import React from 'react'; import { shell } from 'electron'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import ip2country from 'ip2country'; import countryLookup from 'country-code-lookup'; import { Snode } from '../../data/data'; import { onionPathModal } from '../../state/ducks/modalDialog'; import { getFirstOnionPath, getFirstOnionPathLength, getIsOnline, getOnionPathsCount, } from '../../state/selectors/onions'; import { Flex } from '../basic/Flex'; import { SessionIcon, SessionIconButton } from '../session/icon'; import { SessionSpinner } from '../session/SessionSpinner'; import { SessionWrapperModal } from '../session/SessionWrapperModal'; export type StatusLightType = { glowStartDelay: number; glowDuration: number; color?: string; }; const OnionPathModalInner = () => { const onionPath = useSelector(getFirstOnionPath); const isOnline = useSelector(getIsOnline); // including the device and destination in calculation const glowDuration = onionPath.length + 2; if (!isOnline || !onionPath || onionPath.length === 0) { return ; } const nodes = [ { label: window.i18n('device'), }, ...onionPath, { label: window.i18n('destination'), }, ]; return ( <>


{ Snode | any, index: number) => { return ( ); })}
{ Snode | any, index: number) => { let labelText = snode.label ? snode.label : `${countryLookup.byIso(ip2country(snode.ip))?.country} [${snode.ip}]`; if (!labelText) { labelText = window.i18n('unknownCountry'); } return labelText ? (
) : null; })}
); }; export type OnionNodeStatusLightType = { glowStartDelay: number; glowDuration: number; }; /** * Component containing a coloured status light. */ export const OnionNodeStatusLight = (props: OnionNodeStatusLightType): JSX.Element => { const { glowStartDelay, glowDuration } = props; return ( ); }; /** * An icon with a pulsating glow emission. */ export const ModalStatusLight = (props: StatusLightType) => { const { glowStartDelay, glowDuration, color } = props; return (
); }; /** * A status light specifically for the action panel. Color is based on aggregate node states instead of individual onion node state */ export const ActionPanelOnionStatusLight = (props: { isSelected: boolean; handleClick: () => void; }) => { const { isSelected, handleClick } = props; const onionPathsCount = useSelector(getOnionPathsCount); const firstPathLength = useSelector(getFirstOnionPathLength); const isOnline = useSelector(getIsOnline); // Set icon color based on result const red = 'var(--color-destructive)'; const green = 'var(--color-accent)'; const orange = 'var(--color-warning)'; // start with red let iconColor = red; //if we are not online or the first path is not valid, we keep red as color if (isOnline && firstPathLength > 1) { iconColor = onionPathsCount >= 2 ? green : onionPathsCount >= 1 ? orange : red; } return ( ); }; export const OnionPathModal = () => { const onConfirm = () => { void shell.openExternal(''); }; const dispatch = useDispatch(); return ( // tslint:disable-next-line: use-simple-attributes dispatch(onionPathModal(null))} showExitIcon={true} > ); };