gjennom:",
"unknownCountry": "Ukjent land",
"device": "Enhet",
"destination": "Mål",
"learnMore": "Lær mer",
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Åpne denne lenken i nettleseren din?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Er du sikker på at du vil åpne $url$ i nettleseren din?",
"open": "Åpne",
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Automatisk avspilling av lydbeskjeder",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Spill automatisk av påfølgende sendte lydbeskjeder",
"clickToTrustContact": "Klikk for å laste ned medie",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Stol på $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Er du sikker på at du vil laste ned medier sendt av $name$?",
"pinConversation": "Fest samtale",
"unpinConversation": "Løsne samtale",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Begresning på festede samtaler",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Du kan kun feste $number$ samtaler",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Første uleste beskjed er ovenfor",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sender gjenopprettelsesfrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Du forsøker å sende gjenopprettelsesfrasen din, som kan brukes til å få tilgang til kontoen din. Er du sikker på at du vil sende denne beskjeden?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Opplysninger ikke slettet",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Opplysningene ble ikke slettet på grunn av en ukjent feil. Vil du slette opplysningene kun fra denne enheten?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Vil du slette opplysningene kun fra denne enheten?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Opplysninger ikke slettet av disse tjenesteknutepunktene: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Ønsker du å rense kun denne enheten, eller slette hele kontoen din?",
"deviceOnly": "Kun enhet",
"entireAccount": "Hele kontoen",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Er du sikker på at du kun vil slette opplysningene på enheten?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette hele kontoen din, inkludert de nettlagrede opplysningene?",
"iAmSure": "Jeg er sikker",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Du er nesten ferdig!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Sikre kontoen din ved å lagre gjenopprettelsesfrasen din. Vis gjenopprettelsesfrasen din, og arkiver den deretter trygt for å sikre den.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Vis gjenopprettelsesfrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Varsler $setting$",
"surveyTitle": "Fyll ut vår Session-undersøkelse",
"goToOurSurvey": "Gå til undersøkelsen vår",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Godta",
"decline": "Avvis",
"endCall": "Avslutt anrop",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Kan ikke foreta nytt anrop",
"callMissed": "Tapt anrop fra $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Anrop tapt",
"noCameraFound": "Intet kamera funnet",
"noAudioInputFound": "Ingen lyd-inndataenhet funnet",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Error",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "From:",
"to": "To:",
"sent": "Sent",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Group members",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Ponowne połączenie za $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekund(-y)",
"submitDebugLog": "Wyślij log debugowania",
"debugLog": "Dziennik Debugowania",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Przejdź do informacji o wersji",
"goToSupportPage": "Przejdź do strony wsparcia",
"menuReportIssue": "Zgłoś problem",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Kontynuuj",
"error": "Błąd",
"delete": "Usuń",
"deletePublicWarning": "Czy na pewno? Spowoduje to permanentne usunięcie tej wiadomości dla każdego w tej otwartej grupie.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Czy na pewno? Spowoduje to permanentne usunięcie tych wiadomości dla każdego w tej otwartej grupie.",
"deleteWarning": "Na pewno? Kliknięcie 'usuń' spowoduje bezpowrotne usunięcie wiadomości z tego urządzenia.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Czy na pewno? Kliknięcie 'usuń' spowoduje permanentne usunięcie wiadomości tylko z twojego urządzenia.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Nie masz uprawnień do usunięcia wiadomości innych",
"deleteThisMessage": "Usuń wiadomość",
"deleteJustForMe": "Usuń tylko dla mnie",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Usuń konwersację",
"deleted": "Usunięte",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Ta wiadomość została usunięta",
"from": "Od:",
"to": "Do:",
"sent": "Wysłano",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Członkowie grupy",
"moreInformation": "Więcej informacji",
"resend": "Wyślij ponownie",
"deleteMessage": "Usuń wiadomość",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Usuń konwersację",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Usuń wiadomość dla wszystkich",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Usuń wiadomość dla wszystkich",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Usunąć trwale tę konwersację?",
"clearAllData": "Wyczyść wszystkie dane",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Spowoduje to trwałe usunięcie wiadomości i kontaktów.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę rozmowę?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniatura obrazu z cytowanej wiadomości",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Zdjęcie załączone do wiadomości",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Skopiuj Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Skopiuj adres URL grupy",
"save": "Zapisz",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Zapisano",
"permissions": "Uprawnienia",
"general": "Ogólne",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "Media zapisane przez $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Podgląd linków",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls.",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon i aparat",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Zezwól na dostęp do kamery i mikrofonu",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Pełna ochrona metadanych nie będzie dostępna podczas wysyłania podglądu.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Sprawdzanie pisowni",
"spellCheckDescription": "Włącz sprawdzanie pisowni podczas pisania wiadomości",
"spellCheckDirty": "Musisz zrestartować Session, aby zastosować nowe ustawienia",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Odepnij konwersację",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limit przypiętych konwersacji",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Możesz przypiąć tylko $number$ konwersacji",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Pierwsza nieprzeczytana wiadomość jest powyżej",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Wysyłanie frazy odzyskiwania",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Próbujesz wysłać frazę odzyskiwania, która może być użyta do uzyskania dostępu do twojego konta. Czy na pewno chcesz wysłać tę wiadomość?",
@ -431,30 +427,40 @@
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Czy chcesz wyczyścić tylko to urządzenie, czy usunąć całe swoje konto?",
"deviceOnly": "Tylko urządzenie",
"entireAccount": "Całe konto",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć swoje dane tylko z tego urządzenia?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć całe swoje konto, w tym dane sieciowe?",
"iAmSure": "Na pewno",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Prawie gotowe!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Zabezpiecz swoje konto zapisując frazę odzyskiwania. Zobacz frazę odzyskiwania, a następnie przechowuj ją bezpiecznie w celu zabezpieczenia.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Pokaż frazę odzyskiwania",
"notificationSubtitle": "Powiadomienia - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Weź udział w ankiecie Session",
"goToOurSurvey": "Przejdź do naszej ankiety",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Akceptuj",
"decline": "Odrzuć",
"endCall": "Zakończ rozmowę",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Nie można rozpocząć nowego połączenia",
"callMissed": "Nieodebrane połączenie od $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Połączenie nieodebrane",
"noCameraFound": "Nie znaleziono kamery",
"noAudioInputFound": "Nie znaleziono wejścia dźwięku",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Tentando reconectar em $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ segundos",
"submitDebugLog": "Registro de depuração ",
"debugLog": "Registro de depuração ",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Ir para Notas de Lançamento",
"goToSupportPage": "Ir para Página de Suporte",
"menuReportIssue": "Relatar um problema",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuar",
"error": "Erro",
"delete": "Excluir",
"deletePublicWarning": "Você tem certeza? Isso irá remover permanentemente essa mensagem para todos nesse grupo aberto.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Você tem certeza? Isso irá remover permanentemente essas mensagens para todos nesse grupo aberto.",
"deleteWarning": "Tem certeza? Ao clicar em 'Excluir', você remove esta mensagem permanentemente deste dispositivo apenas.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Você tem certeza? Clicar em 'excluir' irá remover permanentemente essas mensagens apenas desse dispositivo.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Você não tem permissão para excluír as mensagens de outros",
"deleteThisMessage": "Excluir mensagem",
"deleteJustForMe": "Excluir apenas para mim",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Apagar mensagens",
"deleted": "Excluído",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Esta mensagem foi excluída",
"from": "De:",
"to": "Para:",
"sent": "Enviada",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "Membros do grupo",
"moreInformation": "Mais informações",
"resend": "Reenviar",
"deleteMessage": "Excluir Mensagem",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Apagar mensagens",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Excluír mensagem para todos",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Excluír mensagens para todos",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Você deseja apagar esta conversa definitivamente?",
"clearAllData": "Limpar todos os dados",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Isso excluirá permanentemente suas mensagens, sessões e contatos.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta conversa?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Miniatura da imagem na citação",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Imagem anexa à mensagem",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copiar ID Session",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copiar URL do grupo",
"save": "Salvar",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Salvo",
"permissions": "Permissões",
"general": "Geral",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "Mídia salva por $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Enviar Pré-Visualizações De Links",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls.",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microfone e Câmera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permitir acesso à câmera e ao microfone",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "Você não terá proteção completa de metadados ao receber pré-visualização de links.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Corretor ortográfico",
"spellCheckDescription": "Ativar a verificação ortográfica do texto digitado na caixa de edição de mensagens",
"spellCheckDirty": "Você precisa reiniciar o Session para aplicar as novas configurações",
@ -259,7 +254,7 @@
"banUser": "Banir usuário",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Banir e Excluir Tudo",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Tu tens certeza de que queres banir o usuário e apagar todas as suas mensagens?",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Tem certeza de que deseja bloquear o usuário e excluir todas suas mensagens?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Banimento falhou!",
"leaveGroup": "Sair Do Grupo",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Desafixar conversa",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limite de conversas fixadas",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Você só pode fixar $number$ conversas",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "A primeira mensagem não lida está acima",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Enviando frase de recuperação",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Tu estás tentando enviar a tua frase de recuperação qual pode ser utilizada para acessar a tua conta. Tu tens certeza de que queres enviar esta mensagem?",
@ -431,30 +427,40 @@
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Tu gostarias de limpar apenas este dispositivo, ou excluir toda a sua conta?",
"deviceOnly": "Só Dispositivo",
"entireAccount": "Toda a Conta",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir os dados apenas do seu dispositivo?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir a sua conta completamente, incluindo os dados de rede?",
"iAmSure": "Tenho certeza",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Tu estás quase acabando!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Proteja a sua conta salvando a sua frase de recuperação. Revele a sua frase de recuperação e então armazene-a com segurança para protegê-la.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Revelar Frase de Recuperação",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notificações - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Responda à pesquisa do Session",
"goToOurSurvey": "Acessar nossa pesquisa",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Aceitar",
"decline": "Rejeitar",
"endCall": "Encerrando chamada",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Não foi possível iniciar nova chamada",
"callMissed": "Chamada perdida de $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Chamada perdida",
"noCameraFound": "Nenhuma câmera encontrada",
"noAudioInputFound": "Nenhuma entrada de áudio encontrada",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Nova tentativa de ligação dentro de $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ segundos",
"submitDebugLog": "Enviar relatório de depuração",
"debugLog": "Relatório de depuração",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Ir para as notas de lançamento",
"goToSupportPage": "Ir para a página de suporte",
"menuReportIssue": "Reportar um problema",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Erro",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Tem a certeza? Clicar em 'Eliminar' irá remover permanentemente esta mensagem deste dispositivo.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Eliminar esta mensagem",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Eliminar mensagens",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "De",
"to": "para",
"sent": "Enviada",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Membros do grupo",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Eliminar mensagem",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Eliminar mensagens",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Deseja eliminar definitivamente esta conversa?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Guardar",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissões",
"general": "Geral",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permitir o acesso à câmara e ao microfone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Ative a verificação ortográfica para o texto introduzido",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Se încearcă reconectarea în $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ secunde",
"submitDebugLog": "Jurnal depanare",
"debugLog": "Jurnalul de depanare",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Mergi la Notele de Lansare",
"goToSupportPage": "Mergi la Pagina de Suport",
"menuReportIssue": "Raportează o problemă",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continuă",
"error": "Eroare",
"delete": "Șterge",
"deletePublicWarning": "Ești sigur? Acest lucru va elimina definitiv acest mesaj pentru toți cei din acest grup deschis.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Ești sigur? Acest lucru va șterge definitiv aceste mesaje pentru toți cei din acest grup deschis.",
"deleteWarning": "Ești sigur? Apăsând 'ștergere' vei șterge permanent acest mesaj doar de pe acest dispozitiv.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Ești sigur? Apăsând 'ștergere' vei șterge permanent acest mesaj doar de pe acest dispozitiv.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Nu aveţi permisiunea de a şterge mesajele altora",
"deleteThisMessage": "Şterge acest mesaj",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Șterge mesajele",
"deleted": "Șters",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "De la",
"to": "către",
"sent": "Trimis",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Membrii grupului",
"moreInformation": "Mai multe informații",
"resend": "Retrimite",
"deleteMessage": "Şterge mesajul",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Șterge mesajele",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Ştergeţi mesajul pentru toată lumea",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Ştergeţi mesajele pentru toată lumea",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Şterg permanent acestă conversație?",
"clearAllData": "Șterge toate datele",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copiază ID-ul Session",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copiază URL-ul grupului",
"save": "Salvează",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Salvat",
"permissions": "Permisiuni",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Trimite Previzualizări Link",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previzualizările sunt suportate pentru majoritatea adreselor URL",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microfon și Cameră",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Permite accesul la cameră și microfon",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Verificare ortografie",
"spellCheckDescription": "Activează verificarea ortografică a textului introdus în caseta de compoziție a mesajului",
"spellCheckDirty": "Trebuie să reporniți Session pentru a aplica noile setări",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
"editMenuPaste": "Вставить",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Вставить с соответствием стилю",
"editMenuDelete": "Удалить",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Выбрать всё",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Выбрать все",
"windowMenuClose": "Закрыть окно",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Свернуть",
"windowMenuZoom": "Увеличить",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Вынести всё на передний план",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Все на передний план",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Фактический размер",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Увеличить",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Уменьшить",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"reportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"gotIt": "Понятно",
"submit": "Отправить",
"markAllAsRead": "Отметить всё как прочитанное",
"markAllAsRead": "Отметить все как прочитанное",
"incomingError": "Ошибка при обработке входящего сообщения",
"media": "Медиа",
"mediaEmptyState": "Нет медиа-файлов",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Попытка переподключения через $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ секунд",
"submitDebugLog": "Журнал отладки",
"debugLog": "Журнал отладки",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Перейти к заметкам о релизе",
"goToSupportPage": "Перейти на страницу поддержки",
"menuReportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
"audio": "Аудио",
"video": "Видео",
"photo": "Фото",
"cannotUpdate": "Не удаётся обновить",
"cannotUpdate": "Обновить не удается",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Не удалось обновить Session Desktop, но доступна новая версия. Пожалуйста, перейдите на https://getsession.org/ и установите новую версию вручную, затем свяжитесь со службой поддержки или создайте сообщение об этой ошибке.",
"ok": "ОК",
"cancel": "Отменить",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Продолжить",
"error": "Ошибка",
"delete": "Удалить",
"deletePublicWarning": "Вы уверены? Это навсегда удалит данное сообщение для всех участников этой открытой группы.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Вы уверены? Это навсегда удалит данные сообщения для всех участников этой открытой группы.",
"deleteWarning": "Вы уверены? Нажав 'удалить' вы навсегда удалите данное сообщение только с этого устройства.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Вы уверены? Нажав 'удалить', вы навсегда удалите данные сообщения только с этого устройства.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "У вас недостаточно прав для удаления чужих сообщений",
"deleteThisMessage": "Удалить сообщение",
"deleteJustForMe": "Удалить только у меня",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Удалить сообщения",
"deleted": "Удалено",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Это сообщение было удалено",
"from": "От:",
"to": "Кому:",
"sent": "Отправлено",
@ -123,18 +125,10 @@
"sendMessage": "Отправить сообщение",
"groupMembers": "Участники группы",
"moreInformation": "Больше информации",
"resend": "Отправить ещё раз",
"deleteMessage": "Удалить сообщение",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Удалить сообщения",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Удалить сообщение для всех",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Удалить сообщения для всех",
"deleteForEveryone": "Удалить для всех",
"resend": "Отправить повторно",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Удалить эту беседу без возможности восстановления?",
"clearAllData": "Очистить все данные",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Это навсегда удалит ваши сообщения и контакты.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту беседу?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Миниатюра изображения из цитируемого сообщения",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Изображение, прикрепленное к сообщению",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Копировать Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Копировать URL группы",
"save": "Сохранить",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Сохранено",
"permissions": "Разрешения",
"general": "Общие",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "$name$ сохранил медиафайл",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Отправлять предпросмотр ссылки",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Предпросмотр доступен для большинства URL",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Микрофон и камера",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Разрешить доступ к камере и микрофону",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "У вас не будет полной защиты метаданных при отправке предварительного просмотра ссылок.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Проверка орфографии",
"spellCheckDescription": "Включить проверку орфографии текста, введенного в поле создания сообщения",
"spellCheckDirty": "Вы должны перезапустить Session, чтобы применить новые настройки",
@ -258,7 +253,7 @@
"userUnbanFailed": "Не удалось разблокировать!",
"banUser": "Заблокировать пользователя",
"banUserConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите заблокировать пользователя?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Заблокировать и удалить всё",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Заблокировать и удалить все",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите заблокировать пользователя и удалить все его сообщения?",
"userBanned": "Пользователь заблокирован",
"userBanFailed": "Не удалось заблокировать!",
@ -288,7 +283,7 @@
"confirmPassword": "Подтвердить пароль",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "Содержимое буфера обмена превышает максимальную длину пароля в $max_pwd_len$ символов.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Ваша секретная фраза является главным ключом к вашему Session ID. Вы можете использовать ее для восстановления Session ID, если потеряете доступ к своему устройству. Сохраните свою секретную фразу в безопасном месте, и никому её не передавайте.",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Фраза восстановления является главным ключом к Session ID — вы можете использовать ее для восстановления, если потеряете доступ к своему устройству. Храните вашу фразу восстановления в надежном месте и никому ее не передавайте.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Недействительный URL-адрес",
"copiedToClipboard": "Скопировано в буфер обмена",
"passwordViewTitle": "Введите ваш пароль",
@ -304,11 +299,11 @@
"noGivenPassword": "Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Пароли не совпадают",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Пароли не совпадают",
"changePasswordInvalid": "Старый введённый пароль неверен",
"changePasswordInvalid": "Старый пароль, который вы ввели, неверен",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Неверный пароль",
"setPasswordTitle": "Установить пароль",
"changePasswordTitle": "Изменённый пароль",
"removePasswordTitle": "Удалённый пароль",
"changePasswordTitle": "Пароль изменен",
"removePasswordTitle": "Пароль удален",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Ваш пароль установлен. Пожалуйста, храните его в безопасном месте.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Ваш пароль был изменен. Пожалуйста, храните его в безопасном месте.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "Вы удалили ваш пароль.",
@ -387,7 +382,7 @@
"closedGroupMaxSize": "В закрытой группе не может быть больше 100 участников",
"noBlockedContacts": "Нет заблокированных контактов",
"userAddedToModerators": "Пользователь добавлен в список модераторов",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "Пользователь удалён из списка модераторов",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "Пользователь удален из списка модераторов",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Или присоединитесь к одной из этих...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Помогите нам перевести Session",
"translation": "Перевод",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Открепить беседу",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Лимит закрепленных бесед",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Вы можете закрепить только $number$ бесед",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Первое непрочитанное сообщение находится выше",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Отправка секретной фразы",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Вы пытаетесь отправить вашу секретную фразу, которая может быть использована для доступа к вашей учетной записи. Вы уверены, что хотите отправить это сообщение?",
@ -431,30 +427,40 @@
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Вы хотите очистить только это устройство или полностью удалить ваш аккаунт?",
"deviceOnly": "Только устройство",
"entireAccount": "Полностью аккаунт",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить только данные вашего устройства?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить всю свою учетную запись, включая сетевые данные?",
"iAmSure": "Я уверен",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "Вы почти закончили!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Обезопасьте свой аккаунт, сохранив вашу секретную фразу. Посмотрите вашу секретную фразу, затем сохраните ее в безопасном месте.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Показать секретную фразу",
"notificationSubtitle": "Уведомления - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"surveyTitle": "Пройдите наш опрос о Session",
"goToOurSurvey": "Перейти к опросу",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Принять",
"decline": "Отклонить",
"endCall": "Завершить вызов",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Не удается начать новый вызов",
"callMissed": "Пропущенный вызов от $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Пропущен вызов",
"noCameraFound": "Камера не найдена",
"noAudioInputFound": "Аудиовход не найден",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"privacyPolicy": "නියම සහ රහස්‍යතා ප්‍රතිපත්තිය",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "දෝෂය පිටපත් කර ඉවත්වන්න",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"unknown": "නොදන්නා",
"databaseError": "දත්තසමුදායේ දෝෂයකි",
"mainMenuFile": "ගොනුව (&F)",
"mainMenuEdit": "සංස්කරණය (&E)",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"mainMenuWindow": "කවුළුව (&W)",
"mainMenuHelp": "උදව් (&H)",
"appMenuHide": "සඟවන්න",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Hide Others",
"appMenuHideOthers": "අන් අය සඟවන්න",
"appMenuUnhide": "සියල්ල පෙන්වන්න",
"appMenuQuit": "සෙෂන් වෙතින් ඉවත්වන්න",
"editMenuUndo": "පෙරසේ",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"editMenuDelete": "Delete",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Select all",
"windowMenuClose": "කවුළුව වසන්න",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Minimize",
"windowMenuMinimize": "හකුළන්න",
"windowMenuZoom": "විශාලනය",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bring All to Front",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "සැබෑ ප්‍රමාණය",
@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "යෝජනා නැත",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"openGroupInvitation": "සමූහ ඇරයුම විවෘතකරන්න",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "$roomName$ ට එක්වනවාද?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "ඔබට $roomName$ විවෘත සමූහයට එක්වීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"loading": "පූරණය වෙමින්…",
"optimizingApplication": "Optimizing application...",
"done": "Done",
"me": "මා",
"view": "View",
"youLeftTheGroup": "You have left the group.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"youLeftTheGroup": "ඔබ සමූහය හැර ගොස් ඇත.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "ඔබව සමූහයෙන් ඉවත් කර ඇත.",
"unreadMessage": "නොකියවූ පණිවිඩය",
"unreadMessages": "නොකියවූ පණිවිඩ",
"debugLogExplanation": "This log will be posted publicly online for contributors to view. You may examine and edit it before submitting.",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"reportIssue": "Report an issue",
"gotIt": "Got it",
"submit": "යොමන්න",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"markAllAsRead": "සියල්ල කියවූ ලෙස සලකුණු කරන්න",
"incomingError": "Error handling incoming message",
"media": "මාධ්‍යය",
"mediaEmptyState": "මාධ්‍යය නැත",
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"thisWeek": "මෙම සතිය",
"thisMonth": "මෙම මාසය",
"voiceMessage": "හඬ පණිවිඩය",
"dangerousFileType": "For security reasons, this file type cannot be sent",
"dangerousFileType": "ආරක්‍ෂක හේතූන් මත මෙම ගොනු වර්ගය යැවීමට නොහැකිය",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
@ -73,11 +73,12 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "තත්. $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ න් නැවත සම්බන්ධවීමට තැත් කරනු ඇත",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "නිකුතු සටහන් වෙත යන්න",
"goToSupportPage": "සහාය පිටුවට යන්න",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
"about": "පිළිබඳව",
"speech": "Speech",
"speech": "කතා කරන්න",
"show": "පෙන්වන්න",
"sessionMessenger": "සෙෂන්",
"search": "සොයන්න",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "ඉදිරියට",
"error": "දෝෂය",
"delete": "Delete",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "වෙතින්:",
"to": "වෙත:",
"sent": "යැවිණි",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "{group} සාමාජිකයින්",
"moreInformation": "තව තොරතුරු",
"resend": "නැවත යවන්න",
"deleteMessage": "Delete Message",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Delete Messages",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "සමූහයේ ඒ.ස.නි. පිටපත්කරන්න",
"save": "සුරකින්න",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "සුරැකිණි",
"permissions": "අවසර",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "සබැඳියේ පෙරදසුන් යවන්න",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "නොකියවූ පළමු පණිවිඩය ඉහත ඇත",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "දැනුම්දීම් - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Pokus o znovupripojenie za $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekúnd",
"submitDebugLog": "Ladiaci log",
"debugLog": "Ladiaci Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Navštíviť Poznámky k Vydaniu",
"goToSupportPage": "Navštíviť Stránku Podpory",
"menuReportIssue": "Nahlásiť Problém",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Chyba",
"delete": "Vymazať",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Ste si istý? Kliknutím na \"Zmazať\" natrvalo odstránite túto správu iba z tohto zariadenia.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Vymazať túto správu",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Zmazať správy",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Od",
"to": "pre",
"sent": "Odoslaná",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Členy skupiny",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Znovu odoslať",
"deleteMessage": "Vymazať správu",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Zmazať správy",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Zmazať správu pre každého",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Zmazať správy pre každého",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Natrvalo zmazať túto konverzáciu?",
"clearAllData": "Odstrániť všetky dáta",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Kopírovať Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Uložiť",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Uložené",
"permissions": "Povolenia",
"general": "Všeobecné",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Povoliť prústup ku kamere a mikrofónu",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Povoliť kontrolu pravopisu textu zadaného do textového poľa",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Naslednji poskus povezave: $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ s",
"submitDebugLog": "Sistemska zabeležba",
"debugLog": "Sistemska zabeležba",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Opombe k izdaji",
"goToSupportPage": "Podporna stran",
"menuReportIssue": "Prijava napake",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Napaka",
"delete": "Izbriši",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Ste prepričani? S klikom na 'izbriši' boste nepovratno izbrisali sporočilo s te naprave.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Izbriši to sporočilo",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Izbriši sporočila",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Pošiljatelj",
"to": "v",
"sent": "Poslano",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Člani skupine",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Izbriši sporočilo",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Izbriši sporočila",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Ali res želite nepovratno izbrisati ta pogovor?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Shrani",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Dovoljenja",
"general": "Splošno",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Dovoli dostop do kamere in mikrofona",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Vklop črkovalnika v okencu za vnašanje sporočila",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Përpjekje për rilidhje pas $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekondash",
"submitDebugLog": "Regjistër diagnostikimesh",
"debugLog": "Regjistër Diagnostikimesh",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Kalo te Shënime Versioni",
"goToSupportPage": "Kalo te Faqja e Asistencës",
"menuReportIssue": "Njoftoni një Problem",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Gabim",
"delete": "Fshije",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Jeni i sigurt? Klikimi mbi 'fshije' do të fshijë përgjithmonë këtë mesazh vetëm nga kjo pajisje.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Fshije këtë mesazh",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Fshini mesazhe",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Nga",
"to": "për",
"sent": "Dërguar më",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Anëtarë grupi",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Fshije Mesazhin",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Fshini mesazhe",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Të fshihet përgjithmonë kjo bisedë?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Ruaje",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Leje",
"general": "Të përgjithshme",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Lejo përdorim të kamerës dhe mikrofonit",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Aktivizo kontroll drejtshkrimi të tekstit të dhënë te kutia e hartimit të mesazheve",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Поновно повезивање за $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ секунде/и",
"submitDebugLog": "Извештај о грешкама",
"debugLog": "Izveštaj o greškama",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Idite na napomene o verziji",
"goToSupportPage": "Idite na stranicu za podršku",
"menuReportIssue": "Prijavi problem",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Nastavi",
"error": "Грешка",
"delete": "Обриши",
"deletePublicWarning": "Jesi li siguran? Ovo će trajno ukloniti ovu poruku za sve u ovoj otvorenoj grupi.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Jesi li siguran? Ovo će trajno ukloniti ovu poruku za sve u ovoj otvorenoj grupi.",
"deleteWarning": "Jesi li sigurni? Klikom na „obriši“ ovu poruku ćete trajno ukloniti samo sa ovog uređaja.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Jesi li sigurni? Klikom na „obriši“ ovu poruku ćete trajno ukloniti samo sa ovog uređaja.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Nemate dozvolu da brišete tuđe poruke",
"deleteThisMessage": "Обриши ову поруку",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Уклони пошиљке",
"deleted": "Obrisano",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Од",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Послата",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Чланови групе",
"moreInformation": "Više informacija",
"resend": "Pošalji ponovo",
"deleteMessage": "Obriši poruku",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Уклони пошиљке",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Obriši poruku za sve",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Obriši poruku za sve",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Неопозиво уклонити преписку?",
"clearAllData": "Počisti sve podatke",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Kreiraj Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Kopiraj URL-ove grupa",
"save": "Сачувај",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Sačuvano",
"permissions": "Dozvole",
"general": "Опште",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Pošalji preglede veza",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Pregledi su podržani za većinu URL-ova",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Mikrofon i kamera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Dozvoli pristup kameri i mikrofonu",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Provеra pravopisa",
"spellCheckDescription": "Omogući proveru pravopisa teksta",
"spellCheckDirty": "Neophodno je da ponovo pokrenute sesiju da biste primenili nova podešavanja",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Otkači konverzaciju sa vrha",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Limit zalepljenih konverzacija",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "Možete zalepiti najviše $number$ konverzacija",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "Prva nepročitana poruka je gore",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Slanje fraze za oporavak",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "Pokušavate da pošaljete svoju frazu za oporavak koja se može koristiti za pristup vašem nalogu. Jeste li sigurni da želite poslati ovu poruku?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Zaštitite svoj nalog tako što ćete sačuvati frazu za oporavak. Pogledajte svoju frazu za oporavak, a zatim je bezbedno sačuvajte.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Slanje fraze za oporavak",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifikacije - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Försöker återansluta om $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekunder",
"submitDebugLog": "Loggfil för felsökning",
"debugLog": "Felsökningslogg",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Gå till versionsanteckningar",
"goToSupportPage": "Gå till supportsidan",
"menuReportIssue": "Rapportera ett fel",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "Fel",
"delete": "Radera",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Är du säker? Om du klickar 'radera' så tas detta meddelande bort permanent, men bara från denna enhet.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Radera detta meddelande",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Radera meddelanden",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Från",
"to": "till",
"sent": "Skickat",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Gruppmedlemmar",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Radera meddelande",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Radera meddelanden",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Vill du radera denna konversation för alltid?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Spara",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Behörigheter",
"general": "Generell",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Tillåt åtkomst till kameran och mikrofonen",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Slå på stavningskontroll för text som anges i meddelandefältet",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "தொடரு",
"error": "கோலாரு",
"delete": "நீக்கு",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Delete message",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "தகவலைகலை நீக்கு",
"deleted": "நீக்கபடுல்லது",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "அனுப்புனர்:",
"to": "பெறுநர்:",
"sent": "அனுப்பப்பட்டது",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "குழு ",
"moreInformation": "மேற்கொண்ட தகவல்கள்",
"resend": "மீண்டும் அனுப்பு",
"deleteMessage": "தகவலை நீக்கு",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "தகவலைகலை நீக்கு",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "எல்லோருக்கும் தகவலை நீக்கு",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "எல்லோருக்கும் தகவலைகளை நீக்கு",
"deleteForEveryone": "எல்லோருக்கும் தகவலைகளை நீக்கு",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Permanently delete the messages in this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Save",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "กำลังพยายามเชื่อมต่อใหม่อีกครั้งในอีก $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ วินาที",
"submitDebugLog": "บันทึกดีบัก",
"debugLog": "บันทึกดีบัก",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "ไปที่บันทึกประจำรุ่น",
"goToSupportPage": "ไปที่หน้าการสนับสนุน",
"menuReportIssue": "รายงานปัญหา",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Continue",
"error": "ข้อผิดพลาด",
"delete": "ลบ",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "คุณแน่ใจหรือ การคลิกที่ 'ลบ' จะเป็นการลบข้อความนี้ออกไปจากอุปกรณ์นี้อย่างถาวร",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "ลบข้อความนี้",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "ลบข้อความ",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "จาก",
"to": "to",
"sent": "ส่งแล้ว",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "สมาชิกกลุ่ม",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "ลบข้อความนี้",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "ลบข้อความ",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "ลบการสนทนานี้โดยถาวรหรือไม่",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "บันทึก",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "สิทธิ์",
"general": "General",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึงกล้องและไมโครโฟน",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Terms & Privacy Policy",
"privacyPolicy": "Şartlar ve Gizlilik Politikası",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Hatayı kopyala ve çık",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"unknown": "Bilinmeyen",
"databaseError": "Veritabanı hatası",
"mainMenuFile": "&Dosya",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Düzenle",
@ -29,26 +29,26 @@
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Uzaklaştır",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Tam Ekranı Aç/Kapat",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Geliştirici Araçlarını Aç/Kapat",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Öneri Yok",
"openGroupInvitation": "ık grup daveti",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "$roomName$'e katıl?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "$roomName$ açık gurubuna katılmak istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Session Kimliğini veya ONS adını girin",
"loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"optimizingApplication": "Uygulama optimize ediliyor...",
"done": "Done",
"done": "Tamamlandı",
"me": "Ben",
"view": "Görüntüle",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Gruptan ayrıldınız",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Gruptan atıldınız.",
"unreadMessage": "Okunmamış İletiler",
"unreadMessages": "Okunmamış İleti",
"debugLogExplanation": "Bu günlük katkıda bulunanların görebilmeleri için herkese açık bir şekilde gönderilecektir. Göndermeden önce inceleyip düzenleyebilirsiniz.",
"debugLogError": "Yüklemede bir şeyler ters gitti! Lütfen günlüğü hazırlayacağınız hata kaydına kendiniz ekleyin.",
"reportIssue": "Sorun bildir",
"gotIt": "Anladım!",
"submit": "Gönder",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"markAllAsRead": "Tümünü Okundu Olarak İşaretle",
"incomingError": "Gelen ileti işlenirken hata oluştu",
"media": "Medya",
"mediaEmptyState": "Bu sohbette hiç medya yok",
@ -73,10 +73,11 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Yeniden bağlantı kurma $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ saniye içerisinde tekrar denenecektir.",
"submitDebugLog": "Hata ayıklama günlüğü",
"debugLog": "Hata Ayıklama Günlüğü",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Sürüm Notlarına Git",
"goToSupportPage": "Destek Sayfasına Git",
"menuReportIssue": "Sorun Bildir",
"about": "About",
"about": "Hakkında",
"speech": "Konuşma",
"show": "Göster",
"sessionMessenger": "oturum",
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
"contactAvatarAlt": "$name$ kişisinin avatarı",
"downloadAttachment": "Eklentiyi İndir",
"replyToMessage": "İletiyi Yanıtla",
"replyingToMessage": "Replying to:",
"replyingToMessage": "Adlı kişiye yanıt olarak:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "İletinin aslı bulunamadı",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "İletinin aslı artık mevcut değil",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "İletinin aslı bulundu, ama yüklenmedi. Yüklemek için yukarıya kaydırın.",
@ -101,37 +102,30 @@
"audio": "Ses",
"video": "Video",
"photo": "Fotoğraf",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
"cannotUpdate": "Güncellenemiyor",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"ok": "TAMAM",
"cancel": "İptal",
"close": "Close",
"close": "Kapat",
"continue": "Devam Et",
"error": "Hata",
"delete": "Sil",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Emin misiniz? 'Sil'e tıklamak bu iletiyi sadece bu cihazdan kalıcı olarak silecektir.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Bu iletiyi sil",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "İletileri sil",
"deleted": "Silindi",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Gönderen",
"to": "alıcı",
"sent": "Gönderildi",
"received": "Alındı",
"sendMessage": "İleti gönder",
"groupMembers": "Grup üyeleri",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "İletiyi Sil",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "İletileri sil",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"moreInformation": "Daha fazla bilgi",
"resend": "Tekrar gönder",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Bu sohbeti kalıcı olarak sil?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -142,10 +136,11 @@
"lightboxImageAlt": "Konuşmada gönderilen görüntü",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Bu görüntünün başlığı olduğunu gösteren ikon",
"addACaption": "Bir başlık ekleyin...",
"copy": "Copy",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copy": "Kopyala",
"copySessionID": "Session Kimliğini Kopyala",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Kaydet",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "İzinler",
"general": "Genel",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Kamera ve mikrofona erişim izni ver",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "İleti kutusuna girilen sözcüklerin denetlenmesini etkinleştir",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -247,15 +242,15 @@
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$names$ gruba katıldı",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Block",
"unblockUser": "Unblock",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blocked contacts",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"blockUser": "Engelle",
"unblockUser": "Engeli Kaldır",
"unblocked": "Engel kaldırıldı",
"blocked": "Engellendi",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Engellenmiş kişiler",
"unbanUser": "Kullanıcı Engelini Kaldır",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"userUnbanned": "Kullanıcının engeli başarıyla kaldırıldı",
"userUnbanFailed": "Engelini kaldırma başarısız!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
@ -268,29 +263,29 @@
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "You don't have any contacts yet",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"noContactsForGroup": "Henüz herhangi bir kişi yok",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Kullanıcı moderatör olarak eklenemedi",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Copy message text",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Edit group",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Updating $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"yourSessionID": "Your Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Set Account Password",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Change Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change your password",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"editGroup": "Grubu düzenle",
"editGroupName": "Grup adını düzenle",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "$name$ güncelleniyor...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Kurtarma Sözcük Grubu",
"yourSessionID": "Session Kimliğiniz",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Hesap Şifresini Belirleyin",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Session ekranının kilidini açmak için parola iste. Ekran Kilidi etkinken mesaj bildirimleri almaya devam edebilirsiniz. Sessionın bildirim ayarları, görüntülenen bilgileri özelleştirmenize izin verir",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Hesap Şifresini Değiştir",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Şifrenizi değiştirin",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Hesap Şifresini Kaldır",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPassword": "Şifreyi Doğrula",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Your recovery phrase is the master key to your Session ID — you can use it to restore your Session ID if you lose access to your device. Store your recovery phrase in a safe place, and don't give it to anyone.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Geçersiz URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Panoya kopyalandı",
"passwordViewTitle": "Type In Your Password",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"password": "Password",
@ -314,7 +309,7 @@
"removePasswordToastDescription": "You have removed your password.",
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this open group",
"connectToServerFail": "Couldn't join group",
"connectingToServer": "Connecting...",
"connectingToServer": "Bağlanılıyor...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to open group",
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"privacyPolicy": "Terms & Privacy Policy",
"privacyPolicy": "Умови та Політика конфіденційності",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Скопіювати помилку та вийти",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"unknown": "Невідомо",
"databaseError": "Помилка бази даних",
"mainMenuFile": "&Файл",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Редагування",
@ -17,52 +17,52 @@
"editMenuCut": "Вирізати",
"editMenuCopy": "Копіювати",
"editMenuPaste": "Вставити",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Paste and Match Style",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Вставити в поточному стилі",
"editMenuDelete": "Видалити",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Вибрати все",
"windowMenuClose": "Закрити вікно",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Згорнути в трей",
"windowMenuZoom": "Збільшити",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bring All to Front",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Вивести все на передній план",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Актуальний розмір",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Збільшити",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Зменшити",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Відкрити на повний екран",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Відкрити засоби розробника",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "No Suggestions",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Немає припущень",
"openGroupInvitation": "Відкрити запрошення до групи",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Приєднатись до $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Ви впевнені, що хочете приєднатись до відкритої групи $roomName$?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Введіть ID сесії або ім'я ONS",
"loading": "Оновлення…",
"optimizingApplication": "Оптимізація програми...",
"done": "Done",
"done": "Готово",
"me": "Я",
"view": "Детальніше",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Ви покинули групу",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Вас вилучили із групи.",
"unreadMessage": "Непрочитане повідомлення",
"unreadMessages": "Непрочитані повідомлення",
"debugLogExplanation": "Цей журнал буде доступний для розробників. Ви можете перевірити його перед відправкою.",
"debugLogError": "Something went wrong with the upload! Please consider manually adding your log to the bug you file.",
"reportIssue": "Повідомити про ваду",
"gotIt": "Зрозуміло!",
"submit": "Надіслати",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"incomingError": "Error handling incoming message",
"media": "Media",
"markAllAsRead": "Відмітити все як прочитане",
"incomingError": "Помилка обробки вхідного повідомлення",
"media": "Медіа",
"mediaEmptyState": "You dont have any media in this conversation",
"documents": "Documents",
"documents": "Документи",
"documentsEmptyState": "You dont have any documents in this conversation",
"today": "Today",
"today": "Сьогодні",
"yesterday": "Учора",
"thisWeek": "This Week",
"thisMonth": "Цей місяць",
"voiceMessage": "Голосове повідомлення",
"dangerousFileType": "Attachment type not allowed for security reasons",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Попередній перегляд ескізу посилання для $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Попередній перегляд посилання для $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Ескіз прикріпленого зображення: $path$",
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": "When including a non-image attachment, the limit is one attachment per message.",
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": "You cannot mix non-image and image attachments in one message.",
"maximumAttachments": "You cannot add any more attachments to this message.",
@ -73,49 +73,51 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Спроба перепідключення через $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ секунд",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Журнал відладки",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
"goToSupportPage": "Перейти на сторінку підтримки",
"menuReportIssue": "Повідомити про помилку",
"about": "About",
"speech": "Розмова",
"show": "Показати",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
"sessionMessenger": "Сесія",
"search": "Пошук",
"noSearchResults": "No results for \"$searchTerm$\"",
"conversationsHeader": "Розмови",
"contactsHeader": "Контакти",
"messagesHeader": "Повідомлення",
"settingsHeader": "Settings",
"typingAlt": "Typing animation for this conversation",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Avatar for contact $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Download Attachment",
"settingsHeader": "Налаштування",
"typingAlt": "Анімація набору тексту для цієї розмови",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Аватар для контакту $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Завантажити прикріплення",
"replyToMessage": "Reply to Message",
"replyingToMessage": "Replying to:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Original message not found",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Original message no longer available",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Original message found, but not loaded. Scroll up to load it.",
"recording": "Recording",
"you": "You",
"replyingToMessage": "Відповідь на:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Оригінальне повідомлення не знайдено",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Оригінальне повідомлення більше не доступне",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Оригінальне повідомлення знайдено, але не завантажено. Прокрутіть вгору, щоб завантажити його.",
"recording": "Запис",
"you": "Ви",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone access required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "To send audio messages, allow Session Desktop to access your microphone.",
"audio": "Аудіо",
"video": "Video",
"photo": "Photo",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
"video": "Відео",
"photo": "Фото",
"cannotUpdate": "Неможливо оновити",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"ok": "Добре",
"cancel": "Відмінити",
"close": "Close",
"continue": "Continue",
"close": "Закрити",
"continue": "Продовжити",
"error": "Помилка",
"delete": "Видалити",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Видалити це повідомлення",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "У вас немає дозволу на видалення повідомлень інших",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Видалити повідомлення",
"deleted": "Видалено",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Від",
"to": "to",
"sent": "Надіслано",
@ -123,18 +125,10 @@
"sendMessage": "Надіслати повідомлення",
"groupMembers": "Члени групи",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "Видалити повідомлення",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Видалити повідомлення",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"resend": "Надіслати повторно",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Видалити цю розмову без можливості відновлення?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"clearAllData": "Очистити всі дані",
"deleteAccountWarning": "Це назавжди видалить повідомлення та контакти.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Thumbnail of image from quoted message",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Image attached to message",
@ -142,10 +136,11 @@
"lightboxImageAlt": "Image sent in conversation",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Icon showing that this image has a caption",
"addACaption": "Add a caption...",
"copy": "Copy",
"copy": "Копіювати",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Зберегти",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "Загальні",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -194,18 +189,18 @@
"timerOption_10_seconds": "10 секунд",
"timerOption_30_seconds": "30 секунд",
"timerOption_1_minute": "1 хвилина",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 minutes",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 minutes",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 хвилин",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 хвилин",
"timerOption_1_hour": "1 година",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 hours",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 hours",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 годин",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 годин",
"timerOption_1_day": "1 день",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 тиждень",
"disappearingMessages": "Зникаючі повідомлення ",
"changeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"changeNickname": "Змінити нікнейм",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "New Nickname",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Enter a nickname for this user",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "Новий нікнейм",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Введіть нікнейм для цього користувача",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "вимкн",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5с",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10с",
@ -222,7 +217,7 @@
"disabledDisappearingMessages": "$name$ disabled disappearing messages",
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "You disabled disappearing messages",
"timerSetTo": "Таймер встановленно на $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Note to Self",
"noteToSelf": "Замітка для себе",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Hide Menu Bar",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility",
"startConversation": "Почати нову розмову…",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "Attempting reconnect in $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ seconds",
"submitDebugLog": "Debug log",
"debugLog": "Debug Log",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Go to Release Notes",
"goToSupportPage": "Go to Support Page",
"menuReportIssue": "Report an Issue",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "Tiếp tục",
"error": "Lỗi",
"delete": "Xóa",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove this message from this device only.",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "Xóa tin nhắn",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Xóa tin nhắn",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Từ:",
"to": "Đến:",
"sent": "Đã gửi",
@ -124,14 +126,6 @@
"groupMembers": "Thành viên trong nhóm",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Gửi lại",
"deleteMessage": "Xóa tin nhắn",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "Xóa tin nhắn",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Xóa cuộc trò chuyện này vĩnh viễn?",
"clearAllData": "Xóa tất cả dữ liệu",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"save": "Lưu",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Saved",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"general": "Tổng quát",
@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to camera and microphone",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"youLeftTheGroup": "你已经离开了群组",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "您已被移出群组。",
"unreadMessage": "未读消息",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"unreadMessages": "未读消息",
"debugLogExplanation": "该日志将公开发布以供参考,您可以在提交之前检查和编辑。",
"debugLogError": "上传出错您可以手动将日志添加到要反馈的bug中。",
"reportIssue": "反馈错误信息",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "在 $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ 秒后尝试重新连接",
"submitDebugLog": "调试日志",
"debugLog": "调试日志",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "前往发布说明",
"goToSupportPage": "前往支持页面",
"menuReportIssue": "反馈问题",
@ -109,13 +110,14 @@
"continue": "继续",
"error": "错误",
"delete": "删除",
"deletePublicWarning": "您确定吗,对此公开群组中的每个人永久性删除本消息?",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "您确定吗,对此公开群组中的每个人永久性删除这些消息?",
"deleteWarning": "点击“删除”将从本设备彻底删除此信息,您确定要删除吗?",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "您确定吗?点击“删除”将仅从此设备永久删除这些消息。",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "您无权删除他人的对话消息",
"deleteThisMessage": "删除这条消息。",
"deleteJustForMe": "仅在我的设备上删除",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "删除消息",
"deleted": "已删除",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "该消息已被删除",
"from": "来自",
"to": "向",
"sent": "已发送",
@ -124,17 +126,9 @@
"groupMembers": "群组成员",
"moreInformation": "更多信息",
"resend": "重发",
"deleteMessage": "删除消息",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "删除消息",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "对所有人删除消息",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "对所有人删除消息",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "永久删除此会话?",
"clearAllData": "清除所有数据",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteAccountWarning": "这将永久删除您的消息和联系人",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "您确定要删除此对话吗?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "引用消息图片的缩略图",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "消息图片",
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@
"copySessionID": "复制 Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "复制群组链接",
"save": "保存",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "已保存",
"permissions": "权限",
"general": "通用",
@ -153,9 +148,9 @@
"savedTheFile": "$name$ 保存了媒体内容。",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "发送链接预览",
"linkPreviewDescription": "多数链接都支持预览",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "麦克风和摄像头",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "允许访问摄像头和麦克风",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "您无法在绝对的数据安全保障前提下发送链接预览。",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "拼写检查",
"spellCheckDescription": "启用输入框拼写检查",
"spellCheckDirty": "您必须重新启动Session才能应用您的新设置",
@ -258,8 +253,8 @@
"userUnbanFailed": "解封失败!",
"banUser": "封禁用户",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "屏蔽并全部删除",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "您确定要屏蔽联系人并删除他的所有消息吗?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "封禁失败!",
"leaveGroup": "离开群聊",
@ -340,8 +335,8 @@
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "只有群组的创建者可以移除用户",
"createAccount": "Create Account",
"signIn": "登录",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session as a minified app ",
"startInTrayTitle": "从托盘中启动",
"startInTrayDescription": "将 Session 启动为最小化应用程序 ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "向您的Session ID打个招呼吧",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "您的Session ID是其他用户在与您聊天时使用的独一无二的地址。Session ID与您的真实身份无关它在设计上完全是匿名且私密的。",
"getStarted": "开始使用",
@ -361,7 +356,7 @@
"beginYourSession": "开始<您的会话。",
"welcomeToYourSession": "欢迎来到 Session 。",
"newSession": "新建私人聊天",
"searchFor...": "Search for conversations or contacts",
"searchFor...": "搜索对话内容或联系人",
"enterSessionID": "输入Session ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "输入对方的Session ID 或者 ONS 名称",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "用户可以通过进入帐号设置并点击\"共享Session ID\"来分享自己的Session ID或通过共享其二维码来分享其Session ID。",
@ -417,44 +412,55 @@
"clickToTrustContact": "点击下载文件",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "是否信任 $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "您确定要下载$name$发送的媒体消息吗?",
"pinConversation": "Pin Conversation",
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Data not deleted",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Would you like to clear only this device, or delete your entire account?",
"pinConversation": "置顶对话",
"unpinConversation": "取消置顶对话",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "置顶对话上限",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "你只能置顶 $number$ 个聊天",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "第一条未读消息在上方",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "正在发送恢复口令",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "您正在尝试发送恢复口令,它能用来登录和访问您的账号。\n您确定要发送该消息吗",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "未删除数据",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "出现未知错误,数据删除失败。您想要仅在此设备中删除数据吗?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "您想要仅在此设备中删除数据吗?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "数据删除失败。节点错误: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "您想仅清空此设备,还是删除整个账号?",
"deviceOnly": "仅设备",
"entireAccount": "Entire Account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "You're almost finished!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"entireAccount": "整个账号",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "是否仅删除这台设备的数据?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "是否仅删除您的整个账号,包括网络数据?",
"iAmSure": "确认",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "就快要完成了!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "通过发送恢复口令,保障您账号安全。展示恢复口令,并将其储存到安全的地方。",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "展示恢复口令",
"notificationSubtitle": "通知设置 - $setting$",
"surveyTitle": "参加我们的产品问卷调研",
"goToOurSurvey": "跳转至问卷",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "接受",
"decline": "拒绝",
"endCall": "结束呼叫",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "无法开始新通话",
"callMissed": "来自 $name$ 的未接来电",
"callMissedTitle": "未接来电",
"noCameraFound": "找不到摄像头",
"noAudioInputFound": "找不到音频输入",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

View File

@ -30,25 +30,25 @@
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "切換全螢幕",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "切換開發者工具",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "沒有建議",
"openGroupInvitation": "Open group invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Join $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ open group?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
"openGroupInvitation": "打開群組邀請",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "加入 $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "您確定要加入 $roomName$ 公開群組嗎?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "請輸入您的 ID 或 ONS 的名稱",
"loading": "載入中...",
"optimizingApplication": "正在最佳化應用程式...",
"done": "Done",
"done": "完成",
"me": "我",
"view": "檢視",
"youLeftTheGroup": "你已離開此群組",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "You were removed from the group.",
"unreadMessage": "Unread Message",
"unreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "您已從群組中移除",
"unreadMessage": "未讀訊息",
"unreadMessages": "未讀訊息",
"debugLogExplanation": "這個紀錄將被公開張貼在線上給貢獻者瀏覽。在送出前,你可以檢視及修改。",
"debugLogError": "上傳出問題目! 請考慮手動加入活動記錄檔來查錯",
"reportIssue": "回報問題",
"gotIt": "了解!",
"submit": "送出",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark All as Read",
"markAllAsRead": "全部標記為已讀",
"incomingError": "在處理來訊時出現錯誤",
"media": "媒體",
"mediaEmptyState": "您在本次對話中無任何媒體檔案",
@ -73,10 +73,11 @@
"attemptingReconnection": "嘗試在 $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ 秒內重新連線",
"submitDebugLog": "除錯紀錄",
"debugLog": "除錯日誌",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "前往發行紀錄",
"goToSupportPage": "前往支援頁面",
"menuReportIssue": "回報問題",
"about": "About",
"about": "關於",
"speech": "語音",
"show": "顯示",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
@ -85,86 +86,80 @@
"conversationsHeader": "對話",
"contactsHeader": "聯絡人",
"messagesHeader": "訊息",
"settingsHeader": "Settings",
"settingsHeader": "設定",
"typingAlt": "本次對話中輸入動畫",
"contactAvatarAlt": "聯絡人 $name$ 頭像圖示",
"downloadAttachment": "下載附件",
"replyToMessage": "回覆訊息",
"replyingToMessage": "Replying to:",
"replyingToMessage": "回復:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "找不到原始訊息",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "原始訊息無法再取得",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "找到了原始訊息,但未載入,向上滑動以進行載入。",
"recording": "Recording",
"recording": "錄製中",
"you": "你",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone access required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "要傳送語音訊息,須授權 Siganl 桌面版可以使用您設備的麥克風。 ",
"audio": "聲音",
"video": "影片",
"photo": "照片",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop failed to update, but there is a new version available. Please go to https://getsession.org/ and install the new version manually, then either contact support or file a bug about this problem.",
"cannotUpdate": "無法更新",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session更新失敗但仍有其他適用的新版本。請到https://getsession.org/上手動下載,然後聯繫客服支持或提交出錯版本歸檔。",
"ok": "好",
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "Close",
"continue": "Continue",
"close": "關閉",
"continue": "繼續",
"error": "錯誤",
"delete": "刪除",
"deletePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove this message for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteMultiplePublicWarning": "Are you sure? This will permanently remove these messages for everyone in this open group.",
"deleteWarning": "您確定嗎?點擊「刪除」只會自本台設備上永久地移除此訊息。",
"deleteMultipleWarning": "Are you sure? Clicking 'delete' will permanently remove these messages from this device only.",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "You dont have permission to delete others messages",
"deleteThisMessage": "刪除這則訊息",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "您無權刪除他人訊息",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "刪除訊息",
"deleted": "已刪除",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "來自",
"to": "至",
"sent": "已送出",
"received": "已接收",
"sendMessage": "送出一則訊息",
"groupMembers": "群組成員",
"moreInformation": "More information",
"resend": "Resend",
"deleteMessage": "刪除訊息",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete message?",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete messages?",
"deleteMessages": "刪除訊息",
"deleteMessageForEveryone": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessageForEveryoneLowercase": "Delete Message For Everyone",
"deleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete Messages For Everyone",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete For Everyone",
"moreInformation": "更多信息",
"resend": "重傳",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "永久刪除對話?",
"clearAllData": "Clear All Data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?",
"clearAllData": "清除所有資料",
"deleteAccountWarning": "這樣做將永久清除您的訊息與聯絡人。",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "確定刪除此會話?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "引用訊息的縮圖",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "訊息裏插入的圖片",
"videoAttachmentAlt": "伴隨訊息的影片截圖",
"lightboxImageAlt": "會話中送出的圖片",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "圖標顯示此圖像有說明文字",
"addACaption": "加入一個標題...",
"copy": "Copy",
"copySessionID": "Copy Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group's URL",
"copy": "複製",
"copySessionID": "複製Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "複製群組 URL",
"save": "儲存",
"saved": "Saved",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "已儲存",
"permissions": "許可",
"general": "一般",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ took a screenshot",
"savedTheFile": "Media saved by $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Send Link Previews",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone and Camera",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "授權軟體可以使用相機與麥克風功能",
"spellCheckTitle": "Spell Check",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ 擷取了螢幕畫面",
"savedTheFile": "$name$ 儲存了媒體",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "傳送連結預覽",
"linkPreviewDescription": "大部分網址都支援預覽功能",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "您在傳送連結預覽時無法得到完整的元數據保護。",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "拼寫檢查",
"spellCheckDescription": "在訊息撰寫時啟用文字輸入的拼字檢查",
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
"spellCheckDirty": "您必須重新啓動 Session 以應用您的新設定",
"notifications": "通知",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "See and share when messages have been read (enables read receipts in all sessions).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Read Receipts",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "已讀回條",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "See and share when messages are being typed (applies to all sessions).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Typing Indicators",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoom Factor",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "輸入狀態",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "縮放係數",
"notificationSettingsDialog": "當訊息抵達時,通知會顯示:",
"disableNotifications": "關閉通知",
"nameAndMessage": "傳送者與訊息",
@ -183,7 +178,7 @@
"timestamp_m": "1 分鐘",
"timestamp_h": "1 小時",
"timestampFormat_M": "MMM D",
"messageBodyMissing": "Please enter a message body.",
"messageBodyMissing": "請輸入訊息內容。",
"unblockToSend": "解鎖聯絡人來傳送訊息。",
"unblockGroupToSend": "解除此群組封鎖以傳送訊息。",
"youChangedTheTimer": "您設定訊息讀後焚毀的時間為 $time$",
@ -202,10 +197,10 @@
"timerOption_1_day": "1 天",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 週",
"disappearingMessages": "自動銷毀訊息",
"changeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"changeNickname": "變更暱稱",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "New Nickname",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Enter a nickname for this user",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "新暱稱",
"changeNicknameMessage": "爲該用戶鍵入昵稱",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "關閉",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5 秒",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10 秒",
@ -223,77 +218,77 @@
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "您關閉了訊息讀後焚毀功能",
"timerSetTo": "計時器設定為 $time$",
"noteToSelf": "給自己的筆記",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Hide Menu Bar",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "隱藏選單列",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "切換系統選單列可見性",
"startConversation": "開始新的對話...",
"invalidNumberError": "無效號碼",
"failedResolveOns": "Failed to resolve ONS name",
"successUnlinked": "Your device was unlinked successfully",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Auto Update",
"failedResolveOns": "無法解析 ONS 名稱",
"successUnlinked": "成功解除連結您的裝置",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "自動更新",
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Automatically check for updates on launch",
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Session 可用的更新",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "這是新版本的 Session",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "點選重啟 Session 來套用更新。",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "重啟 Session",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "稍後",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Download",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "下載",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "您要下載更新嗎?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ 離開此群組",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ 離開此群組",
"updatedTheGroup": "群組昇級",
"titleIsNow": "標題現為 '$name$'",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ 已加入小組",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$names$ 已加入群組。",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Block",
"unblockUser": "Unblock",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blocked contacts",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ 已被移出群組。",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ 已被移出群組。",
"blockUser": "封鎖",
"unblockUser": "解除封鎖",
"unblocked": "解除封鎖",
"blocked": "已封鎖",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "已封鎖的聯絡人",
"unbanUser": "解除封鎖用戶",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"userUnbanned": "已解除封鎖用戶",
"userUnbanFailed": "解除封鎖失敗!",
"banUser": "封鎖用戶",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "封鎖並刪除所有",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "您要封鎖該用戶並刪除其所有訊息嗎?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
"leaveGroup": "Leave Group",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Leave Group and remove for everyone",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"userBanFailed": "封鎖失敗!",
"leaveGroup": "離開群組",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "離開群組並爲所有人移除",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "您確定要離開此群組?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "You don't have any contacts yet",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "不能移除該用戶",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "您不能從群組中移除群組創建者。",
"noContactsForGroup": "您尚未添加聯絡人",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "新增用戶爲版主失敗",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Copy message text",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Edit group",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Updating $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
"yourSessionID": "Your Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Set Account Password",
"copyMessage": "複製訊息文字",
"selectMessage": "選取訊息",
"editGroup": "編輯群組",
"editGroupName": "編輯群組名稱",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "更新 $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "回復用字句",
"yourSessionID": "您的 Session ID",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "設置賬戶密碼",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Change Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change your password",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "更改帳戶密碼",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "變更您的密碼",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "移除帳戶密碼",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"enterPassword": "請輸入您的密碼",
"confirmPassword": "確認密碼",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "請輸入您的密碼",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Your recovery phrase is the master key to your Session ID — you can use it to restore your Session ID if you lose access to your device. Store your recovery phrase in a safe place, and don't give it to anyone.",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"passwordViewTitle": "Type In Your Password",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "無效 URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "已複製到剪貼簿",
"passwordViewTitle": "輸入你的密碼",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"password": "Password",
"password": "密碼",
"setPassword": "Set Password",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"removePassword": "Remove Password",
@ -302,25 +297,25 @@
"invalidOldPassword": "Old password is invalid",
"invalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"noGivenPassword": "Please enter your password",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passwords do not match",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "密碼不一致",
"setPasswordInvalid": "密碼不一致",
"changePasswordInvalid": "The old password you entered is incorrect",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Incorrect password",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set Password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Changed Password",
"removePasswordTitle": "Removed Password",
"setPasswordTitle": "設定密碼",
"changePasswordTitle": "變更密碼",
"removePasswordTitle": "移除密碼",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been set. Please keep it safe.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "You have removed your password.",
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this open group",
"connectToServerFail": "Couldn't join group",
"connectingToServer": "Connecting...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to open group",
"connectToServerFail": "無法加入群組",
"connectingToServer": "連線中",
"connectToServerSuccess": "成功連線至開放群組。",
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordTypeError": "Password must be a string",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"remove": "Remove",
"remove": "移除",
"invalidSessionId": "Invalid Session ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Please enter a group name",
@ -421,6 +416,7 @@
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
@ -438,23 +434,33 @@
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"deletionTypeTitle": "Deletion Type",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"messageDeleted": "Message deleted",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"incomingCall": "Incoming call",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Camera and Microphone access required",
"micAndCameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable microphone and camera access under: Settings (Gear icon) => Privacy",
"unableToCall": "cancel your ongoing call first",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"startVideoCall": "Start Video Call",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found"
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"

tools/updateI18nKeysType.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# usage : ./tools/compareLocalizedStrings.py en de
import re
from os import path, listdir
from glob import glob
import json
import sys
LOCALES_FOLDER = './_locales'
EN_FILE = LOCALES_FOLDER + '/en/messages.json'
LOCALIZED_KEYS_FILE = './ts/types/LocalizerKeys.ts'
stringToWrite = "export type LocalizerKeys =\n | "
with open(EN_FILE,'r') as jsonFile:
data = json.load(jsonFile)
keys = data.keys()
stringToWrite += json.dumps(keys, sort_keys=True).replace(',', '\n |').replace('"', '\'')[1:-1]
with open(LOCALIZED_KEYS_FILE, "w") as typeFile:

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const AvatarImage = (props: {
alt={window.i18n('contactAvatarAlt', [name])}
alt={window.i18n('contactAvatarAlt', [name || 'avatar'])}

View File

@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ const ConversationHeaderTitle = () => {
const notificationSubtitle = notificationSetting
? window.i18n('notificationSubtitle', notificationSetting)
? window.i18n('notificationSubtitle', [notificationSetting])
: null;
const fullTextSubtitle = memberCountText
? `${memberCountText}${notificationSubtitle}`

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ export const DataExtractionNotification = (props: PropsForDataExtractionNotifica
let contentText: string;
if (type === SignalService.DataExtractionNotification.Type.MEDIA_SAVED) {
contentText = window.i18n('savedTheFile', name || source);
contentText = window.i18n('savedTheFile', [name || source]);
} else {
contentText = window.i18n('tookAScreenshot', name || source);
contentText = window.i18n('tookAScreenshot', [name || source]);
return (

View File

@ -27,43 +27,44 @@ function getPeople(change: TypeWithContacts) {
return change.contacts?.map(c => c.profileName || c.pubkey).join(', ');
// tslint:disable-next-line: cyclomatic-complexity
const ChangeItem = (change: PropsForGroupUpdateType): string => {
const people = isTypeWithContact(change) ? getPeople(change) : [];
const people = isTypeWithContact(change) ? getPeople(change) : undefined;
switch (change.type) {
case 'name':
return window.i18n('titleIsNow', change.newName || '');
return window.i18n('titleIsNow', [change.newName || '']);
case 'add':
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length) {
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length || !people) {
throw new Error('Group update add is missing contacts');
const joinKey = change.contacts.length > 1 ? 'multipleJoinedTheGroup' : 'joinedTheGroup';
return window.i18n(joinKey, people);
return window.i18n(joinKey, [people]);
case 'remove':
if (change.isMe) {
return window.i18n('youLeftTheGroup');
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length) {
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length || !people) {
throw new Error('Group update remove is missing contacts');
const leftKey = change.contacts.length > 1 ? 'multipleLeftTheGroup' : 'leftTheGroup';
return window.i18n(leftKey, people);
return window.i18n(leftKey, [people]);
case 'kicked':
if (change.isMe) {
return window.i18n('youGotKickedFromGroup');
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length) {
if (!change.contacts || !change.contacts.length || !people) {
throw new Error('Group update kicked is missing contacts');
const kickedKey =
change.contacts.length > 1 ? 'multipleKickedFromTheGroup' : 'kickedFromTheGroup';
return window.i18n(kickedKey, people);
return window.i18n(kickedKey, [people]);
case 'general':
return window.i18n('updatedTheGroup');

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const StagedLinkPreview = (props: Props) => {
{isLoaded && image && isImage ? (
<div className="module-staged-link-preview__icon-container">
alt={window.i18n('stagedPreviewThumbnail', [domain])}
alt={window.i18n('stagedPreviewThumbnail', [domain || ''])}

View File

@ -32,14 +32,12 @@ export const ClickToTrustSender = (props: { messageId: string }) => {
const convo = getConversationController().get(sender);
title: window.i18n(
message: window.i18n(
title: window.i18n('trustThisContactDialogTitle', [
message: window.i18n('trustThisContactDialogDescription', [
okTheme: SessionButtonColor.Green,
onClickOk: async () => {
convo.set({ isTrustedForAttachmentDownload: true });

View File

@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import { PubKey } from '../../../session/types';
import { CallNotificationType, PropsForCallNotification } from '../../../state/ducks/conversations';
import { getSelectedConversation } from '../../../state/selectors/conversations';
import { LocalizerKeys } from '../../../types/LocalizerKeys';
import { SessionIconType } from '../../session/icon';
import { ReadableMessage } from '../ReadableMessage';
import { NotificationBubble } from './NotificationBubble';
type StyleType = Record<
{ notificationTextKey: string; iconType: SessionIconType; iconColor: string }
{ notificationTextKey: LocalizerKeys; iconType: SessionIconType; iconColor: string }
const style: StyleType = {
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ export const CallNotification = (props: PropsForCallNotification) => {
(selectedConvoProps?.id && PubKey.shorten(selectedConvoProps?.id));
const styleItem = style[notificationType];
const notificationText = window.i18n(styleItem.notificationTextKey, displayName);
const notificationText = window.i18n(styleItem.notificationTextKey, [displayName || 'Unknown']);
if (!window.i18n(styleItem.notificationTextKey)) {
throw new Error(`invalid i18n key ${styleItem.notificationTextKey}`);

View File

@ -89,10 +89,9 @@ async function deleteEverythingAndNetworkData() {
title: window.i18n('dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle'),
message: window.i18n(
potentiallyMaliciousSnodes.join(', ')
message: window.i18n('dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple', [
potentiallyMaliciousSnodes.join(', '),
messageSub: window.i18n('dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion'),
okTheme: SessionButtonColor.Danger,
okText: window.i18n('deviceOnly'),

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ const InviteContactsDialogInner = (props: Props) => {
const completeUrl = await getCompleteUrlForV2ConvoId(convo.id);
const groupInvitation = {
url: completeUrl,
name: convo.getName(),
name: convo.getName() || 'Unknown',
pubkeys.forEach(async pubkeyStr => {
const privateConvo = await getConversationController().getOrCreateAndWait(

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { SessionWrapperModal } from '../session/SessionWrapperModal';
import { SpacerLG, SpacerSM } from '../basic/Text';
import autoBind from 'auto-bind';
import { sessionPassword } from '../../state/ducks/modalDialog';
import { LocalizerKeys } from '../../types/LocalizerKeys';
export type PasswordAction = 'set' | 'change' | 'remove';
interface Props {
@ -58,12 +59,16 @@ export class SessionPasswordDialog extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const confirmButtonColor =
passwordAction === 'remove' ? SessionButtonColor.Danger : SessionButtonColor.Green;
// do this separately so typescript's compiler likes it
const localizedKeyAction: LocalizerKeys =
passwordAction === 'change'
? 'changePassword'
: passwordAction === 'remove'
? 'removePassword'
: 'setPassword';
return (
<SessionWrapperModal title={window.i18n(localizedKeyAction)} onClose={this.closeDialog}>
<SpacerSM />
<div className="session-modal__input-group">

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ export class UpdateGroupMembersDialog extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const okText = window.i18n('ok');
const cancelText = window.i18n('cancel');
const titleText = window.i18n('updateGroupDialogTitle', this.convo.getName());
const titleText = window.i18n('updateGroupDialogTitle', [this.convo.getName() || '']);
return (
@ -342,6 +342,11 @@ export class UpdateGroupMembersDialog extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const groupId = this.convo.id;
const groupName = this.convo.getName();
void ClosedGroup.initiateGroupUpdate(groupId, groupName, filteredMembers, avatarPath);
void ClosedGroup.initiateGroupUpdate(
groupName || 'Unknown',

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type Props = {
interface State {
groupName: string;
groupName: string | undefined;
errorDisplayed: boolean;
errorMessage: string;
avatar: string | null;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export class UpdateGroupNameDialog extends React.Component<Props, State> {
public onClickOK() {
if (!this.state.groupName.trim()) {
if (!this.state.groupName?.trim()) {
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export class UpdateGroupNameDialog extends React.Component<Props, State> {
public render() {
const okText = window.i18n('ok');
const cancelText = window.i18n('cancel');
const titleText = window.i18n('updateGroupDialogTitle', this.convo.getName());
const titleText = window.i18n('updateGroupDialogTitle', [this.convo.getName() || 'Unknown']);
const errorMsg = this.state.errorMessage;
const errorMessageClasses = classNames(

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export const IncomingCallDialog = () => {
if (hasIncomingCall) {
return (
<SessionWrapperModal title={window.i18n('incomingCallFrom', from)}>
<SessionWrapperModal title={window.i18n('incomingCallFrom', [from || 'unknown'])}>
<Avatar size={AvatarSize.XL} pubkey={incomingCallFromPubkey} />

View File

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ export const SessionRightPanelWithDetails = () => {
<SpacerLG />
<div role="button" className="subtle">
{window.i18n('members', subscriberCount)}
{window.i18n('members', [`${subscriberCount}`])}
<SpacerLG />

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import {
import { SessionButtonColor } from '../SessionButton';
import { getTimerOptions } from '../../../state/selectors/timerOptions';
import { ToastUtils } from '../../../session/utils';
import { LocalizerKeys } from '../../../types/LocalizerKeys';
const maxNumberOfPinnedConversations = 5;
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ export const getPinConversationMenuItem = (conversationId: string): JSX.Element
window.i18n('pinConversationLimitToastDescription', maxNumberOfPinnedConversations)
window.i18n('pinConversationLimitToastDescription', [`${maxNumberOfPinnedConversations}`])
@ -435,8 +436,14 @@ export function getNotificationForConvoMenuItem({
const notificationForConvoOptions = ConversationNotificationSetting.filter(n =>
isPrivate ? n !== 'mentions_only' : true
).map((n: ConversationNotificationSettingType) => {
// this link to the notificationForConvo_all, notificationForConvo_mentions_only, ...
return { value: n, name: window.i18n(`notificationForConvo_${n}`) };
// do this separately so typescript's compiler likes it
const keyToUse: LocalizerKeys =
n === 'all'
? 'notificationForConvo_all'
: n === 'disabled'
? 'notificationForConvo_disabled'
: 'notificationForConvo_mentions_only';
return { value: n, name: window.i18n(keyToUse) };
return (

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export const SignInTab = () => {
const [recoveryPhrase, setRecoveryPhrase] = useState('');
const [recoveryPhraseError, setRecoveryPhraseError] = useState(undefined as string | undefined);
const [displayName, setDisplayName] = useState('');
const [displayNameError, setDisplayNameError] = useState('');
const [displayNameError, setDisplayNameError] = useState<string | undefined>('');
const [loading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const isRecovery = signInMode === SignInMode.UsingRecoveryPhrase;

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ export const SignUpTab = () => {
} = useContext(RegistrationContext);
const [displayName, setDisplayName] = useState('');
const [displayNameError, setDisplayNameError] = useState('');
const [displayNameError, setDisplayNameError] = useState<undefined | string>('');
useEffect(() => {
if (signUpMode === SignUpMode.SessionIDShown) {

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { SessionNotificationGroupSettings } from './SessionNotificationGroupSett
import { BlockedUserSettings } from './BlockedUserSettings';
import { SettingsCategoryPrivacy } from './section/CategoryPrivacy';
import { SettingsCategoryAppearance } from './section/CategoryAppearance';
import { LocalizerKeys } from '../../../types/LocalizerKeys';
export function getMediaPermissionsSettings() {
return window.getSettingValue('media-permissions');
@ -179,13 +180,18 @@ export class SessionSettingsView extends React.Component<SettingsViewProps, Stat
public render() {
const { category } = this.props;
const shouldRenderPasswordLock = this.state.shouldLockSettings && this.state.hasPassword;
const categoryLocalized: LocalizerKeys =
category === SessionSettingCategory.Appearance
? 'appearanceSettingsTitle'
: category === SessionSettingCategory.Blocked
? 'blockedSettingsTitle'
: category === SessionSettingCategory.Notifications
? 'notificationsSettingsTitle'
: 'privacySettingsTitle';
return (
<div className="session-settings">
<SettingsHeader category={category} categoryTitle={window.i18n(categoryLocalized)} />
<div className="session-settings-view">
{shouldRenderPasswordLock ? (

View File

@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ const acceptOpenGroupInvitationV2 = (completeUrl: string, roomName?: string) =>
title: window.i18n('joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle', roomName),
message: window.i18n('joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc', roomName),
title: window.i18n('joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle', [roomName || 'Unknown']),
message: window.i18n('joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc', [roomName || 'Unknown']),
onClickOk: async () => {
await joinOpenGroupV2WithUIEvents(completeUrl, true, false);

View File

@ -906,7 +906,9 @@ export class ConversationModel extends Backbone.Model<ConversationAttributes> {
currentTimestamp: this.get('active_at'),
lastMessage: lastMessageJSON,
lastMessageStatus: lastMessageStatusModel,
lastMessageNotificationText: lastMessageModel ? lastMessageModel.getNotificationText() : null,
lastMessageNotificationText: lastMessageModel
? lastMessageModel.getNotificationText()
: undefined,
await this.commit();

View File

@ -175,10 +175,9 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
(groupUpdate.left && Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) && groupUpdate.left.length === 1) ||
typeof groupUpdate.left === 'string'
) {
return window.i18n(
return window.i18n('leftTheGroup', [
if (groupUpdate.kicked === 'You') {
return window.i18n('youGotKickedFromGroup');
@ -210,9 +209,9 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
if (names.length > 1) {
messages.push(window.i18n('multipleKickedFromTheGroup', names.join(', ')));
messages.push(window.i18n('multipleKickedFromTheGroup', [names.join(', ')]));
} else {
messages.push(window.i18n('kickedFromTheGroup', names[0]));
messages.push(window.i18n('kickedFromTheGroup', [names[0]]));
return messages.join(' ');
@ -223,21 +222,20 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
if (this.isGroupInvitation()) {
return `😎 ${window.i18n('openGroupInvitation')}`;
if (this.isDataExtractionNotification()) {
const dataExtraction = this.get(
) as DataExtractionNotificationMsg;
if (dataExtraction.type === SignalService.DataExtractionNotification.Type.SCREENSHOT) {
return window.i18n(
return window.i18n('tookAScreenshot', [
return window.i18n(
return window.i18n('savedTheFile', [
if (this.get('callNotificationType')) {
const displayName = getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(
@ -245,13 +243,28 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
const callNotificationType = this.get('callNotificationType');
if (callNotificationType === 'missed-call') {
return window.i18n('callMissed', displayName);
return window.i18n('callMissed', [displayName]);
if (callNotificationType === 'started-call') {
return window.i18n('startedACall', displayName);
return window.i18n('startedACall', [displayName]);
if (callNotificationType === 'answered-a-call') {
return window.i18n('answeredACall', displayName);
return window.i18n('answeredACall', [displayName]);
if (this.get('callNotificationType')) {
const displayName = getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(
const callNotificationType = this.get('callNotificationType');
if (callNotificationType === 'missed-call') {
return window.i18n('callMissed', [displayName]);
if (callNotificationType === 'started-call') {
return window.i18n('startedACall', [displayName]);
if (callNotificationType === 'answered-a-call') {
return window.i18n('answeredACall', [displayName]);
return this.get('body');
@ -276,7 +289,7 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
if (displayName && displayName.length) {
description = description.replace(pubkey, `@${displayName}`);
description = description?.replace(pubkey, `@${displayName}`);
return description;
@ -690,7 +703,7 @@ export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model<MessageAttributes> {
} = {
authorPhoneNumber: author,
messageId: id,
authorName: authorName || 'Unknown',
if (referencedMessageNotFound) {

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ export function pushedMissedCall(conversationName: string) {
window.i18n('callMissed', conversationName)
window.i18n('callMissed', [conversationName])
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ export function pushedMissedCallCauseOfPermission(conversationName: string) {
description={window.i18n('callMissedCausePermission', conversationName)}
description={window.i18n('callMissedCausePermission', [conversationName])}

View File

@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ export const getMessagePropsByMessageId = createSelector(
authorAvatarPath: foundSenderConversation.avatarPath || null,
isKickedFromGroup: foundMessageConversation.isKickedFromGroup || false,
authorProfileName: authorProfileName || 'Unknown',

ts/types/LocalizerKeys.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
export type LocalizerKeys =
| 'gotIt'
| 'removePassword'
| 'editMenuDelete'
| 'signIn'
| 'newClosedGroup'
| 'userUnbanFailed'
| 'changePassword'
| 'saved'
| 'startedACall'
| 'mainMenuWindow'
| 'unblocked'
| 'userAddedToModerators'
| 'to'
| 'sent'
| 'requestsPlaceholder'
| 'closedGroupInviteFailMessage'
| 'noContactsForGroup'
| 'originalMessageNotAvailable'
| 'linkVisitWarningMessage'
| 'editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle'
| 'anonymous'
| 'viewMenuZoomOut'
| 'dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc'
| 'timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated'
| 'enterDisplayName'
| 'connectToServerFail'
| 'disableNotifications'
| 'publicChatExists'
| 'passwordViewTitle'
| 'joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle'
| 'notificationMostRecentFrom'
| 'timerOption_5_minutes'
| 'linkPreviewsConfirmMessage'
| 'notificationMostRecent'
| 'video'
| 'readReceiptSettingDescription'
| 'userBanFailed'
| 'autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel'
| 'maximumAttachments'
| 'deviceOnly'
| 'expiredWarning'
| 'beginYourSession'
| 'typingIndicatorsSettingDescription'
| 'changePasswordToastDescription'
| 'addingContacts'
| 'passwordLengthError'
| 'typingIndicatorsSettingTitle'
| 'maxPasswordAttempts'
| 'viewMenuToggleDevTools'
| 'fileSizeWarning'
| 'openGroupURL'
| 'messageRequestsDescription'
| 'hideMenuBarDescription'
| 'search'
| 'pickClosedGroupMember'
| 'ByUsingThisService...'
| 'startConversation'
| 'unableToCallTitle'
| 'yourUniqueSessionID'
| 'typingAlt'
| 'orJoinOneOfThese'
| 'members'
| 'sendRecoveryPhraseMessage'
| 'timerOption_1_hour'
| 'youGotKickedFromGroup'
| 'cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc'
| 'incomingError'
| 'notificationsSettingsTitle'
| 'ringing'
| 'tookAScreenshot'
| 'from'
| 'thisMonth'
| 'next'
| 'addModerators'
| 'sessionMessenger'
| 'today'
| 'appMenuHideOthers'
| 'sendFailed'
| 'enterPassword'
| 'me'
| 'enterSessionIDOfRecipient'
| 'dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple'
| 'pinConversationLimitToastDescription'
| 'appMenuQuit'
| 'windowMenuZoom'
| 'allUsersAreRandomly...'
| 'cameraPermissionNeeded'
| 'requestsSubtitle'
| 'closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle'
| 'accept'
| 'setPasswordTitle'
| 'editMenuUndo'
| 'pinConversation'
| 'lightboxImageAlt'
| 'linkDevice'
| 'goToOurSurvey'
| 'invalidPubkeyFormat'
| 'disappearingMessagesDisabled'
| 'spellCheckDescription'
| 'autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions'
| 'appMenuUnhide'
| 'timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated'
| 'description'
| 'voiceMessage'
| 'changePasswordTitle'
| 'copyMessage'
| 'messageDeletionForbidden'
| 'deleteJustForMe'
| 'changeAccountPasswordTitle'
| 'onionPathIndicatorDescription'
| 'timestamp_s'
| 'mediaPermissionsTitle'
| 'replyingToMessage'
| 'welcomeToYourSession'
| 'editMenuCopy'
| 'timestamp_m'
| 'leftTheGroup'
| 'timerOption_30_minutes'
| 'nameOnly'
| 'typeInOldPassword'
| 'imageAttachmentAlt'
| 'displayNameEmpty'
| 'inviteContacts'
| 'callMediaPermissionsTitle'
| 'blocked'
| 'noBlockedContacts'
| 'leaveGroupConfirmation'
| 'banUserConfirm'
| 'banUserAndDeleteAll'
| 'joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc'
| 'invalidNumberError'
| 'newSession'
| 'contextMenuNoSuggestions'
| 'recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText'
| 'banUser'
| 'permissions'
| 'answeredACall'
| 'sendMessage'
| 'recoveryPhraseRevealMessage'
| 'showRecoveryPhrase'
| 'autoUpdateSettingDescription'
| 'unlock'
| 'remove'
| 'restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase'
| 'cannotUpdateDetail'
| 'showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest'
| 'spellCheckDirty'
| 'debugLogExplanation'
| 'closedGroupInviteFailTitle'
| 'setAccountPasswordDescription'
| 'removeAccountPasswordDescription'
| 'establishingConnection'
| 'noModeratorsToRemove'
| 'moreInformation'
| 'offline'
| 'appearanceSettingsTitle'
| 'mainMenuView'
| 'mainMenuEdit'
| 'notificationForConvo_disabled'
| 'leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin'
| 'notificationForConvo_all'
| 'emptyGroupNameError'
| 'copyOpenGroupURL'
| 'setPasswordInvalid'
| 'timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated'
| 'removeResidueMembers'
| 'timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated'
| 'areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount'
| 'noGivenPassword'
| 'closedGroupInviteOkText'
| 'readReceiptSettingTitle'
| 'copySessionID'
| 'timerOption_0_seconds'
| 'zoomFactorSettingTitle'
| 'unableToCall'
| 'callMissedTitle'
| 'done'
| 'videoAttachmentAlt'
| 'message'
| 'mainMenuHelp'
| 'open'
| 'pasteLongPasswordToastTitle'
| 'nameAndMessage'
| 'autoUpdateDownloadedMessage'
| 'onionPathIndicatorTitle'
| 'unknown'
| 'submitDebugLog'
| 'mediaMessage'
| 'addAsModerator'
| 'closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural'
| 'enterSessionID'
| 'editGroup'
| 'incomingCallFrom'
| 'timerSetOnSync'
| 'deleteMessages'
| 'editMenuSelectAll'
| 'spellCheckTitle'
| 'translation'
| 'copy'
| 'messageBodyMissing'
| 'timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated'
| 'onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc'
| 'recording'
| 'kickedFromTheGroup'
| 'windowMenuMinimize'
| 'debugLog'
| 'timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated'
| 'timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated'
| 'enterOptionalPassword'
| 'goToReleaseNotes'
| 'unpinConversation'
| 'viewMenuResetZoom'
| 'startInTrayDescription'
| 'groupNamePlaceholder'
| 'stagedPreviewThumbnail'
| 'helpUsTranslateSession'
| 'unreadMessages'
| 'documents'
| 'audioPermissionNeededTitle'
| 'deleteMessagesQuestion'
| 'clickToTrustContact'
| 'closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural'
| 'noAudioInputFound'
| 'timerOption_10_seconds'
| 'noteToSelf'
| 'failedToAddAsModerator'
| 'disabledDisappearingMessages'
| 'cannotUpdate'
| 'device'
| 'replyToMessage'
| 'messageDeletedPlaceholder'
| 'notificationFrom'
| 'displayName'
| 'invalidSessionId'
| 'audioPermissionNeeded'
| 'timestamp_h'
| 'add'
| 'windowMenuBringAllToFront'
| 'messageRequests'
| 'show'
| 'cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments'
| 'viewMenuToggleFullScreen'
| 'optimizingApplication'
| 'goToSupportPage'
| 'passwordsDoNotMatch'
| 'createClosedGroupNamePrompt'
| 'upgrade'
| 'audioMessageAutoplayDescription'
| 'leaveAndRemoveForEveryone'
| 'previewThumbnail'
| 'photo'
| 'setPassword'
| 'hideMenuBarTitle'
| 'imageCaptionIconAlt'
| 'blockAll'
| 'sendRecoveryPhraseTitle'
| 'multipleJoinedTheGroup'
| 'databaseError'
| 'resend'
| 'copiedToClipboard'
| 'closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural'
| 'groupMembers'
| 'dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion'
| 'unableToLoadAttachment'
| 'cameraPermissionNeededTitle'
| 'editMenuRedo'
| 'view'
| 'changeNicknameMessage'
| 'close'
| 'deleteMessageQuestion'
| 'newMessage'
| 'windowMenuClose'
| 'mainMenuFile'
| 'callMissed'
| 'getStarted'
| 'unblockUser'
| 'blockUser'
| 'trustThisContactDialogTitle'
| 'received'
| 'privacyPolicy'
| 'setPasswordFail'
| 'clearNickname'
| 'connectToServerSuccess'
| 'viewMenuZoomIn'
| 'invalidOpenGroupUrl'
| 'entireAccount'
| 'noContactsToAdd'
| 'cancel'
| 'decline'
| 'originalMessageNotFound'
| 'autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel'
| 'deleteConversationConfirmation'
| 'unreadMessage'
| 'timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated'
| 'timerOption_1_week_abbreviated'
| 'timerSetTo'
| 'unbanUserConfirm'
| 'notificationSubtitle'
| 'youChangedTheTimer'
| 'updatedTheGroup'
| 'leaveGroup'
| 'menuReportIssue'
| 'continueYourSession'
| 'invalidGroupNameTooShort'
| 'notificationForConvo'
| 'noNameOrMessage'
| 'pinConversationLimitTitle'
| 'noSearchResults'
| 'changeNickname'
| 'userUnbanned'
| 'error'
| 'clearAllData'
| 'contactAvatarAlt'
| 'disappearingMessages'
| 'autoUpdateNewVersionTitle'
| 'linkPreviewDescription'
| 'timerOption_1_day'
| 'contactsHeader'
| 'openGroupInvitation'
| 'callMissedCausePermission'
| 'messageFoundButNotLoaded'
| 'mediaPermissionsDescription'
| 'media'
| 'noMembersInThisGroup'
| 'saveLogToDesktop'
| 'copyErrorAndQuit'
| 'speech'
| 'onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers'
| 'passwordTypeError'
| 'createClosedGroupPlaceholder'
| 'editProfileModalTitle'
| 'noCameraFound'
| 'setAccountPasswordTitle'
| 'callMediaPermissionsDescription'
| 'recoveryPhraseSecureTitle'
| 'yesterday'
| 'closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage'
| 'youDisabledDisappearingMessages'
| 'updateGroupDialogTitle'
| 'surveyTitle'
| 'userRemovedFromModerators'
| 'timerOption_5_seconds'
| 'failedToRemoveFromModerator'
| 'conversationsHeader'
| 'setPasswordToastDescription'
| 'audio'
| 'startInTrayTitle'
| 'cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup'
| 'editMenuCut'
| 'markAllAsRead'
| 'failedResolveOns'
| 'showDebugLog'
| 'autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel'
| 'dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion'
| 'autoUpdateDownloadInstructions'
| 'dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle'
| 'loading'
| 'blockedSettingsTitle'
| 'checkNetworkConnection'
| 'appMenuHide'
| 'removeAccountPasswordTitle'
| 'recoveryPhraseEmpty'
| 'noAudioOutputFound'
| 'save'
| 'privacySettingsTitle'
| 'changeAccountPasswordDescription'
| 'notificationSettingsDialog'
| 'invalidOldPassword'
| 'audioMessageAutoplayTitle'
| 'removePasswordInvalid'
| 'password'
| 'usersCanShareTheir...'
| 'timestampFormat_M'
| 'banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm'
| 'nicknamePlaceholder'
| 'linkPreviewsTitle'
| 'continue'
| 'learnMore'
| 'successUnlinked'
| 'autoUpdateSettingTitle'
| 'deleteForEveryone'
| 'createSessionID'
| 'multipleLeftTheGroup'
| 'enterSessionIDOrONSName'
| 'quoteThumbnailAlt'
| 'timerOption_1_week'
| 'deleteContactConfirmation'
| 'timerOption_30_seconds'
| 'createAccount'
| 'timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated'
| 'dangerousFileType'
| 'timerOption_12_hours'
| 'unblockToSend'
| 'timerOption_1_minute'
| 'yourSessionID'
| 'deleteAccountWarning'
| 'deleted'
| 'closedGroupMaxSize'
| 'messagesHeader'
| 'passwordCharacterError'
| 'joinOpenGroup'
| 'callMediaPermissionsDialogContent'
| 'timerOption_1_day_abbreviated'
| 'about'
| 'ok'
| 'multipleKickedFromTheGroup'
| 'recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain'
| 'editMenuPaste'
| 'areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly'
| 'or'
| 'removeModerators'
| 'destination'
| 'invalidGroupNameTooLong'
| 'youLeftTheGroup'
| 'theyChangedTheTimer'
| 'userBanned'
| 'addACaption'
| 'debugLogError'
| 'timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated'
| 'removeFromModerators'
| 'enterRecoveryPhrase'
| 'submit'
| 'stagedImageAttachment'
| 'thisWeek'
| 'savedTheFile'
| 'mediaEmptyState'
| 'linkVisitWarningTitle'
| 'invalidPassword'
| 'endCall'
| 'latestUnreadIsAbove'
| 'connectingToServer'
| 'notifications'
| 'settingsHeader'
| 'autoUpdateNewVersionMessage'
| 'oneNonImageAtATimeToast'
| 'menuCall'
| 'attemptingReconnection'
| 'removePasswordTitle'
| 'iAmSure'
| 'selectMessage'
| 'enterAnOpenGroupURL'
| 'delete'
| 'changePasswordInvalid'
| 'unblockGroupToSend'
| 'general'
| 'timerOption_6_hours'
| 'confirmPassword'
| 'downloadAttachment'
| 'showUserDetails'
| 'titleIsNow'
| 'removePasswordToastDescription'
| 'recoveryPhrase'
| 'newMessages'
| 'you'
| 'documentsEmptyState'
| 'unbanUser'
| 'permissionSettingsTitle'
| 'notificationForConvo_mentions_only'
| 'trustThisContactDialogDescription'
| 'unknownCountry'
| 'searchFor...'
| 'joinedTheGroup'
| 'editGroupName'
| 'reportIssue';

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { LocalizerKeys } from './LocalizerKeys';
export type RenderTextCallbackType = (options: {
text: string;
key: number;
@ -5,7 +7,7 @@ export type RenderTextCallbackType = (options: {
convoId?: string;
}) => JSX.Element | string;
export type LocalizerType = (key: string, values?: Array<string>) => string;
export type LocalizerType = (key: LocalizerKeys, values?: Array<string>) => string;
export type ColorType =
| 'gray'

ts/window.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import {} from 'styled-components/cssprop';
import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util';
import { LocalizerType } from '../ts/types/Util';
import { LibsignalProtocol } from '../../libtextsecure/libsignal-protocol';
import { SignalInterface } from '../../js/modules/signal';
import { LibTextsecure } from '../libtextsecure';
import { Store } from 'redux';