fix: make syncJob throttled every 3s and start right away if possible

also enable sig_timestamp on mainnet use as every node should have
upgraded now
This commit is contained in:
Audric Ackermann 2023-02-13 13:28:00 +11:00
parent f215535f75
commit f870eff45b
10 changed files with 117 additions and 167 deletions

View File

@ -132,8 +132,6 @@
.loki-dialog {
& ~ .index.inbox {
// filter: blur(2px); // FIXME enable back once modals are moved to react
// currently it cause an issues with toast being on the foreground when a modal is shown
transition: filter 0.1s;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import electronLocalshortcut from 'electron-localshortcut';
const getRealPath = pify(fs.realpath);
// FIXME Hardcoding appId to prevent build failures on release.
// Hardcoding appId to prevent build failures on release.
// const appUserModelId =;
const appUserModelId = 'com.loki-project.messenger-desktop';
console.log('Set Windows Application User Model ID (AUMID)', {

View File

@ -445,7 +445,6 @@ function saveConversation(data: ConversationAttributes, instance?: BetterSqlite3
// identityPrivateKey,
} = formatted;
console.warn('FIXME omit(formatted, identityPrivateKey);');
const omited = omit(formatted, 'identityPrivateKey', 'markedAsUnread');
const keys = Object.keys(omited);

View File

@ -82,23 +82,22 @@ export type GetServiceNodesSubRequest = {
export type StoreOnNodeParamsNoSig = {
pubkey: string;
ttl: number;
timestamp: number;
data64: string;
namespace: number;
export type StoreOnNodeParams = {
pubkey: string;
ttl: number;
timestamp: number;
data: string;
namespace: number;
sig_timestamp?: number;
signature?: string;
pubkey_ed25519?: string;
export type StoreOnNodeParamsNoSig = Pick<
'pubkey' | 'ttl' | 'timestamp' | 'ttl' | 'namespace'
> & { data64: string };
export type DeleteFromNodeWithTimestampParams = {
timestamp: string | number;
} & DeleteSigParameters;

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
// import { isEmpty, sample } from 'lodash';
// import pRetry from 'p-retry';
// import { Snode } from '../../../data/data';
// import { ed25519Str } from '../../onions/onionPath';
// import { SingleDestinationChanges } from '../../utils/job_runners/jobs/ConfigurationSyncJob';
// import { doSnodeBatchRequest } from './batchRequest';
// import { SnodeAPI } from './SNodeAPI';
// import { getSwarmFor } from './snodePool';
// import { StoreOnNodeSubRequest } from './SnodeRequestTypes';
// function prepareRequest(singleDestChange: SingleDestinationChanges): Array<StoreOnNodeSubRequest> {
// if (isEmpty(singleDestChange) || isEmpty(singleDestChange.messages)) {
// return [];
// }
// return => {
// return { method: 'store', params: {} };
// });
// }
* Locally deletes message and deletes message on the network (all nodes that contain the message)
// const sendConfigMessages = async (
// singleDestChange: SingleDestinationChanges
// ): Promise<Array<string> | null> => {
// if (isEmpty(singleDestChange) || isEmpty(singleDestChange.messages)) {
// return true;
// }
// try {
// const result = await pRetry(
// async () => {
// const swarmToSendTo = await getSwarmFor(singleDestChange.destination);
// const snodeToMakeRequestTo: Snode | undefined = sample(swarmToSendTo);
// if (!snodeToMakeRequestTo) {
// window?.log?.warn('Cannot networkDeleteMessages, without a valid swarm node.');
// return null;
// }
// return pRetry(
// async () => {
// const ret = await doSnodeBatchRequest([{method: 'store', params: {}}]);
// if (!ret) {
// throw new Error(
// `Empty response got for delete on snode ${ed25519Str(
// snodeToMakeRequestTo.pubkey_ed25519
// )}`
// );
// }
// return results;
// }
// },
// {
// retries: 3,
// minTimeout: SnodeAPI.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
// onFailedAttempt: e => {
// window?.log?.warn(
// `delete INNER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
// );
// },
// }
// );
// },
// {
// retries: 3,
// minTimeout: SnodeAPI.TEST_getMinTimeout(),
// onFailedAttempt: e => {
// window?.log?.warn(
// `delete OUTER request attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
// );
// },
// }
// );
// return maliciousSnodes;
// } catch (e) {
// window?.log?.warn('failed to delete message on network:', e);
// return null;
// }
// };

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { GetNetworkTime } from './getNetworkTime';
export type SnodeSignatureResult = {
timestamp: number;
sig_timestamp: number;
signature: string;
pubkey_ed25519: string;
pubkey: string; // this is the x25519 key of the pubkey we are doing the request to (ourself for our swarm usually)
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ async function getSnodeSignatureParams(params: {
const signatureBase64 = fromUInt8ArrayToBase64(signature);
return {
sig_timestamp: signatureTimestamp,
timestamp: signatureTimestamp,
signature: signatureBase64,
pubkey_ed25519: ourEd25519Key.pubKey,

View File

@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ async function updateProfileOfContact(
// avoid setting the display name to an invalid value
if (existingDisplayName !== displayName && !isEmpty(displayName)) {
`updateProfileOfContact overriding old "${existingDisplayName}: with "${displayName}"`
conversation.set('displayNameInProfile', displayName || undefined);
await conversation.commit();

View File

@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ async function sendMessagesDataToSnode(
namespace: item.namespace,
pubkey: item.pubkey,
timestamp: item.timestamp,
sig_timestamp: item.timestamp,
ttl: item.ttl,

View File

@ -318,10 +318,9 @@ export class PersistedJobRunner<T extends TypeOfPersistedData> {
} else {
`Too many failures for ${jobToLogId(
)} out of nextJob.persistedData.maxAttempts`
`Too many failures for ${jobToLogId(this.jobRunnerType, nextJob)}: ${
} out of ${nextJob.persistedData.maxAttempts}`
// we cannot restart this job anymore. Remove the entry completely

View File

@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ import {
const defaultMsBetweenRetries = 3000;
const defaultMaxAttempts = 3;
* We want to run each of those jobs at least 3seconds apart.
* So every time one of that job finishes, update this timestamp, so we know when adding a new job, what is the next minimun date to run it.
let lastRunConfigSyncJobTimestamp: number | null = null;
export type SingleDestinationChanges = {
destination: string;
messages: Array<OutgoingConfResult>;
@ -175,76 +181,84 @@ class ConfigurationSyncJob extends PersistedJob<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData>
delayBetweenRetries: defaultMsBetweenRetries,
maxAttempts: isNumber(maxAttempts) ? maxAttempts : defaultMaxAttempts,
currentRetry: isNumber(currentRetry) ? currentRetry : 0,
nextAttemptTimestamp: nextAttemptTimestamp || + defaultMsBetweenRetries,
nextAttemptTimestamp: nextAttemptTimestamp ||,
public async run(): Promise<RunJobResult> {
if (!window.sessionFeatureFlags.useSharedUtilForUserConfig) {
try {
if (!window.sessionFeatureFlags.useSharedUtilForUserConfig) {
return RunJobResult.Success;
window.log.debug(`ConfigurationSyncJob starting ${this.persistedData.identifier}`);
const us = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const ed25519Key = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPairBytes();
const conversation = getConversationController().get(us);
if (!us || !conversation || !ed25519Key) {
// we check for ed25519Key because it is needed for authenticated requests
window.log.warn('did not find our own conversation');
return RunJobResult.PermanentFailure;
const name = conversation.get('displayNameInProfile');
const pointer = conversation.get('avatarPointer');
const profileKey = conversation.get('profileKey');
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setName(name || '');
if (profileKey && pointer) {
const profileKeyArray = fromHexToArray(profileKey);
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture(pointer, profileKeyArray);
} else {
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture('', new Uint8Array());
const singleDestChanges = await retrieveSingleDestinationChanges();
// If there are no pending changes then the job can just complete (next time something
// is updated we want to try and run immediately so don't scuedule another run in this case)
if (isEmpty(singleDestChanges)) {
return RunJobResult.Success;
const allResults = await Promise.allSettled( dest => {
const msgs = => {
return {
namespace: item.namespace,
pubkey: item.destination,
timestamp: item.message.timestamp,
ttl: item.message.ttl(),
message: item.message,
const asSet = new Set(dest.allOldHashes);
return MessageSender.sendMessagesToSnode(msgs, dest.destination, asSet);
// we do a sequence call here. If we do not have the right expected number of results, consider it
if (!isArray(allResults) || allResults.length !== singleDestChanges.length) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
const changes = resultsToSuccessfulChange(allResults, singleDestChanges);
if (isEmpty(changes)) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
// Now that we have the successful changes, we need to mark them as pushed and
// generate any config dumps which need to be stored
await buildAndSaveDumpsToDB(changes);
return RunJobResult.Success;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
// this is a simple way to make sure whatever happens here, we update the lastest timestamp.
// (a finally statement is always executed (no matter if exception or returns in other try/catch block)
window.log.debug(`ConfigurationSyncJob starting ${this.persistedData.identifier}`);
const us = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const ed25519Key = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPairBytes();
const conversation = getConversationController().get(us);
if (!us || !conversation || !ed25519Key) {
// we check for ed25519Key because it is needed for authenticated requests
window.log.warn('did not find our own conversation');
return RunJobResult.PermanentFailure;
const name = conversation.get('displayNameInProfile');
const pointer = conversation.get('avatarPointer');
const profileKey = conversation.get('profileKey');
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setName(name || '');
if (profileKey && pointer) {
const profileKeyArray = fromHexToArray(profileKey);
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture(pointer, profileKeyArray);
} else {
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture('', new Uint8Array());
const singleDestChanges = await retrieveSingleDestinationChanges();
// If there are no pending changes then the job can just complete (next time something
// is updated we want to try and run immediately so don't scuedule another run in this case)
if (isEmpty(singleDestChanges)) {
return RunJobResult.Success;
const allResults = await Promise.allSettled( dest => {
const msgs = => {
return {
namespace: item.namespace,
pubkey: item.destination,
timestamp: item.message.timestamp,
ttl: item.message.ttl(),
message: item.message,
const asSet = new Set(dest.allOldHashes);
return MessageSender.sendMessagesToSnode(msgs, dest.destination, asSet);
// we do a sequence call here. If we do not have the right expected number of results, consider it
if (!isArray(allResults) || allResults.length !== singleDestChanges.length) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
const changes = resultsToSuccessfulChange(allResults, singleDestChanges);
if (isEmpty(changes)) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
// Now that we have the successful changes, we need to mark them as pushed and
// generate any config dumps which need to be stored
await buildAndSaveDumpsToDB(changes);
return RunJobResult.Success;
public serializeJob(): ConfigurationSyncPersistedData {
@ -268,6 +282,10 @@ class ConfigurationSyncJob extends PersistedJob<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData>
public getJobTimeoutMs(): number {
return 20000;
private updateLastTickTimestamp() {
lastRunConfigSyncJobTimestamp =;
@ -275,7 +293,27 @@ class ConfigurationSyncJob extends PersistedJob<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData>
* A ConfigurationSyncJob can only be added if there is none of the same type queued already.
async function queueNewJobIfNeeded() {
await runners.configurationSyncRunner.addJob(new ConfigurationSyncJob({}));
if (
!lastRunConfigSyncJobTimestamp ||
lastRunConfigSyncJobTimestamp < - defaultMsBetweenRetries
) {
window.log.debug('scheduling conf sync job in asap');
// this call will make sure that there is only one configuration sync job at all times
await runners.configurationSyncRunner.addJob(
new ConfigurationSyncJob({ nextAttemptTimestamp: })
} else {
// if we did run at 100, and it is currently 110, diff is 10
const diff = Math.max( - lastRunConfigSyncJobTimestamp, 0);
// but we want to run every 30, so what we need is actually `30-10` from now = 20
const leftBeforeNextTick = Math.max(defaultMsBetweenRetries - diff, 0);
window.log.debug(`scheduling conf sync job in ${leftBeforeNextTick} ms`);
await runners.configurationSyncRunner.addJob(
new ConfigurationSyncJob({ nextAttemptTimestamp: + leftBeforeNextTick })
export const ConfigurationSync = {