/*global $, Whisper, Backbone, textsecure, extension*/ /* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ // This script should only be included in background.html (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; window.setUnreadCount = function(count) { if (count > 0) { extension.navigator.setBadgeText(count); } else { extension.navigator.setBadgeText(""); } }; window.notifyConversation = function(message) { var conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); var conversation = ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { conversation = ConversationController.create({id: conversationId}); conversation.fetch(); } if (inboxOpened) { conversation.trigger('newmessages'); extension.windows.drawAttention(inboxWindowId); if (!appWindow.isMinimized()) { return; } } if (Whisper.Notifications.isEnabled()) { var sender = ConversationController.create({id: message.get('source')}); conversation.fetch().then(function() { sender.fetch().then(function() { sender.getNotificationIcon().then(function(iconUrl) { Whisper.Notifications.add({ title : sender.getTitle(), message : message.getNotificationText(), iconUrl : iconUrl, imageUrl : message.getImageUrl(), conversationId: conversation.id }); }); }); }); } else { openConversation(conversation); } }; /* Inbox window controller */ var inboxOpened = false; var inboxWindowId = 'inbox'; var appWindow = null; window.openInbox = function() { if (inboxOpened === false) { inboxOpened = true; extension.windows.open({ id: 'inbox', url: 'index.html', type: 'panel', frame: 'none', focused: true, width: 580, height: 440, minWidth: 600, minHeight: 360 }, function (windowInfo) { inboxWindowId = windowInfo.id; appWindow = windowInfo; windowInfo.onClosed.addListener(function () { inboxOpened = false; appWindow = null; }); // close the panel if background.html is refreshed extension.windows.beforeUnload(function() { // TODO: reattach after reload instead of closing. extension.windows.remove(inboxWindowId); }); }); } else if (inboxOpened === true) { extension.windows.focus(inboxWindowId, function (error) { if (error) { inboxOpened = false; openInbox(); } }); } }; var open; window.openConversation = function(conversation) { if (inboxOpened === true) { var appWindow = chrome.app.window.get(inboxWindowId); appWindow.contentWindow.openConversation(conversation); } else { open = conversation; } openInbox(); }; window.getOpenConversation = function() { var o = open; open = null; return o; }; })();