import React from 'react'; import { SessionModal } from './SessionModal'; import { SessionButton, SessionButtonColor } from './SessionButton'; import { missingCaseError, PasswordUtil } from '../../util/'; import { ToastUtils } from '../../session/utils'; import { SessionIconType } from './icon'; import { DefaultTheme, withTheme } from 'styled-components'; import { getPasswordHash } from '../../data/data'; export enum PasswordAction { Set = 'set', Change = 'change', Remove = 'remove', } interface Props { action: PasswordAction; onOk: any; onClose: any; theme: DefaultTheme; } interface State { error: string | null; currentPasswordEntered: string | null; currentPasswordConfirmEntered: string | null; } class SessionPasswordModalInner extends React.Component { private passportInput: HTMLInputElement | null = null; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { error: null, currentPasswordEntered: null, currentPasswordConfirmEntered: null, }; this.showError = this.showError.bind(this); this.setPassword = this.setPassword.bind(this); this.closeDialog = this.closeDialog.bind(this); this.onPasswordInput = this.onPasswordInput.bind(this); this.onPasswordConfirmInput = this.onPasswordConfirmInput.bind(this); } public componentDidMount() { setTimeout(() => { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused-expression this.passportInput && this.passportInput.focus(); }, 1); } public render() { const { action, onOk } = this.props; const placeholders = action === PasswordAction.Change ? [window.i18n('typeInOldPassword'), window.i18n('enterPassword')] : [window.i18n('enterPassword'), window.i18n('confirmPassword')]; const confirmButtonColor = action === PasswordAction.Remove ? SessionButtonColor.Danger : SessionButtonColor.Primary; return (
{ this.passportInput = input; }} placeholder={placeholders[0]} onKeyUp={this.onPasswordInput} /> {action !== PasswordAction.Remove && ( )}
); } public async validatePasswordHash(password: string | null) { // Check if the password matches the hash we have stored const hash = await getPasswordHash(); if (hash && !PasswordUtil.matchesHash(password, hash)) { return false; } return true; } private showError() { const message = this.state.error; return ( <> {message && ( <>
)} ); } /** * Returns false and set the state error field in the input is not a valid password * or returns true */ private validatePassword(firstPassword: string) { // if user did not fill the first password field, we can't do anything const errorFirstInput = PasswordUtil.validatePassword( firstPassword, window.i18n ); if (errorFirstInput !== null) { this.setState({ error: errorFirstInput, }); return false; } return true; } private async handleActionSet( enteredPassword: string, enteredPasswordConfirm: string ) { // be sure both password are valid if (!this.validatePassword(enteredPassword)) { return; } // no need to validate second password. we just need to check that enteredPassword is valid, and that both password matches if (enteredPassword !== enteredPasswordConfirm) { this.setState({ error: window.i18n('setPasswordInvalid'), }); return; } await window.setPassword(enteredPassword, null); ToastUtils.pushToastSuccess( 'setPasswordSuccessToast', window.i18n('setPasswordTitle'), window.i18n('setPasswordToastDescription'), SessionIconType.Lock ); this.props.onOk(this.props.action); this.closeDialog(); } private async handleActionChange(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) { // We don't validate oldPassword on change: this is validate on the validatePasswordHash below // we only validate the newPassword here if (!this.validatePassword(newPassword)) { return; } const isValidWithStoredInDB = Boolean( await this.validatePasswordHash(oldPassword) ); if (!isValidWithStoredInDB) { this.setState({ error: window.i18n('changePasswordInvalid'), }); return; } await window.setPassword(newPassword, oldPassword); ToastUtils.pushToastSuccess( 'setPasswordSuccessToast', window.i18n('changePasswordTitle'), window.i18n('changePasswordToastDescription'), SessionIconType.Lock ); this.props.onOk(this.props.action); this.closeDialog(); } private async handleActionRemove(oldPassword: string) { // We don't validate oldPassword on change: this is validate on the validatePasswordHash below const isValidWithStoredInDB = Boolean( await this.validatePasswordHash(oldPassword) ); if (!isValidWithStoredInDB) { this.setState({ error: window.i18n('removePasswordInvalid'), }); return; } await window.setPassword(null, oldPassword); ToastUtils.pushToastWarning( 'setPasswordSuccessToast', window.i18n('removePasswordTitle'), window.i18n('removePasswordToastDescription') ); this.props.onOk(this.props.action); this.closeDialog(); } // tslint:disable-next-line: cyclomatic-complexity private async setPassword() { const { action } = this.props; const { currentPasswordEntered, currentPasswordConfirmEntered, } = this.state; const { Set, Remove, Change } = PasswordAction; // Trim leading / trailing whitespace for UX const firstPasswordEntered = (currentPasswordEntered || '').trim(); const secondPasswordEntered = (currentPasswordConfirmEntered || '').trim(); switch (action) { case Set: { await this.handleActionSet(firstPasswordEntered, secondPasswordEntered); return; } case Change: { await this.handleActionChange( firstPasswordEntered, secondPasswordEntered ); return; } case Remove: { await this.handleActionRemove(firstPasswordEntered); return; } default: throw missingCaseError(action); } } private closeDialog() { if (this.props.onClose) { this.props.onClose(); } } private async onPasswordInput(event: any) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { return this.setPassword(); } const currentPasswordEntered =; this.setState({ currentPasswordEntered }); } private async onPasswordConfirmInput(event: any) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { return this.setPassword(); } const currentPasswordConfirmEntered =; this.setState({ currentPasswordConfirmEntered }); } } export const SessionPasswordModal = withTheme(SessionPasswordModalInner);