import _ from 'lodash'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/message'; import { isMacOS } from '../OS'; import { queueAllCached } from '../receiver/receiver'; import { getConversationController } from '../session/conversations'; import { AttachmentDownloads } from '../session/utils'; import { getOurPubKeyStrFromCache } from '../session/utils/User'; import { BlockedNumberController } from '../util'; import { ExpirationTimerOptions } from '../util/expiringMessages'; import { Notifications } from '../util/notifications'; import { Registration } from '../util/registration'; import { isSignInByLinking, Storage } from '../util/storage'; import * as Data from '../data/data'; import Backbone from 'backbone'; import { SessionRegistrationView } from '../components/registration/SessionRegistrationView'; import { SessionInboxView } from '../components/SessionInboxView'; // tslint:disable: max-classes-per-file // Globally disable drag and drop document.body.addEventListener( 'dragover', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false ); document.body.addEventListener( 'drop', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false ); // Load these images now to ensure that they don't flicker on first use const images = []; function preload(list: Array) { // tslint:disable-next-line: one-variable-per-declaration for (let index = 0, max = list.length; index < max; index += 1) { const image = new Image(); image.src = `./images/${list[index]}`; images.push(image); } } preload([ 'alert-outline.svg', 'check.svg', 'error.svg', 'file-gradient.svg', 'file.svg', 'image.svg', 'microphone.svg', 'movie.svg', 'open_link.svg', 'play.svg', 'save.svg', 'shield.svg', 'timer.svg', 'video.svg', 'warning.svg', 'x.svg', ]); // We add this to window here because the default Node context is erased at the end // of preload.js processing window.setImmediate = window.nodeSetImmediate; window.globalOnlineStatus = true; // default to true as we don't get an event on app start window.getGlobalOnlineStatus = () => window.globalOnlineStatus;'background page reloaded');'environment:', window.getEnvironment()); let newVersion = false; window.document.title = window.getTitle(); // = // window.Whisper.Events = WhisperEvents ? const WhisperEvents = _.clone(Backbone.Events);'Storage fetch'); void Storage.fetch(); function mapOldThemeToNew(theme: string) { switch (theme) { case 'dark': case 'light': return theme; case 'android-dark': return 'dark'; case 'android': case 'ios': default: return 'light'; } } // We need this 'first' check because we don't want to start the app up any other time // than the first time. And storage.fetch() will cause onready() to fire. let first = true; Storage.onready(async () => { if (!first) { return; } first = false; // Update zoom window.updateZoomFactor(); // Ensure accounts created prior to 1.0.0-beta8 do have their // 'primaryDevicePubKey' defined. if (Registration.isDone() && !Storage.get('primaryDevicePubKey')) { await Storage.put('primaryDevicePubKey', getOurPubKeyStrFromCache()); } // These make key operations available to IPC handlers created in preload.js window.Events = { getThemeSetting: () => Storage.get('theme-setting', 'light'), setThemeSetting: async (value: any) => { await Storage.put('theme-setting', value); }, getHideMenuBar: () => Storage.get('hide-menu-bar'), setHideMenuBar: async (value: boolean) => { await Storage.put('hide-menu-bar', value); window.setAutoHideMenuBar(false); window.setMenuBarVisibility(!value); }, getSpellCheck: () => Storage.get('spell-check', true), setSpellCheck: async (value: boolean) => { await Storage.put('spell-check', value); }, shutdown: async () => { // Stop background processing AttachmentDownloads.stop(); // Stop processing incoming messages // FIXME audric stop polling opengroupv2 and swarm nodes // Shut down the data interface cleanly await Data.shutdown(); }, }; const currentVersion = window.getVersion(); const lastVersion = Storage.get('version'); newVersion = !lastVersion || currentVersion !== lastVersion; await Storage.put('version', currentVersion); if (newVersion) {`New version detected: ${currentVersion}; previous: ${lastVersion}`); await Data.cleanupOrphanedAttachments(); await window.Signal.Logs.deleteAll(); } const themeSetting = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); const newThemeSetting = mapOldThemeToNew(themeSetting); window.Events.setThemeSetting(newThemeSetting); try { AttachmentDownloads.initAttachmentPaths(); await Promise.all([getConversationController().load(), BlockedNumberController.load()]); } catch (error) { window.log.error( 'main_start.js: ConversationController failed to load:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } finally { void start(); } }); function manageExpiringData() { window.Signal.Data.cleanSeenMessages(); window.Signal.Data.cleanLastHashes(); setTimeout(manageExpiringData, 1000 * 60 * 60); } // tslint:disable-next-line: max-func-body-length async function start() { manageExpiringData(); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('storage_ready'));'Cleanup: starting...'); const results = await Promise.all([window.Signal.Data.getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt()]); // Combine the models const messagesForCleanup = results.reduce( (array, current) => array.concat(current.toArray()), [] );`Cleanup: Found ${messagesForCleanup.length} messages for cleanup`); await Promise.all( (message: MessageModel) => { const sentAt = message.get('sent_at'); if (message.hasErrors()) { return; }`Cleanup: Deleting unsent message ${sentAt}`); await window.Signal.Data.removeMessage(; }) );'Cleanup: complete');'listening for registration events'); WhisperEvents.on('registration_done', async () => {'handling registration event'); // Disable link previews as default per Kee Storage.onready(async () => { await Storage.put('link-preview-setting', false); }); await connect(); }); const appView = new AppView({ el: $('body'), }); ExpirationTimerOptions.initExpiringMessageListener(); if (Registration.isDone() && !isSignInByLinking()) { await connect(); appView.openInbox(); } else { appView.openStandalone(); } window.addEventListener('focus', () => { Notifications.clear(); }); window.addEventListener('unload', () => { Notifications.fastClear(); }); // Set user's launch count. const prevLaunchCount = window.getSettingValue('launch-count'); // tslint:disable-next-line: restrict-plus-operands const launchCount = !prevLaunchCount ? 1 : prevLaunchCount + 1; window.setSettingValue('launch-count', launchCount); // On first launch if (launchCount === 1) { // Initialise default settings window.setSettingValue('hide-menu-bar', true); window.setSettingValue('link-preview-setting', false); } window.setTheme = newTheme => { window.Events.setThemeSetting(newTheme); }; window.toggleMenuBar = () => { const current = window.getSettingValue('hide-menu-bar'); if (current === undefined) { window.Events.setHideMenuBar(false); return; } window.Events.setHideMenuBar(!current); }; window.toggleSpellCheck = () => { const currentValue = window.getSettingValue('spell-check'); // if undefined, it means 'default' so true. but we have to toggle it, so false // if not undefined, we take the opposite const newValue = currentValue !== undefined ? !currentValue : false; window.Events.setSpellCheck(newValue); window.libsession.Utils.ToastUtils.pushRestartNeeded(); }; window.toggleMediaPermissions = async () => { const value = window.getMediaPermissions(); if (value === true) { const valueCallPermissions = window.getCallMediaPermissions(); if (valueCallPermissions) {'toggleMediaPermissions : forcing callPermissions to false'); await window.toggleCallMediaPermissionsTo(false); } } if (value === false && isMacOS()) { window.askForMediaAccess(); } window.setMediaPermissions(!value); }; window.toggleCallMediaPermissionsTo = async enabled => { const previousValue = window.getCallMediaPermissions(); if (previousValue === enabled) { return; } if (previousValue === false) { // value was false and we toggle it so we turn it on if (isMacOS()) { window.askForMediaAccess(); }'toggleCallMediaPermissionsTo : forcing audio/video to true'); // turning ON "call permissions" forces turning on "audio/video permissions" window.setMediaPermissions(true); } window.setCallMediaPermissions(enabled); }; window.openFromNotification = async conversationKey => { window.showWindow(); if (conversationKey) { // do not put the messageId here so the conversation is loaded on the last unread instead await window.openConversationWithMessages({ conversationKey, messageId: null }); } else { appView.openInbox(); } }; WhisperEvents.on('openInbox', () => { appView.openInbox(); }); } let disconnectTimer: number | null = null; function onOffline() {'offline'); window.globalOnlineStatus = false; window.removeEventListener('offline', onOffline); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); // We've received logs from Linux where we get an 'offline' event, then 30ms later // we get an online event. This waits a bit after getting an 'offline' event // before disconnecting the socket manually. disconnectTimer = setTimeout(disconnect, 1000); } function onOnline() {'online'); window.globalOnlineStatus = true; window.removeEventListener('online', onOnline); window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); if (disconnectTimer) { window.log.warn('Already online. Had a blip in online/offline status.'); clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = null; return; } if (disconnectTimer) { clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = null; } void connect(); } function disconnect() {'disconnect'); // Clear timer, since we're only called when the timer is expired disconnectTimer = null; AttachmentDownloads.stop(); } let connectCount = 0; async function connect() {'connect'); // Bootstrap our online/offline detection, only the first time we connect if (connectCount === 0 && navigator.onLine) { window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); } if (connectCount === 0 && !navigator.onLine) { window.log.warn('Starting up offline; will connect when we have network access'); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); onEmpty(); // this ensures that the loading screen is dismissed return; } if (!Registration.everDone()) { return; } connectCount += 1; Notifications.disable(); // avoid notification flood until empty setTimeout(() => { Notifications.enable(); }, 10 * 1000); // 10 sec await queueAllCached(); await AttachmentDownloads.start({ logger: window.log, }); window.textsecure.messaging = true; } function onEmpty() { window.readyForUpdates(); Notifications.enable(); } class AppView extends Backbone.View { private inboxView: any | null = null; private standaloneView: any; public initialize() { this.inboxView = null; const rtlLocales = ['fa', 'ar', 'he']; const loc = (window.i18n as any).getLocale(); if (rtlLocales.includes(loc)) { this.$el.addClass('rtl'); } const hideMenuBar = Storage.get('hide-menu-bar', true) as boolean; window.setAutoHideMenuBar(hideMenuBar); window.setMenuBarVisibility(!hideMenuBar); } // events: { // openInbox: 'openInbox'; // }; public openView(view: any) { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-inner-html this.el.innerHTML = ''; this.el.append(view.el); this.delegateEvents(); } public openStandalone() { this.resetViews(); this.standaloneView = SessionRegistrationView(); this.openView(this.standaloneView); } public closeStandalone() { if (this.standaloneView) { this.standaloneView.remove(); this.standaloneView = null; } } public resetViews() { this.closeStandalone(); } public openInbox() { if (!this.inboxView) { this.inboxView = new SessionInboxView({ window, }); return getConversationController() .loadPromise() ?.then(() => { this.openView(this.inboxView); }); } if (!$.contains(this.el, this.inboxView.el)) { this.openView(this.inboxView); } window.focus(); // FIXME return Promise.resolve(); } } class TextScramble { private frame: any; private queue: any; private readonly el: any; private readonly chars: any; private resolve: any; private frameRequest: any; constructor(el: any) { this.el = el; this.chars = '0123456789abcdef'; this.update = this.update.bind(this); } // tslint:disable: insecure-random public async setText(newText: string) { const oldText = this.el.value; const length = Math.max(oldText.length, newText.length); // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign // tslint:disable-next-line: promise-must-complete const promise = new Promise(resolve => (this.resolve = resolve)); this.queue = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const from = oldText[i] || ''; const to = newText[i] || ''; const startNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40); const end = startNumber + Math.floor(Math.random() * 40); this.queue.push({ from, to, start: startNumber, end, }); } cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameRequest); this.frame = 0; this.update(); return promise; } public update() { let output = ''; let complete = 0; // tslint:disable-next-line: one-variable-per-declaration for (let i = 0, n = this.queue.length; i < n; i++) { const { from, to, start: startNumber, end } = this.queue[i]; let { char } = this.queue[i]; if (this.frame >= end) { complete++; output += to; } else if (this.frame >= startNumber) { if (!char || Math.random() < 0.28) { char = this.randomChar(); this.queue[i].char = char; } output += char; } else { output += from; } } this.el.value = output; if (complete === this.queue.length) { this.resolve(); } else { this.frameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this.update); this.frame++; } } public randomChar() { return this.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.chars.length)]; } } window.Session = window.Session || {}; window.Session.setNewSessionID = (sessionID: string) => { const el = document.querySelector('.session-id-editable-textarea'); const fx = new TextScramble(el); if (el) { (el as any).value = sessionID; } void fx.setText(sessionID); };