/* global _, Backbone, storage, filesize, ConversationController, MessageController, i18n, Signal, textsecure, Whisper, clipboard, libsession */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Message: TypedMessage, Contact, PhoneNumber } = Signal.Types; const { deleteExternalMessageFiles, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, loadAttachmentData, loadQuoteData, loadPreviewData, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { bytesFromString } = window.Signal.Crypto; window.AccountCache = Object.create(null); window.AccountJobs = Object.create(null); window.doesAcountCheckJobExist = number => Boolean(window.AccountJobs[number]); window.isSignalAccountCheckComplete = number => window.AccountCache[number] !== undefined; window.hasSignalAccount = () => true; window.Whisper.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize(attributes) { if (_.isObject(attributes)) { this.set( TypedMessage.initializeSchemaVersion({ message: attributes, logger: window.log, }) ); } this.on('destroy', this.onDestroy); this.on('change:expirationStartTimestamp', this.setToExpire); this.on('change:expireTimer', this.setToExpire); this.on('unload', this.unload); this.on('expired', this.onExpired); this.setToExpire(); // Keep props ready const generateProps = (triggerEvent = true) => { if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { this.propsForTimerNotification = this.getPropsForTimerNotification(); } else if (this.isVerifiedChange()) { this.propsForVerificationNotification = this.getPropsForVerificationNotification(); } else if (this.isEndSession()) { this.propsForResetSessionNotification = this.getPropsForResetSessionNotification(); } else if (this.isGroupUpdate()) { this.propsForGroupNotification = this.getPropsForGroupNotification(); } else if (this.isSessionRestoration()) { // do nothing } else if (this.isGroupInvitation()) { this.propsForGroupInvitation = this.getPropsForGroupInvitation(); } else { this.propsForSearchResult = this.getPropsForSearchResult(); this.propsForMessage = this.getPropsForMessage(); } if (triggerEvent) { Whisper.events.trigger('messageChanged', this); } }; this.on('change', generateProps); // const applicableConversationChanges = // 'change:color change:name change:number change:profileName change:profileAvatar'; // FIXME AUDRIC // const conversation = this.getConversation(); // const fromContact = this.getIncomingContact(); // this.listenTo(conversation, applicableConversationChanges, generateProps); // if (fromContact) { // this.listenTo( // fromContact, // applicableConversationChanges, // generateProps // ); // } window.contextMenuShown = false; generateProps(false); }, idForLogging() { return `${this.get('source')}.${this.get('sourceDevice')} ${this.get( 'sent_at' )}`; }, defaults() { return { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), attachments: [], sent: false, }; }, validate(attributes) { const required = ['conversationId', 'received_at', 'sent_at']; const missing = _.filter(required, attr => !attributes[attr]); if (missing.length) { window.log.warn(`Message missing attributes: ${missing}`); } }, isEndSession() { const endSessionFlag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return !!(this.get('flags') & endSessionFlag); }, getEndSessionTranslationKey() { const sessionType = this.get('endSessionType'); if (sessionType === 'ongoing') { return 'sessionResetOngoing'; } else if (sessionType === 'failed') { return 'sessionResetFailed'; } return 'sessionEnded'; }, isExpirationTimerUpdate() { const expirationTimerFlag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return !!(this.get('flags') & expirationTimerFlag); }, isGroupUpdate() { return !!this.get('group_update'); }, isIncoming() { return this.get('type') === 'incoming'; }, isUnread() { return !!this.get('unread'); }, // Important to allow for this.unset('unread'), save to db, then fetch() // to propagate. We don't want the unset key in the db so our unread index // stays small. merge(model) { const attributes = model.attributes || model; const { unread } = attributes; if (typeof unread === 'undefined') { this.unset('unread'); } this.set(attributes); }, getDescription() { if (this.isGroupUpdate()) { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); const ourPrimary = window.textsecure.storage.get('primaryDevicePubKey'); if ( groupUpdate.left === 'You' || (Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) && groupUpdate.left.length === 1 && groupUpdate.left[0] === ourPrimary) ) { return i18n('youLeftTheGroup'); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { return i18n( 'leftTheGroup', ConversationController.getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey( groupUpdate.left ) ); } if (groupUpdate.kicked === 'You') { return i18n('youGotKickedFromGroup'); } const messages = []; if (!groupUpdate.name && !groupUpdate.joined && !groupUpdate.kicked) { messages.push(i18n('updatedTheGroup')); } if (groupUpdate.name) { messages.push(i18n('titleIsNow', groupUpdate.name)); } if (groupUpdate.joined && groupUpdate.joined.length) { const names = groupUpdate.joined.map(pubKey => ConversationController.getContactProfileNameOrFullPubKey(pubKey) ); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(i18n('multipleJoinedTheGroup', names.join(', '))); } else { messages.push(i18n('joinedTheGroup', names[0])); } } if (groupUpdate.kicked && groupUpdate.kicked.length) { const names = _.map( groupUpdate.kicked, ConversationController.getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey ); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(i18n('multipleKickedFromTheGroup', names.join(', '))); } else { messages.push(i18n('kickedFromTheGroup', names[0])); } } return messages.join(' '); } if (this.isEndSession()) { return i18n(this.getEndSessionTranslationKey()); } if (this.isIncoming() && this.hasErrors()) { return i18n('incomingError'); } if (this.isGroupInvitation()) { return `<${i18n('groupInvitation')}>`; } return this.get('body'); }, isVerifiedChange() { return this.get('type') === 'verified-change'; }, isKeyChange() { return this.get('type') === 'keychange'; }, isGroupInvitation() { return !!this.get('groupInvitation'); }, isSessionRestoration() { const sessionRestoreFlag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.SESSION_RESTORE; /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ return ( !!this.get('sessionRestoration') || !!(this.get('flags') & sessionRestoreFlag) ); /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ }, getNotificationText() { let description = this.getDescription(); if (description) { // regex with a 'g' to ignore part groups const regex = new RegExp( `@${window.libsession.Types.PubKey.regexForPubkeys}`, 'g' ); const pubkeysInDesc = description.match(regex); (pubkeysInDesc || []).forEach(pubkey => { const displayName = ConversationController.getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey( pubkey.slice(1) ); if (displayName && displayName.length) { description = description.replace(pubkey, `@${displayName}`); } }); return description; } if (this.get('attachments').length > 0) { return i18n('mediaMessage'); } if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { const { expireTimer } = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); if (!expireTimer) { return i18n('disappearingMessagesDisabled'); } return i18n( 'timerSetTo', Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getAbbreviated(expireTimer || 0) ); } if (this.isKeyChange()) { const phoneNumber = this.get('key_changed'); const conversation = this.findContact(phoneNumber); return i18n( 'safetyNumberChangedGroup', conversation ? conversation.getTitle() : null ); } const contacts = this.get('contact'); if (contacts && contacts.length) { return Contact.getName(contacts[0]); } return ''; }, onDestroy() { this.cleanup(); }, async cleanup() { MessageController.unregister(this.id); this.unload(); await deleteExternalMessageFiles(this.attributes); }, unload() { if (this.quotedMessage) { this.quotedMessage = null; } }, onExpired() { this.hasExpired = true; }, getPropsForTimerNotification() { const timerUpdate = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); if (!timerUpdate) { return null; } const { expireTimer, fromSync, source } = timerUpdate; const timespan = Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getName(expireTimer || 0); const disabled = !expireTimer; const basicProps = { type: 'fromOther', ...this.findAndFormatContact(source), timespan, disabled, }; if (fromSync) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromSync', }; } else if (source === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromMe', }; } return basicProps; }, getPropsForVerificationNotification() { const type = this.get('verified') ? 'markVerified' : 'markNotVerified'; const isLocal = this.get('local'); const phoneNumber = this.get('verifiedChanged'); return { type, isLocal, contact: this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber), }; }, getPropsForResetSessionNotification() { return { sessionResetMessageKey: this.getEndSessionTranslationKey(), }; }, getPropsForGroupInvitation() { const invitation = this.get('groupInvitation'); let direction = this.get('direction'); if (!direction) { direction = this.get('type') === 'outgoing' ? 'outgoing' : 'incoming'; } return { serverName: invitation.serverName, serverAddress: invitation.serverAddress, direction, onClick: () => { Whisper.events.trigger( 'publicChatInvitationAccepted', invitation.serverAddress, invitation.channelId ); }, }; }, findContact(phoneNumber) { return ConversationController.get(phoneNumber); }, findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) { const { format } = PhoneNumber; const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const contactModel = this.findContact(phoneNumber); let profileName; if (phoneNumber === window.storage.get('primaryDevicePubKey')) { profileName = i18n('you'); } else { profileName = contactModel ? contactModel.getProfileName() : null; } return { phoneNumber: format(phoneNumber, { ourRegionCode: regionCode, }), color: null, avatarPath: contactModel ? contactModel.getAvatarPath() : null, name: contactModel ? contactModel.getName() : null, profileName, title: contactModel ? contactModel.getTitle() : null, }; }, getPropsForGroupNotification() { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); const changes = []; if (!groupUpdate.name && !groupUpdate.left && !groupUpdate.joined) { changes.push({ type: 'general', }); } if (groupUpdate.joined) { changes.push({ type: 'add', contacts: _.map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.joined) ? groupUpdate.joined : [groupUpdate.joined], phoneNumber => this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.kicked === 'You') { changes.push({ type: 'kicked', isMe: true, }); } else if (groupUpdate.kicked) { changes.push({ type: 'kicked', contacts: _.map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.kicked) ? groupUpdate.kicked : [groupUpdate.kicked], phoneNumber => this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { changes.push({ type: 'remove', isMe: true, }); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { if ( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) && groupUpdate.left.length === 1 && groupUpdate.left[0] === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber() ) { changes.push({ type: 'remove', isMe: true, }); } else { changes.push({ type: 'remove', contacts: _.map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) ? groupUpdate.left : [groupUpdate.left], phoneNumber => this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) ), }); } } if (groupUpdate.name) { changes.push({ type: 'name', newName: groupUpdate.name, }); } return { changes, }; }, getMessagePropStatus() { if (this.hasErrors()) { return 'error'; } // Only return the status on outgoing messages if (!this.isOutgoing()) { return null; } const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (storage.get('read-receipt-setting') && readBy.length > 0) { return 'read'; } const delivered = this.get('delivered'); const deliveredTo = this.get('delivered_to') || []; if (delivered || deliveredTo.length > 0) { return 'delivered'; } const sent = this.get('sent'); const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sent || sentTo.length > 0) { return 'sent'; } const calculatingPoW = this.get('calculatingPoW'); if (calculatingPoW) { return 'pow'; } return 'sending'; }, getPropsForSearchResult() { const fromNumber = this.getSource(); const from = this.findAndFormatContact(fromNumber); if (fromNumber === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { from.isMe = true; } const toNumber = this.get('conversationId'); let to = this.findAndFormatContact(toNumber); if (toNumber === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { to.isMe = true; } else if (fromNumber === toNumber) { to = { isMe: true, }; } return { from, to, isSelected: this.isSelected, id: this.id, conversationId: this.get('conversationId'), receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), snippet: this.get('snippet'), }; }, getPropsForMessage(options) { const phoneNumber = this.getSource(); const contact = this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber); const contactModel = this.findContact(phoneNumber); const authorAvatarPath = contactModel ? contactModel.getAvatarPath() : null; const expirationLength = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const expireTimerStart = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const expirationTimestamp = expirationLength && expireTimerStart ? expireTimerStart + expirationLength : null; // TODO: investigate why conversation is undefined // for the public group chat const conversation = this.getConversation(); const isModerator = conversation && !!conversation.isModerator(textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()); const convoId = conversation ? conversation.id : undefined; const isGroup = !!conversation && !conversation.isPrivate(); const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; return { text: this.createNonBreakingLastSeparator(this.get('body')), textPending: this.get('bodyPending'), id: this.id, direction: this.isIncoming() ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing', timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), serverTimestamp: this.get('serverTimestamp'), status: this.getMessagePropStatus(), contact: this.getPropsForEmbeddedContact(), authorName: contact.name, authorProfileName: contact.profileName, authorPhoneNumber: contact.phoneNumber, conversationType: isGroup ? 'group' : 'direct', convoId, attachments: attachments .filter(attachment => !attachment.error) .map(attachment => this.getPropsForAttachment(attachment)), previews: this.getPropsForPreview(), quote: this.getPropsForQuote(options), authorAvatarPath, isExpired: this.hasExpired, isUnread: this.isUnread(), expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, isPublic: !!this.get('isPublic'), isRss: !!this.get('isRss'), isKickedFromGroup: conversation && conversation.get('isKickedFromGroup'), senderIsModerator: !!this.get('isPublic') && conversation && conversation.isModerator(phoneNumber), isDeletable: !this.get('isPublic') || isModerator || phoneNumber === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), isModerator, onCopyText: () => this.copyText(), onCopyPubKey: () => this.copyPubKey(), onBanUser: () => this.banUser(), onRetrySend: () => this.retrySend(), onShowDetail: () => this.trigger('show-message-detail', this), markRead: readAt => this.markRead(readAt), onShowUserDetails: pubkey => window.Whisper.events.trigger('onShowUserDetails', { userPubKey: pubkey, }), }; }, createNonBreakingLastSeparator(text) { if (!text) { return null; } const nbsp = '\xa0'; const regex = /(\S)( +)(\S+\s*)$/; return text.replace(regex, (match, start, spaces, end) => { const newSpaces = end.length < 12 ? _.reduce(spaces, accumulator => accumulator + nbsp, '') : spaces; return `${start}${newSpaces}${end}`; }); }, getPropsForEmbeddedContact() { const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const { contactSelector } = Contact; const contacts = this.get('contact'); if (!contacts || !contacts.length) { return null; } const contact = contacts[0]; const firstNumber = contact.number && contact.number[0] && contact.number[0].value; const onSendMessage = firstNumber ? () => { this.trigger('open-conversation', firstNumber); } : null; const onClick = async () => { // First let's be sure that the signal account check is complete. this.trigger('show-contact-detail', { contact, hasSignalAccount: window.hasSignalAccount(firstNumber), }); }; return contactSelector(contact, { regionCode, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, onSendMessage, onClick, hasSignalAccount: window.hasSignalAccount(firstNumber), }); }, processQuoteAttachment(attachment) { const { thumbnail } = attachment; const path = thumbnail && thumbnail.path && getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path); const objectUrl = thumbnail && thumbnail.objectUrl; const thumbnailWithObjectUrl = !path && !objectUrl ? null : Object.assign({}, attachment.thumbnail || {}, { objectUrl: path || objectUrl, }); return Object.assign({}, attachment, { isVoiceMessage: Signal.Types.Attachment.isVoiceMessage(attachment), thumbnail: thumbnailWithObjectUrl, }); }, getPropsForPreview() { // Don't generate link previews if user has turned them off if (!storage.get('link-preview-setting', false)) { return null; } const previews = this.get('preview') || []; return previews.map(preview => { let image = null; try { if (preview.image) { image = this.getPropsForAttachment(preview.image); } } catch (e) { window.log.info('Failed to show preview'); } return { ...preview, domain: window.Signal.LinkPreviews.getDomain(preview.url), image, }; }); }, getPropsForQuote(options = {}) { const { noClick } = options; const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { format } = PhoneNumber; const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const { author, id, referencedMessageNotFound } = quote; const contact = author && ConversationController.get(author); const authorPhoneNumber = format(author, { ourRegionCode: regionCode, }); const authorName = contact ? contact.getName() : null; const isFromMe = contact ? contact.id === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber() : false; const onClick = noClick ? null : event => { event.stopPropagation(); this.trigger('scroll-to-message', { author, id, referencedMessageNotFound, }); }; const firstAttachment = quote.attachments && quote.attachments[0]; return { text: this.createNonBreakingLastSeparator(quote.text), attachment: firstAttachment ? this.processQuoteAttachment(firstAttachment) : null, isFromMe, authorPhoneNumber, messageId: id, authorName, onClick, referencedMessageNotFound, }; }, getPropsForAttachment(attachment) { if (!attachment) { return null; } const { path, pending, flags, size, screenshot, thumbnail } = attachment; return { ...attachment, fileSize: size ? filesize(size) : null, isVoiceMessage: flags && // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise flags & textsecure.protobuf.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE, pending, url: path ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(path) : null, screenshot: screenshot ? { ...screenshot, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(screenshot.path), } : null, thumbnail: thumbnail ? { ...thumbnail, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path), } : null, }; }, isUnidentifiedDelivery(contactId, lookup) { if (this.isIncoming()) { return this.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived'); } return Boolean(lookup[contactId]); }, async getPropsForMessageDetail() { const newIdentity = i18n('newIdentity'); const OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR = 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'; const unidentifiedLookup = ( this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') || [] ).reduce((accumulator, item) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign accumulator[item] = true; return accumulator; }, Object.create(null)); // We include numbers we didn't successfully send to so we can display errors. // Older messages don't have the recipients included on the message, so we fall // back to the conversation's current recipients const phoneNumbers = this.isIncoming() ? [this.get('source')] : _.union( this.get('sent_to') || [], this.get('recipients') || this.getConversation().getRecipients() ); // This will make the error message for outgoing key errors a bit nicer const allErrors = (this.get('errors') || []).map(error => { if (error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign error.message = newIdentity; } return error; }); // If an error has a specific number it's associated with, we'll show it next to // that contact. Otherwise, it will be a standalone entry. const errors = _.reject(allErrors, error => Boolean(error.number)); const errorsGroupedById = _.groupBy(allErrors, 'number'); const finalContacts = await Promise.all( (phoneNumbers || []).map(async id => { const errorsForContact = errorsGroupedById[id]; const isOutgoingKeyError = Boolean( _.find(errorsForContact, error => error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) ); const isUnidentifiedDelivery = storage.get('unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators') && this.isUnidentifiedDelivery(id, unidentifiedLookup); const primary = await window.libsession.Protocols.MultiDeviceProtocol.getPrimaryDevice( id ); const isPrimaryDevice = id === primary.key; const contact = this.findAndFormatContact(id); const profileName = isPrimaryDevice ? contact.profileName : `${contact.profileName} (Secondary Device)`; return { ...contact, status: this.getStatus(id), errors: errorsForContact, isOutgoingKeyError, isUnidentifiedDelivery, isPrimaryDevice, profileName, onSendAnyway: () => this.trigger('force-send', { contact: this.findContact(id), message: this, }), onShowSafetyNumber: () => this.trigger('show-identity', this.findContact(id)), }; }) ); // The prefix created here ensures that contacts with errors are listed // first; otherwise it's alphabetical const sortedContacts = _.sortBy( finalContacts, contact => `${contact.isPrimaryDevice ? '0' : '1'}${contact.phoneNumber}` ); return { sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), message: { ...this.getPropsForMessage({ noClick: true }), disableMenu: true, // To ensure that group avatar doesn't show up conversationType: 'direct', }, errors, contacts: sortedContacts, }; }, copyPubKey() { if (this.isIncoming()) { clipboard.writeText(this.get('source')); } else { clipboard.writeText(textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()); } window.libsession.Utils.ToastUtils.pushCopiedToClipBoard(); }, banUser() { window.confirmationDialog({ title: i18n('banUser'), message: i18n('banUserConfirm'), resolve: async () => { const source = this.get('source'); const conversation = this.getConversation(); const channelAPI = await conversation.getPublicSendData(); const success = await channelAPI.banUser(source); if (success) { window.libsession.Utils.ToastUtils.pushUserBanSuccess(); } else { window.libsession.Utils.ToastUtils.pushUserBanFailure(); } }, }); }, copyText() { clipboard.writeText(this.get('body')); window.libsession.Utils.ToastUtils.pushCopiedToClipBoard(); }, /** * Uploads attachments, previews and quotes. * If body is too long then it is also converted to an attachment. * * @returns The uploaded data which includes: body, attachments, preview and quote. */ async uploadData() { // TODO: In the future it might be best if we cache the upload results if possible. // This way we don't upload duplicated data. const attachmentsWithData = await Promise.all( (this.get('attachments') || []).map(loadAttachmentData) ); const { body, attachments: finalAttachments, } = Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment({ body: this.get('body'), attachments: attachmentsWithData, now: this.get('sent_at'), }); const filenameOverridenAttachments = finalAttachments.map(attachment => ({ ...attachment, fileName: Signal.Types.Attachment.getSuggestedFilenameSending({ attachment, timestamp: Date.now(), }), })); const quoteWithData = await loadQuoteData(this.get('quote')); const previewWithData = await loadPreviewData(this.get('preview')); const conversation = this.getConversation(); const openGroup = conversation && conversation.toOpenGroup(); const { AttachmentUtils } = libsession.Utils; const [attachments, preview, quote] = await Promise.all([ AttachmentUtils.uploadAttachments( filenameOverridenAttachments, openGroup ), AttachmentUtils.uploadLinkPreviews(previewWithData, openGroup), AttachmentUtils.uploadQuoteThumbnails(quoteWithData, openGroup), ]); return { body, attachments, preview, quote, }; }, // One caller today: event handler for the 'Retry Send' entry in triple-dot menu async retrySend() { if (!textsecure.messaging) { window.log.error('retrySend: Cannot retry since we are offline!'); return null; } this.set({ errors: null }); await this.commit(); try { const conversation = this.getConversation(); const intendedRecipients = this.get('recipients') || []; const successfulRecipients = this.get('sent_to') || []; const currentRecipients = conversation.getRecipients(); if (conversation.isPublic()) { const openGroup = { server: conversation.get('server'), channel: conversation.get('channelId'), conversationId: conversation.id, }; const { body, attachments, preview, quote } = await this.uploadData(); const openGroupParams = { identifier: this.id, body, timestamp: Date.now(), group: openGroup, attachments, preview, quote, }; const openGroupMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.OpenGroupMessage( openGroupParams ); return libsession.getMessageQueue().sendToGroup(openGroupMessage); } let recipients = _.intersection(intendedRecipients, currentRecipients); recipients = recipients.filter( key => !successfulRecipients.includes(key) ); if (!recipients.length) { window.log.warn('retrySend: Nobody to send to!'); return this.commit(); } const { body, attachments, preview, quote } = await this.uploadData(); const ourNumber = window.storage.get('primaryDevicePubKey'); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.get(ourNumber); const chatParams = { identifier: this.id, body, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), expireTimer: this.get('expireTimer'), attachments, preview, quote, }; if (ourConversation) { chatParams.lokiProfile = ourConversation.getOurProfile(); } const chatMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.ChatMessage( chatParams ); // Special-case the self-send case - we send only a sync message if (recipients.length === 1) { const isOurDevice = await libsession.Protocols.MultiDeviceProtocol.isOurDevice( recipients[0] ); if (isOurDevice) { return this.sendSyncMessageOnly(chatMessage); } } if (conversation.isPrivate()) { const [number] = recipients; const recipientPubKey = new libsession.Types.PubKey(number); return libsession .getMessageQueue() .sendUsingMultiDevice(recipientPubKey, chatMessage); } // TODO should we handle medium groups message here too? // Not sure there is the concept of retrySend for those const closedGroupChatMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.ClosedGroupChatMessage( { identifier: this.id, chatMessage, groupId: this.get('conversationId'), } ); // Because this is a partial group send, we send the message with the groupId field set, but individually // to each recipient listed return Promise.all( recipients.map(async r => { const recipientPubKey = new libsession.Types.PubKey(r); return libsession .getMessageQueue() .sendUsingMultiDevice(recipientPubKey, closedGroupChatMessage); }) ); } catch (e) { await this.saveErrors(e); return null; } }, // Called when the user ran into an error with a specific user, wants to send to them // One caller today: ConversationView.forceSend() async resend(number) { const error = this.removeOutgoingErrors(number); if (!error) { window.log.warn('resend: requested number was not present in errors'); return null; } try { const { body, attachments, preview, quote } = await this.uploadData(); const chatMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.ChatMessage({ identifier: this.id, body, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), expireTimer: this.get('expireTimer'), attachments, preview, quote, }); // Special-case the self-send case - we send only a sync message if (number === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { return this.sendSyncMessageOnly(chatMessage); } const conversation = this.getConversation(); const recipientPubKey = new libsession.Types.PubKey(number); if (conversation.isPrivate()) { return libsession .getMessageQueue() .sendUsingMultiDevice(recipientPubKey, chatMessage); } const closedGroupChatMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.ClosedGroupChatMessage( { chatMessage, groupId: this.get('conversationId'), } ); // resend tries to send the message to that specific user only in the context of a closed group return libsession .getMessageQueue() .sendUsingMultiDevice(recipientPubKey, closedGroupChatMessage); } catch (e) { await this.saveErrors(e); return null; } }, removeOutgoingErrors(number) { const errors = _.partition( this.get('errors'), e => e.number === number && (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') ); this.set({ errors: errors[1] }); return errors[0][0]; }, /** * This function is called by inbox_view.js when a message was successfully sent for one device. * So it might be called several times for the same message */ async handleMessageSentSuccess(sentMessage, wrappedEnvelope) { let sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; const isOurDevice = await window.libsession.Protocols.MultiDeviceProtocol.isOurDevice( sentMessage.device ); // FIXME this is not correct and will cause issues with syncing // At this point the only way to check for medium // group is by comparing the encryption type const isMediumGroupMessage = sentMessage.encryption === libsession.Types.EncryptionType.MediumGroup; const isOpenGroupMessage = sentMessage.group && sentMessage.group instanceof libsession.Types.OpenGroup; // We trigger a sync message only when the message is not to one of our devices, AND // the message is not for an open group (there is no sync for opengroups, each device pulls all messages), AND // if we did not sync or trigger a sync message for this specific message already const shouldTriggerSyncMessage = !isOurDevice && !isMediumGroupMessage && !this.get('synced') && !this.get('sentSync'); // A message is synced if we triggered a sync message (sentSync) // and the current message was sent to our device (so a sync message) const shouldMarkMessageAsSynced = isOurDevice && this.get('sentSync'); const isSessionOrClosedMessage = !isOpenGroupMessage; if (!isOpenGroupMessage) { const contentDecoded = textsecure.protobuf.Content.decode( sentMessage.plainTextBuffer ); const { dataMessage } = contentDecoded; const primaryPubKey = await libsession.Protocols.MultiDeviceProtocol.getPrimaryDevice( sentMessage.device ); if (isMediumGroupMessage) { // Delete all ratchets (it's important that this happens * after * sending out the update) const shouldTriggerRatchetReset = dataMessage && dataMessage.mediumGroupUpdate && dataMessage.mediumGroupUpdate.senderKeys && dataMessage.mediumGroupUpdate.senderKeys.length === 0; if (shouldTriggerRatchetReset) { const { groupPublicKey } = dataMessage.mediumGroupUpdate; const groupPubKeyUint = new Uint8Array( groupPublicKey.toArrayBuffer() ); const groupId = libsession.Utils.StringUtils.decode( groupPubKeyUint, 'hex' ); await window.Signal.Data.removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(groupId); // Send out the user's new ratchet to all members (minus the removed ones) using established channels const ourPrimary = await window.Signal.Util.UserUtil.getPrimary(); const userSenderKey = await window.libsession.MediumGroup.createSenderKeyForGroup( groupId, ourPrimary ); const currentMembers = this.getConversation().get('members'); window.log.warn( 'Sharing our new senderKey with remainingMembers via established channels with', currentMembers ); await window.libsession.MediumGroup.shareSenderKeys( groupId, currentMembers, userSenderKey ); } } /** * We should hit the notify endpoint for push notification only if: * • It's a one-to-one chat or a closed group * • The message has either text or attachments */ const hasBodyOrAttachments = Boolean( dataMessage && (dataMessage.body || (dataMessage.attachments && dataMessage.attachments.length)) ); const shouldNotifyPushServer = hasBodyOrAttachments && isSessionOrClosedMessage; if (shouldNotifyPushServer) { // notify the push notification server if needed if (!wrappedEnvelope) { window.log.warn( 'Should send PN notify but no wrapped envelope set.' ); } else { if (!window.LokiPushNotificationServer) { window.LokiPushNotificationServer = new window.LokiPushNotificationServerApi(); } window.LokiPushNotificationServer.notify( wrappedEnvelope, primaryPubKey.key ); } } // Handle the sync logic here if (shouldTriggerSyncMessage) { if (dataMessage) { await this.sendSyncMessage(dataMessage); } } else if (shouldMarkMessageAsSynced) { this.set({ synced: true }); } sentTo = _.union(sentTo, [primaryPubKey.key]); } this.set({ sent_to: sentTo, sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), // unidentifiedDeliveries: result.unidentifiedDeliveries, }); await this.commit(); this.getConversation().updateLastMessage(); this.trigger('sent', this); }, async handleMessageSentFailure(sentMessage, error) { if (error instanceof Error) { this.saveErrors(error); if (error.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError') { await window.getAccountManager().rotateSignedPreKey(); } else if (error.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { const c = ConversationController.get(sentMessage.device); await c.getProfiles(); } } const isOurDevice = await window.libsession.Protocols.MultiDeviceProtocol.isOurDevice( sentMessage.device ); const expirationStartTimestamp = Date.now(); if (isOurDevice && !this.get('sync')) { this.set({ sentSync: false }); } this.set({ sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp, // unidentifiedDeliveries: result.unidentifiedDeliveries, }); await this.commit(); this.trigger('change', this); this.getConversation().updateLastMessage(); this.trigger('done'); }, getConversation() { // This needs to be an unsafe call, because this method is called during // initial module setup. We may be in the middle of the initial fetch to // the database. return ConversationController.getUnsafe(this.get('conversationId')); }, getSourceDeviceConversation() { // This gets the conversation of the device that sent this message // while getConversation will return the primary device conversation return ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( this.get('source'), 'private' ); }, getIncomingContact() { if (!this.isIncoming()) { return null; } const source = this.get('source'); if (!source) { return null; } const key = source.key ? source.key : source; return ConversationController.getOrCreate(key, 'private'); }, getQuoteContact() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { author } = quote; if (!author) { return null; } return ConversationController.get(author); }, getSource() { if (this.isIncoming()) { return this.get('source'); } return textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); }, getContact() { const source = this.getSource(); if (!source) { return null; } // TODO: remove this when we are certain that source // is PubKey ano not a string const sourceStr = source.key ? source.key : source; return ConversationController.getOrCreate(sourceStr, 'private'); }, isOutgoing() { return this.get('type') === 'outgoing'; }, hasErrors() { return _.size(this.get('errors')) > 0; }, getStatus(number) { const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (readBy.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'read'; } const deliveredTo = this.get('delivered_to') || []; if (deliveredTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'delivered'; } const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sentTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'sent'; } return null; }, async setCalculatingPoW() { if (this.get('calculatingPoW')) { return; } this.set({ calculatingPoW: true, }); await this.commit(); }, async setServerId(serverId) { if (_.isEqual(this.get('serverId'), serverId)) { return; } this.set({ serverId, }); await this.commit(); }, async setServerTimestamp(serverTimestamp) { if (_.isEqual(this.get('serverTimestamp'), serverTimestamp)) { return; } this.set({ serverTimestamp, }); await this.commit(); }, async setIsPublic(isPublic) { if (_.isEqual(this.get('isPublic'), isPublic)) { return; } this.set({ isPublic: !!isPublic, }); await this.commit(); }, async sendSyncMessageOnly(dataMessage) { this.set({ sent_to: [textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()], sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), }); await this.commit(); const data = dataMessage instanceof libsession.Messages.Outgoing.DataMessage ? dataMessage.dataProto() : dataMessage; await this.sendSyncMessage(data); }, async sendSyncMessage(dataMessage) { if (this.get('synced') || this.get('sentSync')) { return; } const data = dataMessage instanceof libsession.Messages.Outgoing.DataMessage ? dataMessage.dataProto() : dataMessage; const syncMessage = new libsession.Messages.Outgoing.SentSyncMessage({ timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), identifier: this.id, dataMessage: data, destination: this.get('destination'), expirationStartTimestamp: this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'), sent_to: this.get('sent_to'), unidentifiedDeliveries: this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries'), }); await libsession.getMessageQueue().sendSyncMessage(syncMessage); this.set({ sentSync: true }); await this.commit(); }, someRecipientsFailed() { const c = this.getConversation(); if (!c || c.isPrivate()) { return false; } const recipients = c.contactCollection.length - 1; const errors = this.get('errors'); if (!errors) { return false; } if (errors.length > 0 && recipients > 0 && errors.length < recipients) { return true; } return false; }, async markMessageSyncOnly(dataMessage) { this.set({ // These are the same as a normal send() dataMessage, sent_to: [textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()], sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), }); await this.commit(); }, async saveErrors(providedErrors) { let errors = providedErrors; if (!(errors instanceof Array)) { errors = [errors]; } errors.forEach(e => { window.log.error( 'Message.saveErrors:', e && e.reason ? e.reason : null, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); errors = errors.map(e => { if ( e.constructor === Error || e.constructor === TypeError || e.constructor === ReferenceError ) { return _.pick(e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'reason'); } return e; }); errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []); if (this.isEndSession()) { this.set({ endSessionType: 'failed' }); } this.set({ errors }); await this.commit(); }, hasNetworkError() { const error = _.find( this.get('errors'), e => e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' ); return !!error; }, async commit(forceSave = false) { // TODO investigate the meaning of the forceSave const id = await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { forceSave, Message: Whisper.Message, }); this.trigger('change'); return id; }, async markRead(readAt) { this.unset('unread'); if (this.get('expireTimer') && !this.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min( Date.now(), readAt || Date.now() ); this.set({ expirationStartTimestamp }); } Whisper.Notifications.remove( Whisper.Notifications.where({ messageId: this.id, }) ); await this.commit(); }, isExpiring() { return this.get('expireTimer') && this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); }, isExpired() { return this.msTilExpire() <= 0; }, msTilExpire() { if (!this.isExpiring()) { return Infinity; } const now = Date.now(); const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; let msFromNow = start + delta - now; if (msFromNow < 0) { msFromNow = 0; } return msFromNow; }, async setToExpire(force = false) { if (this.isExpiring() && (force || !this.get('expires_at'))) { const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const expiresAt = start + delta; this.set({ expires_at: expiresAt }); const id = this.get('id'); if (id) { await this.commit(); } window.log.info('Set message expiration', { expiresAt, sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), }); } }, }); // Receive will be enabled before we enable send Whisper.Message.LONG_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/x-signal-plain'; Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment = ({ body, attachments, now }) => { if (body.length <= 2048) { return { body, attachments, }; } const data = bytesFromString(body); const attachment = { contentType: Whisper.Message.LONG_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE, fileName: `long-message-${now}.txt`, data, size: data.byteLength, }; return { body: body.slice(0, 2048), attachments: [attachment, ...attachments], }; }; Whisper.Message.refreshExpirationTimer = () => Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.update(); Whisper.MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Whisper.Message, initialize(models, options) { if (options) { this.conversation = options.conversation; } }, async destroyAll() { await Promise.all( this.models.map(message => window.Signal.Data.removeMessage(message.id, { Message: Whisper.Message, }) ) ); this.reset([]); }, getLoadedUnreadCount() { return this.reduce((total, model) => { const unread = model.get('unread') && model.isIncoming(); return total + (unread ? 1 : 0); }, 0); }, }); })();