'use strict'; describe("SignalProtocolStore", function() { var identifier = '+5558675309'; var store; var identityKey; var testKey; function wrapDeferred(deferred) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { return deferred.then(resolve, reject); }); } before(function(done) { store = textsecure.storage.protocol; identityKey = { pubKey: libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33), privKey: libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(32), }; testKey = { pubKey: libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33), privKey: libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(32), }; storage.put('registrationId', 1337); storage.put('identityKey', identityKey); storage.fetch().then(done, done); }); describe('getLocalRegistrationId', function() { it('retrieves my registration id', function(done) { store.getLocalRegistrationId().then(function(reg) { assert.strictEqual(reg, 1337); }).then(done, done); }); }); describe('getIdentityKeyPair', function() { it('retrieves my identity key', function(done) { store.getIdentityKeyPair().then(function(key) { assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.pubKey, identityKey.pubKey); assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.privKey, identityKey.privKey); }).then(done,done); }); }); var IdentityKeyRecord = Backbone.Model.extend({ database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'identityKeys' }); describe('saveIdentity', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({id: identifier}); var address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(identifier, 1); it('stores identity keys', function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey).then(function() { return store.loadIdentityKey(identifier).then(function(key) { assertEqualArrayBuffers(key, testKey.pubKey); }); }).then(done,done); }); it('allows key changes', function(done) { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { done(); }); }).catch(done); }); describe('When there is no existing key (first use)', function() { before(function(done) { store.removeIdentityKey(identifier).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('marks the key firstUse', function() { assert(record.get('firstUse')); }); it('sets the timestamp', function() { assert(record.get('timestamp')); }); it('sets the verified status to DEFAULT', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT); }); }); describe('When there is a different existing key (non first use)', function() { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); var oldTimestamp = Date.now(); before(function(done) { record.save({ publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : oldTimestamp, nonblockingApproval : false, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT }).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('marks the key not firstUse', function() { assert(!record.get('firstUse')); }); it('updates the timestamp', function() { assert.notEqual(record.get('timestamp'), oldTimestamp); }); describe('The previous verified status was DEFAULT', function() { before(function(done) { record.save({ publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : oldTimestamp, nonblockingApproval : false, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT }).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('sets the new key to unverified', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT); }); }); describe('The previous verified status was VERIFIED', function() { before(function(done) { record.save({ publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : oldTimestamp, nonblockingApproval : false, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED }).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('sets the new key to unverified', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED); }); }); describe('The previous verified status was UNVERIFIED', function() { before(function(done) { record.save({ publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : oldTimestamp, nonblockingApproval : false, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED }).then(function() { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('sets the new key to unverified', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED); }); }); }); describe('When the key has not changed', function() { var oldTimestamp = Date.now(); before(function(done) { record.save({ publicKey : testKey.pubKey, timestamp : oldTimestamp, nonblockingApproval : false, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT }).then(function() { done(); }); }); describe('If it is marked firstUse', function() { before(function(done) { record.save({ firstUse: true }).then(function() { done(); }); }); it('nothing changes', function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey, true).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { assert(!record.get('nonblockingApproval')); assert.strictEqual(record.get('timestamp'), oldTimestamp); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('If it is not marked firstUse', function() { before(function(done) { record.save({ firstUse: false }).then(function() { done(); }); }); describe('If nonblocking approval is required', function() { var now; before(function(done) { now = Date.now(); record.save({ timestamp: now }).then(function() { done(); }); }); it('sets non-blocking approval', function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey, true).then(function() { record.fetch().then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('nonblockingApproval'), true); assert.strictEqual(record.get('timestamp'), now); assert.strictEqual(record.get('firstUse'), false); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('saveIdentityWithAttributes', function() { var now; var record; var validAttributes; before(function(done) { now = Date.now(); record = new IdentityKeyRecord({id: identifier}); validAttributes = { publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : now, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }; store.removeIdentityKey(identifier).then(function() { done(); }); }); describe('with valid attributes', function() { before(function(done) { store.saveIdentityWithAttributes(identifier, validAttributes).then(function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { record.fetch().then(resolve); }); }).then(done, done); }); it('publicKey is saved', function() { assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); }); it('firstUse is saved', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('firstUse'), true); }); it('timestamp is saved', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('timestamp'), now); }); it('verified is saved', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); }); it('nonblockingApproval is saved', function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('nonblockingApproval'), false); }); }); describe('with invalid attributes', function() { var attributes; beforeEach(function() { attributes = _.clone(validAttributes); }); function testInvalidAttributes(done) { store.saveIdentityWithAttributes(identifier, attributes).then(function() { done(new Error("saveIdentityWithAttributes should have failed")); }, function() { done(); // good. we expect to fail with invalid attributes. }); } it('rejects an invalid publicKey', function(done) { attributes.publicKey = 'a string'; testInvalidAttributes(done); }); it('rejects invalid firstUse', function(done) { attributes.firstUse = 0; testInvalidAttributes(done); }); it('rejects invalid timestamp', function(done) { attributes.timestamp = NaN; testInvalidAttributes(done); }); it('rejects invalid verified', function(done) { attributes.verified = null; testInvalidAttributes(done); }); it('rejects invalid nonblockingApproval', function(done) { attributes.nonblockingApproval = 0; testInvalidAttributes(done); }); }); }); describe('setApproval', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({id: identifier}); function fetchRecord() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { record.fetch().then(resolve); }); } it ('sets nonblockingApproval', function(done) { store.setApproval(identifier, true).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('nonblockingApproval'), true); }).then(done, done); }); }); describe('setVerified', function() { var record; function saveRecordDefault() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, nonblockingApproval : false }); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { record.save().then(resolve, reject); }); } function fetchRecord() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { record.fetch().then(resolve, reject); }); } describe('with no public key argument', function() { before(saveRecordDefault); it ('updates the verified status', function() { return store.setVerified( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); }); }); }); describe('with the current public key', function() { before(saveRecordDefault); it ('updates the verified status', function() { return store.setVerified( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); }); }); }); describe('with a mismatching public key', function() { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); before(saveRecordDefault); it ('does not change the record.', function() { return store.setVerified( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); }); }); }); }); describe('processContactSyncVerificationState', function() { var record; var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); var keychangeTriggered; function fetchRecord() { return wrapDeferred(record.fetch()); } beforeEach(function() { keychangeTriggered = 0; store.bind('keychange', function() { keychangeTriggered++; }); }); afterEach(function() { store.unbind('keychange'); }); describe('when the new verified status is DEFAULT', function() { describe('when there is no existing record', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id: identifier }); return wrapDeferred(record.destroy()); }); it ('does nothing', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { // fetchRecord resolved so there is a record. // Bad. throw new Error("processContactSyncVerificationState should not save new records"); }, function() { assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the record exists', function() { describe('when the existing key is different', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('does not save the new identity (because this is a less secure state)', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the existing key is the same but VERIFIED', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('updates the verified status', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the existing key is the same and already DEFAULT', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('does not hang', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); }); }); describe('when the new verified status is UNVERIFIED', function() { describe('when there is no existing record', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id: identifier }); return wrapDeferred(record.destroy()); }); it ('saves the new identity and marks it verified', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), newIdentity); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the record exists', function() { describe('when the existing key is different', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('saves the new identity and marks it UNVERIFIED', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), newIdentity); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 1); }); }); }); describe('when the key exists and is DEFAULT', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('updates the verified status', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the key exists and is already UNVERIFIED', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('does not hang', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); }); }); describe('when the new verified status is VERIFIED', function() { describe('when there is no existing record', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id: identifier }); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { record.destroy().then(resolve, reject); }); }); it ('saves the new identity and marks it verified', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), newIdentity); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the record exists', function() { describe('when the existing key is different', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('saves the new identity and marks it VERIFIED', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, newIdentity ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), newIdentity); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 1); }); }); }); describe('when the existing key is the same but UNVERIFIED', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('saves the identity and marks it verified', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(record.get('verified'), store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); assertEqualArrayBuffers(record.get('publicKey'), testKey.pubKey); assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); describe('when the existing key is the same and already VERIFIED', function() { before(function() { record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()); }); it ('does not hang', function() { return store.processContactSyncVerificationState( identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, testKey.pubKey ).then(fetchRecord).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(keychangeTriggered, 0); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('isUntrusted', function() { it('returns false if identity key old enough', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, timestamp : Date.now() - 10 * 1000 * 60, verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, firstUse : false, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()).then(function() { return store.isUntrusted(identifier); }).then(function(untrusted) { assert.strictEqual(untrusted, false); }); }); it('returns false if new but nonblockingApproval is true', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, firstUse : false, nonblockingApproval : true }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()).then(function() { return store.isUntrusted(identifier); }).then(function(untrusted) { assert.strictEqual(untrusted, false); }); }); it('returns false if new but firstUse is true', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, firstUse : true, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()).then(function() { return store.isUntrusted(identifier); }).then(function(untrusted) { assert.strictEqual(untrusted, false); }); }); it('returns true if new, and no flags are set', function() { var record = new IdentityKeyRecord({ id : identifier, publicKey : testKey.pubKey, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : store.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, firstUse : false, nonblockingApproval : false }); return wrapDeferred(record.save()).then(function() { return store.isUntrusted(identifier); }).then(function(untrusted) { assert.strictEqual(untrusted, true); }); }); }); describe('getVerified', function() { before(function(done) { store.setVerified(identifier, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED).then(done, done); }); it ('resolves to the verified status', function(done) { store.getVerified(identifier).then(function(result) { assert.strictEqual(result, store.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED); }).then(done, done); }); }); describe('isTrustedIdentity', function() { var address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(identifier, 1); describe('When invalid direction is given', function(done) { it('should fail', function(done) { store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, testKey.pubKey).then(function() { done(new Error('isTrustedIdentity should have failed')); }).catch(function(e) { done(); }); }); }); describe('When direction is RECEIVING', function() { it('always returns true', function(done) { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey).then(function() { store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, newIdentity, store.Direction.RECEIVING).then(function(trusted) { if (trusted) { done(); } else { done(new Error('isTrusted returned false when receiving')); } }).catch(done); }); }); }); describe('When direction is SENDING', function() { describe('When there is no existing key (first use)', function() { before(function(done) { store.removeIdentityKey(identifier).then(function() { done(); }); }); it('returns true', function(done) { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, newIdentity, store.Direction.SENDING).then(function(trusted) { if (trusted) { done(); } else { done(new Error('isTrusted returned false on first use')); } }).catch(done); }); }); describe('When there is an existing key', function() { before(function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), testKey.pubKey).then(function() { done(); }); }); describe('When the existing key is different', function() { it('returns false', function(done) { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, newIdentity, store.Direction.SENDING).then(function(trusted) { if (trusted) { done(new Error('isTrusted returned true on untrusted key')); } else { done(); } }).catch(done); }); }); describe('When the existing key matches the new key', function() { var newIdentity = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(33); before(function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity).then(function() { done(); }); }); it('returns false if keys match but we just received this new identiy', function(done) { store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, newIdentity, store.Direction.SENDING).then(function(trusted) { if (trusted) { done(new Error('isTrusted returned true on untrusted key')); } else { done(); } }).catch(done); }); it('returns true if we have already approved identity', function(done) { store.saveIdentity(address.toString(), newIdentity, true).then(function() { store.isTrustedIdentity(identifier, newIdentity, store.Direction.SENDING).then(function(trusted) { if (trusted) { done(); } else { done(new Error('isTrusted returned false on an approved key')); } }).catch(done); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('storePreKey', function() { it('stores prekeys', function(done) { store.storePreKey(1, testKey).then(function() { return store.loadPreKey(1).then(function(key) { assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.pubKey, testKey.pubKey); assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.privKey, testKey.privKey); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('removePreKey', function() { before(function(done) { store.storePreKey(2, testKey).then(done); }); it('deletes prekeys', function(done) { store.removePreKey(2, testKey).then(function() { return store.loadPreKey(2).then(function(key) { assert.isUndefined(key); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('storeSignedPreKey', function() { it('stores signed prekeys', function(done) { store.storeSignedPreKey(3, testKey).then(function() { return store.loadSignedPreKey(3).then(function(key) { assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.pubKey, testKey.pubKey); assertEqualArrayBuffers(key.privKey, testKey.privKey); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('removeSignedPreKey', function() { before(function(done) { store.storeSignedPreKey(4, testKey).then(done); }); it('deletes signed prekeys', function(done) { store.removeSignedPreKey(4, testKey).then(function() { return store.loadSignedPreKey(4).then(function(key) { assert.isUndefined(key); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('storeSession', function() { it('stores sessions', function(done) { var testRecord = "an opaque string"; store.storeSession(identifier + '.1', testRecord).then(function() { return store.loadSession(identifier + '.1').then(function(record) { assert.deepEqual(record, testRecord); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('removeAllSessions', function() { it('removes all sessions for a number', function(done) { var testRecord = "an opaque string"; var devices = [1, 2, 3].map(function(deviceId) { return [identifier, deviceId].join('.'); }); var promise = Promise.resolve(); devices.forEach(function(encodedNumber) { promise = promise.then(function() { return store.storeSession(encodedNumber, testRecord + encodedNumber); }); }); promise.then(function() { return store.removeAllSessions(identifier).then(function(record) { return Promise.all(devices.map(store.loadSession.bind(store))).then(function(records) { for (var i in records) { assert.isUndefined(records[i]); }; }); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('clearSessionStore', function() { it ('clears the session store', function(done) { var testRecord = "an opaque string"; store.storeSession(identifier + '.1', testRecord).then(function() { return store.clearSessionStore().then(function() { return store.loadSession(identifier + '.1').then(function(record) { assert.isUndefined(record); }); }); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('getDeviceIds', function() { it('returns deviceIds for a number', function(done) { var testRecord = "an opaque string"; var devices = [1, 2, 3].map(function(deviceId) { return [identifier, deviceId].join('.'); }); var promise = Promise.resolve(); devices.forEach(function(encodedNumber) { promise = promise.then(function() { return store.storeSession(encodedNumber, testRecord + encodedNumber); }); }); promise.then(function() { return store.getDeviceIds(identifier).then(function(deviceIds) { assert.sameMembers(deviceIds, [1, 2, 3]); }); }).then(done,done); }); it('returns empty array for a number with no device ids', function(done) { return store.getDeviceIds('foo').then(function(deviceIds) { assert.sameMembers(deviceIds,[]); }).then(done,done); }); }); describe('Not yet processed messages', function() { beforeEach(function() { return store.getAllUnprocessed().then(function(items) { return Promise.all(_.map(items, function(item) { return store.removeUnprocessed(item.id); })); }).then(function() { return store.getAllUnprocessed(); }).then(function(items) { assert.strictEqual(items.length, 0); }); }); it('adds two and gets them back', function() { return Promise.all([ store.addUnprocessed({id: 2, name: 'second', timestamp: 2}), store.addUnprocessed({id: 3, name: 'third', timestamp: 3}), store.addUnprocessed({id: 1, name: 'first', timestamp: 1}) ]).then(function() { return store.getAllUnprocessed(); }).then(function(items) { assert.strictEqual(items.length, 3); // they are in the proper order because the collection comparator is 'timestamp' assert.strictEqual(items[0].name, 'first'); assert.strictEqual(items[1].name, 'second'); assert.strictEqual(items[2].name, 'third'); }); }); it('updateUnprocessed successfully updates only part of itme', function() { var id = 1; return store.addUnprocessed({id: id, name: 'first', timestamp: 1}).then(function() { return store.updateUnprocessed(id, {name: 'updated'}); }).then(function() { return store.getAllUnprocessed(); }).then(function(items) { assert.strictEqual(items.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(items[0].name, 'updated'); assert.strictEqual(items[0].timestamp, 1); }); }); it('removeUnprocessed successfully deletes item', function() { var id = 1; return store.addUnprocessed({id: id, name: 'first', timestamp: 1}).then(function() { return store.removeUnprocessed(id); }).then(function() { return store.getAllUnprocessed(); }).then(function(items) { assert.strictEqual(items.length, 0); }); }); }); });